
October 12, 2015

Answering two different festively fun Halloween tags

Much like myself, my good friend Franny (from The Curious Professor Z) is one of those people who absolutely, positively eats, breaths, sleeps and lives for Halloween!

She recently tapped me to answer the Halloween tag, which she was nominated for by Ramona from Just Keep Brains, and given my unending love of October 31st, there was no way I was going to pass up this fun blog tag!

So without further ado, let me jump (skeleton) head into the thirteen delightfully spooky questions in this great seasonal questionnaire! 

Thirteen Spooktastic Halloween Tag Questions!

1. Favorite Halloween song? There are a lot of faves in this camp for me, but top billing to goes to Thriller from Michael Jackson. I have an annual tradition wherein I try to listen to it at least once a day throughout the full month of October and then multiple times on the big night itself.

2. Witches or Vampires? Love, and have gone as both for Halloween over the years, but at the end of the day, I've got to give my vote to witches.

3. Favorite thing about Halloween? Everything!!! :) Not even kidding there - but for some of the top reasons why this day makes me off-the-charts gleeful, see this fun post from last year.

4. Halloween party or scary movie marathon? Halloween party all the way!!! We usually host one for our nearest and dearest each All Hallows' Eve and will be doing the same again this year. I can hardly wait!!!

5. Skeletons or Zombies? Both are fun, but as a perpetual goth girl at heart, I'll take skeletons, please.

6. Favorite Halloween candy? Caramel apples all the way (they're a staple at our Halloween parties) - I even have a Pinterest board devoted just to them! If we're talking more like candy bars and the like, then I've always really adored Crunchy Bars (which are a cinch to make a home, too, if you have a good recipe for sponge toffee), Reese Peanut Butter Cups, Aeros, and Milky Ways, amongst oodles of others.

7. Favorite Halloween movie? Hands down 1993's Hocus Pocus. I've easily seen it fifty or more times over the years and can't let a single autumn go past with out at least a couple additional viewings.

8. Favorite Halloween costume? That I've worn? Hmm, that's a toughie. Last year's Sinderella (pictured above) is definitely way up there!!!

9. Favorite Halloween store? We don't have Halloween shops around these parts that are open year round and Penticton is too small, the companies that run such deem, to have a pop up Halloween store. Luckily though, the nearby city of Kelowna, an hour away, gets at least three each year, of which Spirit Halloween is my favourite. Beyond that, I always really enjoy the seasonal offerings at Home Sense and Winners, Michaels, Hallmark, Value Village, and Canadian Tire.

10. Jack-o-lanterns, yes or no? Epic yes!!! Classic, painted, intricately carved, faux, light-up, you name it, I adore a good jack-o-lantern!

11. Bats or Black Cats? Uber love both, but darling little chat noirs are going to win here (especially since I've wanted a black cat my whole life!).

12. Is Halloween your favorite holiday? Absolutely, one million percent, no two ways about it, always and forever, yes!!!!!

13. Pumpkin spice latte or hot chocolate? The best of both worlds: Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate!

I’m tagging the following five people to play along and answer these questions, too, if they'd like:

Ally from Shy Biker

CiCi from CiCi Marie

Jessica from Zella Maybe

{Please click on any image used throughout this post to be taken to its respective source.}

This month I also thought it would be fun to do the YouTube Halloween challenge, and just put a video with my answers to the question (which I found online here) in it up there yesterday.

Check it out and definitely feel free to play along with this or the other tag above as well, if you'd like. The extra fun thing about these enjoyable online tags is that they're open to anyone and everyone!

With little more than half a month to go until October 31st rolls around again, you can bet you bottom dollar that this is not going to be the last festive post you’ll see from me this year in the slightest.

In fact, most of my entries between now and when I write about what I wore on the big night itself (that will appear sometime in the first week of November) will be heavily Halloween related.

This magical, thrilling holiday comes but once a year and you can rest assured that both Franny and I are making the very most of it while it's here!!! :)

*PS* Truly happy Canadian Thanksgiving wishes and blessings to all of my fellow canucks who are celebrating it today!


  1. I have never seen Hocus Pocus! Weird, I know, but now I will. :) Cute Halloween cardigan. I also found a black Halloween cardigan last year on Etsy, which I will wear at our Nail Night next Sunday. Are there really year open Halloween shops at your end of the world? I'm happy when I find a shelf in a shop with Halloween things, but most often it is cheap bad taste Chinese made things, that are not going to be included in my collection. Lovely post. Wishing you a lovely day, dear. :)

    1. Hi lovely Sanne, oooohh, I hope that you adore it! I think I could almost recite it word-for-word at this point. :) Your black Halloween cardigan sounds fantastic! I think next year I'll shop for another one, too. I really like this cute white and orange version, but variety is the (pumpkin) spice of life - and seasonal dressing. :)

      There are some Halloween stores in the States that are open all year (an amazing thought, I know!), but I've never seen or heard of one in Canada, though there could theoretically be one or more in some of the biggest cities. I'm going to look into that this week - you've piqued my interest.

