July 1, 2009

Happy 142nd, Canada!

On this sun-kissed summer day, far and wide across the country people are waving red and white maple leaf adorned flags in celebration of Canada Day, and here at my house we’re in full festive spirit, too! Decked out in tomato hued shirts and listening to a string of favourite Canadian artists as we mosey through our day off from work, prepping chicken burgers and corn on the cob for supper, before heading off to watch what promises to be a delightful fireworks show at 10:15pm.

Just as the population of Canada is composed of an absolute plethora of people from nearly about every corner of the globe, so too does Canada Day mean a great many things to different folks. To me it is much akin to Thanksgiving; a day in which I reflect deeply and earnestly about the bounty of rights, privileges and elements of society that I am deeply grateful for as a Canadian.

Dominion Day (as today was once commonly known until the early 1980s) is also near and dear to my heart because Canada and I both share July birthdays, which I’ve always found to be rather special. To celebrate today’s historical roots, I thought it would be tons of fun to take a peek at an old postcard or photo from each of Canada’s provinces and territories.

{Vancouver, British Columbia.}

{Calgary, Alberta.}

{Regina, Saskatchewan.}

{Winnipeg, Manitoba.}

{Toronto, Ontario.}

{Montreal, Quebec.}

{Nova Scotia.}

{Doaktown, New Brunswick.}

{Georgetown, Prince Edward Island.}

{St.John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.}

{Yukon River, Yukon.}

{Northwest Territories (note that Nunavut was not formed until 1999, so for the purpose of this post, the NWT will encompass both of these arctic territories).}

{All image, except for those from the Yukon and NWT, are from Flickr. To find out more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective page.}

Canada is vast and diverse, still untamed in spots and incredibly urban in others. From coast to shining coast it is a deeply beautiful country that begs to be explored, discovered and remembered. Now, as always, and forever, I love you Canada – Happy Birthday! And happiest Canada Day wishes to one and all!


  1. What fabulous images darling ... I think I like number 4 the best, they look so happy! xxoo

  2. Beautiful shot's..thank's for sharing..And thank's for stopping by my blog!

  3. We have so many fabulous Canadian friends, I keep telling my husband we need to move there! lol Thanks for sharing the pics, I love seeing landscapes and cities as they looked in the past.

  4. Happy Canada Day! Lovely pics (liked the Vancouver one best - know it a bit) and thanks for leaving such a kind message on my post - you are sooo perceptive about my knowledge AND beauty! *WINK*
    Have a wonderful Thursday!
    xxLOL LOLA:)

  5. Love the postcards! Happy (belated) Canada Day!

  6. Early Happy Birthday ;D

  7. WOW!! Thanks so much for sharing all these beauties of each of our provinces. Happy Belated Canada Day!
    Debby in Ontario!

  8. Great postcard pics! Canada is indeed a great country, and I feel priveleged to be a Canadian! Hope your Canada Day was great! xoxo

  9. What a wonderful collection of fascinating people and places! Happy PFF! And a happy birthday to you!

  10. Howdy Jessica
    Happy PFF ,Canada Day and an early birthday greeting to you as well,
    Or perhaps I should say a happy belated greeting .
    WOW you really have a wonderful selection of cards today.
    This was so much fun .
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful cards .
    Happy Trails

  11. I was completely fascinated by the postcards - I love the diversity of the images and scenes. Old photos, watercolors, drawn pictures - all very cool. Thanks so much and hope your Canada Day was a good one.

  12. wonderful postcards!
    thanks a lot for sharing!
    happy PFF

  13. Read about your blog on Maggi's just now and she specifically mentioned your Canada Day post and I can see why. What a great representation of our great Country. Very cool. :)

  14. Happy Canada day!!!! :) what great pictures! I would love to go one day. XOXO sweetie

  15. Happy Canada Day....Happy Dominion Day....and last but not least.....Happy Birthday!

    These are fabulous postcards. Thanks for sharing them and than you for the Canadian trivia......Greta post!

    Have a most beautiful weekend.

  16. Hi everybody, thank you very much for your fantastic comments (and early birthday wishes, you guys are so sweet!). A warm welcome to the new names I see, it's delightful to meet you all!

    Happy Canada Day & 4th of July wishes to everyone!
    ♥ Jessica

  17. A huge Hello from your friends across the big pond (@rosy_vintage). congrats on such an amazing site - inspirational - the pics are so cool :-) following with interest, always a joy to read
