
September 1, 2016

Five of My Top Tips for Packing When Travelling (Plus a Tiny Change to Our Own Vacation Plans)

Truth be told, I didn't know, given all that has been transpiring on this end throughout August, if I'd get time to post more than one this week before we left for our exciting upcoming trip to Edmonton. Luckily however, I was able to carve out time to pen three fun new posts for you, of which this is the second (watch for a yummy - and very classic - autumn recipe post here on the weekend).
Next week, while we're away, I have the honour of presenting you with guest posts from three different fellow vintage bloggers (one each from Canada, the UK, and Australia, respectively), and I hope that you'll shower them and their awesome posts with the same sort of kindness and love that you so sweetly bestow upon mine here each week.
As blogged about in the announcement post about our trip, we'd initially planned to leave for Alberta on August 31st, however my dear husband got back from a six-day business trip (to Toronto) last Saturday afternoon and the poor thing was beginning to fight the first stages of a rather powerful head and chest cold.
We wondered, a bit earlier on in the week, if we'd have to reschedule our trip entirely, but thankfully, Tony is feeling well enough to embark on our trip later today, so that is exactly what we'll be doing.
Now, instead of being gone from August 31st - September 10th as initially planned, we've simply moved things up by a day and will be gone from Sept. 1 - 11th.
The only other change to our plans is that we're now overnighting in Golden, BC this evening, to help break up the long drive between Penticton and Edmonton for Tony (we'd previously been thinking of staying overnight in Calgary, but now with Tony sick, will be dividing the trip into roughly two equal length drives of some 5.5 - 6 hours apiece between today and tomorrow), while he's still fighting this cold (which - knock every piece of wood in the universe - hasn't jumped ship to me yet).
There's almost never a good time to get a cold, but it was especially rotten timing for one to befall Tony so close to our vacation this year. Thankfully though, admirable trooper that he is, Tony is game to carry on and we'll soon be visiting Edmonton, as planned, in no time. I can hardly wait!
Over the past few days, I've been packing up a storm for our trip. When traveling by car - especially since we got our first ever SUV last winter and thus have worlds more trunk space than we had in our previous vehicle, which was a sedan - I wouldn't say that I'm the world's lightest packer, but I'm not the most OTT either.
Given everything that many of us like to have on hand in to successfully put together dynamic, attractive vintage (or repro, rockabilly, pinup fashion, etc) outfits, it can be hard to condense our closets and dresser drawer contents down into just a suitcase or two (or three!).
I enjoy the challenge though and always set aside at least one full day to compose a mini wardrobe on the go.
I've been blogging for over seven years now and have had the pleasure of taking a few trips of various durations throughout that time, yet it struck me recently that to date, best I can recall, I haven't shared too many of my tips on packing for when you travel with you guys yet.
I'm quite literally gazing across the room at my suitcases, travel makeup case and jewelry roll as we speak, so now seems like the ideal time to do just that.

As such, I'm delighted to present you with a selection of five of my all-time favourite tips for vacation packing (as seen through the eyes of a vintage fashion blogger).

1. Create a mini capsule wardrobe: While this may mean slightly different things for different folks, to me it is the concept of creating a tiny version of my everyday wardrobe and making sure that the vast majority of pieces are colour coordinated/go nicely together.

Whenever I travel, I select a general colour palette for each given trip and then try to focus on packing as many pieces in those hues (and/or ones that will play really, really nicely with them) as possible. This time around, as our trip is happening at the very tail of summer, just as autumn weather and sunlight alike are rounding the bend once more, I opted to focus on a a fall colour palette and primarily packed pieces in shades of medium to dark green, mustard and golden yellows, dark oranges, brown, burgundy, navy blue and dark denim.

These are all colours that I turn to during the fall when at home, and as I know that most (if not all) of the outfit photos we'll take while on our travels will appear on my blog during the autumn months, it makes all the more sense to opt for a seasonal palette that will continue to look right at home clear on through the return of winter weather.

As well, don't be afraid of colour! Travelling is often exciting, upbeat and joyful - why not tuck along a wardrobe that keeps pace with those feelings and that helps to celebrate this special break from the daily grind that you've been able to carve out for yourself!

2. Separates are your friends: Though I always bring at least a couple of dresses with me when we travel (often solid coloured shirtwaist dresses that make for great canvasses to create multiple looks against throughout the duration of a trip), I find that I really, really tend to favour separates.

