November 28, 2013

Flickr Favourites: November 28, 2013

{Thanksgiving Cheer ~ The Paper Doll}

 photo 7739077928_a78fe2dc18_b_zps99189689.jpg

{Jay's of Regent Street advertisement ~ totallymystified}

{Furry Friends ~ hanthomas}

{Campanha publicitária Feno de Portugal ~ Biblioteca de Arte-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian}

{B&W/Duotone Ads, 1953 ~ alsis35}

 photo 8234814931_f94d2c6263_b_zps985dc4ab.jpg

{Harvest ~ Georgia George}

{Fredric Varady ~ oldcarguy41}

{1940s Coca-Cola Thanksgiving advertisement ~ bergholm}

{Strand of flower fairy lights ~ Holly Pickering}

 photo 8232856337_95a6e4b4a9_b_zps12db3a1c.jpg

{Western Family, 1956 ~ alsis35}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on its title to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

♥ ♥ ♥

Thanksgiving falls late in the month for my wonderful neighbours to the south (much as our own Thanksgiving did here in Canada last month, making an appearance on October 14th, the furthest into the year it can ever be, as it falls on the second Monday in October), less than a month away from Christmas. Though, like many I'm sure, my mind is already racing with thoughts of of gingerbread men, holiday card lists, tinsel decked trees and stockings hung by the chimney with care, right here and now, like those in the US, I'm stopping to give thanks and appreciate the bounty of autumn while this beautiful season is still here.

Faster than Santa taking off from the North Pole, it will be winter again, and while the weather here has already mimicked it numerous times over the past few weeks, there are still a few lingering elements of fall, not the least of which is the seasonal produce that is so celebrated today. I'm grateful for each late season apple, pumpkin, and pear, as well as those foods - hearty root vegetables, for example - of the coming season that are starting to appear once more. They all factor into my feasts - be they quick snacks or dinner for ten - that appear, generally piping hot from the oven - during the final days of November.

The palette outside is tinged with dampness and sallow light, it hasn't faded to the degree of late January, but it's a far cry from mid-September, and soon it will be all but hidden under a a duvet of thick Canadian snow. November, a month that I actually quite like, is dark, but not bleak. It turns ones thoughts to the long season of chilliness ahead, yet still finds ways to remind us periodically that it is, every last day of it, wholly a part of fall - and one that is a reason to be thankful unto itself.

From the bottom of my heart, my dear friends, I wish all those celebrating the togetherness, delicious riches, and beauty of Thanksgiving a truly resplendent holiday, and hope that one and all the world over enjoy a beautiful last few days of the final full month of autumn.


  1. These pictures are really sweet! You have such a nice tradition in Thanksgiving, giving thanks to the people around you and things that has meant alot to you during the past year. We don't have that Thanksgiving here in Finland, instead we celebrate "lilla jul" (little christmas) a little pre-taste to christmas. I hope you get a really lovely weekend darling!

  2. So nice to see an ad from my country (Portugal)! Wonderful picture :)

  3. I love that tweed ensemble. Im feeling very tweedy these days as Ive been watching Miss Marple


  4. You have such a beautiful way of capturing the season with both images and words...I too quite like even the duller days of November. I think it's because I know that after this we are settling in for the long winter...and my daughters adore Christmas so there is all the excitement of planning for that. Best late autumn wishes to you, dear Jessica!

  5. That vintage photo is Portuguese waaaahhh! Never seen it before! Coke advertising is always so cheerful, right? x

  6. We don't have a holiday like Thanksgiving where I live, but I do think it's great to think about all the things in life to be grateful for every now and then :)

  7. We're buried under a thick blanket of snow here. Fall was particularly short this year on the prairies and I have to admit I'm a bit envious that you're still relatively snow free.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  8. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Denmark, but we invite family for roasted duck on Saint Martin's day the 10 November. It reminds very much of the US tradition. Tomorrow, I will decorate all over for Christmas, yeeepiii! :) I just love Christmas. :) Have a lovely weekend, dear.

  9. November - the last month of our beloved Autumn is about to pass the crown to December. However, we already have snow here, so I can honestly say: the season has passed on.
    But I must add: your choice in pictures made snow ("smow") more bearable. So, thank you for it.


  10. Hello Jessica :)

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! All the best from us Down Under. Thanksgiving is not a big think here in Australia but it;s a wonderful holiday.

  11. I know the Canadian and American thanksgivings are more than a month apart, but this is a great tribute to both! Happy Thanksgiving!!
