
December 27, 2014

I didn't win, blogging in the moment can be a very good thing, and my second anniversary on Instagram

Mixed bag much? :)

To be honest, I didn't think I'd be penning a post towards the end of this very busy week, but I have a plethora of thoughts swirling around in my head like snowflakes lately (which – as a side note - have been rather MIA around these parts this Christmas) and wanted to get them down on virtual paper before the the year wrapped up.

For starters, I hope with all my heart that you each had a truly stellar, joyful start of your holiday season, including Christmas, if you observe it. Ours was thoroughly lovely and is by no means over. My family loves to keep the festivities going strong everyday until early January, still there's still lots of holiday meals, attire, music, get-togethers, and other delightful elements of the season to enjoy for a few days more.

As well, neither Tony or I have had our respective Vintage Secret Santa gifts arrive yet, so we have that to look forward to and as a means to keep the merriment of the season going strong a while longer, too. So many of you already have, and are continuing to, receive(d) your immensely lovely VSS gifts and I've truly adored seeing all the photos and blog posts you've been sharing about them lately. Thank you so much for doing so! (I'll be posting a big wrap up about this exciting VSS experience towards the end of January, once even more folks have received their presents.)

 photo pastel-sky-highly-commended-twitter-badge_zpsdf7f0de2.jpg

At the beginning of this month, I did something I've never done before and asked you to vote for me in the Unique Topic category of The Blogger's Lounge's 2014 Blogger of the Year Awards. Many of my awesome blog readers, Facebook fans, and Twitter followers did just that, and thanks to your awesome support, I'm delighted to say that while I didn't win in that category, I did come in second place (also known as “Highly Commended”). ‘

Chronically Vintage took the silver medal, so to speak, behind a thoroughly charming blog called Traveling Cats, which as the name implies is all about cats that the author (and I believe others as well) encounters on her (and their) travels around the world. Let's face it, on the internet, it's pretty darn hard to win out over cats and I'm not upset in the slightest that CV didn't take top place with such stiff – and adorable – competition. :D It was a massive honour to be nominated and very touching to receive so many votes from all of you. Thank you again everyone who gave my blog a fighting chance in this fun online award.

Throughout the course of my blog's life, I've often looked at the number of posts that I had prewritten in terms of a feast or famine sort of situation. It seemed I either had the bulk of my entries for a month or two ready to go, or was feverishly penning in the (last) moment.

From nearly the get-go I've utilized a blogging schedule and plan to always do so, but in the midst of this exceedingly busy year, where a substantial amount of my focus has been on my Etsy shop - as I know it will continue to be in 2015 and likely beyond, I began to find that - much like this very post itself - I was writing a lot more in either in the moment or at least "in the week" (that is to say, for example, penning a post on Monday that would go live on the Thursday of that same week).

{Life changes and so too can the the approach to blog writing that one takes. Never be afraid to mix things up, try to methods, use a schedule and/or list of ideas, and keep things fluid. One of the biggest keys to blogging success is to continually adapt and keep bettering your approach to this 21st century digital craft. Image source.}

As this is how many bloggers across the world operate, I'm certainly not hitting upon something novel, unique or perhaps even all that noteworthy here in the slightest, and yet for someone like me who generally feels a great degree of serenity and far less stress that more I have planned out and ready to go in advance, reverting in part to this way of operating could have been a potential midfield of anxiety and problems, and yet...

For the most part, it hasn't been at all. I still have try to write some of my posts in advance and very much continue to operate on a schedule of topics (something that I will likely never stop doing), but for most of 2014, I wrote considerably more in the moment/week/two weeks in advance enjoyed it a great deal. I found it let me talk about recent happenings all the more and to also quickly alter my blogging plans, if needed, to accommodate news, updates, on the fly reviews, and sometimes even to ditch ideas for posts that had seemed good when I conceived them, but which weren't really relevant any more when it came time to actually pen them.

