
July 20, 2016

Meet Janey: The Disney and Southwestern loving, incredibly stylish vintage blogger behind the Atomic Redhead

"Passionate" is the one of the first words that spring to mind when I think about July's exciting new interviewee in our fun ongoing post series, Meet a Fellow Vintage Blogger.

A truly dear friend and fellow veteran vintage blogger, this month I sit down with none of than Janey Ellis, (also) known affectionately to many by the name of her stellar blog, the Atomic Redhead.

Like myself, Janey has been vintage blogging for seven years now (though her blogging roots stretch further back in time than that, as she touched on in today's interview). During that time she has become on the best known and most respected vintage bloggers around, and her way with styling her gorgeous outfits is the stuff that yesteryear fashion dreams are made of.
Janey is a devoted blogger who posts frequently, plays an active roll in the vintage blogging community, and is keen on using social media, too. She has a multitude of different interests (a topic that we'll delve into her today), many of which are woven into the rich and exciting tapestry that is her blog. In addition, Janey is a deeply sweet, intelligent, caring person and someone that I feel sincerely blessed to count as a friend.

I was elated when she volunteered to take part in this series and equally excited to put together an array of interview questions for this immensely stylish mid-century fashion + Disney + southwestern + cosplay + so much more adoring lady.

Janey is a true delight and whether you're meeting her for the first time today, have been following Atomic Redhead for quite some time, or perhaps even know her in person, chances are you'll be as delighted as I was to learn (so much) more about her here in this post.

Thank you very much for sharing your time with us here this month, Janey. It is a true joy to chat with you! For those who might be meeting you and your awesome blog, Atomic Redhead, for the first time, can you please tell us when you started blogging, what inspired you to do so, and the story behind your site’s delightful name?

Thank you for including me in this wonderful series, Jessica! It’s been wonderful meeting new bloggers and learning more about ones I already follow!

I actually started blogging around 2003 on a movie website, where I wrote movie reviews as well as offered glimpses into my life. I didn’t have total control on that platform, and around 2009 the website was overhauled, and what little control I did have in terms of styling was taken away, so I chose to leave.

Patrick (my now husband, but then boyfriend) offered to make me a new blog, one where I would have complete control over design. So that is when I started blogging as the Atomic Redhead. I wanted to move away from movie reviews, and into vintage and sharing both my passion and knowledge if history.

The name has a rather silly origin story. When I was in high school I was up very late one night drawing, and I thought “What if I had a band? What would the name of that band be?” Of course I have no musical talent to speak of, but late nights are times for silly fancies.

I thought first of “The Atomic Cherries”, but then I thought “What if we were all redheads?” and “The Atomic Redheads” were born. I drew a lot of album cover art type illustrations for the band, but I also designed my original logo, the atom with the red flip hair-do at that time.

Much like myself, you’ve been fascinated by, and in love with, history and all things vintage for as far back as you can recall. In particular, what would you say were some of your earliest vintage related influences? Do they still continue to shape your passion for the past to this day?

My parents for sure. My parents were in the antique business, although their passion was really in Victorian furnishings. But I grew up going to antique shows, shops, and thrift stores with them. But my dad is into classic cars and hot rods, so we always had multiple old cars, and were involved in car shows. We also listened to nothing but the oldies station.

My parents were also good about showing me old movies and TV shows. Some of my earliest fashion inspirations were Jeannie (post-wedding) from I Dream of Jeannie, and Marilyn Munster from The Munsters. And, yes, I would say that these early experiences still shape my passion.

I still love old cars, and even though the mid-20th century is my favorite time period for furniture, I still love the Victorian era and its furniture, and I continue to listen to oldies and seek out outfits inspire by these early inspiration idols.

I greatly admire the fact that you are so vested in history and how it relates to your interests (including the fact that you have a BA in history). How would you say that such factors into the types of topics and outfits that you share on your blog?

Well I love sharing history. And when I learn about things, especially when the subject matter still has a physical element, like an important location/building or a museum, I want to go there, and then share that experience with readers, and hopefully inspire them to learn more about the topic, or even visit the particular location. I think a lot about the subject matter of a location when getting dressed. I love to tie in something that I am wearing with the location or persons related to it.

Your style is a stellar mix of different eras and influences. What are some of the decades/time periods and factors that currently inspire you the most when getting dressed?