      That's a shame for sure. Hopefully as Halloween's popularity continues to grow around the world, very much including in parts of Europe a wider variety of better quality decorations, costumes, etc will be available in your country (fingers crossed).

      Tons of hugs & spooktastically fun countdown (to the big day) wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  2. It is always really interesting for me to read your Halloween posts and those of other Canadian and American bloggers as it is such a big holiday for you which is such a stark contrast to how it is in the UK. I've never thought of Halloween songs, films or shops for instance. I enjoyed reading all about it and look forward to learning more throughout the rest of this month.

    1. That really is fascinating for sure. I'll never forget the culture shock when, at the tender age of 20, I moved to Ireland and discovered what a relatively small observance Halloween was there. I love that it's popularity has grown throughout Europe and various other parts of the world in the last decade. I foresee it continuing to more and more with each passing year. Are you a fan of this spooky celebration yourself, my dear friend?

      Big hugs & happy mid-October wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I can see that it must have been a shock when you moved to Ireland! I am a fan in that I like to see other people's costumes and decorations and I always enjoy seeing carved pumpkins. However I tend not to do those things myself, but I do like to have autumnal decorations and to have some celebration of this lovely season.

    3. That sounds beautiful. Autumn decor, as opposed to specifically Halloween themed pieces, have the added bonus of being able to stay out from Sept to December, if one so desires. I usually start with a base of such and then add Halloween pieces in early October, taking them down a day or two into November, but leaving the fall ones up until whenever the Christmas decorations come out of their storage totes. :)

      Wishing you a splendid week, sweet lady!

      ♥ Jessica

  3. i remember when I fist saw the Thriller video… I almost had a heart attack. It was so real, the dance moves, the make up, the music… I could not get enough of it! I recall I even had a tshirt :)
    This year I want to dress up. Maybe as a Mexican wrestler (I've got a mask) or something involving an afro… I got a wig ;)

    1. Yes, massively!!! I grew up with it and in grade six, my music class learned the dance step for step. It was one of the funnest memories I have of grade school.

      That would be such a cool costume!!! I hope you'll share snaps with us of whatever you dress up as, dear Lorena.

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. I could've written this! Hocus Pocus is easily my favourite Halloween movie, hands down! Definitely witches over vampires (my favourite being Samantha from Bewitched, which I just love!

    1. So awesome! It's a lot of fun discovering points that we share in common, dear Holly. I hope that you guys have a fun filled, amazing celebration!!! With another lovely Thanksgiving behind us, it's full throttle forward 'til the 31st and I couldn't be happier!!! :)

      Big hugs & happy All Hallows' Eve countdown wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Aww thanks so much for the tag, that's very sweet of you

    1. You're very welcome, lovely lady. I really look forward to seeing your answers, if you play along as well.

      Joyful Halloween season wishes!!!
      ♥ Jessica

  6. That recipe sounds delicious ... I wish I'd heard of it before I chucked that last little bit of canned pumpkin I had leftover from the pies yesterday, thinking what on earth am I going to do with that? LOL

    I love your Sinderella costume! :)

    1. It's sooo good!!! A lot of the shops around here, including Choices Market (a health food grocery store chain) often put canned pumpkin on sale this week or the next. Perhaps you could pick up some more on discount and whip up this delicious drink - or just wait for any Christmas season leftovers. :)

      Thank you! I'm so psyched to share this year's costume. I think it's going to be another winner! :)

      Have a stellar countdown to Halloween, lovely lady!
      ♥ Jessica

  7. How fun - loved reading your answers! Like the above commenter I've never seen Hocus Pocus either! I really need to right that wrong; you've convinced me. Thanks for tagging me - I'm planning at least one Halloween post this year, which is one more than last year - I would like to answer these questions at the same time if I don't manage to sooner. One way or another! x

    1. Ooohh, I truly hope you love it! Part of me wishes I could see it for the first time again. I have no doubt that I'd love it as much now as the moment that passion was cemented for me as an eight year child. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts on Hocus Pocus with me if you do watch it, dear gal.

      Yippee!!! I look forward to seeing your answers, if you do play along and am delighted that you're happy to have been tagged.

      Tons of hugs & spooky All Hallows' Eve countdown wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Hello Jessica!
    How nice this post! I think I come back to visit often! Some of my friends are working on a music album dedicated to Halloween; I can not wait to hear it!
    Here in Italy it is not celebrated much, but the atmosphere is already very Gothic (the sky is almost always gray, and it often rains, is now pouring ..) .. During this time I love to walk in the countryside and in the woods, and explore small villages almost deserted ...
    I still remember when as a child, I saw for the first time "Thriller" by Michael Jackson on TV, that fear! They were my first zombie !!!
    For me it is difficult to choose between witches or vampires, bats and cats blacks (I have both: a pestiferous little black cat and a bat that lives on my terrace) I love everything!
    Instead of zombies and skeletons, I find most fascinating the skeletons! I'm glad you spoke of "Hocus Pocus" I love the movie, I saw him twice and maybe I have made me want to see him again! Your look is great, you're beautiful and very dangerous!



