January 26, 2010

A small handful of photos (of me) from 2009

As we sit here on the 26th day of the first January of this new decade, it feels almost unreal to reflect upon the fact that more than a month has now passed since Christmas – or, from a different perspective, that 2010 is nearly 1/12 complete!

Before this fresh year starts feeling like an old friend, I thought it would be wise to post a few photos (of myself) from 2009 that I’ve thus far not had the chance to blog about. Aside from the fact that I’ve been wanting to share these images here on Chronically Vintage since the moment they were each snapped, by posting them I will be able to clear the photo slate from last year and henceforth share snapshots from 2010 (without the lingering feeling that I should be posting ‘09’s images first).

I made a bit of a promise to myself last year that I would post images on my blog as a means of helping myself work on my self-esteem level and related issues pertaining to sharing photos of myself publicly. Prior to 2009, I’d never been able to work up the courage to post my own image online, but (happily) having finally gathered the nerve to do, I want to make sure I don’t revert to my former photo reclusive self – and what better way to ensure that doesn’t happen to put together posts just like this one?

Two of three separate days featured below are presented in mosaic form, the last entry however is not, as some of the photos taken that night were snapped in such a way as to capture my whole outfit and I didn’t want those particular images to get cropped by the photo tiling application that I use.

{My sun-kissed 25th birthday}

{Captured in the gloriously invigorating, crystal clear July light, these photos document what I was sporting fashion wise on the loveliest birthday I’ve thus far experienced as an adult. I hope they also transmit the immense joy I was enveloped in that wonderful afternoon, for my sweet husband showered me with surprises, gifts and countless reasons to smile from dawn to dusk, and truly made turning a quarter of a century old one of the most memorable days of my life.}

{An autumn evening with Madame Butterfly}

{Notes of opera swirled through this past fall, upon the discovery of a local programme which allows those under 30 years of age to purchase opera tickets a deeply discounted rate (reduced price tickets are highly limited though, so you have to try and snap them up as soon as they’re released!). As a result of learning about this, we able to take in not one, but two, absolutely splendid opera performances last year: The Nightingale and Other Short Fables (blogged about here), and Madame Butterfly.

The images above show what I wore to see the tragically, sublimely beautiful masterpiece that is Giacomo Puccini’s Madame Butterfly (I honestly cannot recommend a viewing of that opera highly enough, even to those who profess to dislike opera – it is a tale that transcends its medium and speaks directly to the heart), as well as a serenely lovely, vintage style poster for the play that I discovered online and wanted to include with this mosaic.}

{The hills were alive with the sound of theatregoers}

{It’s not every day I get to take in a live musical performance, let alone one featuring my favourite Julie Andrew’s film of all time, The Sound of Music – not mention get the chance to see such a show with someone who had never watched the movie before. Though this classic and inspiring tale is beloved the world over, my husband – who grew up in Italy – had yet to view the film and only had a vague idea of the plot.

It was with immense excitement that then that we headed off downtown to catch the show (the fact that I was wearing a new dress that I found on sale for $40, also bolstered by happiness that eve), and I’m delighted to report that we both adored it! All through the evening I sat there singing along in my head to the familiar tunes, captivated by the talented cast’s performances and the utterly magnificent prop work the show included. Though it was the first musical we’ve had the pleasure of seeing together, I sincerely hope it’s only the beginning of our mutual theatre going adventures!}

Looking at these photos of some of the days I really cherish from this past year, I can’t help but feel a bit giddy with excitement thinking of what new memories (be they of fancy nights out or more run-of-the-mill day-to-day happenings) lay ahead in the coming months of 2010.

I’m also excited (silly as it may sound to those who are much less shy than I also) about the fact that I’m gaining a bit more self-assurance when it comes to posting photos of myself. I have each and every one of you, my terrifically sweet readers and friends, to thank for this, as your supportive feedback on past photo posts have done wonders to help boost my confidence.

Many thanks for taking a quick stroll down some of the events that stood out for me last year, everybody, I can’t wait to share some of the best days of ’10 with all of you, too!