Gosh! I do love nearly every decade! Lately I have been super digging the 70s. And what is funny is that it was the late 1960s and 70s where I got started with vintage fashion. When I was in middle school I told my mom I wanted to dress like the girls on the old TV shows I was watching, so she gave me some of her items from the 60s and 70s.

Is there anything in your closet that it might really surprise people to know that you own?

I have a shirt that is covered with images of Evan Peters’ characters from American Horror Story. Those that know me super well know I’m insanely in love with James Patrick March, his character from the last season, Hotel, and since the shirt had images of that character I just had to have it. And I have quite a few kind of silly and/or geeky tees that I want to start working into the blog more though that may also be kind of surprising.

And conversely, is there anything people might assume, being a vintage fashion fan, that you have, but which you don’t actually?

I’ve had nearly every “classic”, or “must have” item that people associate with the 40s-60s, and at times have called them “must haves” myself. But I had parted with many, so I actually no longer own saddle shoes or a snood.

Your wardrobe is one of the most beautiful, impressive, detail oriented and inspiring I’ve ever encountered in my whole life. I realize that doing so isn’t always easy, but how would you sum it up in a few words (e.g., creative, vivid, feminine, casual, formal, etc)?

Thank you! And let’s go with… Eclectic, western, adventuress, fatale.

You have a great love for vintage Southwestern styles. Was there anything in particular that sparked this interest?

The southwest and western images are another style that has kind of been with me my whole life. I adored Annie Oakley growing up, and had a cowgirl outfit when I was little. My grandfather on my dad’s side grew up on a ranch in Texas, and while I never got to meet him, the images of him on a horse or in chaps and a hat stick with me.

Additionally, my dad, being of the baby-boomer generation was very into cowboys as a kid, and still is. I remember going to the Roy Rogers Museum when I was very young. But it wasn’t until college when I spied a 1950s ladies Panhandle Slim sweater that I really got into it.

It was so unique as it was a knit sweater, but cut and styled like a western shirt, with collar, pearl snaps, and a yoke made of a different material. I wear it very little, and I don't think it’s ever been on the blog, because it’s just so rare, I’ve never seen another one like it. But that really kicked the western wear into high gear, followed by the Mexican and Native American influences.

What are some of your favourite types of vintage Southwestern pieces to collect and wear?

Oh, so many! I love the western themed boarder print skirts, they are like a wearable painting! I also love squash blossom necklaces. I would love to have more western wear suits, like what I wore to the Autry recently (seen in the first photo at the top of this post).

On the fashion front, you’re also very keen on Disneybounding and sporting outfits of this nature. When did this passion begin and what are some of your favourite Disney inspired looks to date?

I’ve always loved Disney, but what is funny is I didn’t give too much thought to Disneybounding until some time within the last year. Mainly because I lacked a lot of solids in my closet. But I’ve slowly been able to fill that gap.

I love my Maleficent (pictured below), because she is among one of my favorite villains. I also love the Nick Wilde I did recently, because I feel like it was the most successful with color blocking to reflect Nick’s outfit.

Dream Disney related outfit that you haven’t sported yet?

My favorite Disney villain, Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective.

You sew (and handcraft/embellish – such as your awesome Disney themed parasols) some of your own clothing and costumes (including some cosplay related ones). How much of your current wardrobe would you say is currently comprised of “me made” pieces?

Not very many actually. Sewing still very much intimidates me. I continue to admire those like Carla of Tiny Angry Crafter (who is a past interviewee in this series – see her post here), and Tasha from By Gum By Golly, who make so much of their wardrobe. But most of my sewing is now focused on repairs and cosplay.

How do you personally feel that the vintage fashion landscape has changed in the years since you first began sporting old school styles?

It’s become more mainstream. When I first started thrifting as a kid, I thought everyone did it. But I learned that wasn’t the case in a rather cruel way. When I was in middle school I scored some awesome bellbottoms with sunflowers around the hem.

I thought they were the coolest thing, and one day a popular girl told me she thought they were cool and then asked me where I got them, and I told her the truth, “Goodwill”. She laughed at me, thinking I was joking, but when I said it was the truth she showed up the next day with a bag of her old clothes, because she thought I was poor because I shopped at Goodwill. Today, especially with the popularity of Macklemore’s “Thrift Shop”, and shows like American Pickers, thrifting and finding old stuff is now in/cool.