    1. That sounds thoroughly exciting (your friend's album). I wish them nothing but the best with it!

      Indeed, Halloween was quite the new concept to Tony when we first started going out (he was born and raised in Italy). I worried he wouldn't become a fan initially, but after a while, he warmed to this North American classic and is now quite big on it as well. For the last two years, he's even dressed up in a costume for it and will be doing the same this time around. Yippee! :)

      I adore that you get into the spirit of Halloween and look for ways to celebrate it, even though it's not widely observed in Italy. Good for you, dear gal!!! With all my heart, I wish you a fun filled, innocently spooky, completely enjoyable celebration!

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I'll try! I will follow the example of your Tony, now I have to convince my Marco! ehehhe! But surely I prepare the cakes!

      see you soon


    3. I wish you all the luck in the world, dear Serena. Please don't hesitate to let me know if I (or we) can be of any help to you that front.

      Oodles of hugs & happy mid-October wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Love the video!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Lorena. October is one of - if not "the" - busiest months of the year for us, so I was delighted to be able to get time to make this fun Halloween tag entry. Hopefully I can squeeze in another video or two before it (Oct) wraps up.

      Have a beautiful Halloween season!

      ♥ Jessica

  10. Happy Halloween soon, dear Jessica! I love Halloween too, and your answers were great - I also love witches and Thriller is a great song! I loved your Sinderella costume and yes for jack-o-lanterns as well! And so many other things! I used to celebrate Halloween every year, then I moved to a country where it was not so celebrated (you would have to go to Irish pubs) and I guess that this year I won't celebrate :( And I loved the parties, but I can prepare a better Halloween for next year then :) Hope you are fine! Hugs and kisses!

    1. Oh no! I hope then that you can celebrate it vicariously through my blog, dear Denise. Perhaps you could have a mini observance of it just for yourself at home. Watch a favourite festive movie or two, eat some sweet treats, wear black and orange, play spooky songs - anything that enjoy about the day that can easily be done from the comforts of your own house.

      A bit knackered from a busy (Canadian Thanksgiving) weekend, but otherwise, well. Thank you, lovely lady. I hope that you're doing positively this week, too.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. I loved your video on this tag! I think Hocus Pocus is the best! I also love DIsney's Halloweentown and Twitches even though I'm 44 years old! I never tire of these old classics that embody the perfection that Halloween is for us.

    1. Thank you very much, dear Tanya. October is a wildly busy month for us each year (often the busiest of the whole year, actually - even more so than December some times), but with a bit of luck, hopefully I can get time (and the energy) to make another video or two this month.

      Have a beautiful, fun filled October!

      ♥ Jessica

  12. jess - you´r the queen of halloween!!!
    because we have no such tradition here i´m always in awe when i see you having fun with autumnal spooky stuff! i wish you a wonderful and glorious halloween this year!!!
    tons of hugs!
    p.s.: i was in vienna for a week - have to play catch up now :-)

    1. That is a compliment of the highest order for a Halloween-o-holic like me, dear Beate. Thank you so very much! I'm delighted that I can help bring a hit of this festive mid-fall celebration your way each year.

      Joyful October wishes and endless hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. I love Halloween too, but don't get to go to parties anymore - boooo! But if I was invited, I'd go as Carrie xxx

    1. That would be so cool!!! It would be neat to hold a themed party and everyone had to come as a character from a horror movie. I hope that you guys are able to celebrate in some fun and exciting ways all the same, even if you aren't going to or holding a party.

      Big hugs & happy All Hallows' Eve countdown wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  14. Halloween is the best holiday. I feel like a kid all month anticipating the 31st! These photos are great, it's so interesting seeing the way Halloween has been presented over the decades.

    1. Same here and I truly love that!!! Christmas makes me feel the same way to a degree, but not as strongly any more. No matter what life throws my way, I'm always blissful in October because of Halloween and love that the happiness it imparts gives me a much needed boast in energy, especially as we head into the long, dark winter months.

      Have an awesome countdown, dear April!
      ♥ Jessica

  15. Favorite blog post this Week! I love Halloween and apparently, so does my young daughter (the other twin is all about Christmas). We have so much fun decorating, she's so proud that she has the 'spookiest' house on the block. Thanks for the fun post, it was a pleasure reading it this morning.

    1. What a fabulously lovely comment! Thank you very much. I'm delighted to know that you enjoyed this post so much and that one of your children is absolutely wild about Halloween, too. I have been since the earliest of days as well and suspect that most people who eat/breath/sleep/live for Halloween got a very early start on that passion, too.

      Wishing you and your family a stellar All Hallows' Eve!!!
      ♥ Jessica
