
March 17, 2017

Retiring Chronically Vintage

Yesterday, after two very snowy weeks of early March, I felt the first tender rays of springtime warmth dance upon my skin. I took Annie out back and together we played amongst them, both entranced by a sensation that we had very nearly forgotten.

It was a moment of simple, untainted pleasure of that sort we all long for in our lives and it reminded me a great deal of the powerful feelings of warmhearted compassion that myself, Tony and Annie have been incredibly blessed to receive from scores of wonderful people – including many in the vintage community – over the past five months since the fire.

From that horrific day onward, there has been a part of me that had suspected this post would eventually happen. Perhaps many of you saw it coming as well.

What occurred to us on that fateful, (ironically) rainy October night changed us forever. In one fell swoop it rewrote our lives and tore into the fabric of who we were at our very cores.

Though some pieces have been mended, others that remained (now) strengthened, and some are lost forever, we are not the same people we were before the fire. I highly doubt most folks would be, if they went through something similar.

Hardship and challenges make you and shape you. They can break you, too, if you let them. Yet from that very first evening as we stood cocooned in shock and grief, we swore that we wouldn’t let that happen and with your profound help (of every conceivable variety), love and support, it hasn’t.

Though I had, for some time, remained optimistic that I’d be able to pick up here much like before, in the ensuing five months it has become glaringly apparent to me that such is simply not possible.

Too much has changed. Though my love for vintage, my tremendous appreciation for this community, and my passion for rocking old school styles will never waver for a moment, I have come to realize that, as much as it genuinely pains me to the pit of my soul, I need to retire this blog.

Between the continued (very) poor state of my health in the wake of the blaze, the challenging road ahead as we continue to rebuild our lives, and the reality that certain things can never go back to as they once were, I know in my heart of hearts that this is what is right and healthy for me at this stage in my life.

I want each of you to know, and pray that you will believe me when I say, that this decision did not come easily or lightly. I agonized over it relentlessly for months and talked about it with Tony until I the point where I wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised if he’d started throwing things at me to get me to drop the subject (of course my sweet husband would never actually do that, but I wouldn’t have blamed in the slightest him if he had!).

For the better part of eight years (including the 2.5 for which, before the fire, I had my eponymously named Etsy shop as well; it will not be returning either), this blog was a huge part of my world – just as each of you were.

I adore, care about, and appreciate all of you more than you will ever know. Parting ways, in a vintage blogging context at least, is beyond hard for me to do.

I have had many sleepless nights, shed my fair share of tears, negatively impacted my health further from the stress of debating what to do, rung my hands nearly raw with anxiety, searched the furthest recesses of my heart, and, again, did not get to this point easily or lightly. Please know however, that it is a choice that I have reached for certain. 

Here we are then and there’s no sense in dragging things out.

Instead I will thank you – each and every one of you – for the innumerable ways you’ve enriched my life since Chronically Vintage began in April 2009. We’ve talked, we’ve laughed, we’ve inspired one another, we’ve grown as people, we’ve changed, and we have come to be dear friends.

{You mean the world to me - each of you. Thank you for the great times, the kinship, and for your understanding about my tremendously difficult decision to retire CV. Vintage photo image source.}

In our darkest hour, you were there for me and my family and I will be grateful for your help, compassion and remarkable generosity (including both your monetary donations and care packages) for as long as I live.

The physical gifts you gave me (us) helped me to come back to many important parts of myself. They cloth me, we eat off of them, we even bath with some of your presents (soaps and a beautiful floral print shower curtain, for instance). You often knew what we needed, even if, in our haze of grief, we didn’t.

You took us by the hand and the heart, you believed in us and we have grown stronger in many ways again because of you – just as I have always derived strength and comfort from this amazing community.

While I will no longer be blogging here at Chronically Vintage, I plan to keep this site (which houses just over 1,500 posts) alive for all to enjoy, learn from, and be inspired by.

You can continue to connect with me on social media, where as time goes on, I hope to share an even broader scope of myself and my many different interests – a giant one of which will, of course, forever be vintage.

Thank you all so much. Thank you for the memories, the smiles, the joys, the ways in which you've helped me grow, and countless other things that will stay with me for all of my days. 

I want you to know that you can always email me and that, I hope, should any of you ever find yourself in dire straights, I can be there for you however possible, too. Just ask, night or day.

I won’t say goodbye, instead I will say that I love you. That you mean more to me than I could ever begin to put into words, and that I hope with all my might you’ll understand my exceedingly difficult decision to retire from this blog and to look ahead to other (largely unknown at present) chapters in my life.

It has been a joy and an honour to connect with all of you throughout CV’s life and I look forward to continuing to do so via social media (particularly on Instagram and Pinterest), your blogs, emails, snail mail, and other avenues for a long time to come.

Friendship, much like the appeal of the past itself, is often timeless and so too, in my eyes, are each of you. 

Forever and always your friend in all things vintage,
❤ Jessica


  1. Dearest Jessica, I read this with tears in my eyes and oh, I am going to miss you here so, so much but I know you need to do this for you.

    Please know I love you dearly and that you will leave a gaping hole in the blogging community xxx

    1. Sweet, wonderful Melanie, thank you for your deeply touching comment. This post was written through a sheet of tears and was - much like this decision itself - genuinely one of the hardest and most painful things I've ever had to do. I will miss you dearly as well and look forward to continuing to connect with you (and the vintage community in general) elsewhere. I'll never stop loving vintage nor making it a part of my world in various ways.

      Huge hugs always,
      ❤ Jessica

  2. Aw, Jessica, I can't say that I'm not sad but I truly understand your reasonings behind this. If it's not right then there's no need in forcing it, otherwise it will just become a huge pressure on you, which is definitely something you don't need. I fully appreciate how hard this decision must have been and I do hope that at least having made it now that you feel a little lighter and can move on from it. We will all miss you in your little corner of the blogging world but I know you won't be gone from our lives. Take care of yourself and know that we love you too. xx

    1. Super sweet Cate, thank you so much for your kind understanding and supportive comments. They mean so much to me as I sit here, a complete and total ball of emotions and come to grips with this extremely challenging decision myself. I agonized - brutally and completely agonized - over this decision for months on end and it really was one of the toughest of my entire life. I feel in my heart of hearts though that ultimately is the smartest and healthiest choice for me right now - but that doesn't mean that I won't miss everyone here and CV itself big time, because, I promise you, I always will.

      Thank you again so much for everything. You're a dear and wonderful friend.

      Tons of hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  3. Dear Jessica,

    I know this decision was a super hard one for you, but you know what? You always must put you, your family and your health first. I am proud of you that you have chosen to do this! I will miss reading your wonderful, beautiful, uplifting writings here, but will see your beautiful pictures on Instagram and other places. This new season in your life will be just another grand adventure where your beautiful spirit and smile well bring much needed light and joy! I can't wait to see what unfolds!
    Blessings to you my friend!

    1. Dearest Gina, you're so kind and understanding. Thank you through and through for your moving comment and for "getting" my very difficult decision. I adore and appreciate your enthusiasm regarding my future and, as hard as it is (and my God, it is hard) to retire this blog, I am certainly excited to see what the future holds in store for me/us as well. Though I often feel many decades older due to my health, I am still relatively young (32 at the moment) and hope that life will grant me the ability to stick around and keep enjoying it (life) for a long time to come, exploring new paths and delighting in longstanding passions alike all along the way.

      Massive thanks & an endless stream of hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  4. I am very sorry to hear this but I completely understand and know you are making the right decision for you. That is what matters. My thoughts as always are with you

    1. Thank you so much, sweet Kate. Not only for your kind understanding and well wishes here today, but for the incredible support you've shown my blog, Etsy shop, and social media accounts over the years. I will miss connecting with you through CV, but have every intention to keep reading and enjoying your (and many other vintage) blogs and want you to know that you can always email or PM me, if you want to chat.

      So very many hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  5. I'm completely floored ... but I have to admit, I'm not surprised. When I stopped regularly blogging I went through a bunch of emotions and thoughts: what about my readers, what about content, what about the community. Time passed and it got easier and easier to quiet my brain. For the first time in six years I had my mornings to myself, mornings that I would otherwise spend blogging. I stopped taking pictures "for my blog" and started taking them to remember or for painting references. I stopped caring about "dressing for photos" and started to where whatever I wanted. It was freeing. I started another blog, but I can't seem to keep up with it. I just don't care to do so. Maybe one day I will, maybe not.

    Jessica, your blog brought me to you and I am forever grateful for that. I know that I let our email volleys drop, especially these past few months with my relocation to Texas. But you, my friend, are an important part of my life and I love you dearly. Take care of yourself. Explore and be happy. Take a breath. And know that you'll always have a crazy NYC pal ready and willing to do anything with you and for you. :)

    1. Dearest Franny, thank you to the moon and back for your unflappable support of CV over the years and for the beautiful friendship that blossomed between us in the process. I appreciate you and all that we've shared beyond words.

      It is very insightful for me to read about how you've been experiencing life since you stopped blogging as actively. It will be a (save for these past few months since the fire) a wholly alien way of being for me - especially since, long before I ever had CV, I used to run some different (non-vintage related) websites and have been pouring myself into an online life for the better part of thirteen years straight now. I may very well return to the web more intensively again down the road in a different form, but for now, I do not have any plans to speak of there and (instead) have every intention of focusing on healing, resting and rebuilding.

      Countless thanks of the very deepest sort for you and for all that we've shared over the years. I look forward to continuing to be a part of each other's lives through email, SM, and good ol' snail mail (which we both adore!).

      Tons of love,
      ❤ Jessica

  6. Oh Jessica, this post is so heart-wrenching; not just because it means no further CV posts from you to brighten and inspire my day, but because I know that this decision was incredibly painful for you and added to the already-enormous burden(s) you are bearing. I am so, so sorry that this important part of your life has been irrevocably impacted by that tragic day in October, but you must do what is right for you. It took a lot of courage to even entertain the possibility of retiring your blog, and still more to actually come to that decision and break the news to all of us. You are still much-loved, blog or no blog: your online community of friends will still be there for you--I truly believe that.

