January 16, 2010

Saturday Snapshots: January 16, 2010

"If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaires." ~ Abigail Van Buren (of “Dear Abby” fame, whose real name was Pauline Phillips)

{A charming young (unidentified) couple is flanked by pretty floral arrangements as they take a moment to smile for the camera on their wedding day (I’m guessing, this shot could have been shortly thereafter). I wonder if they’re sitting on the steps of their first home, and am also curious if that chap is still alive today, has he ever realized that in his younger days he bore a clear resemblance to Prince William?}

{Many of us can currently relate to the snow laden scene in this shot, taken in late November 1952 in Minneapolis, Minnesota – especially if, like myself, you get about town via public transit!}

{I’m always on the prowl for vintage Canadian photos (which are considerably rarer to find on Flickr than US ones) and this crowd shot featuring a group of young men as they wait for a parade to pass by in Antikokan, Ontario (circa 1958), certainly fits the bill.}

{While the focal point of this 1955 photo is the young woman (“Jo Jo”) and the adorable black and white cat, there is much to see in terms of "every day style" home decor in the backdrop of this fun image.}

{An attractive young man beams as he poses for a portrait with his young son in this shot taken during 1945. Given the year and the fact that the dad appears to be in his twenties, I can’t help but wonder if he was a G.I. who’d only recently come home from the war (and, if so, had he ever spent time with his child before returning stateside?).}

{A lovely auburn haired woman stands behind the counter of a small shop in this shot taken during the store’s grand opening in 1955. To learn more regarding the interesting background story about this lady (“Anna Marie”) and her husband, read the poster’s own comment beneath the image. (Perhaps it’s just my impression of her, but does this woman remind anyone else a tad of the actress Barbara Babcock?)}

{It’s exceedingly rare that I encounter vintage colour photos of Dublin, Ireland (which just happens to be the first place my husband I lived together), so when I spied this shot, boasting a shamrock and emerald hued double-decker bus, I immediately knew that I had to post it. Anyone who’s spent time in downtown Dublin (better known locally as the “City Centre”) will quickly recognize that the traffic in this photo is making its way down O’Connell Street. The sight of a rain slicked road will also be likely be a familiar sight to those who have experienced Ireland firsthand.}

{There is a distinct degree of clarity to this terrific 1940s outdoors shot that lends it a distinct sense of elegance. Though the woman is dressed in a leisurewear pants suit and cooking on a camp stove, there seems to be such poised grace to her that it’s easy to forget she was roughing it in the great wilds of nature.}

{When this couple met, I think it’s safe to say that she really swept him off his feet! :D No background information if provided for this jolly image, but I’d be inclined to peg it from around the mid 40s to early 50s. They seem like they were having a blast, and if they were a couple, I really hope they remained this full of zestful energy and spunkiness throughout the rest of their life together.}

{An adorable group of prettily attired women gathered for a bridge club night enjoy a tasty tipple and a good chat in this image from 1959. (As a bit of a side note, one of the women, the adorable lady seated in the floor in a white dress with a red and blue sailor style collar, looks strikingly like my childhood neighbour Eunice, who I mentioned in last Wednesday’s recipe post – which I think is really sweet coincidence.}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

Memories are the foundation of our existence, both as a collective whole and as individuals. No matter how many people are present at a given event, it will almost never be recalled, down to the very last detail, the same way by more than one person. Memories are like finger prints, on the surface they can seem rather similar, but upon closer inspection it becomes apparent that no two are precisely alike.

Each of our lives is comprised of countless moments that work together like the woven fibers in a net to hold everything we believe in, cherish, regret, daydream about, adore, and hope for together. While there are some unpleasant memories that we’d gladly give away for free, the simple truth is that most of the recollections in our minds are worth more than mere millions. They’re the priceless foundation upon which compose each new day, teach from, love to talk about, and hold as dear to us as our very heartbeat.

In viewing yesteryear photos, I like to think that we’re helping to keep alive a handful of the invaluable memories of those who have come before, while at the same time shaping the soon-to-be memories of today with the wonderful inspiration these glimpses of the past provide us with.


  1. Beautiful pictures, I love thinking about what went on during those kinds of shots. Thanks for the comments on my blog. I agree about destressing, I think I'm really gonna rely on it soon! Also ,y husband basically told me the same thing you did on my preggo post, so thanks. Have a good last part of the weekend.

  2. Beautiful photos! I especially love the first one...since I absolutely adore weddings :)

  3. These pictures are making me so happy! I love the first one, the one of the woman on the couch with the cat and the woman picking up her husband. Fantastic.