I think the environment has also played a factor. “Going green” is more popular and people now look to vintage/antique/thrift stores for items. On a different level, things have gotten more expensive. Skirts that used to be $125 a couple years ago are now going for $300. Especially for novelty prints.

It’s wonderful that your blog is still going strong and that you’ve continued to keep on blogging, even in the face of rising social media domination. What are some of the main driving forces that keeps your blogging mojo alive and well?

History. Sharing history really. I want to let people know about historical locations and why these places are important and cool. I’m a very firm believer in George Santayana’s quote “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” So I want to share as much as I can with people so they can learn from our world’s past.

In addition to vintage fashion, you have a huge love of many other history/vintage related things, spanning architecture to 1960s presidential race memorabilia to pinup art. What are some of your favourite non-fashion related vintage things to collect?

The 1964 presidential race is really one of my favorites. Lyndon B. Johnson is my favorite president, and I find the campaign between him and Barry Goldwater so interesting. I also love the Zorro television series that Disney did from 1957 to 1959, and collect the various items that were produced for it.

Do you feel that, as vintage wearers and bloggers, we sometimes run the risk – often through no fault of our own – of being pigeonholed in a way? (By this I mean, people see our vintage attire and blogs and forget that there’s more to us than just these things.)

Yes, totally. And it is something I’ve been working on with the blog with visiting historical locations, etc., but I know a lot of people come to my blog for the vintage fashion, so I try to combine the two with “What I wore” images, followed by location images and information.

But I also want to expand out of the strictly vintage fashion aspect, and I’ve done that a few times by showcasing a more eclectic and unique style that may feature vintage elements. I also have been working to expand my geek culture type posts.

What are some non-vintage related things that you wish people knew (or knew more) about you?

I really try to cover everything I like on my blog. I want to avoid being pigeonholed, as you mentioned. But I do love cosplay very much. Along with weird comics, movies, and TV shows, (even though a lot of them tie into the time periods I like).

And with that though, is attending comic conventions or visiting locations that have a significance to something of those genres. Like I have a few trips planned to filming locations of Star Trek and Star Wars. I also love auto racing. I don’t go to races as much as I used to, because it was something I did with my dad back in Oregon.

You live in sunny California these days, along with your husband, Patrick (who also has a deeply rooted passion for the past). How have you found the vintage scene (shopping, events, community, etc) to be there so far?

It’s amazing! The shopping is different from Portland, where we used to live. I shop a lot more at pure vintage clothing stores rather than resale shops or thrift stores. There are way more events, and a wide range of people create and attend them. And new ones are being created all the time!

I was overjoyed to bring Fur & Feathers to LA this year. We’ve been here a little over a year and a half and I still haven’t done all of the annual events that occur and am constantly meeting new people.

Has anything surprised you a lot when it comes to such in comparison to your previous home in Portland, Oregon?

On the vintage front, it’s how large the community is. In Portland everyone knew everyone. Here, many of us are meeting new people and making friends all the time, it feels. While not necessarily cliquey, the area is so populated that it allows for people to find and build niches around different eras. For example there is a heavy Art Deco and 20s presence, as well as a big 40s swing community, and a large rockabilly community, too.

Then there are the people like me, and many of my friends, who love all of it, and move throughout the various groups.

Your wardrobe includes a fantastic blend of true vintage, vintage reproduction, vintage inspired, and vintage inspired pieces. What sorts of garments and/or accessories, of any of those types, do you wish that you had more of at the moment?

Patrick always says I want everything, and it’s kind of true! The list is so long! There are some very specific vintage items, including several western boarder print skirts, more Re-Mix shoes, and I always want more turquoise.

But I also want to build up my vintage repro/inspired collection too, because they prove to be the best pieces to wear to Disneyland and the other amusement parks in the area.

If you could design your own vintage reproduction line, what sorts of pieces would you fill it with?

Trust me, this is something I have honestly given thought to! (Jessica's side note: So have I!) And it would be to have a line inspired by TV shows and movies. Many of my friends and I are obsessed with Lucy’s open skirt over pants ensemble, made famous in her scene with William Holden in I Love Lucy, and we dream of one day owning such an item.

What advice would you give someone who is just getting into wearing vintage for the first time these days?

Know your measurements! And carry a tape measure with you when you shop. This will make life so much easier, and means it is less likely for you to damage a garment when trying something on because you won’t attempt to squeeze into something that is too small. Which will make shop owners super happy!