By ensuring that all - or nearly so - of my garments are colour coordinated (see tip #1 above), this gives me a great deal of flexibility in terms of the number of outfits I can put together and the variety of activities that such can see me through.

For me, separates generally include skirts, pants and/or jeans, tops, blouses, cardigans and/or sweaters, and blazers. I don't wear shorts, but I do sport capris, so if the weather permits, you'll likely find a pair of those thrown into the mix as well.

Even if you don't have every last element of your trip planned out before you leave, chances are you know what your destination(s) will be, the season(s), and can look up the local weather before you arrive, if need be.

Think about these things as you're packing and select items - be their separates or one piece items (dresses, jumpsuits, playsuits, etc) that stand to work really well for the destination(s) you're headed to.

If you're going to be hiking and camping in the Rockies for a week, that's probably not the time for your newly acquired, and very delicate, 1940s rayon swing dress. If, however, you're headed off for ten days of sightseeing and shopping in Paris, France, then you probably don't need to pack your most rugged of clothes and items like true vintage pieces may be even more at home.

3. Lean generously on accessories: This is something I always do when I travel, but all the more so if space is at a premium. Cast your net far and wide when gathering up accessories to bring with you on your travels. I rarely leave home without a selection of handbags, snoods, hats and hair accessories, and always bring jewelry, scarves and (fashion) gloves with me.

Shoes - even fancy ones - are more utilitarian in nature, but there, too, you can sometimes find room for multiple pairs (try placing smaller, such as socks or scarves, items inside of clean shoes to maximize storage space).

I suggest that you try to avoid breaking in any new shoes for the first time on your trip (save perhaps for super comfy sandals, flats or sneakers - but even then, proceed with caution – and some moleskin!) and instead bring a selection of shoes that you not only love and find comfortable, but which coordinate as well as possible with the garments that you've packed (so that, again, you can get as much mileage as possible out of what you've travelling with).

If you're concerned about loss, theft or breakable, opt for cute, fun accessories that you wouldn't be utterly gutted if something were - goodness forbid! - to happen to them.

Such examples might include inexpensive novelty brooches (modern or vintage), strands of plastic or inexpensive cultured pearls, basic hoop in earrings in silver, gold, and/or rose gold; plastic (but not necessarily Bakelite or celluloid) bangle bracelets, inexpensive handbags (straw, raffia, pleather and denim can all be good choices there), and small, understated vintage hats that don't break the bank.

I also like to personally try to coordinate at least a couple (more if possible) of my accessories with my destination. For example, if I'm going to be near the ocean, nautical and marine life related jewelry and accessories are a must. If I'm headed into the mountains, I reach for pieces with pine cones, woodland critters, and faux bois elements - as well as real wood pieces themselves. If you're trucking out to the desert, what about cactus, Wild West, and Southwestern related accessories?

Almost regardless of where you're going on holiday, you can hit upon at least one or two fun accessories that tie into your destination and which can even serve as the jumping off point for a whole outfit - be it likewise themed or not - as well. 

{Please note: The Image source for this vintage photo is a lovely Tumblr blog that may not be safe for work due to the inclusion of some artistic nudity.}

4. Plan at least some of your outfits (from top to bottom) out before you leave: This is one of my favourite elements of getting ready for any trip. I really make a day out of playing dress up in my own closet. I usually crank up some great vintage tunes, light a scent candle, have a tasty snack to hand (to help keep my energy levels up while trying on scads of looks), and make sure that my full length mirror has been freshly Windexed.

If you're creating a mini capsule wardrobe, you don't necessarily need to plan out every last outfit - especially since itinerary plans can change, just as the weather can, too - but it never hurts to have at least some ensembles generally mapped out before you arrive.

If you think you might forget or be too busy in the moment to create a dazzling look on the fly, take cell phone or tablet photos of each outfit that you've mapped out while you're still at home and then just refer back to them once you've reached your destination.

There's nothing wrong, I should mention, of course with bringing along one or more outfits - if space (and weight limits, if that’s a factor) permits - that are standout ensembles, meaning that they may, intentionally, only be worn once. If, for example, you're headed to a formal wedding out of town and have opted to spend another five days there and make a trip of things, you might only need to wear your 1940s suit or 1950s cocktail dress for the wedding itself.

Plus, by planning out some (or all) of your outfits - including outerwear and accessories, if applicable - before you leave, you greatly cut down on the risk of forgetting something important that you'll likely need at your destination.

