
April 2, 2013

Looking back at March 2013

Wanting to devote this past Sunday to the Easter holiday, I didn't post my usual month in review on the 31st, as I generally would. In the case when holidays and special events fall on the last day of the month, I suspect that this is the route I'll usually take (the key, after all, is just to recap the month around when it concludes, as the second of the next month certainly fits that bill)., where to begin? As the month wound down, I found myself thinking more and more about how different it proved to be when all was said than done, than how I'd envisioned it when it kicked off. Not, mind you, that I had any major plans or hopes for this past month, but nevertheless, it didn't unfold as I'd thought it might, and I'm actually really happy about that for the most part.

As March got underway, I was sick as all get out with a really bad flu that lingered for about three weeks in total and totally put me out of commission for nearly all of that time (especially since it caused some of my chronic conditions to flare-up in tandem). Thankfully, I'm over the flu and those flare-ups now (yay!), and have been able to enjoy the tail end of March a whole lot more than beginning.

Without a doubt, the biggest piece of news and most exciting thing to happen in March (and, I'd certainly go so far as to say, all of 2013) occurred on the 18th when Tony and I brought home the first puppy we've ever had as a couple, our darling little American Bullador, Annie.

{Annie the crazy cute baby American Bullador falling asleep against my pajama clad leg one evening shortly after we got her.}

Since then, the bulk of my time has been devoted to raising, taking care of, and beginning to train this precious bundle of canine energy, as discussed in this post, and I've loved every moment of it. Like most puppies, she can certainly be a handful at times, but she's such an incredibly sweet, good natured, intelligent dog, that it's impossible not to delight in each moment I get to spend with her. (For those who want to stay super up-to-date on the adorable going-ons of Miss Annie, be sure to follow me on Instagram.)

On the blogging front, a number of fun posts sprung up here throughout March, covering topics spanning from one 1940s woman's immensely glamorous day to Forty fantastic 1940s sewing patterns under $40, which I put together to tie-in with flat out awesome 1940s sewalong that Rochelle from Lucky Lucille was holding throughout February and March.

Vintage photographs were the name of the game in this month's edition of Saturday Snapshots, as well as in a mid-month post devoted to Exploring the Library and Archives Canada on Flickr (the latter of which, I was one of my favourite posts to write and source images for so far this year; I just adored getting to chat a bit about, and share several wonderful photos detailing, the history of Canada).

Thinking outside of the box was on the agenda on the 11th, in a post that highlighted Seven unexpected places to source vintage wardrobe inspiration from that includes such entries as vintage cookbooks, movie posters, and product packaging.

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with this rather unique vintage take on corn beef and cabbage, whereas Easter opted to go for a more traditional route and saw a splendidly tasty 1950s Lemon Cake.

Easter was also marked by a special festive edition of Flickr Favourites this past Sunday, as well a springtime hued vintage outfit post (complete with my lovely new dusty rose snood from Arthelia's Attic).

Also on the outfit front throughout March, I chatted about my lifelong passion for paisley patterned garments, and sported 1940s black and brass for a very cold winter's day at Skaha Lake (one of my favourite snaps of which appears below).

There were other posts here this past month as well, but these were some of the most memorable ones for me. Taking a gander at the blogging sphere as a whole, I know that many of us were shocked to learn of the Google's recent announcement that they'd be shutting down their much loved and widely used feedreader, Google Reader.

Two of my favourite posts by fellow bloggers so far on this topic have been How Loss of Google Reader Will Impact Your Blog from Brittany at Va-Voom Vintage and Choosing Your New Blog Reader by Melanie over at The Crafty Cupboard.

As I mentioned in this post last December, in 2012 I fell head-over-heels in love with Bloglovin' and have used it as my exclusive feedreader ever since. I find that it's the most intuitive, straight forward and enjoyable feedreader I've ever tried (before I started using it, I'd yet to find a feedreader that I got along well with) and highly recommend it to all those looking for an alternative to Google Reader once it shuts down on July 1, 2013. If you're also a Bloglovin' fan and haven't done so already, be sure to follow Chronically Vintage there so that you don't risk missing any posts when Google Reader goes the way of the dinosaur.

Last year I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the fine folks over at for a guide and infographic devoted to hat etiquette - aka, hatiquette - that they were putting together, which went live a few days ago. This is the first infographic (a partial screen shot of which is pictured below) I've had the pleasure to be a part of, and really want to thank for including me in this delight look at proper hatiquette.

As I mentioned in February's month in review post, later on in April (on the 16th to be exact, assuming nothing comes along to alter that date in the two weeks between then and now) I'll be going in for surgery again and will need to take a small blogging break while I recover afterwards. As that date draws nearer, I'll put up a little post to remind you that I'm going to be MIA for a short while (probably about two weeks, but only time will tell).

In the days before then (and afterwards, if I've returned to blogging at some point in late April), I've got several lovely posts in the works, such as a look at some of my all-time favourite scents (smells that is, not perfumes), thoughts on four years of blogging (April 17th will mark four years since Chronically Vintage began), and photos from my first ever (albeit it very short - about five hours) road trip to the States.

{In celebration of spring's return, fab vintage knitwear, and super cute puppies, let's welcome April with this wonderful Stitchcraft cover from 1951. Image source.}

March turned out to be unexpectedly exciting and wonderful month (it's certainly not everyday that one gets to bring a new pet into their family!), and by the same token I suspect that April will have some curveballs up its sleeve, too.