Also, learn how to sew! You don’t need to learn how to make a garment from scratch, but knowing how to fix popped seams, buttons and such will add to the longevity of your wardrobe, plus you’ll save money, between doing your own repairs and being able to buy damaged pieces, which are often less expensive.

And last, but certainly not least, as a huge fan of traveling, what would your dream vintage related destination be and what would you hope to buy while there?

I’m not sure I have a destination in mind, as much as just a massive road trip coast to coast, but along the south, over through Arizona, Louisiana and into Florida. There is so much I want to see in all of those states! In the southwest though I would hope to buy loads of turquoise, vintage patio dresses, and more fun western wear!

Connect with Janey on the following sites:

Meet the past interviewees who have taken part in this delightful ongoing post series:

February 2015: Emileigh | March 2015: CiCi | April 2015: Helen Mae | May 2015: Esther | June 2015: Ms. Falcon | July 2015: Jessie, and Laurence & Sylvain | August 2015: Holly | September 2015: Rhia | October 2015: Franny | November 2015: Emily | December 2015: Porcelina | January 2016: Nora | February 2016: Kate | March 2016: Carla | April 2016: Jessica E. | May 2016: Skye | June 2016: Kate-Em

♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you, majorly, Janey, for this terrific interview and for speaking about so many of the things that spark your interest and fill the pages of your marvelous blog.

I've admired you since the moment I first discovered your blog, and adore that we've become close online friends over the years. You, your blog, your creativity, and your incredible sense of fashion inspire me day in and day out, and I wholeheartedly look forward to continuing to connect with you for a long time to come.

If you're not already following The Atomic Redhead, I really can't encourage you enough to do so. Janey's site is sure to speak to your vintage loving soul to no end as well!

Next month, it's looking quite likely that we'll be climbing back into our virtual jetliner and hightailing it to Europe again.

Exact details remain to be finalized however, and as such I don't have too much of a hint to give regarding just who it is that we'll be chatting with in August. Whoever they are though, I assure you that they'll abound with style, joie de vivre, and a love of all things old school as well.

Have a fantastic week and a great tail end of July, everyone!


  1. What a great interview, I really love your meet the blogger series. I love Janey from Atomic Redhead, and follow her blog, today I feel like I've learned a whole lot more about her. Great post ;)

    1. That's awesome to hear, Akram. Janey's blog is such a joy and I adore that we've both devoted fans for quite some time now. I go weak in the knees for her amazing outfit posts!

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. I have looked at Janey's blog before, but never on a permanent basis. I just might have to do that now. I really enjoy how much more you can meet the blogger themselves through interviews and get their personal voice in a clearer way than on their blog sometimes. Sometimes a person's interests are all that one gets to see in a web presence and not the person underneath. While I certainly appreciate the privacy of not having to share my personal life on the internet as do others, I love these more personal interviews that enable us to better understand the individual behind some wonderful blogs.


    1. How lovely that you've encountered Janey's blog before. It really is a marvelous site. I love how she blends travel, history, her love of Disney, fashion and other elements of her exciting life all together in one spot. I have mad respect for bloggers, in any niche, who share so many sides of their life and their interests with their readers and have long been inspired by Janey on that, and so many other, fronts.

      Many hugs & thanks for your terrific comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Her style is so cute, I love all of the western themes

    1. Goodness is it ever! I think that Janey has perfected the art of looking cute + glamorous at the same time. Her style is wildly inspiring to me, as, I'm sure, it is to scores of others as well.

      Big hugs & fab Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Thank you so much for including me in this series and for all of the kind words you said! You are truly a gem in the vintage and blogging communities!


    1. You are immensely welcome, my wonderfully dear friend. Thank you again (so much!!!) for being July's interviewee and for sharing who you are, what you wear, and some of the awesome things that you love with the world. You will forever be an inspiration to me.

      Giant hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. I've been a fan of Janey's for over a year or so, but you've provided a wonderful interview of her here. Learning more about her makes me an even bigger fan. PLUS, I have been introduced to you. Bonus! Cheers, Ardith

    1. Hi Ardith, thank you very much for your wonderfully nice comment. It's a pleasure to "meet" you. I'm delighted that this interview post led our paths to cross.

      Wishing you a splendid summer,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. Replies
    1. Super agreed! :)

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. I just rediscovered Janey's blog again last month (somehow it never got added to my feed!) and was so happy I did! It was nice to find out more about her here. :)

    1. Yay! That's wonderful! Every once in a blue moon I hit upon a blog that escaped my feeds, but which I love, too. Always a great feeling to reconnect with someone and their site in that way.

      Sending lots of hugs & happy weekend wishes your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Love how she came up with her blog name!

    1. Same here! It's so fresh, original and fun!

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment. I hope that you having a marvelous weekend!

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  9. Lovely interview...not familiar with Janey's blog but it was fascinating to read about her. Oh, I love that she started a Fur & Feathers Club in LA. It gives me a spark of hope :) I wish I could start one myself but don't know anyone that appreciates vintage enough to wear it, even once a year. Maybe someday...I can still dream about it!!

    P.S. I always carry a tape measure in my purse (glad I'm not the only one.) It's even helpful when going to regular stores or measuring furniture. Not a fan of trying on clothes and fitting rooms. Never know who's in there or secret cameras.


    1. Hi Dee, thank you very much for your lovely comment. You're not alone in the slightest. A good 75% off the time, I'd say, I have one in bag, too (usually it is only left out of the tiniest of bags and clutches). Soooo handy!

      Fingers crossed that one day you can get an F&F off the ground in your area, too. It would be marvelous to see it spread far and wide, in a sense like the Tweed Run has.

      Wishing you a splendid tail end of July,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. Replies
    1. Immensely so! And a true gem of a caring, awesome person, too (just as you are as well, dear Beate).

      Big hugs & happy wishes for the new week,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. Another great interview Jessica, I love finding out about other vintage bloggers and their own personal style! :)

    1. Same here! I think that, as much as "vintage" is seen as a distinct style by those who don't wear it - and it certainly is - many of us further have our own awesomely unique spins on old school dressing and I'm always fascinated to learn more about what inspires and drives the way a fellow vintage fan (or really, anyone that's into fashion) dresses.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Janey's outfits are so cute, and what really strikes me are the colors which are perfect for her hair and skin tone. As a fellow redhead I'm going to copy some of her combinations! Looking forward to following her blog. Janet

    1. Great point! Janey excels in that department and is definitely a great styling inspiration to red and auburn haired gals everywhere (IMO, aqua and greens look especially sensation with her colouring).

      Have a fabulous week, lovely lady!
      ♥ Jessica

  13. I started following Janey's blog a while back. I was really impressed with her vintage look and I always enjoy seeing how others style their vintage clothes.

    1. How wonderful! Janey's is a "must read" vintage blog in my books. She marries history with fashion, travel with great photography, Disney fun with mid-century architecture and so much more to create a site that is both dynamic and deeply engaging at the same time.

      Many hugs & happy Monday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. I need to go to her blog! I'm pretty sure I've seen her on social media so it was great getting to know her! Plus, I own the twin of that western skirt she has!!! XO

    1. That's awesome across the board. How fun that you guys are skirt twinsies. Janey and I - as well as, I believe, Solanah from Vintage Vixen - all had the the same version of a different western print 50s skirt, too.

      Thank you for your great comment - have a fabulous week!

      ♥ Jessica

  15. Janey has a really fun style! I also agree about the importance of knowing how to repair one's own clothes. I never figured out the sewing machine, but I have repaired clothes by hand. Speaking of, a few of my clothes are long overdue for having tears repaired.

    1. I do a lot of my repairs by hand, as well (ditto for hemming). I really enjoy the act of hand sewing, which I think ties into my very-nearly-lifelong love of needlework (especially cross stitch and embroidery). There's something really pleasant and relaxing, I find, about sewing by hand - plus it taps straight into the past, so there's that going for it, too. :)

      Sending lots of hugs & happy Monday wishes your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Thanks for continuing with this series Jessica- I love getting to know the bloggers I follow better, or finding new blogs!
    The Artyologist

    1. It's my absolute pleasure, sweet Nicole. Thank you so much for your support of this fun interview series. If you'd ever like to take part in it yourself, too, please don't hesitate to drop me a line. It would be such a joy to chat with you.

      Big hugs & happy end of July wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Thanks for introducing me to Janey and now, her blog. Fabulous! I'm loving meeting such amazing women through blogging. xx

    1. You are sincerely welcome, Elizabeth. I feel the same way, too, and feel honoured to be able to help introduce fellow (awesome!) bloggers to one another through this series.