As we head into 2015 in a matter of days, I plan to keep adhering to my blogging schedule, but to write a lot of my posts nearer to when they actually appear here. Much to the contrary of how I might have thought this would make me feel, I find it almost liberating and for the most part, enjoy it a lot. It works well for my current work schedule, lifestyle, and demands on my time, so it's a win-win all around at present. In the future I may revert to pre-writing and scheduling larger volumes of posts or I may write them all "in the moment", but again, for now, this is working so I'm more than content to stick with it.

Wayyyy back in 2012 (I know, that really isn't that long ago, but still :D), Tony gave me my first ever iPhone for Christmas, which I'm still using and am happy to say is holding up wonderfully. I'd wanted, no word of a lie, an iPhone for two primary reasons, both of which go hand-in-hand. Its great camera phone technology and the ability to join Instagram, which I did as soon I got my phone, posting my first ever Instagram photo on Boxing Day 2014 - which means that yesterday was my second anniversary of being on Instagram.

{A selection of some of my favourite Instagram snaps from 2014, brimming - as my photos tend to - with vintage, majestic landscapes, cute critters, and assorted images from our travels around Western Canada.}

Though I haven't had much time or been in good enough health to Instagram (in the case of the latter, to go out and take snaps of things to share there) very often in the past couple of months, I do hope to be more active on that fabulous site again in the new year.

Knowing my life and health as a I do, I won't make any grand plans like trying to post a new photo every day, but I will be aiming to share snaps more frequently and to expand further on the array of things that I cover there. I truly love Instragram (it is topped only by Pinterest as my favourite social media site ever) and adore connecting with so many of you there, my dear friends!

In the past two years, I've shared around 485 images and amassed over 2,500 followers, many of whom I follow back, as I so adore seeing (and liking!) the awesome, inspiring, cute, informative, clever, beautiful, and otherwise flat out cool things that you all share there, too. If we're not following one another, please feel free to leave your Instagram account in the comments before so that we can start doing so pronto!

There is just five short days left in this year and I hope that each one is even more enjoyable and fun filled than the last for each of you. Happiest ongoing holiday season wishes, everyone – and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for another marvelous year spent together online!


  1. There is an evolution that occurs to many bloggers. It happened to me and it appears to be happening to you. Our early hopes for our blogs flatten out as reality sinks in. Some of the unrealistic dreams we have fade and seem distant, while parts of the experience continue and provide enjoyment. The sensitive among us, like you and me, re-examine what we're doing and how we're doing it. It is healthy and smart to use that introspection to make minor adjustments. We needn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. We can keep blogging even when it doesn't meet our dreams; we just need to adjust how we do it to better suit ourselves.

    I once tried writing posts in advance and delaying their appearance but that caused me to feel a loss of spontaneity. And made me wonder why I was blogging in the first place. It isn't for my viewers, so why was I working so hard to please them. I blog, ultimately, for myself. Now, I write and post when inspiration moves me. You seem to be feeling something similar. My advice is -- follow your gut. Go with your instincts. If something makes you happy, do it; if not, don't. Your blog will improve if it pleases you. If, instead, you chase fame and fortune and readers, your blog won't make you happy and there's little point in engaging in unhappy activity.

    Best of luck to you, dear friend, for the New Year. (And if my advice sucks, just disregard it.)

    1. Thank you very much for your caring, insightful comment, dear Ally. I very much agree with you on all points. I love my blog and where it is currently at. It's grown in leaps and bounds in the past three years and has managed to hang on and thrive even with me diversifying my time and devoting a good chunk of it to my Etsy shop. Sometimes I work too hard, stress too much, and become too run down because of all I do and I know that I need to rebalance my time, perhaps post here slightly less, and to actually take days off by choice (not because I'm simply too ill to do anything productive). I'll be working on all of those things in 2015 and like to believe that my blog, shop, and other areas of my life will greatly benefit as a result - all the while taking your message of only doing what makes you happy straight to heart. That is profoundly true and something it is frighteningly easy to forget about in this constantly hectic day and age.

      Thank you again deeply - your advice is the polar opposite of "sucking", I assure you.

      Happiest New Year's wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  2. Congratulations on second place in the blogger awards! I voted for you. ;)

    I hope you enjoy the last few days of 2014 my friend. Here's to a stellar 2015!! xoxo


    1. Thank you sweetly, darling gal. I really appreciate your vote. I'm not upset that I didn't win. It was a blast just to be nominated and very touching to know that enough folks voted for me to take second place. Plus, after all, it is really, really hard to beat out cats in an competition online, so I'm not surprised they took first place. :)

      I hope so, too!!! I neither loved nor loathed 2014, but am keen to start a new year and hope have it turn into one I (we both) really adore!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. I wanted to come and say 'thank you' "personally Jessica for setting up the Secret Santa this year; I, too, am looking forward to my gift arriving (and prolonging Christmas just a little longer!), but I agree it's been lovely to see everyone what everyone's received.

    Congratulations on being 'highly commended' too; I've only been blogging in ernest for about six or eight months, and can't ever imagine having enough people who like my blog to vote me in to second place for anything ;)

    1. Thank you very much across the board, Taylor. I'm sincerely delighted to know that you enjoyed taking part in this fun and exciting first ever Vintage Secret Santa. I hope that your gift reaches you soon and helps to extend the merriness for you this Christmas Season.

      Happy holiday season wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. A lovely year end round-up post. Has it been 2 years on istragram already?I do adore seeing your pictures when you are feeling well enough to post. The vintage secret santa swap was such a great Idea I put my blog post up last week. I hope your package finds your way to you soon:)
    Looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings for you.

    1. Amazing how time flies, isn't it? I can remember with stark clarity the first photo I posted there and most that have followed. Though this year itself didn't feel like a very fast one, in general it hard to believe how quickly the past two have whizzed by.

      That's really lovely to know. Thank you sweetly, dear gal!!!

      Big hugs & the very happiest of New Year's wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. You are amazing, inspiring, and such a kind, caring soul. Thank you for your blog and all the effort you put into it.

    1. Dear Glenda, thank you from the bottom of my heart for you incredibly sweet and touching comment. Your kind words will spur me on in 2015 big time!

      Huge hugs & the very happiest of New Year's wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. i agree, it's good to have a little planning but sometimes when there's something that needs to be said, i'ts okay to break that schedule! i'm a little disappointed you didn't win, but there will be other years. :)
    glad you had a good holiday, but whats withe the snow being so MIA this year? i've heard that a few times over the last week.

    1. Thank you very much, darling gal. So true! Though, Murphy's Law, we woke up to snow today! Oh well, perhaps that means we're slated for a white New Year's, which is almost as magical as a white Christmas.

      Tons of hugs & happy end of December wishes coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Congrats on the silver medal hehehe That is something special my dear! Your blog will always remain one of my must-reads and one of my favorite blogs! You did an amazing job this year and should be very proud of yourself!! Hugs to you my dear friend xox

    1. Thank you very much, my immensely dear friend. I'm not bummed, it's okay. I wanted to win of course, but it was just an honour to me nominated and as I said to Tony when I found out the results, if I have to lose, at least it's to adorable cats. :)

      You did a truly amazing job with your blog and blogging 365 project this year, too. Here's to hope that 2015 is an excellent, rewarding, fun filled year for both of us!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Well done on your highly commended, to those of us who voted you are our gold medal winner already.
    I always enjoy a little peak into the logistics of a much admired blog, I so much enjoy your writing style on what ever topic you are covering, be it your wonderful vintage or a little glimpse into your part of Canada.
    Enjoy the rest of the holiday season and may 2015 bring you much joy. Jill x

    1. Thank you very, very much, sweet Jill. You are so incredibly kind and I want you to know what a great deal your words mean to me. Especially as we head into a new year of blogging and one sometimes needs a bit of an extra push to keep chugging along at full speed after a long, busy, stressful year (which 2014 was for me).

