January 6, 2011

Vintage 365: Scarlett Johansson embraces her curves in a stunning vintage bathing suit

Day 6 of Vintage 365


As someone who embraces every last curve on my 5'2" frame with a glowing passion, the decline of the hourglass shape in the media over the last few decades (especially from the heroin chic days of the 90s onwards) has troubled me for some time. While I truly believe beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, I think it's nothing short of absurd to eschew the natural form that many women's bodies follow and pretend like every gal should be a runway model waif.

Women have curves and those curves are beautiful, life-giving, and utterly fantastic. Vintage pin-up artists and actresses knew this fact well and flaunted their figures (or those of the women they illustrated) with great aplomb.

I adore such yesteryear images and gals, just as I'm more than a little crazy for this photograph (which I first spied on fotographie de mode) of Scarlett Johansson immerging from a glistening aqua pool (in what has to be one the most jaw-droppingly amazing bathing suits of all time!), that was captured by renowned fashion and celebrity photographer Craig McDean.

There is so much grace and allure, sophistication and chicness in this gorgeous image that struck me, the moment I saw it, as being very much like something I could have seen Marilyn Monroe posing for during her heyday.

Here’s to women like Scarlett who haven’t given in to insane pressures of Hollywood stardom and media scrutiny, but who present their curves to the world with pride and happiness – like many of us shapely vintage loving gals do, too.

***Please note, I could not actually track down the who made the bathing suit in this photo, but given its distinct old school styling, I took a leap of faith an assumed in the title of this post that the suit was vintage. If it’s not, then it's clearly still very much a vintage influenced piece. If anyone knows who made this gorgeous swimsuit, I would love to know!


  1. Love it! That suit is out of this world. I love the aqua metallic color, great!

  2. That suit is too pretty to swim in, I'd be afraid of getting it wet! She does indeed have a very old-school beauty about her, something I wish more women would embrace.

  3. That certainly is stunning!! She is beautiful but would lose so much allure if she lost those curves!

  4. Woah Jessica, that is a stunning suit on Scarlett! This suit looks like a vintage inspired designer piece or a reproduction to me, but a well done one a that. Bravo. The straps and lace looks more modern to me. Perhaps she is wearing a frilly bra under a strapless suit? That material is swoon worthy indeed. The draping superb! I love it and would also love to know who made this confection.
    Bravo on your blog.

  5. Great post! I'm one of those curvy gals too!

  6. Scarlett is beautiful! Love the curves and the swimsuit! And she's the perfect shade of pale!

  7. I think I remember seeing this photo in Vanity Fair. Totally gorgeous.

  8. The suit looks a bit like a Rose Marie Reid Suit.Great photo! Lola Devlin makes her suits for Vegas and they are always stunning. Last year pink lame and she had pink glitter sunglasses to match!

  9. She is beautiful and looks great in that bathing suit!

  10. Beautiful image! I'm all about the figures of women from yesteryear! Curves galore!


  11. love love love this bathing suit! would totally wear it!
    miss you
    love katie

  12. Jessica,

    I figured out who the designer is and posted it on my blog today here:
