
December 21, 2016

25 things that I wish for each of you this holiday season

In the chaotic mix of the holiday season, I often find that there are moments of almost startling serenity. Perhaps it's a matter of being in the eye of the storm, or maybe, as the classic Christmas carol, Silent Night, reminds us, all really is calm and bright.

It was in the midst of one of these wee pockets of tranquility recently that I was almost overwhelmed with the desire to send out Christmas cards to each and every one of my readers - especially after the staggering outpouring of love and assistance that you guys have bestowed on us after the fire.

Naturally, for a myriad of reasons, such isn't possible - however, I can convey the same kinds of festive sentiments here on my blog, which I hope you'll agree with me is quite similar to classic greeting cards themselves.

In particular, my mind is overflowing with thoughts of what I truly hope that life, the universe and all other forces at play in this vast world of ours - the spirit of Santa Claus very much included - will bring your way during this profoundly meaningful time of the year.

Some of the following 25 festive wishes - one each for the first 25 days of December - are deep and serious, whereas others are more lighthearted and just for fun.

So, my immensely dear friends, please accept this today's post as my holiday season greeting to each and every of you.

It comes wrapped in love and, I hope, really will ring true through the beautiful days that fill the very last chapter of another exciting year.

1. Tons of festive cheer!

2. That fond nostalgia fills your heart, while...

3. You also create amazing new memories this year

4. Quite time to savour and reflect on what this season really means to you personally

5. Peace in your heart, your family, and all areas of your life

6. Lots of opportunities to rock your favourite vintage/repro/rockabilly/pinup/or any other type of holiday attire (adorable Christmas themed novelty brooches very much included)

7. Serene walks taken in the crisp early winter air that remind you of the powerful, though sometimes not instantly obvious, beauty that this time of the year houses

8. The joy that comes with giving a gift or otherwise doing something that truly brightens someone's holiday and leaves a lasting impression on them for years to come

9. A new vintage treasure or two amongst your gifts

10. The ability to still enjoy at least some of the elements of the season with the same sort of wide-eyed wonder you had as a child

11. If you live in a part of the world where such is possible, that you're greeted to a white Christmas on the 25th

12. Zero (or, if that's not realistic, as little as possible) family drama during the holidays

13. May you have at least one - and hopefully many - reason(s) to smile every day

14. Fantastic company (friends, family, SO - you name it!) around you often

15. A powerful sense of contentment in your heart and more blessings than you could ever count

16. That your favourite Christmas songs are the ones you hear most frequently

17. A festive season that is sweeter than all the candy canes, sugar cookies, and hot cocoa on earth

18. Gorgeous holiday light displays all throughout your neighbourhood

19. Reminders of the good old days and what Christmastime meant for the generations that came before us

20. The ability to celebrate the season with your pets and/or other favourite animals in your life

21. Fests that fill your belly and warm your soul alike (with lots of yummy leftovers to enjoy for days afterward)

22. The very best health possible

23. Time to watch at least one or two of your favourite holiday TV shows and/or movies

24. The happiest festive season one could ever ask for!

25. An incredible new year ahead that helps you to grow, develop, blossom (as a person), and follow your bliss all the more

{To learn more about a specific image that was used in today's post, please click on it to be taken to its respective source.}

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the unending gift of your readership, your support, your friendship, your encouragement, your care, your inspiration, and unquestionably your incredible help, generosity and kindness throughout 2016.

I treasure, value and appreciate such more than I could ever put into words and am sincerely looking forward to soon launching into 2017 - a brand new year to put the substantial troubles of this one all the more behind us - with each of you.

First though, we have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's to celebrate. This will be my last post of the year, but I'll be back in January with multiple new entries here throughout that month, as I begin to ease into blogging on a more regular basis once again (insomuch as the continued post-fire related demands and uncertainty - very much including our longer term housing needs - of our daily lives, as well as my health, will permit).

Wherever you are, however you celebrate this time of the year, and whatever you may be doing as we embrace the last leg of December, from both myself and Tony (as well as our darling Miss Annie), merriest wishes, dear friends!

May you your festivities sparkle and shine, and may all these of the things listed above - and countless more blessings - be yours this holiday season.


  1. Dearest Jessica!

    Your Christmas blog post reaches probably some of us - like me - in the middle of the last preparations for the holidays. (Well, honestly I'm almost hysterical as I am way behind my task schedule!) I was thinking about you very often in the previous weeks, as even those amongst us that have only little may have more than you and Tony. Life is not always fair, and a tragedy that happened only one week ago in my neighborhood once more showed me that luck is a matter of definition, and that even those that seem to have everything all too often are sad and lonely. I'm sure you are surrounded with people that love you - that's the most precious thing to have these days.

    I'm not a religious person, and not even what some people would call a Christian, but I pray fro good people like you to have a wonderful time, beautiful Christmas despite the conditions they're living in, and someone that gives them love and happiness - and some faith to keep moving, step by step.

    The most heartfelt and warm wishes and blessings from cold, cold Switzerland!