      You're a truly beautiful person on all levels and I'm so glad that the internet led our paths to cross.

      With all my heart, I wish you and your family an endlessly fantastic New Year!
      ♥ Jessica

  9. You're welcome, dear. I will follow you forever. :) And this post made me think, because I've been thinking a lot about my blog lately, especially after I got Instagram (which I had wanted to join for years and did immediately when DH gave me my Lumia last summer), Instagram is so quick and easy both to update and follow and I quickly got a lot of followers, which I don't on my blog. A lot in my world is 40+. Gosh lady, 2,500. That's truly a lot. And you say you aren't famous!? My conclusion is that I will continue to blog but I will also continue considering it. I don't know if my blog is too predictible, too scheduled, too boring, too mixed. Perhaps I should start making it all vintage, except for the nails. I don't know. But I do know that I love your blog and that I don't want you to change a single thing. Happy New Year to you, and I wish you all things good in the coming year. lots of e-hugs from snowy (!!!) Denmark :)

    1. I firmly believe that one of the biggest keys to a successful blog - however each individual blogger defines success in the context of their own life - is for it to constantly be able to adapt and change, with another being a variety of topics appearing on the same site. If you enjoy what you write about, that's what counts. It's great that you cover a range of different things on your blog. I sincerely enjoy everything you write about, from the holidays to MM to nail art and like that I never know just what you're going to share with us next. It keeps things fresh and extra fun.

      Countless hugs, thanks, and blissful New Year's wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Thank you for your great comment. I am glad to hear that you like my blog and I will continue as I have done previously. I've also thought if I should just keep my English blog alive, because it is much more "alive" than the Danish version. Perhaps I will mail you for your advice and opinions during the year. Wishing you a blessed New Year. :)

    3. You're very welcome, my dear friend. I'm always here to "talk shop" anytime and glad to know that my comment was helpful to you.

      Tons of hugs & happy Monday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. Congrats on your "silver medal". You're right. It is very tough to beat out kitties. But when it comes to vintage lifestyle blogs you definitely deserve a "gold"! As far as blogging, I tried for years to get organized enough to schedule posts ahead of time, but to no avail. So now I've resigned myself to blogging in the moment. Time does tend to get away from you when trying to run an ecommerce site AND a blog. It's a lot of work! So don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you have to work on your Etsy site and blog a little less, don't fret. Remember quality always trumps quantity. BTW, will be following you on Instagram so I can see more of your inspirational photos. Here's to a happy, healthy, prosperous 2015 and beyond :)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Theresa, for both your beautiful New Year's wishes and for sharing your firsthand experience as not just an online retailer, but one of the best in the world on the vintage/repro front with me. I appreciate your insight and understanding immensely.

      Huge hugs & countless joyful New Year's wishes to you, your family and all the Blue Velvet Vintage staff!

      ♥ Jessica

  11. unbelievable! i was only a week in silesia and missed so much fabulous posts!!!!
    and the perfect tartan outfit with castle and all!! ts.
    you know i love your blog for the unique personal style. congratulations to the silver medal!!!! this is wonderful - if one thinks about how big the internet world is!
    cant wait for next years posts and outfits - scheduled or or written just in time!
    P.s.: we have snow! juhu!

    1. You're so very sweet, darling Beate, thank you deeply.

      We have snow here as well. Of course, Murphy's Law, we had a green Christmas and Boxing Day, then woke up to oodles of snow - which has scarcely stopped falling - on the 27th. How lovely that we're both able to cap off the year with snow on the ground and cheer in our hearts!

