January 8, 2010

Five for Friday: January 8, 2010

...After a brief hiatus away, the weekly Five for Friday post returns, bringing with it the first handful of what I hope will be a slew of wonderful, diverse, creative items, ideas and images to fuel the fires of inspiration for the coming year...

♥ ♥ ♥

{Utensils of timeless beauty}

{Everything in this elegantly serene collage of antique silverware speaks directly to my love of graceful, gorgeous items that have clearly endured the effects of time yet grown more sublime with each passing year. Something about these photos (which hail from sadieolive.com) reminds me of a classic saying that seems especially fitting around the New Year, “Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold”.}

{Prettier than all the snowflakes in the arctic combined}

{Winter camouflage never looked so lovely! This darling two piece vintage suit with its fur collar (I'm hoping it's faux, but you'd have to ask the seller) and decorative bow channels a Russian princess vibe and would be the perfect way to stay both stylish and warm all season long. 1960s “Lilli Ann” suit, fits up to a 38 inch bust/32 inch waist, $165.00 (US), from etsy seller LipStick Whiskey.}

{This precious
little bank wants us all to love piggies once more}

{If being money-wise is amongst your resolutions this year (or if you’re all ready a saver whose looking for a charming place to stash your pennies), why not save every extra coin possible in this exceptionally cute, ever-so-slightly rococo ceramic piggy bank? Featuring cherub-esque gold wings and coming in at 6 inches tall, this massively adorable piggy is sure to become a treasured part of your home decor. Juicy Couture “If Pigs Could Fly” bank, $48.00 (US) from Revolve Clothing.}

{Proudly show winter it can’t defeat your passion for stunning open toed shoes!}

{Boasting a 4 inch stiletto, delicate ankle straps, cream hued fabric bow and a glossy black patent sheen, these intensely beautiful heels have exactly the right combination of elements to ensure they remain beloved favourites for many years to come. Black ankle strap stilettos, available in standard women’s sizes and half sizes (please note that some sizes appear to be sold out online at the moment), $34.00 from Newport News.}

{Help ensure you see everything 2010 has in store with crystal clear clarity}

{Tiny glistening rhinestones adorn the front and sides of this wonderfully pretty pair of 1950s cat’s eye glasses, adding instant pizzazz to whatever else in your wardrobe you opt to team them with. Vintage 1950s aurora rhinestone eyeglass frames (lenses not included), $127.00 (US) from etsy seller Vintage 50s Eyewear.}

Unsurprisingly the world outside is colder than the back of an ice cream delivery truck, the sidewalks slick and dangerously covered with a solid frosting of ice. One longs for the sight of bare, snow-free ground once more, but knows that such a resplendent treat is still many a week away in these parts. Consolation comes in the form of the odd sun-kissed day that appears, transforming the lacklustre snow in a brilliant playground of sparkling diamonds, as if to remind you that even the darkest season can radiate with majestic beauty.

I hope dearly that each of you has enjoyed a peaceful, happy first week of this new decade, and that your weekend ahead will be an amazing one!


  1. tes photos me font toujours revées! ces lunettes papillons sont magnifiques je suis adepte des formes papillons!
    bisou et bon week end

  2. Absolutely love your blog, what fabulous images!
    And since we are practically neighbours, I must follow!

  3. So glad to see you posting again - you have been missed. I agree with your words regarding old precious vintage objects, especially the silverware they seem to offer a timeless elegance yet with a never-ending practical use.

    Have a lovely weekend petal, take good care of yourself xx

  4. Wonderful picks for the first week of the new year of the first decade my darling gal ;) I love the piggy and the glasses!

    p.s. lol at your comment on my "pure genius" post =D

    Have a delightful weekend, and keep warm! Brrrr!


  5. Oh, that suit is to die for.. The fur collar just make "it"
    I think I need the cat eye glasses to complete the outfit!!
    Hope you are warm and well.
    Happy Weekend!