    I hope that the coming days, weeks, and months bring you relief from the physical and emotional strain that you have endured since that night, in small ways and in more significant ones. (And now that the uncertainty surrounding the blog has been resolved--though in a painful way--I truly hope you feel that particular weight being lifted.) Like many others here, I will be eagerly anticipating anything you care to share with us in the future, wherever and whenever you choose to share it. You are an incredibly warm, sincerely kind, and uncommonly brave woman and, while we have never met, I am so glad to have known you through this space and Instagram. I know we will "meet" again, when the time is right for you. =)

    Best Wishes (and continued sympathy <3),

    1. Beautifully sweet Abbey, thank you so much for your compassionate, understanding words. You re so right. Even if, in my heart of hearts, I feel this choice is best for me at this stage in my life, making this decision and sharing it publicly cut me to my core. I know that I will go through a grieving period for my blog and the amazing group of people who have helped to make it what it is since its earliest days - yourself 100% included. To say that I will miss CV and everyone here is honestly one of the biggest understatements of my life.

      I am not vanishing from the web entirely though and will still be here (online) in various places and forms. Perhaps one day I'll launch a different blog, website, YouTube channel, or shop. Not now though. Now I'm going to try and rest and recover. To grief further, to allow myself to heal and to try and be as present in the moment as possible.

      Your supportive words will linger in my heart and mind alike always, and I really cannot thank you enough for every powerfully touching thing that you said. You are an amazing woman, too - a very lovely friend as well.

      Thank you always. Hugs forever.

      ❤ Jessica

  7. Jessica, my heart absolutely breaks for you. I can completely understand what a difficult decision this was for you and one that you would have agonised over for the longest time. I hoped against hope that you might be able to come back from the horrendous events of last year - I knew it wouldn't be soon but I hoped it would happen one day. But of course, how could you fail to be deeply changed by what happened. Still, I will hope that maybe that day will come even if it's a long, long time from now because the blogging world has just become a sadder place knowing that we'll be losing you from it. Thank you for all of your insightful and creative posts that have brought joy to so many and will no doubt be a great resource for thousands of people to come. We will keep in touch and I will hope to be a much better friend when I've got past this stressful (but in absolutely no way comparable!) part of my life this year. But thank you once and for all for all your help and support over the years and for being such an inspiring part of this little world. You'll be so very missed xxxxx

    1. Sweetest CiCi, you are so incredibly dear to me. I swear, I am crying a wall of tears as I write these words. My heart is in pieces - even though I know this is the smartest decision for me at this stage in my life. I really cannot begin to thank you enough for your incredible support of CV over the years and the marvelous friendship that we share. I cherish you and hope that we can always, always remain as thick as thieves.

      I will miss being here more than I think I can even realize yet. Thankfully though, I'm not vanishing from the web entirely and as I (hopefully!) recover again on many different levels, I'll be able to engage with the online world once more in a variety of ways.

      You have inspired, touched, and helped me endlessly as well, and I will forever be grateful to you for so very much.

      I love you dearly, my beautiful friend.

      Giant hugs always,
      ❤ Jessica

  8. Jessica thank you for everything you have done for this community of bloggers and vintage lovers. It is you who thru your dedication to your own blog (and the kindest of words) got me to make the push to being a better blogger. I consider you a friend even though we have never met and everything you have done for me will never be forgotten and I don't think there are enough thank you's in this world but thank you!

    I know this was a hard choice but I fully support you and You never ever know what the future will hold :)

    I would love to stay in touch and will 100% be following your adventures on social media. All the strength is being sent your way for your health to improve and know that myself (and the ladies at the Toronto Vintage Society) are thinking of you.

    Much love and hugs


    1. My very dear Liz, fellow Canadian vintage adoring lady and huge inspiration to me, thank you through and through for your tremendously sweet, understanding comment. I have beyond loved connecting with you over the years and am so grateful for the wonderful friendship that we've developed over that time. Thank you for always supporting and cheering on my blog and Etsy shop alike. For being one of the few fellow Canucks in the vintage blogging world and for each special way you've touched my life. We will definitely stay in touch and I fully believe (finally!) meet up in person one day. It would be a crime of no small magnitude if we didn't. In fact, I feel even more motivated to make that happen now. Gone though I may be from this blog, I still fully consider myself a part of the vintage world and want to meet up with others in person whenever possible.

      Really and truly, today and always, thank you for everything.

      Huge hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  9. Please know that I'm sending you my very best wishes for you and your family going forward, dear Jessica. Thank you for the gift of your blog over these many years. I hope your future holds many wonderful new beginnings and happy times! ❤

    1. Sweet Jennifer, thank you deeply for your beautiful comment and well wishes for our future. I really want to thank you as well for being such an amazing longtime blog reader and online friend. You've been with CV for quite some time now and I have always appreciated your readership and comments. Thank you so much for making my blog a part of your world.

      Tons of the biggest hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  10. Dear Jessica,
    I can completely understand how difficult this decision must have been. I'm sure that all your readers only wish you & your family the greatest happiness, and if that means you will no longer be blogging here, then so be it. Your health and wellbeing is of the upmost importance. Even though we have never met in real life, you are one of the bloggers I follow that I feel really connected to, and you will be in my thoughts often. Wishing you all the best for everything you do, Jenny xxx

    1. Immensely lovely Jenny, thank you with all of my heart. I have so greatly enjoyed interacting with you and your marvelous blog over the years. Thank you for your awesome support of CV and for the myriad ways that you have inspired me. I feel that kinship with you as well and know that we'll keep it alive through your blog and social media going forward from here (and of course, you are beyond welcome to email me anytime, too). You're a fantastic person and a dear friend, and I will never stop being inspired by you.

      An ocean of hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  11. Dearest Jessica! I know how hard this decision is! When the time is right, new ventures will come forth. I've enjoyed this blog immensely, and you should be so proud of this body of work and sharing your passions. Also, for the loving community it created- something beyond what was ever imagined, I'm sure! Amazing job, Jessica. What I gained the most from CV, has no doubt been meeting you and becoming friends. I'm always here for you as a fellow vintage lover, to share business advice ideas, and most of all as a friend. Take time to rest, take care of yourself, and a new door will show itself to you ready to be opened. Thank you so much for all that you have shared- knowledge, passion, enthusiasm, support, creativity and so much more! xo

    1. Dearest Karen, you have a heart of gold and are such a special friend to me. Thank you beyond measure for the incredible support you've shown me, CV and my Etsy shop over the years. For each wonderful email we've shared and every point we've discovered in common, as well as for the phenomenal support that you've bestowed on us since the fire. I cherish and appreciate all of these things, just as I do you. I am always here for you as well and am grateful that we'll be able to remain in one another's lives through other channels going forward from here.

      With the deepest of gratitude and love, thank you for everything.

      Epic hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  12. Sweet, sweet Jessica. I was utterly heartbroken reading your post, even if it was not altogether unexpected. But you must definitely do what is best for you. I'm glad we will not lose you altogether and will be able to catch up with you now and again through social media. You have so often been in my thoughts these last couple of months, and you will continue to do so. It's been a true honour to get to know you, but as they say, this is only "au revoir", not "adieu". With much love and hugs, Ann xxx

    1. Immensely lovely Ann, thank you so much - for your beautiful understanding and support today, for cheering on CV for quite a while now, and for always being a ray of cheerful sunshine in my life. You are a fabulous, caring, warmhearted person and I feel blessed that this shared passion of ours (vintage and blogging) lead us to meet. Please know that I plan to keep reading and enjoying your terrific blog for ages to come and that you can always write me anytime you'd like to chat. Though gone from CV, I'll definitely be bopping around the web still.

      Countless hugs & thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  13. Jessica, I am tearing up! Not even in large part due to sadness over your blog closing, but for how beautifully you've written this ultimate essay on change. Life changes, things happen, for better and worse, and we evolve for it. I have no doubt you and Tony have only become stronger and more wonderful than ever before, and I wish you the absolute best as you forge new trails in life.

    I am so sorry that such a change was triggered as it was, but know that you have touched so many hearts with this blog and nothing will ever negate that. I will continue to follow everything you choose to put online!

    1. Sweet Anne, that is just as beautiful as beautiful can be. Thank you for touching my heart and life with your support, understanding and kindness. It means a tremendous amount to me to know that you'll be here to connect with me wherever I may venture next (in the future) online. That is hugely encouraging.

      Giant hugs & my deepest of thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  14. Aww, Jessica!!! As a fellow blogger, I understand how terribly difficult this must be for you. Your blog is a beautiful expression of yourself and an incredible body of research and work. I'm glad you'll be leaving it up, as it's an amazing resource!

    I hope and pray that you'll be feeling better soon and that all the free time you now have without blogging will be filled with lots of happy experiences and meaningful things. Thank you for all of your support over the years (you were the first "big blogger" to ever comment on my blog, and I remember that!), and I wish you the best!

    1. My wonderfully sweet friend, thank you from the depth of my soul for your incredible support over the years. I have sincerely loved getting to know you better, watching your blog not only grow, but blossom like the grandest of roses, and connecting with you in a multitude of different ways. You are so inspiring, insightful and amazing! I admire you and your blog greatly and am so touched to know that I've helped to inspire you (and it) over the years. You definitely did the same for me and mine.

      Let's be sure to stay in touch and keep on cheering one another on for ages to come.

      Countless hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  15. Oh Jessica, you and your bravery are an endless source of inspiration. I can only imagine how difficult this decision was for you, but I admire your ability to do what you know in your heart is right for you and your family. Sending you great big hugs and tons of love, which will not stop just because your blog has. I look forward to your Instagram posts and some peeks into whatever it is that's currently inspiring you. xoxo!

    1. Sweet Nikki, that is powerfully moving and uplifting to be told. Thank you with all of my heart. Not only for what you said today, but for the multitude of ways that you have support and been a beautiful part of CV's life for a long time now. I'm so grateful for you and your friendship. Please write anytime and know that I am always here for you and your awesome vintage business.

      Gigantic hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  16. Dear Jessica, this comment will probably contain a lot that has already been written in previous comments or what you've heard before but I just had to say this.
    I understand that that horrible night has changed your life for ever and unfortunately we can't go back in time. The chapter of Chronically Vintage was a very beautiful chapter in your life but also in the lives of many vintage-bloggers and vintage minded people. You have shared so much fantastich stories with us and with those stories you've inspired a lot of us.
    This decision hasn't been easy but I completely understand it. Thank you for this amazing blog and althoug this chapter is finished we will always be able to re-read a lot of these posts and admire your outstanding outfits.
    Last but not least I would like to say that I really appreciate the way you helped me with starting my blog. You've been so supportive for someone you didn't know that good, a young girl from across the ocean.

    Many greetings & best wishes,

    1. Dearest Emma, your words are a like a warm hug right now. Comforting, uplifting and morale bolstering. Thank you, sweet lady, for every word that you said and for being such an incredible long time blog reader + online friend. I really don't have the words to describe how much it means to me to know that I've helped you with your own splendid blog. That is, for me personally, the most rewarding thing I could hear as a blogger.