      Huge hugs & the very happiest of New Year's wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Sorry you didn't win Jessica! I'll take vintage over cats any day personally... x

    1. You're such a total sweetheart, luv, thank you! :)

      Big hugs & the very happiest of New Year's wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Awww, I'm so sorry that you didn't win. But as you said, it's awfully hard to compete with cats on the internet. Congratulations on winning second place though! What an honour.

  14. Hooray on being runner-up! Still a huge achievement :) I think I approach blogging similarly to you and usually have posts planned months in advance... But when I wrote a couple this month for the holiday season I agree it felt more fun to be in the moment and I should probably think about doing a few more like this too. Then I wouldn't be posting summer outfits in winter so often, as well ;) either way, I'm looking forward to seeing what posts you bring us in 2015! CC x

    1. You're all kinds of sweet, dear CiCi, thank you very much. It definitely is and I'm so thrilled to have just made it to the final round. Receiving second place is like the icing on the cake and a big honour unto itself.

      The idea of posting in the moment (by which I generously extend the that term to mean within the same week a post goes live) used to, for the most part, send waves of anxiety shooting through me (save for outfit posts, which I've frequently written very shortly after taking photos for them), but now it feels liberating and refreshing. A blend of the two is ideal for me, but even if I have/need to write them all in the moment down the road, I genuinely don't think I'll mind. So long as I stick with my schedule and list of post ideas, I like to believe I'll have no problem keeping on, as they say. :)

      Big hugs & many heartfelt thanks for all of your fantastic blog comments this year,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. I'm sorry you didn't win, but you did get silver, so that was a good thing!

    I've considered advance posts, but the most ahead I tend to go is a week. I'm trying to get a post out every Tuesday, I don't think I can manage much more than that, experience has taught me as much, so I usually dabble about with my post over a week and add the last touches on the Monday and schedule it for the following morning.

    Wishing you a wonderful new year Jessica xxx

    1. Thank you very much, darling gal. Indeed, I'm absolutely thrilled to have come in second place and even just to have been nominated in the first place. It means a great deal to me to know that my lovely online readers and friends helped get me to the proverbial medal podium. :)

      I think that as time goes on, a lot of bloggers - be they hobby/just-for-fun, part-time, full-time/pro or anywhere else on the spectrum are realizing just how much time blogging in any serious capacity takes. I adore it (blogging) and plan to keep adding new posts frequently, but running my Etsy shop full-time now, too, means that I can't set aside as many days any more to write oodles of posts in advance. Instead, I'll mostly be writing the same week an entry goes up or perhaps a week or two in advance and continuing to work with a blogging schedule and list of post ideas (both are fundamental to a success, smooth flowing blogging routine for me). As my workload intensified this year, I went from 3-4 (occasionally even 5) posts a week to an average of three, and aim to continue with 2-3, and occasionally 4, next year. Focusing on those I enjoy penning the most and that I know are generally hits with my readers (like outfits and list posts, respectively, while always aiming to maintain quite a diversified range of topics that I cover). We all have to do what works best for us on this front - but sometimes determining what that is exactly can be a challenge unto itself! :)

      Happiest New Year's wishes, lovely Melanie, I hope you have an excellent 2015!
      ♥ Jessica

  16. What a lovely honor to come in second! And I quite agree, on the internet it's quite hard to beat cats, as we all know the internet is secretly made up of them! ;)

    I completely admire you and your adherence to a blogging schedule. My mind can't even wrap around the notion and how I would get going, as I often have no idea what I'll be doing half the time! I also have trouble writing without a prompt, that is to say without something happening! But that's just me and my personality!

    I hope your festivities continue to be delightful as you transition into the new year!


    1. Thank you very much, sweet gal. I think that blogging schedules are awesome, but fully understand they don't work for all folks by any means. There's a lot to be said for spontaneity and writing when the mood strikes. My schedule is not so much about when I actually pen a post, as it is what I plan to cover on a given day and when said post will go live. This approach is one that I believe I will always take for a good many of my entries, whether they're written six weeks or six hours in advance of when they appear here on the blog. I need that sense of structure to keep me on track, especially during extra rough spells with my health. I do enjoy coming up with some of my post ideas in the moment though and have been doing that quite a lot this year in particular.