  4. you find the best photos! I love the one with the cat :-)

  5. Great shots!!! I love the 'bridge club' ladies!

  6. Jessica,
    Your last thoughts about life and vintage photos really resonates with me. You wrote the words to the sentiment I feel deep in my heart. Thanks for choosing these photos and writing your thoughts.

  7. I love the double decker bus...the camp stove...but especially the Bridge Group! Wonderful photos and memories!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  8. OMG..Your thoughts are amazing with this photos..wow..wish I could have tea with you.... :) PLEASE keep up the AWESOME blog you have here! You are gifted!!

  9. Oh they are just gorgeous, I love the last one. They all look so happy and friendly.

    Hope your weekend is going beautifully,

  10. Gorgeous photos...aren't they all such attractive people...they knew how to dress! And the hairstyles are so beautiful...
    ps Those bridge girls look like they knew how to have fun!

  11. I love how you get my mind thinking back in time! I really love your photo's and the one's you pick always remind me of a time in my life. I really like the women sitting around having a cocktail.. how come we don't do those kinds of these?? I'd love to have a cocktail party?? But who would come?? and dress appropiately.. how lovely would that be? Have a wonderful Sunday my friend..hugs to you!

  12. Wonderful photos, as always! The woman preparing breakfast at the campsite looks so much more elegant than I do on camping trips :D

  13. Great selection of photos! I especially like the photos of the brides club(don't they all look beautiful?) and of the woman at her store(it looks as though it was probably Christmastime the way the store is decorated.

    Thanks for sharing, Jessica!
    :) Kerri

  14. What a wonderfully inspiring collection of vintage photos! It saddens me when I see them tossed aside and up for sale at shops and estate sales...I try to give as many of them as I can a good home, though.

    Again, I am loving you blog, and I'm so happy to have discovered you. :-)


  15. Amazing photos, especially that 1st one!


  16. Gorgeous photos, particularly enjoying the jocularity of the woman holding the gent!

    Too true about memories...we create them all the time and one day I hope someone will look at my old photos and reflect on them as you do!

  17. I love the camping photo! I never, ever look that great while camping - lol!

    I agree with what you've said about memories. I love the photos of family get-togethers so much more than individual shots. Some of my fondest memories are of our large extended family getting together for a picnic or a party!

  18. That is a beautiful quote followed by equally beautiful photos :)

    I've started a new blog (www.letitbemadi.blogspot.com)
    and am quite proud of it.
    Please check out and see what you think :)

  19. Wonderful Wonderful pictures my darling gal! I hope all is well with you :)

  20. Great vintage photos~~the woman holding the man just cracks me up!!

  21. Love the wedding photo and the couple playing around! These photos make me feel so hopeful and peaceful about life. Thank you so for posting them!


  22. Wonderful photos and truly beautiful words. Thank you.
    I always have trouble finding vintage Canadian snapshots too. Have you ever seen Fred Herzog's work? He spent years photographing everyday street scenes in Vancouver.
    xo Jennifer
    P.S. I still can't thank you enough for your wonderful blog, but I have given you an award. Can't wait for Wednesday's recipe.

  23. A lot of fun photos in this bunch! I love the first shot and holy crow, definitely spot on for the Prince!

  24. I want to be that glamorous when I'm camping!

    I have given you a Sunshine award for your fab blog. If you go to my postings all will be revealed!

  25. You lived in Dublin. What a lovely city! That photo of all the women on the couch reminds me of our old family photos.

    Hope you're having a lovely day,

  26. NOTHING better than looking through old photos!

  27. What lovely images and I agree that there is so much to see in the backgrounds. I found myself staring at each one for ages. I once found a greeting card that had a line drawing on the front of six very elderly women, all lined and gray haired. The caption underneath read, "Myrna M, second from the left, once danced naked in the meadows. The past is an infinite treasure to be shared'. I've remembered that card for many, many years and I thought of it again today looking at these pictures.

  28. Fun snapshots! I can totally relate to the snowed-in photo (even though ours is melting a bit).

    Best wishes,

  29. Wow, such great photos! They make me so happy! I LOVE the last one, even though i am 18 i would give anything to be able to live in the 50´s or 60´s. Everything was so much cooler back then. The style this women have, wow!

    Great blog!


  30. Jessica...just stopping back...thank you for coming by and leaving your sweet comments! I know that I commented here before, but hm...I must have done something wrong, cuz I dont see my comment?

    Oh...I had said how fun, fun, fun your vintage photos are and as always-I love your captions for each! (I did write more, but have to get off to work! :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  31. Massive thanks, one and all, for your deeply touching comments and kindness. It means that world to me that you enjoy these vintage photo filled posts and the thoughts I pair with them. Be sure to tune in next weekend for another ten old school images.

    Wishing you each a marvelous, serene, cheerful
    ♥ Jessica