  2. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas, a sparkling new years eve and a 2017 to lift your spirits and make your heart sing ❤

  3. What a lovely post! All of the above right back at you Jessica. I love the last one especially. Wishing you a lovely festive season xx

  4. Merry Christmas, dear Jessica!! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. So good to hear from you! May you have a wonderful and prosperous New Year!

  6. Dear Jessica, I was so excited to read your post the moment it showed up in my feed. It gives hope, I thought I had a harsh year but just to think of what you and Tony had to go through makes mine look like a blessing. I loved the positive vibe in every wish. A big hug and I look forward to a marvellous 2017 with the opportunity of renewal and new beginnings.

  7. Merry Christmas, Jessica! I hope you have a very, very merry Christmas, and I look forward to having you back among us in the blogging world.


  8. What a lovely post. Let's all count our blessings. All those reading your heartwarming words are still alive, have the luxury of internet and therefore most likely a warm place to stay. If we can get through life warm, fed and with our loved ones then we are very blessed indeed!

  9. Glenn and I send Love and Best Wishes to you and your family for a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for a wonderful post that is so full of joy and hope for whatever 2017 brings! Dear Jessica, It is so good to see your posts again and we are looking forward to January! xxxxxx

  10. Warmest Christmas wishes and the blessings of the season to you and Tony, dear Jessica 🎅💖💖🎄

  11. Jessica! How wonderful to hear from you. I hope you and Tony are rebuilding your lives as wonderfully as can be.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

  12. Oh my dear friend, just seeing you post again makes one of my Christmas wishes come true and I hope, pray and wish that 2017 will be a year of healing and one where you find footing in life again so that we all can connect here more and more. Sending love!

  13. What a beautiful post from a beautiful person! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May the new year bring all sorts of blessings and happiness your way! Merry Christmas, My Friend!

  14. Jessica I am so very glad to hear from you and while I know you and Tony suffered a terrible trauma it sounds to me like you are a gal and a guy who will emerge triumphant. I wish you and Tony and your family every good wish from what is turning out to be one of the hottest Christmases in South Australia.
    It is a special day for us because it is my DH's birthday too. Mine is on the 28th and the 2 of us being December babies tend to be overshadowed by The Silly Season but we celebrate our 2 birthdays together with as much pomp and ceremony as we can muster. Jessica and Tony 2017 will be a good year for you :-)

  15. What a lovely list of wishes. I hope you can have a wonderful holiday season despite what has happened.
    The tragedy you have gone through puts my 2016 into perspective, but I'm well aware it has not been my happiest or healthiest year and I'm still mentally coping with my diagnosis. This post is another reminder to focus on the good stuff this holiday. Thanks. Merry Christmas,Jessica!

  16. Oh my gosh. That is so like you to think of everyone else. That very first image is an actual Christmas card that my parents sent out in the 1950's. How about that? Here's hoping for a wonderful magical 2017 for us all. XXOO

  17. Jessica, so glad to hear that you and Tony are on the road to recovery after the fire. It's wonderful of you to send holiday greetings amid all the turmoil of getting your lives back on track. Looking forward to reading your posts when you return in January. Have a restful, joyful holiday season. Janet

  18. You're demonstrating that the toughest times bring out the best in us. You're displaying grace under pressure and real character. Best wishes to you and Tony for the holidays, my friend.

  19. Oh, Jessica, it honestly makes me so happy to see a post from you! I keep coming back to your blog almost by reflex, even though I know you're still busy getting your life back on track after your loss. I know it's going to be some time before you're posting regularly again, but even a few words from you really brightens up the holiday season.
    I know I'm echoing a common sentiment when I say that I think of you often, and I hope that things are going as well as they can for you right now. I really wish that there was more that I could do to help you in your time of need.

  20. I wish each of these wishes right back at you, Jessica! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and may 2017 bring blessings beyond measure! :)

  21. So good to see you posting, Jessica, and such a lovely message too. And how lovely that you feel able to post some more in January - I'm sure we'll all look forward to that :) Wishing you all the very best for the festive period, Jessica. I really hope that at this time of year especially that you'll continue to feel the love the community is sending you as we wish you a speedy path back to normality (or as close as possible) xxx

  22. So nice to hear from you once again. My thoughts have often been with you and your family this festive season. Sending love and kisses your way. Merry Christmas my dear. X x x x

  23. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you Jessica! I'm looking forward to the day when your able to start blogging again! Take Care. xo

  24. Oh dearest Jess, I wish all the best in world to you too. I have missed you and admire you for taking the time and having the energy to write this lovely post. I cannot wait for more posts from you in the new year, but I will again remind you to take it easy. Now you really have the chance to start all over again and do things differently. With lots of love to all three of you, I wish you the merriest Christmas and the best New Year ever! Xoxo

  25. Oh it was such a joy to see your post drop into my inbox, I'm so glad you're easing back into blogging again and with such a beautiful sentiment too. I wish you, Tony, Annie and the rest of your family the very best for this wonderful festive time and that you have a stress free and enjoyable few days full of love and happiness. Here's looking forward to a much brighter 2017! xxxx

  26. Nostalgic Christmas illustrations are a particular favourite of mine, so thank you for taking the time to put together this charming, thoughtful, and warm-hearted post for us. No one deserves a Christmas full of love and hope more than you.

