January 19, 2010

Vintage Deal of the Day: January 19, 2010

{Be a pin-up version of Cinderella is these see-through 1950s shoes! Bands of cheerfully bright, very springtime appropriate colours adorn this charming pair of clear plastic shoes, which also feature clear lucite heels. Very reasonably priced at $18.00 (US) this stylish pair of heels fits a modern size 8, according to etsy seller Haunted Attics’ estimate, and therefore are likely to fly off the shelf quickly! (Vintage shoes in sizes above 6.5 generally being rather tricky to come by.)}

Happy Tuesday greetings to one and all! How was everybody’s weekend? Mine didn’t quite go to plan, as some of my conditions flared up and kept me in bed for the last three days (I’m not ashamed to admit, I slept for about seventeen hours on Monday – and still woke up tired!). As such, I wasn’t able to devote very much time to catching up on recent Chronically Vintage comments/visits, but as always, I will just as soon as I can (to my wonderful readers, if you leave a comment for me, 99.999% of the time I will visit your own lovely blog and leave one for you, too, sometimes it just takes me a smidge to find my way over to your virtual abode).

Aside from that, all is well on this end. Our relatively mild weather held on over the course of the weekend and is scheduled to remain in place for most of the coming week, too (which is certainly worth smiling about!). For those looking for something to celebrate, today just happens to the birthday of two of music’s most famous female artists: Janis Joplin (born 1943) and Dolly Parton (who entered this world in 1946). Also born on this day (in 1953) was Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz’s son, Desi Juniour.

Wishing everyone a relaxing, gorgeous Tuesday and rest of the week ahead!


  1. Sorry to hear you were sick in bed!! 17 hours of sleep sounds amazing! I have trouble getting out of bed for work some days because I just love to sleep :)
    Cute find with the shoes!

  2. I am so glad you are feeling better.
    May you feel rested and blessed with healthier days ahead.

  3. those are just wonderful!! & definetely a steal! p.s. that is so cool that Lucille had her son on her bday!

  4. Hello my darling gal...awe I'm so sorry to hear you've been under the weather, but I'm happy to hear that you were lucky enough to catch up on some serious sleep! Feel better soon dahling :)

  5. Just happy to be reading your blog! Dont care if you cant visit mine, you have the most wonderful vintage goodies!
    Irene x

  6. Those shoes are so pretty. My sister found an amazing pair last year (she has the best vintage shoe luck of anyone I've ever met). I hope you feel better soon.

  7. Glad the weather is improving for you - here too! Sorry that you were suffering though! It's good that you got lots of sleep - you must have needed it. Hope you are back to your happy self soon!

  8. Hey darlin girl, Wish I could wiggle my nose and be transported over there for a visit...I'd fluff your pillows and we'd chat and laugh...or better still you can come over here...it's sunny and warm over this side of the world...

  9. Oh i'm glad to hear you're feeling better!
    Those shoes are darling, and in my size i think... xx

  10. I'm glad you are feeling better! I hope you will be "all right" soon. Those shoes are nice and fabulous for to go for a walk in a hot day here in Spain!

  11. LOVE those shoes!
    By the way, i was wondering.. i saw that you have a lot of awards! How did you get them? What do i have to do to get one of those?

    Great post : )

  12. OHH, these shoes are lovely, Jessica!
    it's always nice to read your blog...
    a big hug, xxx

  13. Thank you so much, dearest hearts, for your wonderfully kind and caring comments, they mean the world to me.

    I truly hope that you're all doing well and having a resplendent week!

    Huge hugs,
    ♥ Jessica
