{Pin curls, fab outfit, adorable kitty cat, and a mile-wide smile? Yep, this delightful mid-century gal officially wins at summer.}
{"Lois Duncan Steinmetz playing the accordion aboard the shanty boat Lazy Bones, c. 1947", because Lois was just awesome like that.}
{One look is all it takes to know that this 1940s pair - and their beautiful dog - were a blast to hang out with. Plus, don’t his shades look they could have just walked off the spring/summer 2016 runway? Proof positive that designers today take styling cues from the past right, left and center.}
{Group fun in the sun while at the beach in 1937 - love the lady at the back's classic folding parasol. It reminds me a lot of the gorgeous Disney themed hand painted ones that my dear friend Janey, from Atomic Redhead, has been creating and sharing on her blog this year.}
{No convertible? No problem! Just make like these two cool c. 1940s gals, in their matching shirts/play suits, and put the trunk (boot) of your car to good use! :)}

How much do you love this beautiful 1950's woman's fabulous ombre striped strapless swimsuit?}
{Teenagers being teenagers and having a blast at their local Tallahassee drive-in burger joint back in August of 1957 (you just know the milkshakes there would have been to die for!).}
{In a perfect world every single day of the summer would be as fun, carefree and sunny as the one depicted in this fabulous American beach snap, which was taken during July, 1952.}

It's never to early in life to ensure that your warm weather style game is squarely on point, as the young misters Larry and Louie Poggenburg kindly demonstrated for us during the spring of 1965.}
{Okay, it's official, seeing these two lovely c. 1950s synchronized swimmers has got me yearning to hop into the nearest body of water pronto!}
{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image,
please click on it to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}
Soooo, it's been a really long time since the last edition of Saturday Snapshots occurred here. Like, a really, really long time. I went digging around through my achieves and it would appear that the last such post was in May 2015, some fourteen months ago.
Wow, I'd been thinking it was last fall, but such appears not to be the case. There's no set schedule or timeframe for these posts of course, but as I - and I know, many of you as well - really adore them, I do like to get one up periodically. Today, in the middle of July, seems like a great time for new edition of Saturday Snapshots, don’t you think?
I read the quote that kicks off today's post for the first time ever a few weeks ago and it instantly resonated with me. Though I am generally a million miles away from lazy, I don't per se think that work related activity (or lack thereof) is the sort of laziness that the man who penned it, American author and philosopher Sam Keen, had in mind when he wrote those words. No, I highly suspect that he was referring to one's pace of life and how much, from sun up to sun down, we're able to get done in a day during the peak of summertime.
I'm a major workaholic and I will burn the midnight oil like no one's business, but during these glorious dog days of summer, even I tend to scale back a little. How on earth can one not? These few brief weeks of truly hot weather will vanish with the first tumbling leaves of September and with them, any hope (short of a vacation to a far-flung destination where the sun shines all year 'round) of feeling truly warm from the sun until next spring arrives.
Summer, to my mind, shouldn't be about merely staying busy nor doing next to nothing at all, no, it should be a happy marriage of two. If ever the expression "play hard, work hard" was at home in a chapter of the year, summer is it.
I may still bust my hump during for most of the week, but while the temps are near (or at!) triple digits and the sunshine seems to stretch on from here to eternity, you can bet that I'll be sinking my toes into the sand, talking peaceful strolls in the early morning hours, and lapping up froyo like its going out of style, while I still can.
As we sit now, there's just over two full months of summer left. Fall weather often begins before that point though, so I think that's all the more reason to go along with Sam's take on things and revel in the fact that this season not only allows, but frankly encourages us, to slow down, stop and smell the roses, and practise the time honoured art of slow living for a brief while amidst our usually frenzied, fast paced modern lives.
Here's to the rest of summer and all the relaxation it has the potential to afford us!
Now, where did I put that beach umbrella? All this talk of taking things easy has me champing at the bit to spend the weekend under the open the sun. Care to join me? :)
Great vintage photos! I can smell the Coppertone! As you know, autumn is my favorite season but there is something about sunny summer days that keeps me happy despite the heat and humidity. Sandals, sun dresses, butterflies and breezes...Yummy cool popsicles, and June bugs at dusk. Enjoy the rest of summer my friend. Soon enough autumn will be making its return!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, sweet April. I second your feelings about both seasons immensely. Fall has always been my very favourite, but growing up, I probably would have given winter second place. In recent years however, summer has usurped it and comes in right on the heels of autumn. I think that's all the more reason why I'm trying to fight off the blues right now over the fact that we haven't really had proper summer weather here yet (at least not for more than a couple days at a time), due to the incredible amount of rain in the past three months. Hopefully the sun will come out - and stay out - here soon.
