December 29, 2009

Touching base

Good morning, my sweet readers, let me begin by extending my deepest thanks to one and all for your bounty of immensely kind holiday (and well) wishes over the past several days. I realize that Chronically Vintage has not been quite as active during the last couple of weeks as it generally is, and I do sincerely apologize for that. (Unfortunately one of the elements that comes with having severe chronic illnesses is that you never really know when one or more of them is going to flare-up and either slow you down more than usual or put you right out of commission!)

When December began I’d had such grand plans for the numerous holiday gift guides that I’d wanted to publish, yet in the end, I was only able to get two of them up and out. Again, I’m very sorry about this (as I had mentioned that more would hopefully still be coming as the days progressed closer to the 25th), but want you to know that I will do my best to get those that did not get posted this year, created and published come next holiday season (originally I jotted down out several ideas each for at least ten different guides, as only two were written, it means that I can apply those unused ideas – and perhaps more still – to my 2010 gift guides).

This holiday season helped to show me that, given the unpredictability of my health (and certainly life in general), when it comes to blogging, I should start readying my Christmas themed posts weeks (or even months) in advance! While I wasn’t able to post as many holiday themed posts as I would have ideally liked to, I am thankful that I was able to get a handful out, and also for the splendid vintage Christmas inspiration I gleamed from so many of your superb sites.

Speaking of which, I fully acknowledge that I’ve not been able to visit some of your blogs for numerous days now, and I sincerely apologize for being a tad MIA on the blogging front as of late. I miss you each very much and hope from the bottom of my heart that you’ve all been having exquisitely lovely holiday season!

{In this terrific photo from Life magazine, circa 1945, we see a US Navy WAVE member manning a telephone switchboard, which instantly makes me think of how very much I adore keeping in touch with my wonderful visitors and vintage loving friends through the modern means of mass communication, the internet!}

Though I’m not back to full (blogging) speed quite yet (and am now talking care of my poor husband who came down either a nasty cold or the flu – too soon to tell – yesterday), please know that in the coming days (and into the new year) I will strive to do my best to catch up on your comments and my visits to your blogs. Likewise, know how truly much I appreciate all of your visits and comments, each of them is like a glistening ray of sunshine that beautifully helps to brighten my days.

Wishing everybody an amazing New Year’s Eve-Eve-Eve and sending my very best out to you across the miles for an ongoing holiday season of tranquility and bliss!


  1. Hope your husband feels better and that you have a great New Year!

  2. Praying for you and your hubby!

  3. Hope he's feeling better soon and I've enjoyed reading your blog this year - wanted to be sure and let you know!


  4. Blessings for better health to you in the days ahead.
    We miss you when you are not here, but don't worry or put too much pressure on yourself to post often. We you r faithful followers will still be here! Have a wonderful day!!

  5. I'm sorry to hear that! I can relate. 22 and rheumatoid arthritis are a curse if there ever was one. It flared up(/made me sleep 24 hours) on me several times through the fall while trying to run all these sites and get 2 books published.

    Hope you feel better and hope you can get all the stuff done you want :)

  6. Wishing both yourself and your hubby the best of health! I myself have had the unfortunate battle with a cold, verging at time upon the flu and developing a cough allowing me to produce a jolly good bark much like a dog!

    Have a delightful end to 2009, and have a smashing entrance into 2010!

  7. Darling, I just hope you are taking good care and that you were able to enjoy the holidays even just a little bit. xoxo.

  8. So sorry you've been having a bad time of it, Jessica! Never a need for apologies, though! Sometimes we all need to slow's a good thing! Hope you and your husband are feeling much better very soon and that your New Years Eve Eve Eve is a beautiful one!

  9. Being ill is never fun, I hope it settles down for you and your husband so you can rest and relax and enjoy the rest of your holidays :)
    Happy New Year dear!

  10. It's great to hear from you doll! I pray and hope that you and the mister will be nurtured back to health soon! and don't you fret dahling, we patiently await your return. May you have a wonderful New Year filled with oodles of goodness!
    Miss Go Lightly

  11. Hope you both are feeling much better soon! Just remember - you can't always be on top of everything. Taking care of yourself and your family is number one. Blogging comes a bit further down that list! We'll wait for you!


