
December 25, 2014

Festive Christmas 2014 edition of Flickr Favourites

{Hello ~ Katie Baby}

{Christmas TV Guide ~ James Vaughan}

{Vintage Christmas Card ~ Katie Baby}

{Yesterday's Flea Market Finds ~ Mary Harding}

{1962 Christmas Food Ad ~ Classic Film}

{Vintage Christmas Tree Card ~ Katie Baby}

{Ladies Home Jorunal December 1959 ~ File Photo}

{White Christmas 1950s ~ ElectroSpark}

{Vintage Candy Christmas ~ Elle}

{Vintage 1950s Christmas Card ~ Kevin Kidney}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on its title to be taken to its respective Flickr page.} 


For all the immense excitement of this most resplendent and special of days, there is also, I find a certain incredible serenity to Christmas morning - at least if you happen to be the first one awake. A few years back, I was up rather early on this very day and created a scrapbook page (featuring a photo from one of my childhood Christmases) and ever since then, I've made a point of setting aside an hour or two before the mad rush and endless fun of the festivities begin just for myself.

Usually, perhaps not surprisingly, more often than not, I use it to write a blog post, as is the case today, but sometimes (or in additional to doing that) I'll just curl up with a good book, cup of peppermint tea, and spend a little while relaxing and counting the many gifts that I am blessed to have in my life that go far, far beyond what lies under the tree or dangles in the stocking from the mantle.

Though I've never been materialistic about the holidays (or overly so in general), the older I get, the less I want (for myself) and the more I yearn for this day to be far more about the people I spend it with and the happiness that I'm able to impart into their lives. Presents are wonderful, of course, but they aren't the sole purpose for Christmas by any stretch of the imagination and as the world continues to become a more expensive, stressful, challenging place where just making ends meet can be a full-time struggle for countless families, I can't help but think that we'd all do well to step away from the malls and contently back in front of the hearth with our loved ones, trimming the tree and sharing a generously sized, festive meal.

The beauty of Christmas, likewise, cannot - despite what their commercials might have you believe - be purchased solely with a MasterCard either. It is each tiny, perfect work of art that is a snowflake and every verdant pine bough. It's the sight of a lipstick red cardinal in the snow, the wide-eyed wonder of children on this day, and love and contentment we feel in our hearts when we stop and take stock of the history and meaning of Christmas itself.

Amongst the blessings that I count each Christmas morn is all of you, my dear and treasured online friends and readers. We share and delight in the whole year together, and while I can't pay you each a visit (basket of homemade cookies on my arm) today, I hope you know that I'm celebrating with you in spirit and that from the very furthest reaches of my holiday season adoring soul, I am wishing you the most joyful, safe, and endlessly merry Christmas possible!


  1. Merry Christmas, i love your blog. You are a true inspiration to me

    1. That is immensely sweet, dear Theresa, thank you very much! It warms my heart to know that I've helped inspire you and am really enjoying reading your new blog.

      Have a marvelously merry holiday season & New Year!
      ♥ Jessica

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Dawn. The very merriest of holiday season and New Year's wishes to you as well!

      ♥ Jessica

  3. I love your thoughts! Merry Christmas!

  4. I love them all! So splendid. I think the white Christmas with the very stylish couple in front of the magnificent Christmas tree is my favorite! :). Merry Christmas to you and Tony sweet Jessica!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Mary! What a splendidly lovely holiday gift to receive a comment from you again. I hope that you're having a marvelous Christmastime and that the coming year will be filled with joy, fun, good health, and tons of inspiration for you!

      ♥ Jessica

  5. Merry Christmas to you too! You are right, the most beautiful gifts of life are not under the tree, it's good to remember.

  6. I think these pictures are so lovely. I was feeling quite excited about christmas until about a week ago when the sun of a close family friend lost his battle with cancer. We had to attend the funeral two days prior to christmas which was no fun at all. I tried to get into the spirit of it again by doing christmas nail art and listening to my favourite carols, but it is just not the same :( hopefully next year I will be more excited about christmas...

    1. Natalie honey, with all my heart, I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend's passing. Losing a loved one during the holidays always casts a dark and sorrowful shadow over the season, no matter how hard you try to buck up in the face of such a painful loss. It's totally normal, I promise you.

      Here's to the hope that 2015 will bring renewed joy your way and that your next Christmastime will indeed be far more merry and bright.

      ♥ Jessica

  7. I hope you had a lovely, peaceful and healthy Christmas, Jessica. I wholeheartedly agree with your Christmas sentiments. We should count our blessings in people!! X x

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Philippa. Very much so! Things are lovely and have their place, but at the end of the day, it is experiences and people that - ideally - bring us the deepest joys in life.

      Huge hugs & the very happiest of New Year's wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* I sent a Christmas card your way that I hope has reached you already or will soon, if it hasn't it.

  8. Merry Christmas to you too, sweet lady! You're very right that when you're younger, presents seem the the best, most important thing in the world, but as you get older, it's just... stuff. What's really important becomes having special time with people that you care about, and even just being able to take some time for yourself. I hope you had a really delightful holiday.
    I love that second photo - those dresses!

  9. Your sentiments about the holiday are very touching, and refreshing. Like you, I find myself and my older relatives feeling the same way about wanting things.

    I hope you had a very wonderful Christmas!


    1. Thank you very much, my darling friend! Our Christmas was definitely lovely and I'm really looking forward to the New Year, which - with a bit of luck - maybe I'll finally be able to actually celebrate with loved ones this year.

      Here's to the hope that the last few days of this year are wonderfully kind to both of us and that 2015 rings in on a high note that continues all year long!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. What great finds. I always love to look at old vintage advertisements and cards.

    rae of love from berlin

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. I hope that you're having a stellar holiday season!

      ♥ Jessica

  11. And I hope you had a very merry Christmas too, dear. I've been so busy celebrating that I haven't had time for blog reading, so I am a little behind, but have been catching up this early morning with DH asleep. I really enjoy the silence, the fireplace land time for myself. And you are right about the wish list being shorter and shorter. I've always had an extremely long wish list but the past few years I've found it harder and harder to find something to wish for. I don't need much more, in fact I sell a lot of my stuff on Etsy and keep sorting out for charity. So you are right, my best gift this year was our lovely Christmas eve with my lovely family around us, although my surprise gift from Santa was lovely too, also because it was surprise. :)

    1. I hear you there big time, sweet Sanne. I have done a better job of staying abreast with blogging and reading feeds this year than some past holiday seasons, but it's normal that one is too busy (or simply wants to relax sans the computer) to blog a lot during the holidays. Ever there is a time of the year when we deserve a hard earned breather from such things, now is definitely it! :)

      Huge hugs & the very merriest of holiday season wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Incredibly cute vintage Christmas theme flickr favorites post!