5. Pack clothes you know and love: Ideally, you want to pack clothing, shoes and accessories, that fit well, are comfortable, that you've worn before (potentially less of an issue with jewelry), and that you genuinely love - or at least really like - and hopefully won't feel self-conscious when wearing.

As well, try to look over each garment you want to bring before you pack it into a suitcase or overnight bag, and make any repairs (such as fallen hems or loose buttons) before you leave. Bring along a small travel sewing kit, too, in case you need to do any mending jobs to your garments while you're on the road.

I strongly believe that the happier you are with your travel wardrobe, the more enjoyable and relaxed just about any trip stands to be.

{To learn more about a specific image used in today's post, please click on it to be taken to its respective online source.}

This list is by no means exhaustive. I could - and very well may - write more on the subject as time goes on. These five tips, however, are ones that I put into action each time we travel, be it for just a short jaunt or a longer stay. At a week and a half, I'd call our upcoming journey to Alberta a nice middle ground on the summer vacation timeline scale.
Do you have any great travel packing tips that weren't mentioned here that you'd like to share? I'm all ears, if you do! :)
Again, my dears, there will be another post coming down the pipeline from me later this week, followed three really delightful guest posts from fellow vintage blogger, and then I'll be back here in no time at all with plenty of fun new posts of my own in just a few days time (spoiler alert, they're going to heavily feature fall + Halloween related topics).
In a largely unrelated (to this post) note, I just wanted to mention, for those who may have been following along, that despite the recent return of a very real looming threat, it would appear as of the latest news releases, that Canada Post is not going to be striking this week and that, happily for all involved, a tentative negations have been reached.

I'm thrilled about this, as it means there won't currently be any strike related disruptions to my Etsy shop (which will remain open while we're on holiday; all orders received while we're away will promptly be shipped out within 48 hours of our return).
And last, but certainly not least, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your fantastic, caring, sweet, and enjoyable blog comments this summer.

I treasure each of you and your visits to my blog, and can hardly wait to chat about our travels (which I'll be posting plenty of snaps of while they're in progress on my Instagram) and to celebrate my absolute favourite season with you again this autumn.


  1. Happy Vacation! I am packing to leave for Amsterdam, myself, next week so this has been great to read! I am surprised to find I do a lot of what you suggest already - trying to bring a number of items with similar colors is a great tip. That way, I can pack minimal shoe options and accessories I can re-wear for multiple outfits. Also, it helps if I only have to bring 1 or 2 petticoats! Thank you for such a useful and delightful post!

    1. How incredibly exciting! That is one of the European cities I'd love to see in person some day as well. I really hope that you have a fun filled, amazing time in Amsterdam (mind if I tag along in spirit?).

      Big hugs & happy + safe wishes for your travels,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. All great tips! I did these for my trip, but I also decided to leave room for any souvenir tees I found on my trip. I love to buy something practical when I'm on a trip. :)

    1. Smart thinking! One thing that I really adore doing is buying a piece and getting a chance to wear it right then and there on that very trip (extra bonus points if it lands in photos, too). The standout example of that so far for me was the vintage painted orca whale brooch I bought at a big vintage fair in Victoria, BC back in 2014 and wore all of a couple of days later for my first (and to date, only) whale watching boat excursion. The timing of finding that fun vintage novelty pin couldn't have been better. :)

      Many hugs and thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Great tips - many of which I was subconsciously following for my Paris trip. Having a couple of themed accessories was definitely something I did, as well as sticking to a selection of clothes that all featured reds or corals, which worked really well together. As usual, though, I brought things I didn't wear! Sad to hear Tony is sick just as your holiday kicks off - I find that's always the danger time for illness. The body knows when it's going to slow down, I truly think. The number of times I've started a holiday less than fighting fit, or something has set upon me midway through! Anyway, happy travels and have a blast :) xx

    1. Just between me, you and the suitcase, I almost always bring more items than I end up wearing (especially when it comes to accessories). I think if you have the room for such, there's nothing wrong with that, especially if you're putting together looks while on your travels that are going to be photographed. It's great to have options whether on the road or at home.

      Thank you for your kind, caring words. Tony is still slogging his way through this cold (in fact, he had a really bad headache from it all day today - poor thing), but is doing somewhat better. I'm sincerely sorry to hear that you've often had illnesses strike as holidays neared. There have been times like that for me, too, though, much more often, I get hit with them 1 - 4 days after returning home. It's almost like my immune system says, "Okay, we played nice for your trip, but now we're jumping ship - time to fend all on your own!".

