
March 27, 2016

Joyful Easter wishes!

The morning air is crisp and light, the first tendrils of sunshine break over the tall hills that surround our town and home alike. A beautiful sense of serenity and energy alike permeates these early hours and one cannot wake up with a smile on their face in their heart alike.

It is Easter and there is so much loveliness to this special day. No matter your personal beliefs, this is the second Sunday of spring and that alone is worth celebrating, slipping on a vintage flower adored hat for, and treating yourself to a chocolate bunny (or five!).

{Vintage Easter card image source}

On this most elegantly lovely of morns, know, my dear friends, that I am thinking of you and sending joyful wishes for a fun filled, fantastic celebration your way!

Happiest Easter, start of spring, and the return of sunshine!


  1. Happiest Easter wishes to you and yours Jessica, with love from me and my own Easter bunnies xxx

  2. A very Happy Easter to you dear Jessica! Give my best to Tony. Have a lovely day.XOXO.

    1. Thank you very much, dear April. I hope that you and your loved ones had a sunny, terrific long weekend. Ours was very lowkey, which is exactly what I wanted after such a busy month (and, really, last several months!).

      Many hugs & joyful start of spring wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Hope you are having a great Easter, Jessica, let it be filled with sunshine and lots of chocolate bunnies! xxx

  4. Happy Easter to you too! As I've just said, I hope it's a lovely one. I'm so excited that Spring is here - our clocks have just gone forward and the extra daylight in the evening is very exciting for me (and my photo-taking!) indeed :) xx

  5. thank you very much my dear!!!
    my very best spring wishes to you and your beloved ones!
    and lots of chocolate bunnies :-)))
    tons of hugs! xxxxx

  6. I love the vintage Easter card! Happy Easter and warm blessings to you, dear Jessica.

  7. I woke up this morning to the sound of birds singing, coffee brewing and the neighborhood kids on an Easter Egg Hunt. Is there anything more joyful than the music of children laughing?

    1. That sounds picture perfect, dear Connie. What a sweet way to greet that day. I hope that the rest of your Easter celebration was equally lovely.

      Many hugs & happy tail end of March wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Beautiful sentiments, my dear, I wish you and your family a very happy spring. Spring, for me, is nature's embodiment of people such as yourself, in one word; HOPE. The world can seem so very dark at times and man can do such terrible things, but in amongst the " bleak winter" of modern times, we can see signs of "spring" in all the wonderful people that make their mark, no matter how small, doing good and bringing joy to others. You most certainly do this for me. Happy spring!! Xx

    1. Sweet Emily, that is truly kind and wonderfully nice of you to say. I'm constantly humbled by your incredibly beautiful compliments and comments, which nestle in my heart and bring such happiness my way.

      Countless hugs & blissful wishes for spring,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Hope you had a good one ! I spent time with my nephews and nieces, so we had our hands full!

  10. Such a cute card and sweet sentiment! Happy Easter to you too Jessica! <3

  11. Happy Easter to you and your family as well! I hope you have a wonderful spring.

  12. Happy Easter! I am certainly excited that it is finally spring!

  13. Happy Easter to you too, Jessica!


  14. I arrive late .. so .. a great week of spring! Hello Jessica, see you soon!


  15. What a lovely post. I hope you had an enjoyable easter. For me, it's one of the best times of the year.

  16. Many thanks, from both Tony and I, everyone, for your beautiful Easter/start of spring wishes. We're so lucky to have awesome online friends in our lives.

    Happiest wishes to you all for a stellar spring (or autumn)!

    xoxo ♥ Jessica