  1. You look gorgeous in all your photos but I especially love the first set, your hair and skin is just breathtaking!!!

  2. You are gorgeous! And what stunning vintage pieces you have! Ya know what? I'm sloooow! I'm just putting the pieces together.....Jessica = Chronically Vintage! OH! I JUST GOT IT!!!
    I've obviously been your blog stalker for a while now...but I just put two and two together!
    Thank you sweet Jessica for putting my button on your wonderful blog! And I'm so glad you loved the cuteness I HAD to share for my birthday!

    Kishes! x
    Mrs Woo

  3. You look beautiful in all your photos! You hair is the most gorgeous shade of red :-)

  4. Hi Jess!

    I love getting a chance to see photos of you! You're beautiful, my sweet dear! I love your hair color! Have a whimsical evening!


  5. You have such perfect skin!! Also, you wear that red lipstick well :) I'm rarely brave enough to try that myself, but it looks great on you!
    I love your theatre dress too! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Stunning pics! You look amazing :-)
    Reminds me a little of Rachel McAdams! (huge compliment - I'm a massive fan)
    I can't believe we are 1/12 into the year either! Where does time go????

  7. Sweet Jessica,
    Where do I begin. This is the first time I had the pleasure of "seeing" you. In every one of these photos, one word comes to my mind...GLAMOROUS. From the hair in the first photos to my absolute favorite...the black and white photo when you went to see Madame Butterfly. Also, that dress you wore to see "The Sound of Music" was stunning. Trust me, compared to me...you are a fashion diva!

  8. You shouldn't worry about posting photos of yourself. You really are lovely and you have great style! Your hair in the first set is amazing! Tell me, what program do you use to make your collages? I've been toying with the idea of using collages to cut down on the total number of images in my blog but I have no idea where to begin. Thanks! Gabriella

  9. Jessica,
    Love the photos and memories you have shared. What fun times :o) ...and such wonderful evenings with your hubby! I also really like how you did your hair up in the first photo. ...and you can see the color of your lovely green eyes :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  10. Like you, I am camera shy and can not stand to look at myself when one is taken. I tend to pick at all my "flaws" and become very discouraged. I loved all your pictures! You have the sweetest smile and the prettiest skin I have ever seen. And you do your lipstick so well-I'm jealous!

  11. Stunning photos of you, love them all! ♥Darla

  12. Very pretty and brave, Jessica! I love that dress...

  13. Oh yay! I love it when you share photos of yourself! You are gorgeous!

  14. The photos are super cute! Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the events, too and I'm glad that you have such great memories.

    Best wishes,

  15. Hello darling, thank you so much for sharing your photo's. I really love the colors of the top mosaic. You really suit that lipstick and the blue is gorgeous with your hair. Love how you got a beautiful soft line for the lips. Looks great.

    The dress is just beautiful in the last photo's and so is that darling little cape.

  16. Wow honey you are a hottie!!!!!! You should post more pics of yourself...gorgeous girl! I hope you are doing well...I've missed reading your blog. Kori xoxo

  17. OMG Jessica..you are a stunning young lady! Best wishes to you for 2010..you are a sweetie! :)

  18. Ohh Jessica, Im so happy to see some photos of you, you look really lovely and have a great style (although we knew this already). I always feel like you can know a blogger a little more through their personal photos. I love the colour of your hair in the first shots!


  19. What stunning pics, dear Jessica! That last one is so glamorous.

    I too am looking forward to the magical times that 2010 holds! Hooray!


  20. I'm so glad that you're sharing some more pictures! As you know I'm right there with you about being hesitant about sharing pics of myself ;)
    These are such gorgeous pictures of you. You do such a great job with your hair and makeup, I really don't have those skills myself ;)
    The purple dress you wore to the Sound of Music is so gorgeous, it's hard to believe it was only $40!!! I love the capelet you wore with it too!
    Thanks for sharing these, hope you're having a lovely 2010 so far :)

  21. You see, my dear? You needn't worry – everyone is sincerely dazzled and charmed by your style and beauty and grace! You are really gorgeous, inside and out, and I can't wait to see photos from your 2010 adventures! xoxo – g

  22. p.s. my word verification for the last comment was

    zing styl

    very appropo! xoxo

  23. Aw, you look beautiful Jessica. I love your birthday hairstyle (how ever did you do that?) and your hair is such a lovely shade of red! I love your pearls and leopard print bag in your Madam Butterfly set. And your Sound of Music dress is so elegant and with just the right amount of sparkle and butterflies. So jealous that you got to see that show, I could only watch the CBC series. I'm so excited that you're going to post more of your outfit pictures so that we can see more of your fantastic style. Yay!
    xo Jennifer
    P.S. I really dig your eyebrows.

