December 7, 2009

Vintage Deal of the Day: December 7, 2009

{It’s nearly impossible to look at this magnificently cute vintage figurine of Rudolph and not let out an “awwwww” sound! Manufactured by Napcoware and made in Japan, this darling Christmas reindeer has held up wonderfully well over the decades and still sports very vibrant paint. Measuring in at 3.5 inches high by 2 inches wide, Rudolph can help shine his nose so bright on your holiday decor if you fly over to etsy seller Elan Vital Anthology’s shop, where he’s retailing for (the marked down price of) $17.00 (US).}

Good morning, sweet dears, how are you each as we head into this brand new week? What sorts of activities have got you hopping these festive days? On this end things are well, though as the holiday season trudges onward, like most of us, I find myself getting busier and busier with each passing moment! One second it was Friday and then poof, here it is Monday already, and in between I’ve scarcely had a moment to catch my breath – let alone catch up on last week’s comments (and visiting your marvelous blogs), but hopefully I’ll have more time to do so as this week progresses.

Many heartfelt thanks to one and all for your visits and fantastic comments, they truly mean so much to me. I hope that today, and all through the week, you’re life is filled with the merriment and joy of this beautiful season.


  1. how adorable is that!?!

  2. What a fantastic thing! So cute!
    Jess, is snowing where you live? I'm seeyng a lot of people posting Christmas' things AND snow. I'm really jealousy hahaha. Here, in Brazil, I'm melting! It is just so hot living here.


  3. LOL, even before I read your caption and saw this adorable little Rudolph figurine, I said "Aweeee" ;)

  4. Aw, he is adorable. Great picture, too!

  5. Ooo he is a cutie pie! Have a fantastic week - i'm down to be all set fighting off the masses of Christmas shoppers at work - that and graduating [if I end up going!]

  6. I have been busy getting excited about Christmas, i'm very hyper at the moment!
    That cute reindeer did indeed make me go "awwwwwwww"! x

  7. Hey Jessica! I have an award for you over at my blog honey! Hope you are having a great day. Kori xoxo

  8. Adorable! Hope you had a lovely weekend dear :)

  9. Aww, so so cute!

    And I hope that all the busy-ness is fun busy not stressful busy! Best wishes for a marvelous rest of your week!

  10. does that little reindeer have buck teeth?! too cute.

  11. I just came across your blog and I love what I'm seeing! I have quite a collection of vintage bits myself. Now to go through more of your posts.

  12. That is so cute. I love it. I hope your week got off to a good start. Take care. Cheers!

  13. aww retro.Those vintage figurines are still better than the mass manufactured ones we see now.

  14. It is amazing how fast paced December is isn't it?

  15. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog hun, i appreciate all your kinds words! I'm honoured that someone with such a great blog likes my lil ol' one =) xx

    I hope you're enjoying the run up to Christmas!

  16. Greetings wonderful dears, thank you each very much for your marvelous comments (and for sharing in the holiday spirit with me). I hope that each of you are having a fantastic and fun filled December!

    Tons of hugs & holiday cheer!
    ♥ Jessica