      I look forward to continuing to enjoy your site and want you to know that I'm always here anytime you'd like to chat vintage, blogging, or anything! :)

      Huge hugs & thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  17. Dear, dear Jessica,
    I am so sad to read this, but at the same time I am happy for you and applaud you for taking this step that is best for you and your family. I know it wasn't an easy decision, but you will benefit from it in the long run, I am sure.
    I think of you often, and pray for your continued healing (mentally, spiritually, and physically) both from the tragic fire and from your health issues. God bless you, and I look forward to seeing you around on social media and such! Sending lots of love to you, dear lady!! ❤️❤️

    1. Wonderfully sweet Esther, thank you with all of my heart. Thank you for your marvelous support of CV throughout the years. For being one of my "Fellow Vintage Blogger" interviewees, for your incredible help + support in the aftermath of the fire, for the multitude of ways that you inspire me, and for being a dear and treasured online friend.

      Massive hugs coming straight back at you,
      ❤ Jessica

  18. Jessica,

    Thank you for the lovely peek into your vintage world. You helped me encourage my interest and confidence when I was just starting out cultivating a 1950s aesthetic. I wish you and your husband the best with your lives, may they be full of wonderful new adventures.

    1. That is immensely touching to hear, my dear. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your readership and support of my blog and am honoured to know that I was able to help foster your own passion for mid-century styles. If you'd ever like to chat more on the topic, I'm just an email away. :)

      Tons of hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  19. Dear Jessica I never saw this coming but can understand that right now you need to focus on taking care of yourself. I can only wish you the very best and send you a big hug friend.

    1. My immensely dear friend, thank you for many years of awesome support and fashion loving kinship and for always being there with a wise word and kind compliment. I am very grateful for all of the ways that you helped to brighten the act of blogging for me - massively including with your splendid site - and hope that we can continue to connect in various ways going forward from this point.

      Endless thanks & the biggest of hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  20. It is alright to change paths. I am sorry to hear that you don't think your shop will be back open either:(
    I will be letting my blog go when the url is up in June. I thought about it for many years and this year I know it is time for a change myself too.

    I look forward to seeing what you do post insta and enjoy building your new home and life with Tony:)

    1. Lovely Daphne, thank you so much, darling gal. It has always, always been a sincere pleasure interacting with you online (and through the post alike!). Knowing that you were a fellow vintage fan just a few provinces to the east was no small comfort in a country with staggeringly few of us to be had. I truly appreciate your beautiful friendship, giving spirit, kindness and online support.

      Let's be sure to stay in touch and plan all the more for that fun holiday gift swap we keep talking about.

      Giant hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  21. Jessica, I am sorry this has happened and that you are having such a hard time. I think taking the time to take care of you and your family is the most important thing you can do. Having to start again is hard but perhaps closing this chapter of your life will lead to something new, challenging, inspirational and you will love. I wish you love and light

    1. Thank you deeply for your warmhearted understanding, sweet Manuela, as well as for your beautiful well wishes as I (we) venture forth into the unwritten future. I truly appreciate both.

      Tons of hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  22. Dearest girl,
    I chose not to burden you with the word of shock and grief coming from me. No. Those are mine, and I will deal with them.. You, on the other hand, I can understand: this "place of web" was a sanctuary to your dreams - and spread so great in all ways, touching many lives. I can not even guess the magnitude of hardship you have felt lately. Also, I can only imagine how horrific this decision was, when it was being made.
    I won't show sorrow.
    (because you deserve only smiles!)
    If it is time to move on, we shall move along with you. :)
    I will not give you my "goodbye" . since this is not one. We are only letting this adorable, imaginative and inspirational ship float away. Farewell to the "CV" ship! ..but never to Jess & Tony.
    You guise are my buddies (thousands of miles apart, but still). You KNOW where to find me, and I will be right here when you do.

    Take a deep breath, my dear friend.
    Let's give a long wave to this glorious ship!

    1. My wonderfully dear friend, oh, how I adore you and the eloquence, laced with sagely wisdom, that you have long shared here with me (all of us) through your beautiful comments here over the years. Today's is no exception. It shines with so much of what makes you the incredible person that you are and adds further proof to the fact that your heart is bigger than the distance between our two lands.

      Thank you from the very furthest reaches of my own heart for each and every stellar way that you have support and cheered on my blog (and shop and social media, too) over the years. Thank you for the countless ways you've inspired me. For posting some of the most engaging and informative vintage content around, and for sharing your life with me through our longstanding friendship. You mean a tremendous amount to me and I am certain that even though the "S.S. Chronically Vintage" (to use your lovely ship analogy) has now been docked, we will long continue to be in each other's lives and I am so grateful for that fact - just as I am for the honour of knowing you.

      Innumerable hugs & so much love,
      ❤ Jessica

  23. I will truly miss reading and following your walk through life. I found your blog about 3 or so years agao and have enjoyed it. But I understand your reasons and wish you the very best going forward.

    1. GADawn57, it's a pleasure to "meet" you. Thank you so much, really and truly, for three fantastic years of blog readership. I appreciate it immensely and am really happy to know that your time here. Please don't hesitate to zip an email my way if you'd like to chat more about vintage. CV is retiring, my passion for all things yesteryear definitely isn't going anywhere! :)

      Many hugs & heartfelt thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  24. Thank you for the many years you spent inspiring us, befriending us, lifting is up and making us smile. I'm so happy to hear that Chronically Vintage will still be here for all of us to enjoy and although it will be a while down the road, I look forward to seeing the next chapter in your life!

    1. Sweet Brittany, we've been companions in vintage blogging for so many wonderful years now and it hard to believe that on my side of things, that is coming to an end today. Thank you, truly, for your awesome support of CV all throughout that time, for cheering me on, for that delightful interview we shared, and for inspiring (and teaching) me in more ways than I could ever count. It has been such a joy knowing you and really hope we can continue to connect with one another in various ways still going forward from today. You can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be eagerly lapping up your own blog still for ages to come.

      Immense hugs & thanks for so many incredible years,
      ❤ Jessica

  25. Dearest Jessica, I cannot seem to find the right words. But thank you for inspiring me, encouraging me, and sharing your life. This is something I will never forget. I wish you the very best in your future endeavors! Love always, Daffny

    1. You are truly welcome, my beautiful friend. Thank you in turn for each amazing, encouraging way you have supported CV and me over the years. For our great chats, for our shared love of classic films, and for always being there for me. I adore you to bits, admire you beyond words, and have been so inspired by you and your blog since the moment it launched. You're awesome, no two ways about it.

      Please, let's be sure to stay in touch and keep our friendship going strong. I really care about you and your family, and hope that we can always remain in one another's lives.

      Endless hugs & heartfelt thanks for everything,
      ❤ Jessica

  26. No words... Thanks for everything you gave us.

    1. It has been an honour and a privilege of the highest magnitude. Thank you in turn, dear Liz, for your unwavering support of CV for so many years now. I appreciate it with all of my heart.

      Huge hugs always,
      ❤ Jessica

  27. Sad to hear it, but I get this. Blogging is a lot of work, and you've done so much already. After so many years you're bound to come to a point in your life where you've said all you can say through your blog. I've been at it for two years now and I'm already feeling burned out with mine! Too much illness, stress and work/life issues to keep me motivated.

    I commend you for keeping up with yours for as long as you did, and delivering quality content all the while! It's a shame I don't do the social media thing but I wish you all the best in the future, for your family as well. Who knows what you'll end up doing next! Maybe write a book?? ;)

    1. Thank you very much for your understanding and encouraging words. I'm very sorry to hear that you've been struggling to keep your own blog going strong for certain similar reasons. Please know that I'm always here if you need someone to talk to about anything.

      Writing a book would be incredible. Though I'm not currently actively pursuing that dream, it has been a bucket list item of mine since childhood and is something I truly hope is able to come to fruition down the line. Thank you for reminding me that I'll now have more time to venture down that path.

      Tons of hugs & understanding coming your way,
      ❤ Jessica

  28. You really must do what is right for you even though it feels so painful it is right. I am sad to see your blog end but I honestly don't believe this is the last we shall see of you because you are a writer, and I truly believe at some point and in a different way, when the time is right you will write. x x

    1. You hit a very insightful nail squarely on the head, my dear friend. In fact, the inability to readily share my words in a (non-strictly social media, I mean) context with a group of kindred spirits was one of the main counterpoints to retiring CV and I know that within days, I'll miss having that ability something fierce. Though I have zero plans in motion for such yet, I too believe that I'll be back, albeit in another form most likely, online again and hope with all my heart that some of my dear friends here will want to join me on that new and exciting journey, whatever it may be, as well. Until then though, you can always reach me by email or PM. :)

      Thank you so much for your awesome support and encouragement over the years, for our friendship, and for the wonderful fun I've had visiting your blog for many years now. I will definitely still be reading and look forward to seeing what you share with us there in the future.

      Giant hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  29. I'm sorry to hear this, but it makes so much sense to focus your energies elsewhere.

    I'm going to take this last opportunity to share some information that I hope may help you with your health. I have several autoimmune as well as other chronic health conditions. I have found the autoimmune protocol diet very helpful. Even just eliminating grains & dairy can make a huge difference. And if you can find a functional medicine, integrative, or naturopathic doctor, they tend to get much better results by looking for the actual causes of our ill health rather than just patching up our symptoms, and saying "there's no cure" which is what one generally hears from doctors, at least in regard to autoimmunity. You may already know, but for IC (and sometimes celiac disease), a low oxalate diet can be very helpful. The Trying Low Oxalates yahoo group run by researcher Susan Costen Owens has the most information that I have found, and a comprehensive and up to date list of oxalate levels in foods, beverages, and supplements. There are usually a couple of times per year when items are tested, and then the list is updated.

    I wish you the best.


    1. Hi Dee, thank you very much for your message, with is deeply caring on a lot of different levels. I'm wholeheartedly sorry to hear that you're a longtime multiple CI (chronic illness) fighter as well and definitely appreciate you relaying some of your experiences with a low oxalate diet to me. It's something I've experimented with over the years (especially early on in my life with vulvodynia, which arose - or at least presented itself - in my body in tandem with IC) and I have had a degree of success with it for sure. In general, diet has been one of the (if not "the" flat out) biggest tools I've had in the management of my health and the positives that I get from eating an extremely strict diet that I've tailored to/around my conditions more than makes being unable to eat the overwhelming majority of foods beyond worth it, as I know you can totally relate to firsthand yourself.

      I really hope that a low oxalate diet continues to benefit you and that 2017 will bring many days of the most positive health possible your way.