  12. You are so great Jessica, I just want you to know that. I have missed your amazing posts but every thing will be ok soon! <3

  13. You are immensely kind to us all and I for one appreciate your wonderful blog. We are all busy people in our own ways with our homes, family and lives. NO-ONe! will think any less of you and your generosity if your blog is not on our screens especially at this time of the year. I for one am finding it difficult to come up with the time it takes me to organise a new post. WE love your posts whenever they come.
    Warm wishes for a Happy New Year! Irene x

  14. Jessica,
    Thanks for keeping us posted about yourself. Hope your hubby gets over his illness fast and that you feel stronger each day. Don't worry about things not accomplished. At least you set some goals, and did get some things done in the process. There is always next year...oh, which is right round the corner. Have fun, keep warm, rest...
    your friend,

  15. Jessica... glad your on the mend and that you have posted.. we get concerned when your MIA for awhile. Happy New Year to you my friend and I really hope this years brings good health and wonderful happenings in your life!! Miss ya...Tracey

  16. Take care of yourself and your hubs lady. We'll be here when you get back!!

  17. You should never apologize. We all love your blog so much. I hope your husband feels better soon.

  18. I recently found your blog through another blog and thoroughly love it! I was recently given my first blog award from Lolita Haze and I am passing it on to you. I posted a link to your page on my latest post!
    I also love your "Sources of Vintage Inspiration" list-I found so many great blogs because of you!

  19. Hope you and your husband feel better soon! Please take the time to get better - we can be patient :)

    Best Wishes,

  20. Hope you are both better, Jessica! Happy New Year's Eve Eve to you!

  21. Hi Jessica honey! I was just thinking about you today and wondering why I haven't heard from you lately. I have been a little MIA from the blogging world also. I barely have time to post and respond to those who comment, so unfortunately I haven't had time to check out my favorite blogs, like yours in a while. I hope you are doing well and your husband feels better soon. Here are well wishes for you both for a wonderful 2010! Take care honey! Kori xoxo

  22. Missed your posts and hope you have a quick recovery! Happy New Year!

  23. Hope you're both feeling better soon. Here's to a Happy 2010!

  24. Wishing you a wonderful new year and better health for 2010!

    All my best,

  25. I'm so sorry to hear that your health has not been very good and sorry to hear that your husband is under the weather too now. Hopefully he just has a cold and not the nasty flu.
    No worries about not posting as often as you usually do, your health is far more important!
    A very happy new year's to you :)

  26. Take care of yourself sweetie! Please don't feel pressured to blog. Put your feet up, hug your hubby and ring in the new year filled with health and blessings.

  27. Hope your hubby feels much better. Wishing you both a very blessed New Year!

  28. I was really sidelined by allergies this season, sometimes we need to slow down and rest, I hope you take the time to do that and that you and the husband start the year happy and all smiles! Hugs-
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  29. Hope you are feeling much better in the New Year, Jessica! Take good care of yourself -

    All the best for 2010,

    xx Lidian

  30. Best Wishes for a Happy and HEALTHY New Year! Get some well deserved rest and I look forward to your blog in 2010!

  31. Dear Jessica,
    Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2010! Cheers, Karen & Patsy :-)

  32. Take Care of yourself and hope you are back to your usual self very soon! Happy New Year! Lots of Love TVK x

  33. I hope you had a wonderful christmas and a very happy new year!

  34. Sweet, darling Jessica! Don't you worry a bit! Every post you do is a treasure so we're happy no matter how many you get up. I sincerely hope you and your husband feel completely better as the New Year progresses.

    Best wishes for health and happiness in 2010!

  35. Best wishes for the new year, sweetie.
    -Andi x

  36. Joyful Sunday morning greetings to you, let me begin by extending the utmost happiest of New Year's wishes to you!

    Thank you dearly, everyone, for your comments and continued understanding recently. In the wee hours of this morning I have (finally!) begun to begin catching up on your wonderful comments and visiting your beautiful blogs. I know that it will take me a few days to visit all of you, but please know that I will pop by just as soon as I can (if I've not done so already today).

    I appreciate all of your well wishes so much and shared them with my husband, who I'm delighted to report is starting to get over his cold (which - knock wood! - has not taken up residency in my body yet).

    Wishing you each, my dear friends, the loveliest and most optimistic of years ahead!
    ♥ Jessica