DeleteBig hugs & joyful mid-June wishes,
♥ Jessica
ok - vamos ala playa! :-)
ReplyDeletei´ll bring a blanket and cold drinks! did you pack the sunscreen?
i can totally enjoy summer. to an expense that more "calvinist" souls mind to criticize me for laziness und not doing something "useful" with the hot days! but what they don´t know - i´m doing a lot actually! i´m filling my mind and soul with sun and flowers and warm breezes, with hot asphalt under my feet, with tropical music, with the aroma of super ripe fruits, with the coolness of iced drinks........
to be that creative, radiant person in the other 3/4 of the year!
and this is hard work!!!
big hugs - sorry, a bit sweaty ;-) xxxxxx
That sounds marvelous, sweet Beate, it's a beach date :) You know, sometimes not doing much, is actually doing a lot. Rest and relaxation is vital to all of our well beings and sometimes it's wisest just to kick back, not do anything demanding and let our minds and bodies alike recharge (as a fellow workaholic though, believe me when I understand the intense guilt that can accompany trying to relax though).
DeleteHere's to the hope that we can both put our feet up and savour the simply joys of serenity at least a few times this season.
Tons of hugs,
♥ Jessica
Every picture had me grinning. The lady with the kitten is my favorite but I love the blonde in the swimsuits picture too. She has great hair
ReplyDeleteAgreed - it's somewhat Marilyn-ish, but perhaps a little less structured and more carefree (or perhaps that's just the effect that the beach breeze had on it that day). She was definitely a knockout!
DeleteMany hugs & thanks for your great comment,
♥ Jessica
I love these snapshots and I love the idea of them. So many of them are begging for me to write short stories about them.
ReplyDeleteI'd join you up there, but down here, it's too hot. We turn into vampires in the summer months.
thanks for sharing those fab photos!
That would be awesome! Please feel to comment and let me know if you do indeed pen a story that's inspired by any of them. I'm sure many here, including myself would really enjoy reading them.
DeleteBig hugs & happy mid-month wishes,
♥ Jessica
I just love vintage photos. Aside from the clothes - yes, it always comes down to the clothes - I think there is so much more honesty in old pictures. Most people weren't photographed all the time so they didn't think that hard about how they would appear. Everyone seemed so much more natural. These are just great, Jessica. And thank you for the nice comment on my latest post. You are one in a million, my dear. Xxxooo
ReplyDeleteThat is a very wise, insightful perspective, dear Connie. I second your idea completely and am sure that such is a part of the reason why vintage and antique photographs have always spoken to me so powerfully.
DeleteThank you very much for your excellent comment - and for your incredibly sweet, touching compliment. You're one in a million as well.
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
These pictures are making me crave the sun even more than I already do - our summer so far has been a total washout! Although, according to the weather forecast the next few days it may actually be like summer... Of course I'll be stuck in an office and then spending the rest of the week moving house, so I'll probably miss it all, bah! xx
ReplyDeleteSame here! Honestly, I was being very optimistic when I penned these words a touch earlier in the month, hoping that the sunshine that we got for Canada Day would return this weekend, too, but for the most part, it was damp again and a rain umbrella was needed more than a beach one. The sentiment remains though and I'd be willing to bet that we will get at least a couple more sunny weekends throughout this season (if not more than that). I'm sorry that things have been a total showerfest on your end so far this season, too. Mother Nature sure is in a strange mood at the moment.
DeleteIt's so exciting that you're moving houses this week. I really hope that everything goes smoothly for you guys with this wonderful transition. Happy new home wishes!
xoxo ♥ Jessica
One of the chief appeals of your blog are the pictures. They're great. Interesting and pretty. Keep it up! And relax a little this Summer. You deserve a break; we all do.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much on all counts, Ally. That's very true - and, for some of us at least, far too easy to forget (or intentionally ignore) in today's hyper busy world.
DeleteI hope you're able to kick back and enjoy some relaxing days this season, too.