      Thank you deeply again. You're a lovely person and it has been an honour having you as a blog reader.

      Tons of gentle hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  30. Miss Jessica, it saddens me to hear that you are ending the blog. Chronically Vintage was one of the very first vintage lifestyle blogs I started following back in 2012. I adored your heart warming posts and your genuinely sweet personality. And though I didn't always have the time to comment on ever post, I did enjoy reading them (sometimes binge reading all at once).

    While I will miss your blog, I completely understand the reasons for your decision. You need time to figure out your path and take care of yourself both physically and mentally.

    I hope the very best for you and your family. Whatever the future has in store for you I hope it will find you in good health and good spirit. You are an amazing individual and if the day so happens that you choose to return to the blog-sphere, I'll be eagerly awaiting your posts.

    Best wishes :)

    1. Dear and wonderfully sweet Akram. I honestly think that I will print out your comment and keep it with me for inspiration and encouragement going forward from this staggeringly difficult decision point. Thank you for each and every warmhearted, supportive word that you wrote here today and for being such an incredible online friend + CV supporter over the years (as well as an incredible Vintage Secret Santa participant). I have long delighted (and likewise "binge read" :)) your terrific blog, too, and look forward to continuing to enjoy it, even though mine will no longer be active. Please know that you always have a friend in me and that I'd love to hear from you 24/7 anywhere online or by snail mail.

      Huge thanks & hugs coming your way,
      ❤ Jessica

  31. I'm terrible at knowing how to say goodbye (I literally put like 5 sentences saying "later, nerds!" when I decided to end my blog), but you, my dear, have always had a beautiful way with words and a flowery sense of prose that tugs relentlessly on my heart. Even your comments left on my posts were a dreamy script that left me feeling touched by the sun. You were one of the first vintage blogs I discovered and you were and you remain one of the sweetest people I've met in the wide internet world of vintage lovers. I hope you will gain a new part of life back with this decision. It may be very different, but I'm wishing it will be very much better as well. Good luck to you and your husband on this next chapter of your lives.

    1. Thank you deeply, lovely Jamie. I've always been acutely aware of the fact that my particular style of writing isn't everyone's cup of tea, but knowing that it found favour amongst many of my readers here was hugely encouraging over the years. I really appreciate your longtime readership of CV and the various ways we were able to support one another's sites (and Etsy shops). Thank you so much for everything.

      Many hugs & happy springtime wishes,
      ❤ Jessica

  32. My dear Jessica, Your wonderful blog will be truly missed! For the past 6 or 7 years I've been so fond of your posts. I do understand health issues impacting activities. I'm glad you and Tony are rebuilding your lives...and Annie too! Please keep in touch. If you need my email I will be glad to send it. With much love and many well wishes to you!!

    1. Wonderfully dear April, thank you so much for your incredible longtime readership and friendship alike (as well as for being a customer of my Etsy shop), and of course also for the touchingly special emails we've shared over the years (if your email address has remained the same as the last time we chatted, then I'm happy to say that still have it). You're a strong, inspiring, awesomely warmhearted woman and I am sincerely grateful to know you.

      A million hugs straight from my heart to yours,
      ❤ Jessica

  33. It takes just as much strength to let go. Congratulations on making the decision you needed to make for your own physical and mental health.
    You've provided so much knowledge, vintage inspiration, and lovely outfits through this blog and it will stand as a great resource. You should be very proud.

    1. Sweet Rhiannon, I would give you the biggest hug right now, if I could. I needed to hear your words more than I can adequately convey. Thank you so much for your understanding support and encouragement in regards to this extremely difficult, life altering decision. It means an enormous amount to me - as does all of the fabulous love you've showered on CV and my Etsy shop over the years. I really hope that we can stay in touch and continue building our friendship all the more.

      Oodles of love & hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  34. I will miss your informative blog,but I understand that you must do what is best for you and Tony. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a healing of your health. I will follow you on Instagram and Pinterest. God Bless.

    1. Thank you very much, Marilyn. I wholeheartedly appreciate your support of CV and your understanding regarding this tremendously difficult decision. It means a lot that you'll continue to keep up with me on social media. Please feel free to share your accounts here (or via email or PM) with me so that I can be sure to follow you there as well, if I'm not already, that is.

      Tons of hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  35. I had tears in my eyes reading this. Of course I'm sad to see your blog and your Etsy shop go, but what really had me tearing up is knowing how difficult this must be for you! Ditto to what everyone else has said, though: thank you for so many lovely, inspiring, educational posts. Thank you for being such a caring, encouraging person. And thank you for making the difficult, but brave and important decision to play the new hand you've been dealt and put yourself and your well-being (physical and mental) first. I look forward to continuing to stay connected with you by email and social media. Take care of yourself, and know that all of your followers love you! <3

    1. My immensely dear friend, Grace, thank you from the bottom of my heart (which sits in pieces right now in the wake of this exceptionally challenging decision). Thank you for your support, compassion and understanding. Thank you for the fabulous blog comments over the years, for being a customer of my Etsy shop, for our many emails (which I hope we'll always be able to keep up), for your generous and caring support after the fire, and for the joy your own terrific blog has brought my way. I appreciate you and all the ways you've impacted my (our) world a great deal.

      Lots and love of hugs to you always,
      ❤ Jessica

  36. I am so sorry to hear your news, but your health is so incredibly important and must be your priority. I hope you and Tony are doing well, and I send your little family all of the love that I can.

    1. Thank you deeply, my beautiful friend. You have always been a ray of supportive sunshine here and I cannot thank you enough for that. From your lovely comments to the inspiration that your own fabulous blog has instilled in me, it has been such a joy interacting with you and I wholeheartedly hope that we can always continue to be in one another's lives online in various ways (I will still be reading your blog, big time!).

      Really and truly, thank you so much.

      A million hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  37. While the end of Chronically Vintage makes me quite sad, I can certainly understand your decision. Above all, your health and family must come first. Rebuilding and healing needs to take top priority. You never know. Maybe you'll return to the blogosphere in the future---and I really hope that you do. But until then take good care of yourself, Jess. I'll miss your vintage flair!

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Jackie. I really appreciate your well wishes and optimism, as well as your stellar support here for a number of years now. It has been an awesome pleasure getting to know you and your wonderful blog throughout that time. Thank you deeply for your support of CV and for being a kindred second hand shopping spirit. I wouldn't doubt it for a moment that I'll return to the web in a bigger (than "just" social media, I mean) way at some point down the line. No idea how, when or any details, but I sense that I will - I just love writing and connecting with everyone (in our sphere) online too much to let go of that part of myself forever.

      Tons of hugs & best wishes for a fabulous year of thrifting,
      ❤ Jessica

  38. I'm sorry to hear that there will be no more new posts, but I certainly understand. I experienced a loss in October that deeply affected who I am--I still wonder if I'll ever get back to the innocence and bubbling joy that used to characterize me...and I hope so.
    I hope you are able to get back to a better state of health in the months to come and that life is able to return to a happier, more peaceful and secure state after the terrible loss you guys went through.

    1. Lovely Rachel, I am deeply sorry that you went through a deeply stressful and life changing event last October as well. My heart goes out to you on so many understanding levels.

      Thank you deeply for your years of fantastic support and online friendship, and for inspiring, entertaining and educating me alike with your own splendid blog.

      May this year be kinder to both of us and grant us new happiness to help counterbalance the hardships of 2016.

      Giant hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  39. Yours is the one blog I refer to often and always have enjoyed your updates. This is a sad one, but appreciated. Your personal life and health should come first, no question. Your generosity of spirit is obvious! I will miss this! You are a creative person and I will miss being inspired by your style. You are a curious person and I will miss learning from your investigation of all things vintage. You can count on me checking out Pinterest! I love your pins! And thank you for keeping this blog up so we can revisit your style and musings on the vintage lifestyle. May you be well, may you be happy, may you be free...


    1. What a moving beautiful comment and summary of how you see me. It touches me greatly to know that you feel this way and that you've enjoyed CV for quite a while now. Having the ability to pen this site and share my passion for all things vintage here for the eight years now will forever stand as one of the best and most important experiences of my entire life. It was an honour and joy to do so and I look forward, as time goes on, to hopefully returning again in a bigger way to the web (perhaps a new blog or Youtube channel, for example) and continuing to share that love far and wide. For now though, social media it is and I'm certainly very grateful that it exists.

      Many, many hugs & heartfelt thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  40. Dear Jessica,
    I am sad to hear that we won't be seeing you anymore on this blog, but I completely understand your decision, as sad is it must have been to make. I have loved your blog, as it was one of the first vintage blogs I found, but furthermore I have loved getting to know you- the person behind the blog. Just because you are no longer blogging does not mean this is a goodbye- as I know we'll see you elsewhere!
    Lots of love and best wishes on your new adventures,

    1. My awesomely dear friend (and fellow Western Canadian vintage adoring gal), thank you with all of my heart for your incredible support and friendship over the years. I just adore you and your blog, and am very grateful for the close bond that we share. Please know that I will always keep reading your blog and that I know we'll remain in each other's lives still, even though CV is being retired (and, you know, I really do think I'll be back online in a bigger way again some day - no idea when or how, but something in my gut says that I will be).

      Really, thank you so much for everything (massively including your generosity and love in the aftermath of the fire). You're the very definition of warmhearted and I'm so grateful that you're in my life.

      Endless hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  41. Dear Jessica, I am so sorry to hear how hard the aftermath of the fire has hit you and fully understand that you need to focus on other matters now. It is a pity you won't be updating this blog anymore, but thank you for keeping it online. I discovered your blog rather late, so I will make sure to check back regularly when I need a dose of well-researched vintage inspiration. (And, wow, 1,500 posts, that is quite the legacy!) I wish you and Tony all the best for the future.

    1. Hi Iris, thank you very much for your beautifully supportive and understanding words, as well as for being a more recent reader of my blog. I'm very happy to "meet" you, even though I'm doing so just as CV is coming to an end. If you should ever want to chat vintage more with me, please don't hesitate to fire off an email my way.

      Many hugs & best wishes for a beautiful spring,
      ❤ Jessica

  42. I commend you for all you have been through.

    I do hope that your health improves now that you will have more time to focus on it.

    Big hugs to you and your family and all the very best in the future.


    1. Thank you very much, sweet Suzanne. I greatly appreciate your understanding over this incredibly difficult choice, as well as your many years of CV readership and support. I adored getting to know you and your own beautiful blog throughout that time, too, and will certainly try to keep visiting you there and reading your site for ages to come.

