June 11, 2010

An update on Jessica’s situation

Hi everyone,

Let me begin by expressing – on behalf of both Jessica and I – tons of thanks for all of your kind and understanding comments and emails. I’ve shared them all with Jess as they’ve come in and can tell you that they’ve truly meant a great deal to her.

I wanted to post to let you know where things are presently at. Initially when Jessica had gone into the hospital (for a severe gallstone attack – the second one that week) we’d been told by numerous doctors that they wanted to do an exploratory surgical procedure, and this opinion held for the first 2-3 days. However, instead of going that route it was decided to temporarily hold off, and to run a number of tests (ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, ongoing blood work, etc) over the coming days, while keeping Jess in the hospital (though her white blood cell count appeared normal, certain enzyme levels were elevated which made her doctors suspect she might be running an infection, so pretty much from the get-go they pumped her full of intravenously administered, heavy-duty antibiotics). They also just wanted to monitor her because of the severity of the attacks that’d she’d been having (I should mention, this issue relating to Jessica’s gallbladder popped up for the first time ever at the end of this past March).

Frighteningly, Jess experienced an immediate anaphylactic reaction to the dye (called “contrast dye”) that was used during the CT scan and suddenly became unable to breathe (her throat swelled shut within moments of the dye being administered). Fortunately however, they stopped giving her the dye and got her on oxygen quickly, so in the end she didn’t lose consciousness (or worse, though I shudder to think of such things). I’m happy to say that she made a complete recovery from this experience, but I think she very nearly dodged an unexpected bullet there.

All of the tests confirmed what prior ones (done before she was in the hospital) had already shown, and as Jess had had an appointment scheduled with a surgeon on June 14th (the appointment was made by her GP weeks ago) to discuss her gallbladder situation (we’ve been led to believe by the doctors at the hospital that this surgeon will make a decision as to when Jess will be having surgery, and what kind of surgery that will be), they sent her home from the hospital a few days after her enzyme levels dropped back down near normal levels, with instructions to rest and not overexert herself as much as possible.

Unfortunately, her time in the hospital paired with the around-the-clock antibiotics they gave her (while beneficial in certain regards) caused some of Jessica’s (pre-existing) chronic conditions to flare-up extremely badly, and she continues to battle with those flare-ups plus the ongoing gallbladder area pain that she’s experienced since her first attack back in March.

These things coupled with her orders to rest as much as possible, means that she’s not able to return to blogging on any sort of regular basis for the time being. I know that she misses Chronically Vintage and her blogging friends very much though, and that she’ll start posting again when her health permits.

In the meantime, please keep your fingers crossed that her appointment with the surgeon goes well on Monday and that it results in her getting closer to a solution this medical problem. (Either Jess or myself will continue to keep you updated in the near future.)

Thank you very much for your ongoing kindness and understanding,
Antonio Cangiano (acangiano@gmail.com)


  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery, you will be in our thoughts and prayers..

  2. Hello and thanks for sharing this precarious situation. You all have my deepest sympathies & tell Jess to keep strong and have faith in her recovery. I will pray for her and you and your family. Tell her not to worry. All her old blogging friends will be here waiting to cheer when she's back in action.

  3. Thanks so much Antonio for updating us on how Jessica is going. I know that occasionally people are allergic to the dye for the CT, how terribly unlucky to be one of those few that are. I hope you get some idea of what will happen soon, the wait must be terrible.
    Let Jessica know that we wish her all the best and we will be waiting for her when she is well enough to return :)


  4. Thank you for the update, Antonio - I was wondering how she was doing! Please tell her to take care of herself, and we'll all be here waiting for her when she gets back. (((hugs)))

  5. Sorry to hear about her situation but I pray she receives great medical attention and has a safe recovery.

  6. Oh my goodness. Sending positive vibes and prayers your way. Thank you for giving us the update. Having gone through a medical crisis with my husband recently, I know it can be hard to find time to sit down and tell everyone what's going on. Wishing you all possible strength and peace at this difficult time.

  7. Thank you for the update, I've been thinking of her! Please tell her that she is definitely missed, but we all love her and we understand! She needs to rest and get better and we'll all be waiting for her until then :-) Sending her hugs and prayers!!!

  8. Hope everything goes, dear Jessica! You are in my prayers, and best wishes on a speedy recovery.


  9. Oh my goodness! I guess I missed the initial post that went out, informing of Jessica's situation. Please give her my love and positive thoughts for a quick recovery! I will keep her in my prayers through this difficult time. Keep the faith Jessica!