      I hope the same thing for you as well and that you and Patrick have a truly awesome, fun filled New Year's celebration!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Congratulations on coming second, that is such a great achievement. I am not sure that it is possible to win anything Internet related over cats! Cute as cats are, I would far rather read your blog. I find it really interesting to learn how other bloggers approach their posts. I tend to write and post mine on the same day which I like but I find that having none in reserve is a problem, like when I got ill and couldn't blog. So I was thinking I might try a mixture of scheduling and in the moment writing next year to keep my posts more regular. I haven't joined Instagram yet but keep thinking about it. Should I?!

    1. You super-duper should!!! I will follow you there immediately if you do, sweet dear. You can always join and set your account to private, so that only friends or other folks that you approve are able to see your photos, if privacy is a concern. Ooooh, no I so want you to join and hope that you will! :)

      ♥ Jessica

    2. Thanks, I didn't know that you could make it private, that is helpful. I am going to investigate further as it does look like fun.

    3. You're very welcome, my lovely friend. Likewise, if you use Pinterest, you can also make some (or even all, if so desired) of your boards private there, too.

      Happy countdown to 2015!
      ♥ Jessica

  18. Congrats on second place, that is still a very good thing. I voted for you, btw. <3

    And I've finally started planning posts in advance and keeping to a schedule and the like, and so-far it's working very well! I leave enough space to do spontaneous things, though so that helps a lot. I'm excited for some posts I have planned in the new year.

    I've yet to receive my VSS gift, but once I do, I shall let you know! And I wanted to thank you again for hosting such a fun event!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet gal, I really appreciate your vote (and realize that I unintentionally sounded like a politician there :D).

      For me scheduling used to me both planning out my topics and penning posts in advance, but this year, as some of the dynamics of my life have changes, it's shifted to be more about planning ideas and assigning dates to posts I want to write, but less about trying to have 10 or even 20 posts actually sitting there all ready to go. That has its perks, but so does writing more in the moment and I suspect I'll work with a blend of both methods in 2015 and beyond (as I've been doing in recent months).

      Many thanks again & have a fantastic New Year!!!
      ♥ Jessica

  19. Hello darling!
    You know - I don't care about awards.. to me, your blog was, is (and hopehully will remain) an endless pool on inspiration - with just a sprinkle of magic! :)
    (holiday spirit is within me, so everything is magical nowadays) :D

    Many hugs

    1. You are so immensely lovely, dear and sweet, Marija (as well as wise!), thank you deeply for always seeing be as I am, reading between the lines of my posts, and truly getting to the heart, soul and magic of what Chronically Vintage and I am all about. I treasure you and your friendship for this and countless other reasons.

      Love & hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. Well, I think it's a huge compliment to CV just to be nominated, though I would have wished you could have won. You're always so organized with blogging. I'm trying to do better on that. My aunts got me a Marilyn planner and calendar. :D It's a great way to keep organized.

    1. Thank you very much, honey, I really felt/feel the same way, too - and again, it is pretty darn hard to beat cute cats on the internet, so I'm not miffed at all that that other site took top place in the category we were nominated in.

      I find that with the wildly unpredictable nature of my health, I have to be super disciplined with my planning (not that I mind it - I'm a very organized person in general) or else this blog would likely off of the rails frighteningly quickly. I didn't have as concrete a schedule in place when I started out and it was a lot harder. Since introducing it at the start of 2012, it's revolutionized the way I blog and made the process so much more enjoyable, too. I truly wish you the best of luck on that front yourself and think that an MM planner and calendar sound like the perfect way to plan vintage related posts.

      ♥ Jessica