      Tons of hugs from the Okanagan,
      ❤ Jessica

  43. *sigh* As sad as this news is, it's not a surprise. Your life was turned upside down and now you need to repair it. So go do that. Attend to other things and re-build. If and when you can return, we'll welcome you. I hope you and I can stay friends: you really mean a lot to me. Hugs!

    1. Thank you very much, Ally. I wholeheartedly appreciate that. You have been such a terrific friend to me and CV over the years, and I will always be grateful to you for that. Thank you as well for the myriad ways that you and your blog have inspired, informed ad entertained me. You're such a bright, positive spot in the blogging world and should I ever return to the web (beyond "just" social media and the like), it means no small amount to me to know that you'll be there waiting.

      Truly, for every last thing, thank you.

      ❤ Jessica

  44. Oh Jessica, I just want to thank you so much for your blog. It was one of the first vintage blogs I discovered, and I loved seeing your outfits, and getting to know you in some small way. I hope this next chapter of your life can prove to be a good one.

    1. Thank you deeply, dear Kaitlyn. It has been such a wonderful pleasure getting to know you and your delightfully lovely blog (oh, how I admire your fabulous sewing skills!) over the years. I really appreciate your readership and kindness, and will miss seeing your sweet, warmhearted comments here.

      Please don't hesitate to stay in touch, if you'd like, and drop me a line anytime. Even if I'm not going to be writing up a storm here any longer, I still massively adore vintage and talking about it with others who share this wonderful passion.

      Giant hugs & heartfelt thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  45. Jessica, I'm sorry to hear you won't be blogging anymore. I know it was a hard decision but you need to do what you need to do to take care of your health, rebuild what the fire took, and enjoy life with your hubby and doggie.

    I'm glad you're keeping the blog up so we can still reread the posts. And you aren't totally disappearing since we can still find you on Instagram and emails, right? :-)

    You are a dear lady and I wish you all the best with whatever the future brings you.

    1. Sweet Dawn, thank so tremendously much for your fantastic support and encouragement over the years. You are such a lovely person and I have always adored the positivity and light that you brought to my world via your comments here.

      Yes, absolutely! Though CV is retiring, I will definitely still be online quite a bit and thoroughly welcome you to connect with me anytime, anywhere. And, who knows, perhaps one day I'll be back with a new blog, YouTube channel or some other big project and we can connect there, too. I'd really like that.

      Huge thanks & so very much appreciation to you for everything,
      ❤ Jessica

  46. For every season there's a reason I was once told during a terrible time in my life and I believe that is so. And also that sometimes (most times) change is actually a gift, an opportunity to grow and flourish but on a different path. I wish you all the very best health and happiness, Jessica and understand your decision to close your blog. Thanks for keeping all your brilliant posts open - very generous of you. It's a huge amount of work keeping up a blog, and one as detailed and creative and one which has so much research as yours must be very huge! Will look forward to keeping in touch via Instagram :) Love to you and Tony (and Annie), Elizabeth. xx

    1. Sweet, endlessly lovely Elizabeth, thank you so very much for your beautiful kindness and understanding, as well as for the wise reminder to look at change as a blessing/gift. The past three days, since this post went live, has been a sleepless, tear filled, emotional mess for me, but I am trying all the same to look towards the future and the gifts I know it will bring my/our way, whatever they may be.

      Many thanks for everything. I will still try to read your splendid blog as often as I can and really look forward to continuing to connect with you via email and Instagram.

      Endless hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  47. Hi Jessica, selfishly I am sad that you are retiring this blog, because I so love reading your posts and appreciate your comments. I wish you all the best, in terms of health and state of mind. See you via pinterest or instagram. Xxx

    1. It isn't selfish at all to feel that way. I totally understand and am nothing short of completely gutted about having to make this excruciating difficult choice and say goodbye (in a blog context at least) so many people here whom I know, care about and interact with often. Doing so is agonizing for me and truly an extreme step to take even for the sake of my health, but that, right here and now I must. Perhaps one day I'll be able to return to the web to a greater degree and we can continue to connect all the more then, sweet dear.

      Many hugs & heartfelt thanks for your wonderful support of CV,
      ❤ Jessica

  48. Dear Jessica, I don't think I did see this coming, although I thought you would take a very long break at least. It's a very understandable, and brave decision to embrace the future rather than try to recreate what was, and now I think of it this does seem to be a healthy way forward. I just want you to know that I have loved getting to know you through your blog. Neither of our lives have been easy in various ways, and st times while I was very ill your posts would drop in to my inbox and brighten my day, allowing me to escape into a lovely scene of the past or just pique my interest. I've learnt so much about vintage fashion, tried out old time recipes and discovered part of Canada thanks to you xx I don't currently engage in other platforms, I am currently working hard and studying to support myself, the last daughter I have at home and my two little dogs, so time is short. However I do want you to know that I am currently mid way thorough orthodontist treatment (at last!) and my life is moving forward too. I wish you nothing but the very best - you are one of the few whose sweetness shines through their writing, you deserve lots and lots of happiness xx

    1. My wonderfully dear friend, thank you with all of my heart for your flat out incredible support of CV over the years. For your many beautiful emails, for each encouraging word, and for being a kindred vintage loving chronic illness fighter. It has been such an honour getting to know you online and I sincerely hope that we can remain in one another's lives as time goes. Please know that even if CV is gone (as in retired, I mean), I am still here and always more than happy to chat, if you'd like - bringing, I hope, some of that same sense of happiness to your inbox all the same still.

      I wish you the absolute best with your orthodontist work (so exciting!), schooling, and all other areas of your life. You're a marvelous person and deserve nothing but good things across the board.

      Countless hugs & wishes for a gorgeous springtime,
      ❤ Jessica

  49. Hello Jessica,
    I've been a casual reader for several years, spending many pleasant Saturdays every few months puttung aside the everyday cares and worries while catching up on your posts. Thank you for all you've done with your blog, it has truly been a lovely thing to enjoy. I wish you the very, very best in terms of your health and in all of your new adventures going forward. <3

    1. Hi Kristin, thank you so much for your longtime readership of CV and for leaving such a movingly sweet comment here for me on its final post. I appreciate your patronage of my site immensely and certainly welcome you to drop me a note anytime, if you'd like to chat vintage still, even with CV being retired.

      Tons of hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  50. Take care, all the very best to you Jessica and your family! I've enjoyed reading your blog posts over the last year! Thank-you for your beautiful comments on my blog! Lots of love to you! xo

    1. Super sweet Camilla, you are one of those people who are just a total ray of cheerful sunshine. Thank you for brightening CV with your warmhearted spirit and for so many awesomely nice comments, as well as for inspiring me time and time again for your own fabulous outfits and blog posts. I adore you to bits and look forward to continuing to connect with you in various ways online as time goes on. Please keep being your sunny self and know that you always have a friend and fan alike in me.

      Giant hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  51. Rest easy sweet Jessica. We love you and understand and respect your decision. You have touched all our lives in such a tender and sincere way and I think this is a positive move for you. We will miss the blog but I look forward to saying hi to you on other media.
    Love always
    Debs xxxxx

    1. Wonderfully sweet Debs, thank you so very much for your beautiful note here this week and for being such an ardent supporter of CV over the years. You are a warm, caring, inspiring woman and I have always loved hearing from you. We'll definitely stay in touch via SM and I'll be doing my best to keep on reading your lovely blog as often as I can.

      Huge hugs & heartfelt thanks for everything,
      ❤ Jessica

  52. Sometimes things come to an end and life still keeps on going. Even though it is sad, sometimes it is for the best. It has been lovely time with your blog and I will miss it for awhile. But life continues, for you and for us, with new fun and exciting thing to see, to read and to experience. I wish you the best in you new life and see you on social media. Hugs!

    1. Eloquently and movingly said, dear Rhia, thank you very much. I truly appreciate your longtime support of my blog and that you were one of the folks that I was fortunate to be able to interview for my "Meet a Fellow Vintage Blogger" post series. I adore you and your blog massively, and have been inspired by you + your style more times than I can count. Please know that you always have a friend me and that I'll continue to read your site and connect with you on SM as often as possible.

      Giant hugs & so very many thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  53. What a beautiful post, Jess. You made me cry, you really did. I feel like a friendship is ended. I have always loved and enjoyed your writing so much, and this was so poetic and full of love. I truly hope we will not be strangers in the future. What warmths my heart is that now you finally do what I've urged you to for so long, relax and take time for yourself. It is a very good decision, the best for you, I know. But I will admit that I will miss you very much. Lots of luck and love from the bottom of my heart, to both of you. XOXO :)

    1. On an endless number of levels, it feels exactly the same way to me. This choice is torture. Making it was torture, executing it was torture, and now (for three very long days) living with it is torture. I've spent that times in nearly nonstop tears, my emotions a frayed and tangled mess, my thoughts darting everywhere and nowhere at the same time. This was, and is, so profoundly difficult for me to do.

      Simply saying "thank you" doesn't feel sufficient enough to express my profound gratitude to you for your unflappable support of CV (and my Etsy shop alike) over the years (as well as for all of your terrific emails and PMs). You are so dear to me, Sanne. You're a friend and also like a kindred spirited sister to me. I really can't say thank you enough for everything - each kind word, every reminder to take things easy(ier), all of the times you were there with a beautiful compliment. I treasure our friendship and hope with all my heart that we'll always stay in touch, both via email and SM. I care about you so much and very grateful that the web lead our paths to cross. My life has been brighter and better thanks to that happening, no question about it.

      Tons of love & hugs always,
      ❤ Jessica

    2. Oh, Jess, thank you so much for this lovely reply. Yes, we are sisters at heart, and now we can be penpals. A few mails a year about our lives will be ok, I hope. Do really think about taking it easy, rebuilding your life one tiny step at a time and enjoy it meanwhile. Now only good things will happen to you, I'm sure. XOXO :)

    3. Of course, my darling friend. It would be unthinkable for me not to reply to you here on this, CV's last post. You mean the world to me and I am so grateful for your friendship, support, encouragement and beautiful heart.

      We'll definitely stay in touch - please write however often you'd like, no limits in the slightest - and continue to cheer one another on and share in the highs and lows of life for a long time to come.

      So very, very much love always.

      xoxo ❤ Jessica

    4. Just a quick note to share this fab site with you: - apparently free. You can print papercrafts in 2D and 3D, scrapbooking (which I know you love), and lots more. Have a lovely weekend, dear :) XOXO

    5. Sooo fabulously cool! Thank you very much for the awesome - and entirely thoughtful - share, my treasured friend. I really appreciate it and hope to have the health - and time (now that we're finally into a longer term housing situation again) needed to finally craft again later this spring (for the first time since before the fire, that is).