  27. Thank you for this wonderfully festive post, Jessica. You cannot even begin to imagine how much you have been in my thoughts, so it was great to see your post pop up! It's admirable that in spite of everything, you still find it in you to "accentuate the positive". Wishing you and Tony a wonderful Christmas and may 2017 be a good one! xxx

  28. So delighted to see you posting. Hoping that things are beginning to come together for you and your husband! Have a wonderful Christmas.

  29. Dearest Jessica, I am so happy to see your post. And having looked at your last post, it makes me happy to know that many have helped you in any way available and possible to them, and I want you to know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry for your loss (Stella). I am very happy that you are O.K., though, and I wanted to take this opportunity to send you much love and many hugs, and to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  30. Merry Christmas Jessica! I hope you and your family are able to enjoy as many of these things as possible too. I get all full of the spirit of Christmas as it approaches and want all the best things for everyone I love too. This is a sweet post. I won't be enjoying any cold and certainly no snow, but I think I will get some of the others :)

  31. Best wishes to you and your family too, Jessica. Merry Christmas. Xxx

  32. This beautiful Christmas post is a true gift and testament to your strength and resilience! The images are beyond delightful and your 25 wishes summarize a perfect holiday season! Wishing you all them for a very special Christmas and a New Year that brings you renewed hope and success for all good things to come! Merriest Christmas to you and yours and welcome back!

  33. Merry Christmas, Jessica! It was such a sweet surprise to see your post pop up in my blog feed. Wishing you, Tony, Annie, and the rest of your family a beautiful Christmas. Buon Natale Cangianos!

  34. And may all these festive wishes and more be yours, too, Jessica. I wish you a very merry Christmas. xxx

    Sarah A.

    The Lord bless you and keep you;
    The Lord make His face shine upon you,
    And be gracious to you;
    The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
    And give you peace.

    (Numbers 6: 24 - 26)

  35. May you know the same joy your bring to others. It was very nice to see this post and it was a delight to read. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and may you enjoy laughter, good times and peace. I know you will enjoy love!


  36. I hope that you had a fun festive time. Lovely to see you back here, I miss reading your posts. It is great news that you will be blogging more from January. All the best for the rest of the festive period.

  37. What lovely wishes, and I hope they came true for you as well! (#12 came true for us, which was desperately needed, so thank you doubly!) Happy new year, too! Still cannot believe it's nearly here. Do enjoy the rest of the holiday season—there are of course twelve full days to Christmas, as you know. ;)

  38. Oh Jessica, you are such a truly beautiful soul. Your caring and kind nature has never gone unnoticed here, and I know we all miss your online presence so much. Thank you for this lovely blog post. Your writing is so genuine that it feels like you have written this just for each of us, instead of your collective readership. Belated Merry Christmas to you, gorgeous. May 2017 bring you every drop of good will that you deserve. Every last drop <3

    xo Miss Betty Doll

  39. What a lovely post! I hope that 2017 is a bit kinder to you and that you have had a nice christmas <3

  40. I hope you and your family had a happy Christmas, and that there are mostly good things in store for the coming new year.

  41. You!
    Oh, so glad to have read these words!
    To see you're bouncing back into blogging, fighting this horrible loss, and braving out some of the health drama soon to come! You deserve a praise.
    (I don't drink alcohol) - but let's lift a metaphorical glasses and cheer in your name, my dear friend)
    Here's to YOU!
    Happiest of New Years!
    May all the troubles stay stuck in this year, may the new calendar bring you new joys, may your body rejuvenate!
    Feel the joy!
    Love this life!
    and: do give my best to Tony. :)

  42. Dear Jessica,

    What a lovely list of festive wishes...I wish the same for you and yours...and to all your readers/friends!!! I hope you are having a wonderful Christmastide :) :) :)

    Very happy, healthy New Year!!!

    Wishing you and Tony all the best in 2017,

  43. What a lovely post! I'm so late to read it but I've been thinking about you constantly and hoping you're okay and recovering well! I am so looking forward to connecting with you again through reading your posts my dear! I hope you've had a fabulous holiday season, that your Christmas was filled with all of the love you deserve, and that your new year has started out beautifully!
    Much love,

  44. For me, this post arrives weeks after the holiday season, and I try to get back into the swing of things, such as correspondences, cleaning, and sewing after a hectic fall and holiday season. However, despite the lateness of my reading of this, it is still good to read, and helps with the New Year as well.

    Please know that you and Tony are still constantly in my thoughts and I am beyond frustrated with myself that I have not put my care package as a priority to send along with other packages that will arrive well after Christmas.


  45. I was so glad to see a new post from you pop up, and I am also so glad to hear that you will be able to start blogging again this month! Can't wait to see you again on the blogosphere. Also- wishing you a very happy New Year, since Christmas is long gone by now ;)
    The Artyologist

  46. Sending you a huge hug Jessica! This post brought me such joy to read. I love your love and your wonderful spirit! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a wonderful new year! Thinking of you and so glad to see you back! <3