      I really hope that you weren't feeling under the weather for your recent trip to France.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Wishing you a great vacation Jessica. I'm going to read your tips thoroughly, as I too have some packing to do. We're going on a short trip here in Belgium starting next Tuesday. First, though, I have my dad's funeral to go through on Monday. Quite a double feeling, actually. A warm hug, Ann xxx

    1. I am truly sorry about your loss, dear Ann. Thank you for speaking so candidly about what you're going through at the moment. My heart and prayers are with you.

      Wishing you a safe, enjoyable trip.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Fab tips! I totally agree wih your method, the capsule is something I lean on heavily for traveling myself. And the sewing kit is something I always forget! Doh! Can't wait to see your holiday pics!!! Have an amazing time darling.

    1. Thank you ever so much, honey! It's hard to believe that we've already been on the road for seven days. How time flies when you're racking up miles on the odometer! :)

      Many hugs from Edmonton,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. I usually start packing way too early, but I love planning out what I'm going to wear on a trip. Although, I usually over pack and take just about everything :)

    1. If you've got the space (and weight limit, if flying), why not? As much as I do like to create a capsule wardrobe when traveling, I also really like (and take comfort in) having options, too - especially since I know at least some of my vacations ensembles will land on my blog.

      Big hugs & many thanks for all of your great recent comments,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. I generally only follow the last suggestion as of late. :) But I am excited about the trip I leave on tomorrow! If I had more time, I might have made use of more of these suggestions.


    1. It's awesome that you're getting a chance to travel this month, too, sweet Sarah. I hope that you have a great trip!

      Many hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Quite right. Great tips! Love the color palate idea. I hadn't thought of that! I so also roll my clothing to help with wrinkles as opposed to folding and of course bring pieces that I can layer. I'm wimpy when it comes to cold. LOL

    Hope you have a wonderful safe trip. Godspeed!

    1. Rolling is such a great tip, too, Tam, thank you very much for mentioning it. One thing in particular that I like to roll is my blazers (assuming they're made of fabrics, such as cotton, that lend themselves well to being rolled), as it can help them arrive in much more presentable condition.

      Many thanks for the lovely travel wishes. We're seven days into our trip now (hard to believe, I know!) and having a splendid time in Edmonton.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Lovely tips! I wish I traveled anywhere where I could take a big capsule with me, but I'm nearly always strapped for space. I tend to start with my shoes, since they are the things that make or break me (can I walk in them for hours?), and then coordinate from there. I also raid my "giveaway" pile of things I don't really want anymore and build outfits around those...and then I leave them behind in my hotel with a note saying, "Keep or donate". I love to think that some of my clothes are being worn in Florence, Paris and London! That also goes for: old underwear (really! isnt' it time you bought more?), tights with a hole in the toe, old t-shirts (for sleeping in) - I toss those, of course. It really helps free up a lot of room for any new purchases!

    Enjoy your holiday, Jessica! I hope Tony gets better soon (and that you don't catch his cold!).

    1. Really lovely tips, dear Sheila. Thank you very much for sharing your approach to packing for a trip with us. That's such a smart, creative idea regarding packing giveaway pile pieces that you won't be devastated if you lose (and are then happy to leave behind). I'll definitely have to keep that in mind for future trips.

      Thank you for your kind well wishes. Tony is still duking it out with his cold, but is slowly getting better and, miraculously (especially given my permanently weakened/compromised immune system) it hasn't attacked me yet.

      Oodles of hugs from Edmonton,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. first: a "get well soon" to poor and brave tony!!!
    and a "have a marvelous trip" to both of you!
    very good tips - and you found some really cool pics to go with them!!!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Beate. Tony is still dealing with his cold (it gave him a terrible headache all day today), but is, thankfully, doing a bit better and luckily it hasn't jumped ship to me yet.

      We're having a really nice time in Edmonton and can hardly believe that tomorrow (Thursday) will make a week since we left home. How time flies (err, drives?) when you're travelling! :)

      Many hugs & happy early September wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. This is very timely as my blogging tour is a week away...normally I would follow most of these rules and I can do a week in one large suitcase, sadly this time I have sponsors outfits to wear, photo shoot outfits with 3 changes involved and I can't color coordinate and I wear should be interesting!