Hopefully though, especially during the first half of the month, I'll get plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful days of early spring, usher my sundresses back into rotation, hit at least a few yard sales, and spend as much time as I can with Annie (who is growing in leaps and bounds by the day!).

Happy April, everyone, I truly hope that the fourth month of the year proves to be a splendidly fantastic one for each of you!


  1. Cute little dog and beautiful lady! ♥

  2. Sad to read you need surgery again, but I guess it has to be done. Hope you will get well very soon! I will miss your posts, I'm always looking forward to it.

    Your little dog is adorable, by the way!


  3. It's amazing how much you accomplished putting it all down on paper and including you had that awful flu!

  4. I really like reading your overview of each month. Sometimes we forget with all the busyness everyday. And I again, I am so happy that you both are so happy with Annie! :-)

  5. I love seeing photos of your new pup on instagram!She is indeed a cutie.Sorry you had the flu!I had something at the start of the year that seemed to take forever to 100% kick.

  6. Annie you are indeed a most beautiful and a very lucky pooch. We had to make the agonizing decision to have our old dog Wally put to sleep about 2 months ago. All of us including our littlest fur-kid were missing him terribly. About a month ago I found a 15 month old Dobermann (my huz fav dog) online who needed a new forever home. My huz went to pick him up and could not believe the absolute squalor this poor fella was living in.
    Salem (from the Jewish Shalom which means Peace) has been with us about a month now and he is finally settling in and putting on some much needed weight.
    Annie and other lucky dogs like her will never know such cruelty.

    1. My sweet friend, I'm truly sorry to hear about the recent loss of your beloved Wally. I too have lost pets from old age over the years and know how soul-grippingly painful it can be to have to say goodbye to them. I am so happy to know you have a new dog in your life and that you were able to rescue an animal in need of a loving fur-ever home, which I know dear Salem will have with you now.

      Big hugs to you both from me and Annie!
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Isn't dog ownership amazing? Happy April, beautiful lady!!!

  8. How cute is your little doggie and your pyjama too. Great outfit in grey and black!

  9. Annie is so cute- we need more photos of the two of you posing together ;)
    Can't wait to see the rest of your month planned ahead!

  10. I'm sorry to hear you were so sick at the beginning of the month :( But sounds like you had a wonderful month of March after that! I still can't get over how beautiful and adorable little Annie is! Though I suspect she will not be so little for very long. I can't wait to watch her grow up, and see all the awesome adventures you have together. Keep the beautiful outfit posts and vintage inspiration coming my dear! Here's to a blessed Spring :)


  11. Annie is so beautiful Jessica, and it's always a bit amazing to realise how much you've done each month when I read your review of your month's posts, I always feel such a lazy blogger. Love the pic of you in the black and grey outfit too. I'm sorry to hear you have to go for surgery again, good luck with everything and take care of yourself. xx

  12. Love this post and sweet photos!
    Take good care of yourself and good luck with your surgery... I'll send you all my positive thinking!...
    Hugs and kisses from Greece!

  13. Annie is just the cutest thing! I love seeing all the photos of her. It makes me long for the day when Ty and I will move and be able to get a pup (our apartment doesn't allow pets). It sounds like March was a mighty full month. I hope you will get over what you have now and have as much of a smooth April as possible, and that your surgery will go well when that rolls around.


  14. Hope your feeling a bit better my dear and that the surgery goes well - I'm sure your lovely family will look after you.

    Annie looks adorable in that picture and I love the cardigan in the vintage pic with the cute puppy!

    Much Love

  15. Best of luck in your upcoming surgery! Thanks for all your great advice and inspiration!

  16. Gosh I'm so glad you're feeling better, it's never fun to be sick and certainly not for that long (especially when you have other things that were flaring up). Ugh!! Hope April is healthier, and I will certainly be thinking about you on the 16th when you have your surgery. Even if you're not able to blog, perhaps you'll shout out to us on Instagram or Twitter so we know you're doing okay? :) xo

    1. You are so sweet and caring, Tasha, thank you very much. Once I'm home from the hospital (and awake - I always tend to be a bit of zombie for the first little while after general anesthetic and the various drugs they pump you full of and put you on post-surgery), I'll definitely try to post a social media update for sure.

      ♥ Jessica

  17. I never got back here to tell you, but we tried making the Lemon cake! It was pretty good for uoru last minuet efforts. How wonderful the little page about Hatiquett is! Im glad that March ended on an upswing for you.

    1. Hi Mick, I'm delighted to know that you had a good degree of success with this recipe as it stands. I've only made a gluten and egg (I have celiac disease and a bad egg allergy) version, but it turned out splendidly (should you ever be making a GF and EG cake with a cake mix, I highly recommend using unsweetened vanilla almond milk in place of the water or dairy milk called for, I've found this really helps keep such cakes moist).

      Wishing you a stellar spring!

      ♥ Jessica

  18. Wow! You look stunning :) I love the look and your blog. New follower :)


    The Marvelous World of Narcissa

  19. I like these reviews of each month, and the puppy picture.. Aww my heart melts.. :) Hopefully your surgery will go well and that you'll feel better!

  20. Annie is very hugable. Bloglovin' is the best, now I really enjoy reading the few blogs I follow. Good luck on your surgery.

  21. March was just as full (yay new puppy!) and just as fast. I really can't believe how time has flown and I will probably be saying that for the rest of my life.
    Good luck in April and with your upcoming surgery!!

  22. oooooh annie is really really the most adorable little baby i´ve ever seen;) yes i´m definitely a dog lady ;) it´s so amazing how much joy a new little family member like it brings into your life;)
    lots of love and kisses,mary