      I hope that you, your DH, your son and all of your family is doing well and enjoying a beautiful start to spring (it's still closer, weather wise, to winter here after an uncharacteristically chilly + snowy March).

      Endless hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  54. I had been wondering how you were getting on, and am so sorry for your sake that you have had to make this decision. However, health and quality of life absolutely come first. I agree with so many of the other comments, and I doubt there is one reader of Chronically Vintage who doesn't feel like you are a personal friend, because of the warm and open way you write and the generous way you respond to your readers. It is no surprise that so many people have wanted to offer support. Like many others, I'm grateful for the kind and encouraging comments you've written on my own blog. Also, your openness about your chronic illnesses has inspired me to be more open and accepting of my own, and that has been so important. I'm struggling to put into words the positive experience that following your blog has been, but in my part of the world there's a particularly lovely ice cream brand with the slogan "Everything else is just ice cream" - that's sort of how I feel about Chronically Vintage, that it is exceptional. I'm glad your beautifully crafted outfit posts will still be here to inspire us, and I've just followed you on Pinterest and found your vintage Halloween images! I hope so much that you soon begin to feel some improvement in your health, and that life in general only gets better for you, Tony and Annie. With love and admiration, Samantha x

    1. Dearest Samantha, your comment - so richly caring, moving and lovely - is like a soothing balm to my exhausted heart and soul right now. This choice has left me in proverbial pieces. I almost feel as though I'm living outside of my own body and mind right now (interestingly, I felt much the same way immediately after the fire itself last October). This was, and will forever be, one of the most agonizingly difficult decisions of my life. Thank you for helping to ease a bit of my grief (over parting with CV) through your compassionate, warmhearted words. I appreciate it immensely, just as I do each and every beautiful comment that you have blessed CV with over the years. Thank you to no end for being a part of CV's world for so long. I cherish the fact that you were and hope that we can continue to connect online going forward from here. Please know that, if you'd like, you can email and/or SM PM me anytime your heart desires, my friend.

      Giant hugs & and endless stream of thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  55. Dear Jessica, I posted my thoughts on IG, but as this is where it all began for you, I'd like to add my thoughts to those of your other friends and followers. I am not great at commenting, but I want to say how sad I am to see you are retiring this unique blog but most glad to see you plan leaving it on the Google cloud to inspire all vintage lovin folks girls and guys in to the future. You've been through much recently but your beautiful new home in Okanagan Falls looks amazing and I'm sure you'll both have great fun making it your own. While I cannot truly know your reasons for retiring the blog, I can certainly understand it must have been a tough choice. I would probably have to have Glamourdaze wrenched from my cold dead hands. You are such a sweet soul and your blog posts have brightened many a gloomy day for me. I'm sending you all my affection and good thoughts to help you toward your new endeavours. You were my first fave vintage style site when I took my own faltering steps back in 2009 and you've been a huge inspiration. As I said on IG, there are many vintage style pretenders online these days, but there will only be one Chronically Vintage. I will miss seeing your posts, but we'll stay in touch. Chat soon my friend. x

    1. Stevie, my dear friend. You have always "gotten" and seen me, known my heart and shared in my unwavering passion for the past. I appreciate that, and you, tremendously. Thank you for always being there to help support CV in a plethora of ways, for your awesome PMs, and for inspiring me in more ways than I could count in a thousand lifetimes with your own incredible sites and SM accounts.

      This choice was mind blowingly hard. I would prefer to have walked the Sahara barefooted and without a canteen than to have had to take such drastic measures, but that I must. I tell myself that the tears will stop (though I doubt the pain will), but they haven't yet in three full days.

      Perhaps, as you and I had chatted about a while ago, one day I can return to blog again in one form or another as a sort of CV 2.0. That would be incredible in so many different ways. Right here and now though, I am going to focus as much as humanly possible on repairing some of the (further) damage done to my health by the past five months and to keep weaving the pieces of my (our) life back together again. Wish me luck...

      Always, in every single way, thank you for everything. I appreciate it more than mere words can convey.

      xoxo ❤ Jessica

  56. Jessica, thank you for all your posts and helpful tips about all things vintage. I certainly understand that you would want to move on to other things as maintaining the blog and shop the way you do must take a tremendous amount of time. All the best in your new endeavors and I'm looking forward to seeing you on social media! Janet

    1. You are so very welcome, Janet. Thank you very much for your wonderful readership of CV and for your touchingly kind comment here this week. I really appreciate both and likewise look forward to connecting with you on SM. With a bit of luck, I'll be back to posting on Instagram more often (once again) going forward from the point of having our new digs all set up.

      Many hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  57. Oooohhh... dear Jessica... be also sure that we love you too, I am sure every person here will agree with me! I am so sorry for that... I have told you. No, I didn't think it would happen, I thought it was on hold, but I do understand you. There are moments that something - either because of our will or due to fate, like it was - comes to an end because we have changed. And you are right, you and Tony have really changed. You are much stronger now and I hope your health is better soon! I told you that, for different reasons, I also think of that... but I still have some way to go. I will miss your posts a lot, since you are a great writer and researcher... but as I said, I do understand your decision. I am very glad that we have "met" each other, that is one thing that makes me proud and it's incredible how blogging is a tangible thing, not only virtual anymore! I really wish all the most amazing things to you, Tony and Annie and you know you can count on me - I mean that! Many many hugs, dear Jessica!

    1. My awesomely lovely friend, Denise. Thank you, thank you, and thank you again for your incredible support, bevy of beautiful comments, and oodles of terrific emails over the years. You are a fellow "natural born optimist" and I have always been touched by your positive messages, be they here or on your own stellar blog. I cannot thank you enough for everything and hope that you know that you will always have a friend in and that I'm there for you, too, in any way that I possibly can be.

      Giant hugs and no less than at least a billion more of my deepest thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  58. I'm so sorry that you're retiring your blog, but if it is best for you and your health, then everyone will understand perfectly. I hope you feel much better soon, and that your life can get back on track (I understand what it's like to be chronically ill, and how dreadful events can trigger one's health to worsen, so I really feel for you here). Please, please take care of yourself!

    1. Super sweet Ellie, thank you deeply, beautiful dear. I appreciate your deeply seeded understanding, but am also extremely sorry that you can relate firsthand to the immense challenges of life as a chronic illness fighter. Please know that I am always here, 24/7, if you ever need someone to talk to, vent to, or simply have as an entirely understanding ear for anything that you may be going through.

      Thank you for being a longtime CV reader, for all of your super nice comments, and for inspiring me time and time again with your own stunning personal style. I will definitely continue to read, enjoy and draw inspiration from your site for ages to come.

      Huge hugs & heartfelt thanks for everything,
      ❤ Jessica

    2. Thank you, sweetheart, that's really kind! The same goes to you, if you ever need somebody to talk to about health, vintage fashion, whatever, then feel free to send me an email or message me through blogger. Just so you know, you can contact me at and there's no need to hesitate if you want to drop me a line - it would be lovely to hear from you!
      Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog, too - your comments are always so sweet and make my day. :)

      Big hugs,

    3. You're such a dear, Ellie, thank you very, very much. I'm just an email ( away 24/7 as well and do sincerely hope that we're able to stay in touch (please know that I will happily continue to read your marvelous - and very inspiring - blog as often as I can).

      Tons upon tons of hugs & happy springtime wishes,
      ❤ Jessica

  59. I've enjoyed reading your blog! Best of luck :)

    1. As have I yours, lovely lady. Thank you so very much for your longtime support of CV and the many fantastic comments that you left here. It was always a pleasure seeing one pop up from you. Please know that I'll do my best to keep reading your wonderful blog as often as possible and that I'm always here (online in general, that is) if you'd like to chat about anything.

      Tons of hugs & sincere thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  60. I'm truly sorry to hear you're retiring your blog, though health always comes first. I had to put a lot of things on the back burner, or wasn't able to do them, during the eleven months I couldn't walk after my car accident. Best wishes for the new chapter of your life!

    1. Sweet Carrie-Anne, thank you deeply for your kindhearted understanding and for being such a loyal CV reader for quite some time now. I appreciate both immensely. I am so, so sorry that you went through that horrific ordeal and hope with all of my might that you never experience anything like that again.

      Countless hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  61. It sounds like although this was in some ways a hard decision, it's one that once made had a certain relief to it. I'm of course sorry that this lovely blog won't continue, but we will stay in touch via email and Instagram, and I'm so pleased that you will keep this blog here on the web as a reference for people. I will enjoy going through the archives I'm sure in absence of fresh posts. Sending lots of love across the ocean xx

    1. My absolutely beautiful friend, Sarah. Thank you to the moon and back for your incredible support of CV over the years. For our awesome emails, for your kindness and generosity in the aftermath of the fire, and for the innumerable ways that your magnificent blog and personal style alike have inspired for ages now. I consider you to be a very close and dear friend and will miss interacting with you here (on CV) tremendously.

      This was in no small terms, one of the most profoundly difficult choices of my entire life. I grappled with it day in and day out for months on end and even having made it, am questioning my decision - though do keep reminding myself why (the sake of my health on a number of different levels) that I made it. Still, I honestly have scarcely stopped crying for three days straight, have gotten almost no sleep, am physically ill (including with a pounding migraine), and am a frayed mess of emotions right now.

      It is my profound hope that one day I'll be able to return to the web to a greater degree again (beyond things like social media, I mean) and that some of my friends here will join me on a new adventure. Until then (if such is possible, that is), I'll be around, reading others' sites and sharing snippets of my world on SM, missing CV and the community around it something truly fierce.

      Thank you again for everything. I adore you to bits and will forever appreciate all the wonderful ways you've touched my life.

      Tons of love & hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  62. Dear Jessica. To say your life has had enormous change and transformation since I last visited and commented is an understatement. The trauma you went through and the challenges you've been facing bring tears to my eyes. I am truly saddened and sorry for your losses. The silver lining is that 2017 does indeed sound brighter for you already! I'm familiar with OK Falls, actually have some family there, and it is a quaint village...the perfect place to regain your precious health! One of the things I loved most about your blog, was your talent for writing. Perhaps in the future, we'll hear from you again...

    Wrapping you in a warm cyber hug! xo

    1. Wonderfully lovely Sue, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your immense kindness and understanding, for your beautiful friendship, and for your stellar support of CV for a number of years now - as well as for inspiring me around the clock with your own awesome blog and fashion sense. I feel very fortunate to know you and really hope that we can remain in touch even with CV being retired.

      If you should happen to be up this way and visiting your relatives in OK Falls, please don't hesitate to drop me a line. I'd be ecstatic to meetup with you anytime and want you to know that you are always welcome at our house.