Have a fantastic week,
♥ Jessica
Great set of photos! The third from the bottom, with the girls jumping over the log, is just so cheerful and fun. All of these are making me want to hightail it over to the nearest beach!
ReplyDeleteSame here! Too bad we don't live nearby. It would be such a blast to meetup for a day of fun in the sun. Hopefully we can both hightail it to beaches in our respective areas soon. I honestly would have loved to have gone this weekend, but alas, it was raining most of the time again (dampest year ever around these parts!!!).
DeleteBig hugs & joyful mid-July wishes,
♥ Jessica
Dear Jessica,
ReplyDeleteYes, I do so love the photos. My favorite one is of the beautiful girl looking so spectacular in her pin curlers. I wish that I looked so good in curlers. I always have a difficult time finding time to do up my hair in curlers because I don't want to be seen in them, and then I wait too late to set my hair, get too tired, and decide to crawl into bed.
Summer always seems way too short! It is a good thing that I love autumn so much, otherwise I would be too sad when summer ended.
I am glad to hear that you are getting time to enjoy this delightful, fun-filled season.
Love and hugs,
Thank you sweetly, dear Hope. That can be a tricky point regarding curls for sure. If one doesn't plan to leave the house on a given day, putting them in the AM can work, but I've always personally been more of an evening curls/pin curls/rag curls fan myself.
DeleteAbsolutely! I really appreciate that autumn follows summer. The two are my favourite seasons and so parting ways with one to embrace the other, while bittersweet at times, isn't nearly as painful as if, say, summer turned into winter instantly (lol, though goodness knows it has tried that here in Canada before! :D).
Many hugs & blissful summertime wishes to you and your family,
♥ Jessica
Fabulous summer time vintage vibes. I'd love to know more about Lois!
ReplyDeleteThat would be so neat! She looks like an really cool person and I bet she was a lot of fun to hangout with.
DeleteBig hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment,
♥ Jessica
I love this! Especially the one with the kitten! I hope you had a great weekend Jessica
Thank you very much, sweet Laura. Isn't that a darling image? I knew the moment that I laid eye on it, I just had to blog about it some point. :)
DeleteMany hugs & joyful mid-July wishes,
♥ Jessica
I totally agree, summer should be enjoyed to the full. It's set to be a beautiful week this week in Britain. Today after a busy morning, I sat in my pretty garden and watched my two boys happily playing chess in the warm sun, while the Internet radio station, 1940s radio played in the background. Utter bliss! Enjoy the sun my dearest, it does us so much good. Xx
ReplyDeleteThat sounds so immensely lovely, dear Emily. Thank you for sharing that beautiful snapshot of your daily life with me. Ooohh, do you have Sirius Satellite Radio? We do (I listen to it nearly every day) and I'm a huge fan of the "Forties on Four" station, which might be the very same one you mentioning.
DeleteBig hugs & sincere wishes for many for marvelous moments like this throughout the season,
♥ Jessica
I really love those snapshots! They are just too adorable, thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteMany hugs,
Sandra <3
It's my sincere pleasure, dear Sandra. Thank you very much for your lovely comment. I'm happy to know that you enjoyed this fun mid-century photo roundup.
DeleteSending lots of hugs & happy July wishes your way,
♥ Jessica
You're once again striking the right note with these lovely vintage photos. I'm a major workaholic too, but I definitely need my beauty sleep ... A big hug, Ann xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you sweetly, dear Ann. It can be a really tricky balance for sure - and one that, I find at least, is usually in a state of flux or that we need to readjust on a very regular basis. That's okay though, in many ways, such is true of life in general, not just how we balance or work and down time.
DeleteMany hugs & relaxing summer wishes,
♥ Jessica
I dont know if its just me. But it seems to me that garments fit better before. Maybe it was the undergarments... for example the ombre striped swimsuit girl, the chest area fits impeccably.
ReplyDeleteMaybe its me longing for other times :)
You're absolutely right, Lorena. In general, I would definitely say that garments of the past tended to fit their wearers better and that the right (and also well fitting) undergarments played an important roll there. The fact that many items of clothing were also more structured than we see in general (day-to-day) wear now, also contributed to how well they fit their wearer.
DeleteThank you for raising that insightful point and for your great comment.