  24. Oh Jessica you are beautiful! Just so uniquely stunningly gorgeous! Take care of yourself darling girl...you want to be able to make lots of happy new memories this year....

  25. How lovely to meet you! So... I adore the first pictures of you - you are simply radiant. The second lot.... here the makeup artist in me comes out - you changed the way you do your eyemakeup & it is simply too stark - that black eyeliner is too hard on your face. If I had to vote on your makeup skills and colour coordination the first pix would get 100% - you look like a star! Is that your real natural colour? If not, you must tell me how you achieved it!! It's glorious!

  26. I too am too shy to post any pictures of myself, hopefully that will change at some point.

    You look adorable in these pictures, as other's have said your hair and complexion are flawless.

    I'm glad 2009 was a fun year for you and I hope 2010 holds many great memories too.

  27. you are a beautiful woman.. don't ever hesitate to take a picture. Each one is lovely and really shows what a kind, sweet woman you are. Love the leopard bag in one of the photos. Thanks so much for sharing and I hope to get up your courage someday to post more pics of myself.. have a great wednesday and big hugs from Maine!!

  28. Well you are a stunning young woman! For some reason I always pictured you as a red-head with alabaster skin...now I have the distinct honor to know!

    Have a beautiful week!

  29. You are so beautiful in these photos, and I too love the first set the most. Your hair is so creative and gorgeous! Also how your skin is just like porcelain perfection.


  30. Jessica honey, you look absolutely beautiful and you need to start posting more photos of yourself! You have such wonderful skin and eyes, well done on slowly building your confidence up.
    That dress is perfect for you by the way! xx

  31. ::whistles:: My darling gal, you look absolutely beautiful in all of your pictures! That dress you got for a steal is so very lovely, and you look gorgeous in it! I'm jealous of your fiery red hair! It suits you so! Great seeing you honey :) and thank you for sharing such wonderful shots!

  32. You are beautiful! And you look stunning in your dress. Thanks for sharing!

  33. Hey beautiful girl! Where to start? Your hair in that first photo is just fabulous! I always wished I had been born a redhead.

    Also, I think you should include some skin care tips on your blog, because your skin is flawless!

    That dress you wore to the musical is amazing - and only $40? You really are the queen of great finds!

    I'm so glad you are being brave - these photos are gorgeous!

  34. You are simply stunning!!! Classic beauty. I LOVE that dress, gorgeous!

  35. You are beautiful Jessica! Your hair & eyes are especially stunning. I understand how hard it is to put yourself out there and post pictures of oneself, but I encourage you to post more outfit pictures. You are lovely & I think seeing your smiling face every now and again would brighten your readers day (myself included). :D

  36. What gorgeous pictures, you are an absolute doll!!
    Have a great week!

  37. Dear Jessica,

    You're a lovely woman, made in the image of Almighty God and, from what I've read on your blog, just as beautiful on the inside!
    Like you, Madame Butterfly is one of my favorite operas but then, almost all of them are my favorites...when seen in person. The music always seems to lack "something" when heard on the radio.

  38. It is a bit unsettling to see one's face staring back on the computer screen, but you have absolutely nothing to fear! What a beautiful lady you are ~~ it's so wonderful to put a face to your lovely words & thoughts.
    Your hair is just beautiful in the first set. . . very vintage!

  39. You look just stunning! I love all your different hair styles and your gorgeous red hair! More more!

  40. Sweet jess, you look so beautiful.I especially like the first pictures, your hair and make-up, just perfect!!
    A big hug!xxx

  41. You look gorgeous in all of these photos!
    -Andi x

  42. You look gorgeous. A credit to you and the photographer!
