
April 3, 2013

Pink Ice Phone giveaway winner

Two weeks saw the season's first giveaway here on Chronically Vintage (actually, the first giveaway of 2013, come to think of) in which an adorable retro inspired Pink Ice Phone was offered up to one lucky reader.

The giveaway wrapped up on March 29th (between the Easter weekend, my mom's birthday, Annie, and a mysterious stomach bug that struck me late this past Sunday night, I'm a bit behind on getting this post out, my sincere apologies there), I'm delighted to announce here today that the winning comment - selected using a random number generator - was number six.

Happiest congrats to Lisa of Butterflies and Daisies Vintage!!! I'm pleased as punch for you, dear gal. Please email me anytime with your mailing address details so that I can pass them on to the fine folks at Mobile Fun, who will be sending out your cute pink Ice Phone.

Thank you very much to everyone who took part in this fun giveaway! I have two more giveaways for other items in the works for later on in the spring/early summer, so if you didn't win this one, fear not, you might just be the lucky winner next time around.


  1. Sorry you caught the dreaded stomach bug. It made its way through our home a few weeks ago and it sure is not a pleasant one. Hope you are feeling much better now.

    Congratulations to Lisa on her win!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet friend. Knock wood, I don't think it's the stomach flu, more like one of those "tornado bugs", as an old teacher of mine used to call them, that strike with next to no warning, do a lot of damage in the moment, and then leave you to recover from the devastation for days afterwards.

      I'm very sorry to hear that your family was ill recently, too. Gosh, it seems like a lot of flues and other viruses struck towards the end of winter/start of spring this year.

      Healing hugs to all those on your end,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. How brilliant that you have just announced the winner of your giveaway my I have just only published a post on my very first Giveaway! What are the odds...brilliant coincidence!! Hope little Annie is doing well and that you are enjoying mummy-puppyhood!
    May xx

    *WalkingInMay is currently running a GIVEAWAY of Belinda Hay’s lovely book ‘Style Me Vintage’, please drop by to enter if you have time!*

  3. Oh, no!!! I'm dreadfully sorry to hear you are sick again. :-( I'll be praying that you have a speedy recovery!

    1. Thank you very much, dear gal, you're so caring and kind. I'm really not sure what it was, but goodness, was I sick on Sunday night/Monday morning (I don't believe it was food poisoning, I've had that a few times over my life and thankfully didn't get all the usual symptoms there), then slept for over 13 hours on Monday (that's nearly a record for me in recent years) and much of Tuesday, too. I'm feeling a bit better today, but my stomach is very touchy still. Just one of those random bugs I guess.

      Thank you hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Congratulations to Lisa and I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick Jessica, I think at the end of winter everyone seems prone to catch everything going, we need sunshine to make us all well and happy again! Thank you for your lovely comment yesterday, it was so weird, I'd just been trying that top on again five minutes before I saw your comment about it. xx

  5. But I told you I wanted to win it! ;)