  6. That suit with those shoes would be so fabulous!!!

  7. The glasses are so fabulous! I definately need a pair like these :-)
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Love love love those glasses and the white suit!! Guess what, its hot as h*** here in Melbourne. Heat wave. Could even be a fire alert day Monday!
    While you freeze we melt~~~~~
    Keep warm over there, we will have the air conditioning on (tankfully THAT is not Vintage~lol)
    Irene x

  9. Oh these are just so gorgeous and beautiful. Love your choices honey.

    Good luck with the dangerous conditions, do take care.

    Thank you SO much for your wonderful comments,

  10. Love the white suit and the glasses are to die for. I think those two items would actually look nice together. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Love those shoes, if only I could walk in heels so sky high :)
    And the vintage suit is so lovely, i would hope the fur is faux too.
    This is a great new years post Jessica, thanks for sharing your finds.


  12. I am drooling over each one of those pictures! You have such an eye for truly beautiful things!

  13. Wow - those shoes are fab, and totally affordable! Now if I could only walk in them...

    Have a wonderful weekend friend! Treat yourself well!

  14. Oh, so many lovely things things to drool over all weekend long. I wish that I had those glasses and the suit is to die! Thank you so much for all of your kind words Jessica, they really mean a lot. Hope you have a wonderful weekend dear! XO

  15. Oh my God... can you see yourself in the suit, wearing the glasses and in those shoes!!! I can!! I love the shoes! I am so happy you left me a note,,and you'll never beleive what I found in the bottom of my work bag,, yes, your Christmas card,,I'm still going to mail it out to you..it's been there, and My mind is so bad right now,(not in a good place).. I didn't realize I didn't mail it.. sorry my friend,, I hope your weekend is enjoyable..and I love this post!!! talk to you soon...

  16. Oh Jessica your post are so much fun! I love old silverwear too. But is it possible to ask for just a little bigger text? Or is it just vain ole´me not wanting to acknowledge the fact that I might need glasses... ;)

  17. ...all about style! I love, love, love this era/time frame. Picture perfect!

    Just stopping by for a few to let you know that I have an award (aka blog hug) for you at my place.

    And I will be back...for now, I am on my way out to run around town with my hubby...one of the fun things we do on weekends :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  18. I am so glad you are back, i have missed you! Thank you so much for your exceptionally kind words on my blog, you are too sweet and i feel like i made a wonderful friend in you :)

    I LOVE Lilli Ann suits, hmm i'll have to see if i can afford it next month, only if someone else hasn't snapped it up. Oh Jessica, you shouldn't have posted that suit on here, i can't stop thinking about it! xx

  19. That suit is absolutely stunning.
    Whom ever purchases that is a very lucky lucky lady.

    Love the glasses and the shoes too!

  20. My oh my, you and I could sooooo go shopping together! How I LOVE those glasses! Can you just see them matched up with that gorgeous white suit and those pumps? $34???? For those darling shoes? Get OUT!

    Oh, and hope ya don't mind, but I grabbed yer button. It looks pretty spiffy on my sidebar. :-)

    Have a great Sunday!

  21. Honey I'm so happy that you are back. I absolutely love pretty utensils and these are so gorgeous! Also the glasses are A-mazing.

    I want to thank you as well for all of your incredibly sweet comments in 2009 and I'm looking forward to all of the beautiful/brilliant posts you will bring to us in 2010!


  22. Love the silverware so much! Tied up in bows makes it look like art.

    And I love that white suit! I too hope that the neck is faux! I can't even do vintage fur.

    You have such a lovely, poetic style - I adored your description of the winter touch on the environment.


  23. That suit is absolutely fabulous!

  24. Cheerful Friday greetings, my wonderful dears! Giant thanks to each of your for your lovely comments. Today - and over the course of the weekend - I'm trying my best to catch up on over two weeks worth of your stellar comments, so please hang in there just a little longer if you haven't heard from me in a while (I'm coming over for a visit momentarily, pinkie swear!).

    Wishing you each a bright, beautiful Friday!!!
    ♥ Jessica
