January 3, 2010

Greetings 2010, I’ve been waiting for you!

This week begins what will one day encompass the third decade of my life, ushering in with it the end of ten years that saw much strife and worry the world over. The 2000s were many things to many people, myself included. Though I count myself extremely fortunate that I was not affectedly personally by any of the largest global catastrophes that occurred during the last decade (baring the trickle down effects of the economic crisis most of us are still very much feeling), I would certainly say that I faced innumerable personal challenges along the way.

It was a decade of growth, of pain, of moments that tore at the fabric of my soul, of hope in the face of adversity, of love and laughter, of overcoming the impossible, and immense realization. During the 2000s I morphed from a teenager into a woman, a bachelorette to a wife. I, particularly in the past three or so years, began to truly accept myself. Between the pages of the last ten years, at times, I lived heartache, breathed anguish, felt as alone as the moon, embraced bliss, survived, celebrated achievement, saw certain dreams materialize into entirely different realities, moved on, never stopped hoping.

Some of the very best and the very worst moments I’ve ever known took place in the 2000s, both bolstered me onwards in the most powerful of ways. I haven’t the slightest clue what this newborn decade, the 2010s, holds in store for the world – or myself, none of us do, but isn’t that part of what makes life, the constant sunrises and sets, highs and lows, so very worth it? The possibility that the future holds equal or better opportunities, greater levels of happiness, more beauty than the prior years.

It may sound odd to look to future on a blog devoted squarely to the past, yet in my eyes, the two are not entirely separate beings. In the days of yesteryear, those before my own life began, I find so much to love and embrace, to learn from and aspire to. These elements that speak to my heart help to guide many components of my future, and I hope, will help to make up some of the threads in the fabric of my future.

{The beginning of a fresh decade calls for a little starry eyed optimism, don’t you think? Image, from a 1948 copy of Charm magazine, via myvintagevogue’s Tumblr stream.}

Though it’s the morning of the third day of this massively new year, not the first, I want to take a moment now to say straight from my heart, welcome, 2010, and the decade you launch! No matter what you turn out to be, know that I’m routing for you all the way.


  1. Such an articulate and moving post, Jessica! Happy 2010!

  2. I, too am eagerly looking to the future! Thank you for all your sweet comments on Sitka's blog. It is a joy to see you there.

    Hope you have a wonderfully blessed New Year. I have a prayer request on arise 2 write.

    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  3. Thanks Jessica. Thank you for the comments and the wonderful posts. I always enjoy reading what you write and am constantly moved by it. Your outlook is inspiring. Happy New Year!

  4. happy 2010! what a wonderful post. and yes, starry eyed optimism! :) xx

  5. Jessica,
    Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! (Hawaiian: Happy New Year!)
    Thank you again for your words full of thought and from your heart. Here's to a blessed and wonderful new decade ahead for you and your family.

    I look forward to coming back and reading your posts and seeing the wonderful vintage photos that you find and share.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (It has been so great to have a few days off of work, to do my blog reading :o) ...still very thankful for a full time job, but will not be able to blog read as often! I truly, truly appreciate you stopping by and leaving your sweet comments.)

  6. Dear Jessica,
    Your post is well thought out, we should all reflect on this passing decade. I'm looking forward to a new beginning as well. Hope you enjoy each day in the coming year.

  7. Oh my, Jessica...I'm so so glad that I found your blog all these months ago and your enormous gift of the written word. I've been trying to put into words this past decade and I do believe you described my spirit with just about every word you wrote through your own past decade.

    Thanks so much...Great affirmations I leave with after reading your thoughts.

    I guess I was in my fourth decade of life before I could honestly say and BELIEVE that where I was at that point not only truly defined me as the person I am but that it was "a necessary" route of travel to lead me to the light at the end of the tunnel into the bliss that I have today....not to say that I don't live with my ongoing chronic pain and other miseries...but all of that is manageable when your spirit is alive and you know the choice of JOY is the right one for every day! :0)

    I wish for you a bright and merry New Year with more bliss than you can dream of!

    Hugs to you,

    PS: If you don't find the Romantic Homes magazine email me and I'll get an issue here and mail it to you!

  8. Jessica such a lovely thoughtful post. I am nearing the 6th decade of my life and find your self awareness at such a young age so delightful. I know the 2010's hold much for you and all of us!