    1. Hi Ruby, that definitely sounds like an action packed adventure and exciting experience. I hope that everything goes smoothly and enjoyably for you on your travels and that, even with those parameters in place, you're able to put together a number of outfits that you just adore.

      Big hugs & happy travel wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Have a super trip! I'm flying to visit my parents next week and since the only airline that flies from my current city to my home town charges a loooot extra for checked bags, I'm having to really concentrate on quelling my usual overpacked travel wardrobe. I may be doing some crazy layering to fly though, just to make sure I can really squeeze it in!

    1. It's just amazing how strict most (all?) airlines have become these days with weight and baggage limits. When I travels to and from Europe in my teens and early 20s, most airlines allowed two bags and the option for 1 - 2 more, if you paid the additional baggage charges, now it's getting harder to find companies that will allow even just two bags (max) anywhere you may want to fly.

      I hear you big time on the layering front. I did that in particular when we moved from Toronto to Penticton back in early 2012, as I knew that the moving trucks wouldn't arrive with our possessions for about three weeks and I didn't want to wear the same outfits too often until that happened.

      Wishing you a safe, wonderful trip, dear gal!

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  13. Have fun on your late summer holiday! It's good you only had to postpone it by one day. It's no fun to have travel or celebration plans threatened or ruined by illness. I was suffering a lot from a bad eczema outbreak on my third trip to Israel, and it was hard to fully enjoy some things when I was in so much pain from certain types of clothing rubbing against my skin. I also got sick from dehydration on my first trip (badly enough to go to both the Masada clinic and a doctor's office in the Negev with another young woman with a different medical issue which required surgery), but had mostly bounced back by the next day.

    One packing tip my mother taught me when I was 22 is to roll up your clothes instead of folding them, so they take up less space in your backpack or suitcase. I also have some kind of special plastic clothing bags I got for my first Israel trip in 2005, which push out all the air so they're almost completely flat. I still tended to buy too many things on my three Israel trips, so much so I needed to use my large light blue carrying bag with yellow stripes (bought in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem) to pack some stuff at the end of the first trip, and had to buy an entirely new suitcase (a lovely dark green) at an outdoor shop on Agrippas Street in Jerusalem on my third trip. At least one other person on that trip also needed to buy a new suitcase to hold everything she'd bought.

    1. Rolling is such a marvelous approach to packing. It not only helps to maximize space, but it can cut down on wrinkled garments, too (especially important if you don't have easy access to an iron or garment steamer at your destination). One thing in particular that I like to roll up is blazers (assuming they're made from fabrics that lend themselves well to being rolled).

      I'm deeply sorry that you encountered such serious medical issues when on your third trip to Israel and sincerely wish you more positive health on all of your future travels (anywhere in the world).

      Big hugs from Edmonton & many heartfelt thanks for all of your great recent comments,

      ♥ Jessica

  14. I hope Tony os feeling better now and that you're enjoying your trip so far xxx

    The last time I packed to go anywhere it was for a night away so barely anything went with me. I have no idea whatsoever how to pack for a holiday, so this post is really interesting, thank you. Many hugs!

    1. Thank you very much for your caring words, sweet Melanie. Tony's cold has really dug its feet in and is still lingering, though he is getting a bit better and isn't as congested any more.

      I'm happy to know that you enjoyed this post. It was a lot of fun to (quickly!) put together in the midst of an epic packing session last week.

      Big hugs from Edmonton,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. Have a gorgeous trip! And than you for the tips. ;-)
    Can't wait to find out who the guest bloggers are.

    Many hugs
    Sandra <3

    1. Thank you very much, honey. Two of the three guest posts have since gone live and the final one, from a fabulous Australian blogger, will be appearing here bright and early on Friday morning (PST). I really appreciate all three of these ladies helping me out while we're traveling and have enjoyed reading their posts as much, I'm sure, as my audience has.

      Many hugs from Edmonton,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Great tips! I hope you have a wonderful fulfilling time, I hope Tony soon feels much better. A very safe journey back xx

    1. Thank you kindly, dear Emily. Tony is still in the throes of his cold (it's a stubborn one for sure!), but thankfully doing a bit better at this point - and luckily, too, it hasn't decamped to me yet (which is a true rarity when he brings home illnesses).

      We're having a really fun time in Edmonton and, as (nearly) always when one travels, are quite amazed by how quickly the days are zooming past.

      I hope that all is well on your end this week, lovely lady.