      Giant hugs from the Okangan,
      ❤ Jessica

  63. This is sad news, but we all understand and look forward to your posts on Instagram. I'm glad that your life is beginning to calm down and so happy that you, your husband and Annie have found a wonderful new home. Sending you many blessings for this new and unexpected stage in your life and wishing you the best. <3

    1. Sweet Tanya, thank you so much for your kindhearted understanding and support. You nailed it squarely on the head when you described my present life as being (hugely) unexpected. A year or even six months ago, before the fire, this verison of my life would have been as good as inconceivable and I would never in a million years have dreamed of retiring CV. But then the unthinkable happened, so much changed, my health - already a very fragile creature at the best of times - took a massive beating, and here I am making this agonizing decision. It just goes to show you how things can change at the speed of light.

      Though CV is retiring, I do hope - even more so now a few days on since this post went live and I've been dealing with the incredibly strong emotions and physical impact of my decision - that I can return to the web as a blogger and/or vlogger again in the future, health permitting. Being (active) blog-less just does not feel right on any level to me and I am missing everyone here like water in a desert.

      Thank you again so much. I hope that you're doing well so far this year and that each day of the spring will smile abundantly upon you.

      Huge hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  64. Oh Jessica, I'm so sorry to hear you're 'leaving' the blogosphere but I SO understand. I 'lost' my home of nearly 21 years 2 years ago now and while we're in a lovely house that I own (and my whole world changed) I still have flashbacks of "the good old days", the yard I left behind, the neighborhood, the town... I get it.

    Hugs to you, lovely lady, and take care of yourself. I know we'll 'see' you again, but it will take time. Time doesn't necessarily heal all wounds but it does let you figure out how to fit the scars in. My heart aches for you and all you've been through. Hugs to you all.

    1. Dear Loran, thank you, truly, for your immensely compassionate and sympathetic comment. I am so sorry that you lost everything a couple of years ago and really appreciate you sharing such an intimate fact with me/us here. Know that my heart and understanding go out to you on every conceivable level.

      You are wise and absolutely right regarding the scars. I have to let those form now on (proverbial) wounds that have been festering since the since and then figure how how to fit them into my life and learn to work around/live with them. That an an extremely apt way to look at tragedy/pain and I will always remember how you so eloquently expressed this concept.

      Giant hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

      *PS* Please know that if you ever need someone to talk to about anything, I'm just an email away. ❤

  65. It has been a real pleasure getting to know you through your blog. You have continually renewed me in the faith that there are still really wonderful, great, and amazing people out there in the world. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the wonderful exceptional woman that you are. While news of your retirement from the blog initially saddened me, I completely understand your decision and hope you will be able to take the time to focus on yourself, your health, your family, and your happiness. I wish you all the best in the future and hope that you have the most amazing and wonderful life which I feel you truly deserve. I hope we will be able to keep in touch through other forms of social media. I'll look for you on pinterst and instagram (if I ever join :) ) Big hugs to you Jessica and sending you so many hearts of gratitude for your wonderful heart and spirit! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    1. My sweet, beautiful friend: thank you from the furthest reaches of my heart for your extremely kind, supportive, compassionate message and well wishes for our future. I have so adored getting to know you and your awesome blog over the years and really cannot begin to thank you enough for the unwavering support and bevy of cheerful comments that you left here for me post after post, week after week, month after month. You are such a warmhearted, lovely person and I'm very grateful that we've become online friends through our blogs. Please know that I'll do my best to keep reading your (fab!) blog as often as I can and that I am always here for you, as a friend and fellow vintage adoring gal alike.

      Thank you again so much for everything.

      Tons of love & hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  66. Honestly, Jessica, I'm crying a little bit reading this. You've been so unfailingly kind, helpful, and positive in every interaction that I've had with you, and every interaction that I've seen with others. I'm sorry to hear that you're no longer going to continue on with your blog, although of course I understand who going through such a major, traumatic, life altering event would lead to that. But I know that whatever you do, you're going to be a light for everyone around you.
    I read your blog for a long time before I ever commented or reached out to you, and you've always been a serious inspiration for me. Thank you, so much, for what you've given to the community. I wish you only the best for the future.

    1. My immensely dear friend, thank you deeply for your powerfully moving and truly beautiful comment. I cannot begin to thank you enough as well for your years of awesome CV support (blog and Etsy shop alike). Your own site has been a major source of inspiration to me on so many levels. Thank you, too, for the gift of your friendship and for all of the points we share in common. Please know that I will do my very best to continue reading your terrific site as often as possible and that I am always here for you, that you can zip me a line anytime, and that I will forever count you amongst my dearest friends.

      With great love & hugs,
      ❤ Jessica

  67. This was a sad read, but I do understand. Certain experiences and life events throws us completely off our old, comfortable ways. I will miss (I already do, truth be told) your updates and colourful posts, please know that we think of you and wish you all the best.


    1. Lovely Suna, thank you very much for your caring, movingly sweet comment - as well as for your longtime support of CV. I will - and already do - miss you, this blog, and the community that existed around it so tremendously much. It didn't need to retire CV to know that such would be the case, but I don't think that anything could have prepared me for just how staggeringly painful it would be to part ways with this site and everyone here.

      It is my deepest and most ardent hope that at some point down the road, I may be able to return to the web in a blogging and/or YouTube capacity again and hope that some of my friends here will join me again, if that's able to happen.

      Tons of hugs & heartfelt thanks,
      ❤ Jessica

  68. Dear Jessica,

    At first, I was shocked to read you are retiring CV...(gasp! Oh, no!). My fave vintage blog!!!

    What an accomplishment to have your blog for 8 years and all those posts! Well done, brava :) (cue the applause) Thank you for keeping your blog up because I have only found it about a year ago. I enjoy the posts on gloves, hats and recipes.

    Then, I thought this is not such a total shock. I can understand after what you & Tony have been through..... Such a loss was/is life changing and one cannot go back.

    Like they say never say never because in the future you might come back to blogging some day.

    Missing you lots!!! Hope you are feeling as well as possible!!

    Best wishes and hugs,

    1. Wonderfully sweet Dee, thank you with all of my heart, truly, for your incredible years of CV support, each beautifully positive comment you shared here, and for your movingly thoughtful words on this final post.

      A few days have no passed since this last entry went live and in a way, they feel like an eternity. The emotional turmoil, depression and sorrow/grief that I've been experiencing in the wake of retiring CV has been nearly all consuming and exceeds the even the worst of what I'd imagined doing so (retiring) might have been like, when I debated that choice in the long months leading up to my ultimate decision.

      I will miss being here, and of course the people that surround CV (yourself entirely included), more than I can put into words. It is my profound hope that perhaps one day, if my health will permit, I can return to the web again to a greater degree (blogging, vlogging, etc), but for now, I have to make this choice and live with the emotional fallout. Over all most folks have been extremely kind and understanding regarding my decision and that has certainly been a blessing - as well as a form of encouragement for me as I go forward into the great unknown in my post-CV life.

      Please know that I'm always just an email away if you'd ever like to chat, dear Dee, and that I really do greatly appreciate that you were a vibrant part of CV's life.

      Huge hugs & happy wishes for April,
      ❤ Jessica

  69. While I'm sad to read this, your decision is an understandable one and one that I know couldn't have come easy. Big hugs to you, my friend, as you continue to get your life back in order and hopefully an e-mail will be headed your way in the next week or so. ♥

    1. Thank you so tremendously much, my awesome friend - not only for your understanding right here and now regarding this staggeringly difficult choice, but for each and every incredible way that you've supported, cheered on, and been a part of CV's life (blog and shop alike) for many years now.

      I feel blessed that the web led our paths to cross and that a beautiful, deeply rooted friendship emerged from such. I appreciate and am inspired by you in an innumerable array of ways and really don't feel like the mere words "thank you" go far enough to convey the depth of my appreciation for you and your support.

      I hope to the moon and back that we'll always remain friends and want you to know that I will continue to read your delightfully lovely blog as often as I can (I learn about so many great books from it and always, always adore seeing your fabulous sewing projects).

      Giant hugs & the deepest of thanks for everything,
      ❤ Jessica

  70. Dearest Jessica,

    It's actually taken me awhile to figure out what to say... I cried when I read your post the first time, and cried again the second time when I was trying to grasp that this is actually happening.

    But that being said, I really do know that this is truly something you believe you have to do in order to restore your health. So I wish you all the very best in that journey. My hope is that life will ease you back to that brightness and sunshine you've been sharing with us all for so many years.

    I know we will keep in touch, you are a dear friend, and an endless inspiration to me. I want to thank you for all you've given to me and the whole vintage community as a whole. I think you have been the leading light in showing us how to support one another, and how to really become the community we've become today.

    Though I am truly sorry to see the closing chapter of CV I know that there are more beautiful and exciting chapters waiting for you in your next 'book'. And truly, I do honestly believe that the dream you have of writing a book has already been fulfilled ~ your legacy with Chronically Vintage will endure!

    You have influenced so many vintage lovers, vintage bloggers and more with your endless knowledge, and cheery, warm heart that has supported and kept so many of us going!

    I know that your kind spirit was poured into CV, but I have no doubt it will rise again to shine brightly in whatever corner you find yourself in. And I'll be there to say hi when it does.

    Hugs, endless love and well wishes. Take care my dear! ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. My endlessly dear, thoughtful friend, Bonita: words fail me when I search for the way to in which to convey the extent of my (and Tony's) endless appreciation for you and all that you have done for us in the wake of the fire, as well as your ceaseless support of CV for many years now.

      You did such an amazing, selfless, generous, compassionate thing for us as our lives sat completely shattered and gutted alike, and I simply cannot tell you how much that - and you - mean to me/us.

      You're an incredible, inspiring, talented, stellar woman and I love you deeply, my darling friend.

      Thank you for each word and the sentiment behind them that you blessed me with on this, CV's final post - as well as for letting me know that if/when I am able to return to a greater degree online again one day, you'll be there waiting. That means nothing short of the world and knowing that will help me strive to make that point happen all the more. I think there's a decent size journey to tread on the road to recovery (health, emotional, our lives themselves, etc) before that point, but it is one that I do hope with all my might that I'm able to reach.

      Please know that so long as I'm drawing breath on this ol' planet of ours, you have a permanent friend in me and that I am always here for you and your family in any way I possibly can be.

      Thank you today, tomorrow and always, sweet Bonita.