  9. What a great post, I am also looking forward to what 2010 and the new decade have to bring :)

  10. Well-said Sweetie!

    I think if you've found a way to accept yourself in your 20's you are doing marvellous! It was 3 years ago (at 33 years old - 3 IS my number, you know - giggle) that I finally figured it out.

    I know this will be a great year for you - I can feel it!

    Thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog - I just adore you!

  11. Here's to 2010, I wish yourself and all your dear readers the very best! Take care sweets!

  12. Yep, I'm embracing 2010 with great gusto too!!

  13. Another lovely post, the last decade was a momentous one for me, many things happened that made me sad but many things that that me grow as a person, and i also met the love of my life so it did work out very well for me :)
    I'm so glad i discovered your blog, i can't wait for more wonderful posts in 2010. Please check out my blog, i have something for you on there :) xx

  14. Wow, beautiful Jessica! You are such a gifted writer, such a wonderful post. I hope that this coming year and new decade bring all things good! Hope your new year has started out well and gets better as it goes on! :)
    Thanks so much for your kind comments, I really appreciate them very much.

  15. Love this post. I find a lot of inspiration in the past, too, so I am with you on that one. :) I just discovered your blog and have to tell you I am looking forward to following along. Stop by for a visit if you get a chance.
    Wishing you a beautiful 2010!

  16. So beautiful written and touching, as always, Jessica. I know that the coming year is going to be a fabulous one for you and Chronically Vintage and we will certainly benefit from your joyful posts and cheerful outlook. xoxo

  17. Happy new year Jessica! Thankyou too for all your comments, your always so sweet and kind.


  18. Oh that was lovely honey.

    I really do wish you so much happiness for 2010.

    Thank you for your friendship, take care,

  19. Fabulous post! I hope you have a wonderful new year (and new decade). :)

  20. I fancy myself a bit of a writer, but you, my friend, are a spectacular writer and a joy to read! I just what you have to say and the way you say it.

    Happy New Year!

  21. What a thoughtful post, Jessica! I'm almost in my 2nd decade, and I agree that, sometimes, We just wish that the next year comes... But things are getting better, you'll see!! I'm growing and learning things every minute, and this is just amazing, and I learn this things with people like you! =)

    Happy New Year Jessica!!!

    Marina G.

  22. Hi Jessica,

    I love your way with words my sweet friend! Wishing this new decade brings you love, peace and dreams come true! I just adore your sweet spirit!!

    Love and hugs,

  23. Happy 2010! so happy to say aurevoir to 2009!

  24. What a fabulous post. I too am looking forward to a fresh start. I look forward to seeing what this new year will bring us. Wishing you a fantastic start to a new year and a wonderful new decade full of blessings.


  25. This is great Jessica honey. I too am looking forward to what the next decade holds. Each day brings something new to our lives. I plan to appreciate each one of them, no matter how boring or bad! Have a great day! Kori xoxo

  26. Jessica,

    Happy New YEAR and Happy New DECADE!

    Best Wishes Always,

  27. I can't wait to see what this fabulous year has in store for all of us!

  28. Nice post. I'm glad to have found your blog and plan on popping in a lot! Hope to see you too. Happy New year!

  29. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments. I love how beautifully you expressed all of the possibilities of the new decade (it will be my third as well) that everyone is feeling.
    I wish you much happiness throughout the new year.

  30. Happy New Year sweetie! I hope this first week of the new year has brought you great joy. I love reading your blog and your touching words every day and I can not wait to see what good fortune comes your way in 2010.

    Big Hugs!


  31. Happy New Year my darling gal! You sure have a way with words dahhling WOW! I am hopeful that this year, and new decade will be a good one for us all! and I wish nothing but the very very best for you sweet gal, and I look forward to reading more of your wonderful posts this year!

    p.s. Thank you for your comments honey! They mean a lot to me ;)


  32. Beautifully stated! It's been such a crazy year that it hadn't really dawned on me that it was not just the end of a year but of a decade. Here's to the 2010's being great!

  33. Such sweet words! I wish you a new year full of joy, happiness, and the strength to trounce any challenge that you may face :)

  34. Thanx 4 sharing ur heart w/us! Happy New Year btw I hope U are enjoying ur Lagelle beret <3

  35. Joyful Saturday morning greetings, everybody! Thank you deeply for your immensely kind comments, they truly warm my heart and bring such smiles to my face.

    I hope dearly that each of your years is off to a resplendent start and that each of 2010 will only get better and better for you!

    Big hugs!
    ♥ Jessica