      Many hugs from Edmonton,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Great tips! I have a special one for when I'm staying with my mum, which is to come prepared to borrow heavily from her wardrobe, where I can! (She is shorter than me, so pants and shoes are no good, but I often borrow tops and jumpers!)

    1. What a fantastic tip!!! Thank you for sharing it, dear Tanith. I can't help but wonder, in times gone by when people were more apt to stay in the homes of their friends/family (as opposed to hotels and the like) if that was a more common approach to dressing while on the road.

      Many hugs from our hotel in Edmonton,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. Great tips! I'm not sure if I would have a packing strategy if I wasn't always planing on getting photos for my blog when I travel. For my last trip to California I had every single outfit for each day planned in advance (with checklists so I could check I had packed everything and then styled each ensemble the way I'd planned on the day). This seems a bit neurotic, but I knew I would be visiting places perfect for outfit photos and one can't pass up such an opportunity!

    1. That doesn't sound "neurotic" in the slightest to me, dear Bianca - quite the opposite. I'm a huge list maker who adores being super well organized, too, so lists are always involved when I pack. I had several on the go when getting ready for our current trip and triple checked them all before locking the door behind us on Thursday morning. The perpetual Girl Guide in me strongly believes that one can never be too prepared or thorough when traveling. :)

      Many hugs from Edmonton,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. These are some great tips- thanks for sharing them. My default packing strategy is "throw everything I own into the largest suitcase possible." However, for obvious reasons that doesn't usually work very well so, I have really started to do like you said here, and create a capsule wardrobe. That way each day I can choose an outfit, and everything goes well together, rather than wishing I had brought that one thing. . . :)
    The Artyologist

    1. It's my pleasure, sweet dear. I'm really happy that I was able to eek out a wee bit of time to (quickly!) pen this post amidst last week's flurry of prepping and packing. I've since thought of numerous more related points, so I could definitely see other travel packing related posts appearing here as time rolls on.

      Many hugs & thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. Have a fab time! I love the idea of creating a capsule wardrobe for a trip based on colours that work together.

    1. I'm delighted to know that you enjoyed this post (the capsule wardrobe tip very much included), sweet dear. I hope that it helps make your next trip even more enjoyable.

      Big hugs from a bit closer to your side of the country :),
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Enjoy your trip! I hope the break does you both lots of good.

    1. Thank you ever so much, dear Mim. I truly hope so as well. We're a few days into our travels now and are having a really lovely time in Edmonton. It's a big, sprawling city that blends urban life and rural charm extremely well.

      Many hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. I love reading packing tips so this made me very happy especially as we pack the same way - in outfits, heavy on accessories.
    Have a wonderful trip and can't wait to hear all about it when you're back. xxx

    1. That's awesome, Vix - three big cheers on having similar strategies when it comes to packing for a holiday. You always look devastatingly fabulous in your travel snaps!

      Big hugs from the road,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. Great tips! I love the last one best... to pack things you know and love. Nothing worse than getting where you're going to find some of the things you've packed are uncomfortable or make you feel awkward. I usually travel by plane whenever I go anywhere so what I tend to do is pack flats (two pairs-- got to have an extra pair in case one pair gets wet or unwearable), pack two cardigans (much for the same reason as packing two pairs of flats) and make sure both go equally well with the rest of the stuff I'm packing, and wear my heaviest stuff on the plane (wear my jacket and heels or boots if I'm bringing them that day). I'm a super light packer and am usually able to fit everything in a carry on bag (even for a trip up to two weeks). I guess mostly because I'm pretty light with accessories, make up, and hair products. I hope you are having a fantastic trip and I hope Tony is doing well!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. I completely agree! These days, I'll usually bring one or more review products with me to shoot when we travel, but even there, make sure I try them on before we leave home and only pack items I think will be comfy for extended periods of wear.

      I wear my heaviest items when flying, too - especially if we're traveling with an airline that only permits one checked bag (as so many tend to these days). Great minds! :)

      Thank you very much for your lovely message on this post (I'm happy to say that Tony is finally starting to get over his cold; it wasn't until just a day or two that such was the case though), as well as for all of your wonderful recent comments, too.

      Tons of hugs & happy tail end of summer wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. I do hope that since I'm commenting on this post many days after the fact, that Tony is by now fully healed of his cold!