      Many hugs & thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. I love her eclectic taste. All her outfits are so completely different and fabulous.

    1. They really are magnificent, I agree. Janey has such a fabulous range of interests and I really admire and respect how many of them are woven into her fantastic wardrobe choices.

      Thank you very much for your great comment.

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  19. Really a fantastic woman, every choice is pure freedom and a pleasure to watch!



    1. Janey absolutely is, I completely agree. I find I'm every bit as inspired by her incredible fashion sense as I am her passion for so many different areas of history and pop culture.

      Many hugs coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. Thank you Jessica, I will surely be checking Janey's blog out. Many hugs and have a great weekend. xxx

    1. It is my absolute pleasure, dear Ann. I'm thrilled to have been able to introduce you Janey's awesome blog.

      Big hugs & happy end of July (can that really be already?!) wishes coming right back at you,

      ♥ Jessica

  21. Thank you for a lovely comment Jessica, you always say something that makes me smile :)

    1. You're very welcome, honey. Thank you sweetly for popping by to visit my blog and comment on this post.

      Many hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. A great interview! I really appreciate you highlighting maybe lesser known bloggers who really put out quality content. I will definitely be following Janey's adventures now!

    1. Thank you very much, lovely lady. Definitely one of the biggest driving forces behind the introduction of this series was (and continues to be my desire) to shine the spotlight on a wide and wonderful range of vintage/rockabilly/pinup/goth/and similar bloggers, be they household names (in our community), just starting out, or anywhere in between. Most of us put so much time, effort and passion into our sites and I strongly believe that deserves to be recognized and celebrated. If I can do my own small part on that front though this fun interview series, colour me thrilled! :)

      Big hugs & happy Monday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. Jessica, what a great post! Janey, like yourself, has great taste and I love all her outfits. Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a fun and safe weekend.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Linda. Janey's style really is gorgeous (not to mention creative and fun, too). I'm really flattered that you see us in a similar sartorial light and appreciate you sharing that with me.

      Many hugs & happy tail end of July wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. A thoughtful and wonderful interview! Like you, Janey also has that delightful spark that shows her passion and enthusiasm for history, for all things vintage and for life. It's a real treat that both of you share that with all of us through your fantastic blogs! Thank you for the introduction!

    1. That is immensely kind and touching of you to say, dear Ann. Thank you with all my heart.

      Big hugs & joyful end of July wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. I love those blog posts so much! It's always great to discover new beautiful vintage blogs and read more about the bloggers behind the websites. Thank you so so much for sharing!

    Many hugs,
    Sandra <3

    1. What a lovely comment, Sandra honey, thank you so much! If you're ever keen to take part in this series yourself, too, please don't hesitate to zip me an email. It would be tons of fun to chat with you as well.

      Big hugs & happy Monday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. Such fun looks! Janey pulls all of them off so well! Love looking through these photos Jessica! <3

    1. Doesn't she though? Janey is such an inspiring, fabulous vintage fashionista and I honestly think that our community is richer and more stylish thanks to her presence in it.

      Sending lots of hugs & happy mid-week wishes your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  27. Great interview Jessica. I love reading about fellow bloggers and their interests. It's been great to get to know Janey better. I lovery her colorful style and the destinations I can "travel" to with her when I read her blog. Well done!

    1. Thank you very much, lovely lady. It's true - Janey is amazing tour guide for her readers, many of whom might not ever get a chance to visit she places she travels to in person themselves. Her passion for adventure shines through in such posts so marvelously and inspires me to blog about my own travels all the more.

      Sending big hugs & happy weekend wishes your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. I love Janey's blog, she puts together such amazing outfits and I love reading all her historical posts. Really great interview.

    1. Ooohh me, too! It's one of my favourite blogs - vintage or otherwise - of all time. I just adore the blend of topics she covers, her incredible outfits, her travel snaps, the occasional guest posts from her husband, her love of Disney and so much more. I'll be a loyal reader as long as she's blogging.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your terrific comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  29. Such fun photographs to accompany this post :)
    I am so behind on checking out the blogs of others xxx

    1. Definitely! Janey has some of the best outfit photos. From the locations to her incredible ensembles, they're off-the-charts fabulous!

      Many hugs & sincere thanks for all of your wonderful comments this week,
      ♥ Jessica