  10. Keeping you and yours in my thought for a quick recovery!

  11. Keeping Jessica in our thoughts and hearts. We wish her a speedy and as pain-free as possible recovery.

  12. I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago after 5 years of chronic flare-ups and the doctors not knowing what was going on. It wasn't until a friend told me of their issues with their GB that it got figured out.

    I had laparoscopy surgery done and it was an overnight stay. It took me about 2 days before I could walk on my own and within a week I felt fairly normal.

    I haven't had an issue at all without my GB and I have been able to eat whatever foods I wanted (although I did go gluten free last year for another reason).

    Good luck and thanks for letting us know!

  13. Wow
    So sorry to read all of this. I wish her a speedy recovery. Take care

  14. Oh dear, I will be thinking of you and holding you in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. Thankyou very much for letting us know how Jessica is doing. I hope she just gets better very soon as we all send our love and wishes for her health and happiness.
    Mountains of get well vibes sent from all the way over here in Melbourne, Australia!
    }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} XXX

  16. Hoping she makes a speedy recovery :)

  17. Dear Anthony and Jessica, Thank you so very much for the detailed update. I've emailed Jessica separately but please do send her huge love and hugs and positive wishes from me. Her friends will be here when she returns. xo – g ♥♥♥

  18. Thanks for the update.

    Hope she gets back to good health soon and they make up their minds what they are going to do for her.

    Best wishes

  19. Thanks so much for the update Antonio! Wishing Jessica a speedy recovery, and lots of love sent from this end of Toronto! :-) xoxoxo

  20. Boy...I'm not even sure what to say, except that it sounds as if you all are really being put through the ringer. :( I am glad to hear that she dodged that bullet—how frightening!—and that the doctors were right there to help. I hope that they can figure out what this is quickly so Jessica feels better. Best wishes, prayers, and hopes for a quick recovery.

  21. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery! I had to have my gallbladder removed several years ago; it went a lot better than I thought. I hope everything works out for you and you are feeling better soon.

  22. Thanks for the update. Praying for you :)

  23. Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you Jess and wondering how you are doing. Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon. I'll be sending you get well vibes.

  24. She's definitely in my thoughts! Please tell her we hope she feels perfect soon!

  25. Thanks for the information. Even though I understand that Jessica is missing her blog and blog friends. We´ll be here when she´s ready. NOTHING can be more important than her regaing her strength and health. Wishing you all the best Jessica!

  26. Thanks so much for giving us an update on how Jessica was doing. I'm sorry to hear that she's been having to deal with such health problems :( She will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that things start looking up and she has a speedy recovery!
    Let her know, my thoughts are with her.

  27. Please send my prayers and thoughts to Jessica and I hope for a speedy recovery and that all the right decisions are made.. hugs1!!

  28. Please send Jessica my love- just got over here to check in at her blog and I couldnt believe it- She will be in my prayers and I am wishing her a speedy recovery! BIG HUGS TO HER!

  29. Thanks for keeping us in the loop! I'll be thinking about both of you! Please give Jess a big hug from me!!

  30. I will keep Jessica in my thoughts and prayers. I wish her the best.

  31. Thank you so much for the update, much love and well wishes to you both!

  32. This is my first time visiting your blog. Your story is quite the ordeal. It reminds me of the saying sh__ happens! Boy am I glad this event seems to be calming down. Hoping you will be resting and when you return I look forward to your wonderful, funky exciting blog. What a great husband yo have to be keeping your fans up to date.

    Best wishes to you,
    Kitsch n Stuff

  33. Jessica Im so sorry to read what has been happening lately. I havnt been around blogland much recently, but I thought I would catch up with a few blogs today and I arrive to find you have been unwell. I hope you are feeling better very soon and that your appointment with the surgeon goes well on Monday, I will keep my fingers crossed. Lots of Love, TVK X

  34. Oh my! It has been such a longtime since I have been by! Prayers to you dear Jessica! And to you Antonio!

    Blessings & Aloha!


  36. Oh Dear Lord, thank you it's not worse with Jessica and they were able to stop the dye. That's so frightening and could have been ever so much worse. Please, God, keep her in Your hands, let her know You're walking with her through this trial and let her know and feel Your love and the love of her family and friends.