    These are great packing tips, especially #4. I've found that planning out a few outfits ahead of time saves me from over-packing, or from bringing along a cute top but no bottom to match it. Also, great tip about bringing accessories that you wouldn't be heartbroken about losing, especially depending on where you might be going or how you're traveling. I lost a favorite ring at an amusement park once, so now I either wear my not-so-favorites, or no rings at all.

    1. Hello my caring friend, thank you very much for your lovely comment. Tony is just starting to finally get over his cold (that held on quite firmly until just a couple of days ago) and miraculously, it didn't spread to me (a true rarity!). Even though he wasn't always feeling fab, we had a great time in Edmonton and can hardly believe that another trip is behind us again. How they zoom past at the speed of light!

      It's good to be home again though, especially with fall - my favourite season - mere days away from starting. Lots of unpacking and online catching up to do, before launching into the start of lots of exciting autumn time happenings.

      Oh no! What an unpleasant thing to have happen. I'm really sorry that you lost a ring at an amusement park. I lost a vintage hat a couple of winters ago on a super windy + snowy day, and still get pangs of longing for it sometimes (knock wood, to date, it's the only vintage hat I've ever lost). Fingers cross that neither of us have any more wearables go missing!

      I really hope that you're doing well and having a thoroughly terrific tail end of summer.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. Hi Jessica, hope Tony is feeling better. I can empathize, I'm also feeling sick at the moment. Love your tips, I tend to bring the jewellery I wear on a daily basis on trips. I find what you wrote about separates interesting, as I always think that I should pack dresses because they'll take up more space. I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I travel. Hope you are enjoying your trip. Xxx

    1. Hi sweet dear, thank you very much for your caring message. I'm really sorry to hear that you've been feeling under the weather lately, too. Tony's cold just began to let up in any kind of real way a couple of days ago, and it's still not out of his system completely yet. Thankfully he was still able to enjoy our trip and is recouping today from all that driving before heading back to work tomorrow.

      I really hope that you're on the mend this week, too.

      Big hugs & tons of healing wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. I still a bit behind with your blog. These are all great tips, and it came to mind that a few years ago I also wrote a packing post on my blog. Since I cannot figure out how to copy/paste the link on this damn iPad (no I will not have a new one when this is old and worn, Samsung Galaxy will be my next tablet!), I will post it later when I am at my pc. Right now it's Wednesday and I'm working on some repairs on vintage dresses. There's always something do to when wearing vintage. ;) I hope Tony felt better quickly so he was able to enjoy your holiday. Have a lovely day, dear. :)

    1. Hi sweet Sanne, I feel like I might recall, now that you mention, it that lovely travel related post of your own. I'd certainly enjoy reading it again and welcome you to share the link to it here anytime.

      So true, so true - there's something deeply rewarding (and exciting) about keeping vintage "alive" if you will though, so mending and the like is rarely a chore that I mind. Hopefully this week's repairs are going smoothly for you.

      That's very kind of you to say. Tony's cold lingered long and hard throughout our travels. It's only started to slacken in the last 2 - 3 days, but thankfully is getting better. Hopefully the beautiful late summer sunshine that returned home to will chase it off all the more.

      Tons of hugs & happy summer-into-autumn wishes coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Hi again, just found it:
      It was fun to see what I packed two years ago, very different from today, haha. :) Have a lovely day, dear. :)

    3. Thank you for sharing that post link here, sweet Sanne. It is indeed the one that I thought it might be and I really enjoyed reading it again - as some sure some folks who are seeing our comments here may for the first time. We have such atrociously poor (seriously, it's near Bat Cave level) lighting in our current house that I've never given any serious thought to photographing everything I pack for a given trip, but I'd welcome the chance to one day if there was more light (and space) to do in, just as you did in that great post.

      Bg hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  27. I hope that Tony is feeling much better now. Such bad timing! I hope that you have managed to fend it off too and that you had a lovely trip. All the upcoming outfit posts will be most exciting. I enjoyed all your packing tips. I'm definitely going to try and theme my accessories next time I go away.

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Kate. His cold was a stubborn one that lingered until the start of this week, but thankfully is now pretty much gone and Tony is largely back to his usual self on that front. I (we) really appreciate your concern regarding his health. Miraculously, it did skip me this time. It's so rare for that to happen when he comes down with a bug, but I guess lady luck was on my side this time around - and, goodness, did I appreciate it.

      That's really cool! Doing so (themed accessories/outfits) is one of my favourite elements of travelling. I look forward to hearing/seeing more anytime about your own adventures on that front.

      Many hugs & joyful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica
