October 16, 2014

The winner of the $75 Etsy CV store credit, I've got the flu, our 10th wedding anniversary, and other recent going ons

...And now that I've written a title that's long enough to be a post unto itself. :D

First and foremost (despite the hefty title size), this post is not going to be a particularly lengthy one (by my standards). I'm literally writing it with just one eye open only half the way to try and block out the effect that light radiating from my laptop screen is on the pulsating migraine that I have right now, brought on by a rather unpleasant flu (not that there’s any sort that I'd dub "pleasant"!) that came on in the blink of an eye on Monday and is still very much going strong four days in.

Thankfully, in the world of flues, this is not one of the most severe I've had, but nevertheless, it's taking its toil and putting me pretty much completely out of commission at the moment (especially since, like - without fail - all colds, flues and the like that I get, it has caused serious flare-ups with some of my medical conditions). While I'm not very pleased about that, I am grateful at least that this virus was so "kind" as to spare attacking me at the end of the month. With a bit of luck, lots of rest, and drinking gallons of liquids, I should hopefully be on my feet again come Halloween (fingers crossed!).

Okay, onto more enjoyable topics! For starters, though I was asleep with a 103F fever for nearly all of it, Tuesday was Tony and mine's 10th wedding anniversary. Over the years here, I've talked about our relationship and its beginnings (such as in this post last May) and the profound, unshakable love that we have for one another (such as here), so many of you may already know a bit about our story.

For those that do not however, in the tiniest of nutshells, we met online in March of 2004 (at the time I was living right here in Penticton and Tony was on the other side of the Atlantic ocean in Ireland), in person for the first time in June, were engaged in July, and married in a super small civil ceremony with just a few close family members in attendance in October of that same year. It was, in no uncertain terms, a whirlwind romance, but we both know in the furthest recesses of our hearts that we had found "the one" and that there was no sense in waiting years to do something we knew within weeks that we were destined to have happen (marry one another, that is).

We were young by modern standards when we tied the knot - I was 20, Tony was 24 - and yet both came to relationship with absolutely no shortage of life history under our respective belts. In the past decade we have lived in two countries, two (Canadian) provinces, and multiple cities. We've faced staggering adversity on many front, become pet "parents" to Stella (our darling tabby cat) and Annie (our sweet, endless energetic American Bullador), cried, laughed, celebrated, and worked incredibly hard together. Tony and I have grown up and grown incredibly close over the course these last ten years and it was with no small amount joy that we celebrated this milestone anniversary this week (which will be properly observed, festive feast and all, once I'm over the flu). I love my husband with every fiber of my being and am so grateful that we get to share our lives and our futures together, continuing to built on the life, dreams and hopes of the past decade, while keeping our eyes on tomorrow and never forgetting to savour today in the process.

In other news, last month I posted a new Chronically Vintage reader and customer survey and invited all those who completed it to leave a comment for the chance to win a $75.00 Etsy store credit. The deadline to do so wrapped up last night and this morning I'm thrilled to announce the winner (who was selected using a random number generator). Drum roll, please...

Huge and very happy congratulations to Abigail from the immensely lovely blog Sweeter Gets The Journey, you've won a $75.00 Chronically Vintage store credit which you can put towards the cost of anything in the shop. I will be contacting you by email ASAP with further details and sincerely want to thank you - and absolutely everyone who took part in this survey and giveaway (your impute is hugely appreciated and will certainly play a roll in shaping my blog and Etsy shop in the future).

{The lucky winner, Abigail, in one of my favourite photographs of her from her gorgeous, image filled blog.}

Between some health issues in the later part of the summer and our wonderful recent travels to Victoria, plus the flu (et al) this week, I am well aware that I haven't posted a new YouTube video for some time now. When I initially launched my channel, I'd - in true, overly optimistic Jessica fashion - envisioned posting there once a week on average. A few videos in and my feet were soon back on the ground again and that notion had flown out the window. That said, I adore making videos and do plan to continue posting them periodically, always (massively) welcoming your ideas for topics to cover in the process.

And last, but not least, in this "bits and bobs" sort of update post, I'm still very much on the hunt for my Halloween costume this year. Maybe it's because I usually know months in advance what I plan to go as, but this year, for the 30th All Hallows Eve of my life, my costume remains one big question mark (not literally - though that could be a fun disguise unto itself :) ). With just two weeks left until the fabulously fun and splendidly spooky night to go, I truly must - once this flu lets up a bit - get to it and come up with something interesting to wear.

That's it for today, sweet dears. I'm off to get some more healing shut eye. I hope that you're doing splendidly, are flu free, and are enjoying an absolutely beautiful October!


  1. Wonderful post. I hope you feel better, Jessica.

  2. Happy Anniversary! And I really really hope you start feeling better. :)

  3. Dear Jessica I hope you get better soon. Rest up and don't do too much! What a beautiful tribute to your husband and marriage. Very poetic words. Get better soon!

  4. You poor thing! I hope you're back up on your feet soon. If nothing else, you have to get that Halloween creativity going. ;)

  5. Congrats for this anniversary!!!!! I wish you will be better really soon to enjoy the beautiful fall!

  6. Congratulations Abigail, and congratulations Jessica and Tony. I'm so happy for you that you found one another. :D

    ... now destroy that migraine by turning on the firehose of rest!

  7. Congratulations on your 10 year wedding anniversary! Hope you are feeling better soon lovely! xxx

  8. Hope you get well soon! Sounds like you're doing all the right things and will be on your feet in no time, to plan that Halloween outfit! And that reminds me, I must book a flu jab... And, of course, huge congratulations on your 10th anniversary! I loved reading your story, how wonderful to know that soon someone's right for you. And romantic! I've always been so overly cautious it's taken me a little longer to come to that conclusion, but if I'm honest, I was the only one stopping me seeing what was right in front of my face from day 1! CC x

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. Rather interestingly, I wasn't overly looking for love (let alone the love of my life) when we met. I was going through absolute hell on the health front and had just had serious surgery a few days before, but clearly the universe knew what I needed even better than I did (and thank goodness for that!). :)

      ♥ Jessica

  9. Happy anniversary!!! 10 years definitely requires some festivities, sorry you have been sick! I can definitely relate to the whole "we already know we're going to get married so why waste any time" phenomenon!

  10. Oh get better soon!

    In terms of fun halloween costumes, one that I've adored in recent past for myself was A Historically Accurate Flapper. I made myself a 20s dress, and did my hair and makeup, found the right underclothes and shoes, and even managed to make one of my coats into a 20s style. Because I very rarely do vintage (esp 20s!), it was obvious as a costume, but was comfortable to wear as it was still "clothes". So perhaps you could go all out on a decade you don't generally pull from! Whether it's 80s, or 30s, or whatever, it is fun researching the unknown fashion and recreating it.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. That's a great idea, especially if I end up needing to just avail of what I have on hand. I could see rocking a hippie look for a fun change of pace (I was actually really into "flower power" styles around the age of 12-13, but really haven't worn them much since). Time will tell! :)

      Big hugs & happy Halloween countdown,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. So sorry to hear about your flu. I hope you feel much better soon. Meanwhile, enjoy dreaming up Halloween costumes!

  12. Happy anniversary Im so sorry you have the flu and hope you are soon on the mend.

    retro rover

  13. I hope you feel better soon, dear Jessica!



  14. Ugh, flu! I do hope you are feeling better very soon. Take it easy in recovery x x

  15. I simply adore your love story! Happy anniverssary to both of you. And be well to you, dear. :)

  16. feel better soon, and happy anniversary!

    rae of lovefromberlin

  17. Thank you very much, sweet Dawn.

    I hope so, too. I've had to sit out a Halloween or two before over the years due to more serious medical reasons and it's not something I want to have happen ever again! I need to get my "spookiness" on!!! :D

    ♥ Jessica

  18. I hope you feel better soon, flu is the worst! And happy anniversary!

  19. I tend to plan my costume MONTHS in advance. I had my heart set on Maleficent this year but I scoured the internet for horns with good reviews - I found 1 that had decent reviews that weren't REALLY expensive so I ordered them in August. They've been on backorder since so I went back the drawing board. Decided to just use some things I already had and I'm going as Bonnie Parker (for my house party) and Daphne (with a group of coworkers dressing like the Scooby gang) at work. :) FEEL BETTER!

  20. Happy Anniversary.
    What a lousy souvenir to bring home, but as you say it waited until the trip was over. I've heard on-line shopping is therapeutic when you're under the weather -couldn't hurt to try ;)
    Hot toddies aren't half-bad either!
    Get well soon.

  21. Awww I hope you feel better soon! Seems it's in the air as I, again, fell ill too, but luckily I am already back on the mend. I wish you the same dear Jessica!

  22. I hope you get better soon. I hate to hear that people aren't feeling well.

    Best Wishes,

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Mandy. I feel exactly the same way. Thankfully, while not fun, this isn't one of the very worst flues I've ever had, so hopefully I'll be on the mend in another week or two.

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. Get well soon! I hope the flu is on its way out. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary.x

  24. Congratulations on your anniversary. It's so touching to hear you write about your husband with such tenderness. I wish the two of you so much happiness, and I hope that you get a chance to celebrate with gusto once you are over this nasty flu.

  25. Happy tenth anniversary to both of you! I'm sure whatever you plan will be a perfect and romantic expression of your love for each other. Our tenth is in 2016. Every time I ponder that, it's so difficult to believe how quickly the wonderful years have gone by, and no doubt other couples feel the same!

    Sorry to hear about your flu, though, and I hope you recover quickly. It *does* allow you more downtime to enjoy your favourite Halloween shows, though, doesn't it? There's always a silver lining. ;) Here's to a swift recovery!

    1. Thank you sweetly across the board, dear Jen. That it does for sure and I've been watching some of them, like The Munsters and the Halloween episodes of Home Improvement in very heavy rotation as of late. I've also gotten in some peaceful reading, but beyond that, my productivity is pretty much on halt at the moment, which is not how I foresaw the second half of this month playing out. Oh well! I guess the universe just wanted me to take things easier for a bit longer! Once I'm back on my toes though, I'll be doing more outfit posts, hopefully a new YouTube video or two, and starting to photograph and list some of the vintage treasures I picked up for the shop while on the Island.

      How exciting that your 10th anniversary is coming up next year. I'm delighted for you both!!! Very true, it does feel like the time flies by so quickly. I've been married for 1/3 of my life now!

      Big hugs & many sincere thanks for all of your great recent blog comments,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. Oh you have both indeed grown up together getting married so young :) Some people never find their soul mate, lucky you found each other early in life can spend more time together. Hugs to you both on such a special day.