      Countless hugs & gratitude,
      ❤ Jessica

  71. Dear Jessica,

    There is little I could say here that hasn't already been said of your talent, your kindness, your strength, your courage and your gracious spirit. But what I must say is "Thank you!" You know that your encouragement and inspiration helped to guide my family project to completion. While bringing it to an end was difficult, it was the right time and the right thing to do. You have now come to a similar conclusion about your own stellar work, and you understand that things must at some point end. And although the circumstances that bring your shop and your blog to a close were dreadful, your determination and will to move forward toward other goals is still inspiring. You are a woman of great promise, whatever you choose to do in your life. I am certain great things are yet to come for you and yours. I value our friendship and hope it continues. May springtime bring to you all good things and the peace of mind in knowing that you have accomplished far beyond what others could only dream.

    Kindest regards,


    1. Wonderfully dear, sweet Ann, thank you for your many years of marvelous CV support and for the friendship the blossomed between us along the way. You have always been the pinnacle of supportive and encouraging. My life is unquestionably richer because of your presence in it and I will always, always look back fondly on the years of awesome family letter blog posts over at Haddock & Dill. Thank you for the inspiration, the beauty, the history, and the fun - as well, so very much, for your immensely touching and understanding words here as this chapter in my blogging life wraps up.

      A huge thank as you as well for all of your care, support and generosity in the wake of the fire - both myself and Tony will always appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.

      You're a great friend, Ann, and I want you to know that I share that hope and look forward to continuing to chat with you via email, festive snail mail, and wherever else we can have the good fortune of interacting online.

      Giant hugs & happy wishes for April,
      ♥ Jessica

  72. Dear Jessica,

    I am terribly saddened that you will no longer be blogging, but I completely understand why. Health has to come first, and I know how difficult and all-consuming it can be to deal with chronic health problems even without the post-fire related stresses and strains. Your blog has long been an inspiration and a source of joy. I'm glad you will be leaving it up and I definitely plan on revisiting many of your old posts. It's an understatement when I say your presence here will be greatly missed. You were a shining light in our community and I wish you all the best going forward. Good luck with everything and take care ❤


    1. Splendidly lovely Kate, my fabulous fellow Canadian vintage adoring lady, thank you so much for your many years of incredible CV support and the bounty of kind comments you've brightened this site with throughout that time.

      Please know that I consider you to be a dear friend and that I want you to know that I'm always here for you. I'll continue to read your wonderful blog and delight in your stellar YouTube videos for as long as you continue to produce such content, and really hope that we'll be able to stay in touch.

      Tons of hugs & gratitude for everything,
      ♥ Jessica

  73. I'm sad to hear this, because I just found your blog within the last two months, and now I don't know where I'm going to get my daily dose of vintage. I hope your life gets brighter and I'm most definitely going to find you on social media!

    1. Hi Janelle, thank you very much for your sweet words and for being a (newer) follower of CV. Though, heartbreakingly, this site is being retired, there are thankfully still many other fantastic vintage blogs out there and you can find a good many of them listed under the "Links" tab at the top of any page here on CV. I hope that it leads you to discover some more vintage blogs that are right up your alley and, of course, you can always email me if there are any specific vintage related topics that you may wish to chat about. No matter what happens in my life - online and off alike - I will always, always adore vintage and the act of chatting about it, too.

      Big hugs & many thanks again for being a part of this blog's life,
      ♥ Jessica

  74. BIG HUGS <3
    I know that this was a tough decision for you to make. Thank you for all of your inspiring posts over the years xoxo

    1. Hello my wonderfully lovely friend, thank you for your kindhearted understanding and for your incredible support of CV for many years now - as well as for the awesome bond that we've formed via our many great emails. I appreciate your presence in my life very much and hope that we can always remain good friends.

      Giant hugs & the deepest of thanks for everything,
      ♥ Jessica

  75. I'm so sorry to see this day come for you, because I know blogging was such a huge passion of yours and it's such a shame that you feel that you can't continue. But of course I completely understand, and I'm sure everyone else does as well. You've got to take care of yourself and Tony and Annie first and foremost, and if worrying about blogging and what you're going to do with this space is causing you so much stress and worry, the best thing to do is to just let it go for now.

    It doesn't have to be forever, but if it's making you miserable to think about it instead of making you happy then the right thing to do is take a step back and ease your burden. I hope you see you in a happier place with your lives rebuilt in the near future, and, if it's your path, back at blogging because I know how much joy you got from it. These things take time and no one is expecting you to bounce back from what happened overnight, especially considering that you have health complications to deal with at the same time, but I'm sure you're slowly but surely working your way back to where you want to be, and no matter how long it takes I know you'll get there and will feel happy again one day. <3

    1. Thank you, sweet dear, for your understanding message here this week and for the years of marvelous support you've shown CV. I appreciate it immensely and will very much miss seeing your cheerful, friendly comments here.

      There were many different factors - and a staggering about of deliberation - that went into making this unbelievably difficult decision. The current state of my health, which is in shambles, being the largest one and what ultimately led me to make this tougher than tough choice. You're absolutely right in saying that blogging is an important part of my life that brings me great joy. It does indeed and I do very much hope one day to have my health and life both in spots (again) where blogging and/or vlogging once more would be feasible. No matter what though, my love of vintage remains unshaken and I will forever look back on the past eight years with such incredible fondness, gratefulness and love - which is a huge gift and source of continued happiness for me unto itself.

      Huge hugs & the deepest of thanks for all of your support and online friendship over the years.

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  76. This must have been an incredibly difficult decision for you and I can well imagine how much agonising you will have done to reach this point. You must be kind to yourself, you have gone through a horrible experience which has changed everything for you and you must do what is right for you and your health and Tony. That said, I will miss your blog an enormous amount. Your posts have always been a joy to read, well researched, insightful, entertaining and interesting. I always looked forward to a new post from you. Best of luck with everything going forward. I owe you a decent email and I look forward to continuing our friendship away from your blog.xx

    1. My immensely dear friend Kate, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your understanding, as well as for your many years of incredible support here. I feel so blessed that our paths crossed and that a deep friendship formed along the way. You're an inspiring, awesome woman and I truly appreciate each and every beautiful way that you helped to enrich CV - very much including with your stellar guest post. I really can't thank you enough for everything and hope with all my might that we'll continue to keep our friendship going strong through emails, social media and elsewhere online (I am/will continue to read your splendid blog as often as I can).

      Giant hugs & a heart full of love,
      ♥ Jessica

  77. I almost cried when I read this post... OK, I did cry, a little bit. I will miss you very much on this little happy corner of the internet, but I will have fun going back and looking at all your old posts. I found your blog through the Boyer Sisters, they are very good friends of mine personally. I was very upset to hear about the fire in October through them, and very sad to see you were retiring from your blog. Peace and Joy to you Mrs. Cangiano, and prayers always. Love, Hadassah

    1. Hello my dear, thank you very much for your caring, warmhearted comment. It means a great deal to me that you were so moved by my extremely difficult decision to retire CV. I have shed no less than a river of tears over this choice, both before and after it was reached. Even now, a touch over a month after this post went live, the reality of what has happened (with retiring it) is still bracingly difficult and painful. I miss this blog and interacting with the awesome folks who came to spend time with it/me something fierce, but I know that this is, unfortunately, what I must do for the sake of my health right now. It is my sincere hope that in time I can return to the web to a greater degree in one form or another (e.g., new blog, YouTube, etc). Until then though, I remain here in spirit with everyone and will always keep CV up for all to enjoy for as long as I possibly can.

      Thank you again. You seem like a wonderfully nice person and it's a pleasure to meet you - even if the circumstances under which we're meeting are less than ideal.

      Many hugs & joyful springtime wishes coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  78. Dear Jessica,
    I am so very sorry to hear about all the devastating things that have happened in your life in the past months. I am also truly saddened to know that you are retiring Chronically Vintage. I want you to know that your blog has become a place for me to go when my day is not going well. I have always enjoyed and appreciated your positive, joyful outlook on life, and I never failed to read your blog posts without feeling better.

    You are a truly unique and beautiful person who deserves all the best in life, and that is what I wish for you.

    I will miss you terribly, but understand the difficult decisions we all must make sometimes. I hope that as your life situation and health improve that you will be back in some form on the internet. In the meantime, I will enjoy looking over your older posts, and hoping to meet you again.

    May all good things and all blessings come to you and your family.

    With much love,

    1. Sweet Cynthia, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your caring, beautiful comment and for being such a fabulous blog reader. Please know, on every possible level, that I will miss interacting here with incredible people like yourself, just as I will (and already truly do) penning this blog. I really appreciate your longtime support and virtual friendship. Thank you for being a part of CV's world. It was brighter and lovelier because you were here.

      Giant hugs & happy wishes for May,
      ♥ Jessica

  79. Oh my dear Jessica! I know I am fairly new to reading your blog, only coming here perhaps half a year before the fire, but I read this with tears in my eyes. I am so glad that you came to a decision that will better your health and life, and make it easier in the long run to recover from such a terrible event. But I will surely miss your posts! I will definitely be keeping up with you on Instagram and I pray that you will feel refreshed and free without the worry about what you'll do with your blog.

    So much love and blessings to you and your lovely husband.

    1. Sweet Kristina, thank you so much for your warmhearted understanding and for being an avid reader for the past 1.5 years or so. I greatly appreciate all of your visits, terrific comments, and the scads of inspiration that your own marvelous blog (and outfits!) has provided me with. I'm still trying to avidly read as many blogs in our realm as possible and continue to enjoy yours greatly.

      Many, many heartfelt thanks again.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  80. Jessica, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts often, and although I am saddened by your decision to stop your blog, I fully comprehend, empathize and support you in all your endeavours! Sending you lots of love and warm hugs. You are an amazing human being, loved by many, including myself.

  81. Ohmygosh!! I am sorry to hear of what you have gone through!! I would have messaged before but I've been pretty inactive with blogs lately and I had no idea what happened until I read your most recent posts.
    I wish you and your family well and I am so sorry to hear of your loss!!! D:!!!
    *HUGE HUGS!!!!!!*
    I hope that the rest of 2017 is absolutely wonderful to you!!

  82. Oh jeez. I'm gonna miss reading your posts. They brighten my day,and I can't possibly think of a blog like yours! I wish you well.

    1. Thank you deeply. That is an immensely touching thing to be told. Even now, several months on, it's very strange to not be blogging here any more, but ultimately, as excruciatingly hard as it was to do, I know in my heart of hearts, that I made the right choice for my health, life and family by retiring it in the wake of the fire.

      Please feel free to connect with me anytime on social media, sweet Lucy. I'm especially active these days on Instagram and Pinterest.

      Many hugs & joyful wishes for a terrific 2018,
      ♥ Jessica
