October 28, 2009

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Chronically Vintage Readers!

Halloween simply would not be the same for me without at least one viewing of the timelessly wonderful 1966 television cartoon It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. For as long as I have memories stretching back of All Hallows Eve, I can call to mind recollections of watching this beloved Peanuts special annually in the days leading up to the 31st.

From the instantly recognizable background score that opens the first scene to Linus’ sweet and steadfast belief that the Great Pumpkin (a Halloween character akin to Santa) really will appear to him in the pumpkin patch, I adore everything about this classic cartoon.

I’ve rounded up a copy (split between three parts) of "The Great Pumpkin" below, which I hope you’ll all enjoy. Whether you’ve only seen it once, fifty times, or never before, you’re in for a heart warming treat if you set aside a few minutes (a little under half an hour) to watch this marvelous Charlie Brown tail of Halloween mischief and fun before – or on – this coming Saturday!

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

{Part 1}

{Part 2}

{Part 3}

Is this delightful Peanuts cartoon a treasured tradition for you, too? What are some other Halloween cartoons (or movies) that you love watching year after year?

A happy and playfully spooky countdown to Halloween, everyone! I hope the Great Pumpkin appears to you all this weekend! :)


  1. I was so excited when I saw that the Great Pumpkin was on last night! I actually did a little dance in my living room. haha


  2. I was so thrilled to watch it last night too! It brings back such great memories! I posted it on my Facebook status and so many of my friends responded with "my kids are watching it too." Am I the only adult that has to watch every year? My boyfriend and I were discussing it and he said he absolutely loved it and was sad he had to work through it last night! I guess I'm not the only one! Thanks for the adorable post Jessica! Oh, by the way, my blog button is available now on my page...check it out! Kori xoxo

  3. I don't know how many times we've watched this classic but it just gets better and better all the time...first for my children and now for my grandchildren. What could be better!

  4. I watched it last night too! So cute. I love all these good feeling kind of shows. Have a lovely day sweet friend. :)

  5. Brings back such memories. I laughed till tears were coming over poor Charlie Brown getting yet again a rock.

    Another classic scene I love is when Snoopy battles the Red Baron.

  6. I love watching the Peanuts holiday specials!

  7. Aww thank you for sharing, how I loved Charlie Brown when I was going up!

  8. Best Halloween show ever! Thank you so much for posting this, Jessica!

  9. Awwwwww, what a great post. This is one of my absolute favs! Actually, all the Peanuts specials rock the house!

  10. I changed my pic for my profile and wanted to get your opinion. Do you think it's better to stay with the same profile pic consistently so people find you? You have such a successful blog that I value your opinion Jessica! Thanks! Kori xoxo

  11. Oh my goodness....this is pure nostalgia!! I remember watching all of the Charlie Brown movies for each holiday growing up!!!

  12. Oh, I love this movie so much too. I haven't seen any channels with ads for it yet, so I hope that at least one of the stations is going to play it soon (unless I missed it ;) ) I just love this movie, it takes me back to when I was little. And I love Snoopy :)

  13. Jessica, this was just on last night and I realized how much I miss having little ones around. I watched the beginning when Lucy is cutting into the pumpkin.. love this show and love this post.. what childhood memories!! Thank you!

  14. I love this little show! I also watch the Disney cartoon version of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" every year (I have it on DVD!)

  15. Oh it's a must for me as well! I have it on DVD along with the Thanksgiving and Christmas special! Brings back such good memories of being little. I hope when I have children they'll enjoy it and associate as many good memories with it as I have!

  16. Thank you so much for posting this up! I love Snoopy's dance!
    What a delightful treat! ;o)

    P.S. Thank you for the comment on my blog!


  17. I adore the Great Pumpkin! Unfortunately I had to work while it was on :(

  18. This was always a tradition in our home growing up.
    I am having my very first GIVEAWAY so hop over and get entered!

  19. Oh that is so sweet.

    We don't really do halloween over here, enjoying all the entertainment from my blog friends though.

  20. Thank you for taking me back to wonderful, warm childhood memories! And with Christmas around the corner, the Charlie Brown Christmas special is one of my favorite seasonal stories. Just love the Vince Guaraldi theme that Schroeder plays on the piano. :-)xoxo

  21. Thank you for sharing these! This is one of my favorites! Classic. I hope your doing well, and having a wonderful halloween weekend! :D


  22. Hi my wonderful dears, thank you each very much for sharing your awesome memories and thoughts on this classic Peanuts Halloween special with me.

    I honestly had no idea it had just aired on TV the night before. I don't think I watched any television that night - I hope no one minded seeing Charlie Brown pop up again, having just watched it the day before. I love this great cartoon and could honestly watch it over and over - sometimes, when the Halloween mood strikes, I even give it a viewing at other times of the year (besides October).

    Thank you again deeply, everybody, for your comments. I loved sharing The Great Pumpkin with you, and hope that each of your Halloweens was magical!

    Joyful wishes for an amazing November!!!
    ♥ Jessica