Many hugs,
♥ Jessica
I absolutely love that first picture of the girl with the kitten! Not only is the kitten absolutely adorable, but the dress/scarf combination is on point!! Thanks for sharing these vintage images- it's so fun to look at them :)
ReplyDeleteThe Artyologist
Isn't that just the most darling yesteryear photo? It melted my heart and was actually the key catalyst image to put together another edition of this ongoing post series (especially since it had been several months since the last one).
DeleteMany hugs & thanks for your lovely comment,
♥ Jessica
Hang on, I'm packing my bathing suit and old chequered sunnies. Ooh, how I've missed this photo series, be it called Flickr or Snapshots, they put me in such a good mood, and you know I love real life photos and study them thoroughly for style clues. I love the young lady with the kitten (I want a kitten - NOW!), and the lady in the stribed bathing suit, that's exactly how I want to look! From her hair, to her red lippy and that gorgeous stribed bathing suit, ahh, dreaming. Have a lovely day, dear. :)
ReplyDeleteHi sweet Sanne, thank you very much for your wonderfully nice comment and for letting me know how much you enjoy posts like this that are focused on mid-century images. Saturday Snapshots is one of (if not "the") oldest reoccuring post series here and I always truly enjoy returning to it.
DeleteThat photo is sooo darling! It was the image actually that really prompted me to pen this latest Saturday Snapshots post. How could I not share something that precious with everyone here? :)
Thank you again & have a summer splendid week!
xoxo ♥ Jessica
I love those photos. No summer like a 1950s summer, in my mind. I don't know why, but when I think of the 50s it's always turquoise, pink and yellow, bright sunshine, diners and drive-ins, so even though it's in black-and-white, I know the photo of the chaps in the car is bright and cheery really.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Summer (and pretty much anything to do with the beach) always seem so fabulously fun, cheerful and full of pep during that decade. I bet it was a great deal of fun (for most people at least) to have experienced such first hand. I know that my grandparents have always spoken very highly of their mid-century summer memories.
DeleteMany hugs & thanks for all of your wonderful recent blog comments,
♥ Jessica
These are all lovely, but that accordion photo is priceless. Too bad photos can't talk because I'd love to know the story behind it!
ReplyDeleteOoohhh, same here! That would be amazing. Everything about that image is awesome (as is the name of the boat they're perched on) and you just know there was a great story behind it.
DeleteBig hugs & many thanks for your wonderful comments this week,
♥ Jessica
Hello Jessica, thanks for these pictures: all very nice, but the first, the girl with the kitten is my favorite ... The cats always win!
ReplyDeleteSummer for me is very tiring, the work becomes harder and even sports, arriving to really K.O. evening But I can understand the need to make the sun escort, often in the fall and winter become so difficult to be able to warm up and pamper its healing rays.
These days at least here we have a slight breeze coming from the woods, sometimes at night you can hear the balsamic smell of pine trees and if the sky is clear and you can see many stars at that time the summer becomes a magical season, where everything is possible!
My pleasure, dear Serena. Isn't that image darling? It was the catalyst actually for this latest edition of Saturday Snapshots. The moment I spied it, I knew I had to share it here on my blog (especially since I know that many of my readers are ardent cat fans as well).
DeleteI hope that you're doing well and having a sunny, fantastic week.
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
Love looking through these photos! The lady with the kitten is my favorite ;) <3
ReplyDeleteIsn't it super darling? You know, that snap really reminds me of your own lovely profile photo here on Blogger, with you holding up a cute kitty as well.
DeleteBig hugs & happy end of July wishes,
♥ Jessica
I can't get enough of vintage summer photos. The smiles, the swimwear,the care free energy...love them all!
ReplyDeleteAgreed - they're absolutely awesome. I don't get to post editions of this series all that often any more, but doing one each summer is a big must in my books. Vintage summer snaps are just to fab not to all delight in together here.
DeleteHave a stellar weekend, sweet lady!
♥ Jessica
These are wonderful photos, I have hair and outfit envy for nearly all of them! The woman with the kitten is my favourite. I very much hope that you are enjoying your summer.
ReplyDeleteMajor hair envy! From the more structured styles to the windswept looks, they're all classic and beautiful.
DeleteThank you sweetly, my dear friend. A bit of a mixed bag summer so far on a lot of fronts, but I'm very optimistic about the second half of the season and really hope that it trumps the first.
Many hugs & joyful August wishes,
♥ Jessica