
October 3, 2015

I know you by your legs

Okay, potentially creepy/stalkerish sounding post title, I know, but I promise you there is an entirely innocent explanation behind it! :)

You see, as a general rule, when reading posts in my feed reader (Bloglovin'), I do so by starting with the oldest posts first, which are at the bottom of the page of new entries. Thus as I work my way from the end of the list to the top, I often see a person's feet and/or legs first as a photo accompanying an outfit post appears.

I've been reading my feeds like this for years now and have been following many of the blogs that those gams belong to the authors of, for far longer still. As such, I can often tell who a new post is from before I even scroll up to the part that says the blog's name, simply by seeing their feet/legs. I find this rather charming and hope you'll see it as such, too, for it leads me to a far greater point.

In about two weeks from now, this blog will hit 6.5 years of life. In that time I've had the great pleasure of getting to cross paths with literally thousands of fellow bloggers (vintage and otherwise). Some for the briefest of spells, others for multiple years, and some for longer still than I myself have been penning a vintage blog (I started following their sites prior to launching to my own). Quite a few of these folks have become friends - also for varying lengths of time - and a few have become so dear to me they feel like sisters.

It's scarcely a state secret that the vintage blogging world has shrunk somewhat in the last (roughly) three years (a point that I briefly touched on in this post). There are a plethora of reasons (the rise of certain "instant share" sites like Instagram certainly being one them) for this and I won't go into great deal about such here now. Suffice it to say, the vintage blogging pool is not as vast as it once was and that makes me all the more grateful for those who are still keeping at 'er, as I myself am, too.

No matter if such folks are blogging peers, personal acquaintances, friends, or die-hard BFFs, I know them - or in other words, I know you. Whether we've only talked through our blogs - perhaps even one sided-ly (in other words, I've commented on your site, but you haven't on mine) - or have conversed elsewhere, too, by sheer virtue of the fact that you've been sharing part of your life with me - and the world - online for quite some time, I genuinely feel like I know you and this is a beautiful thing unto itself.

I appreciate all of my fellow bloggers, particularly the vintage ones, as we walk a similar path in this new found digital world of ours. I find myself remembering fellow blogger's birthdays, anniversaries, and even due dates. I know who adores 1940s swing dresses, who can't get enough of two tone 30s shoes, and who 1950s circle skirts make go positively weak in the knees.

From BF/GF/husband/wife/partner's names to what people studied in school to favourite colours and foods, a body of knowledge has been acquired and cataloged for many of my fellow bloggers simply by virtue of the fact of how long I've known them and how frequently I've read their wonderful blogs. I have know doubt that many of you reading this post today can say the same about me and I love that fact.

Even the most raw, open and honest person never shares everything about themselves online - and that's a good thing (we all need and deserve some privacy, after all), but we all present a certain version of who we are to the world via our blogs (and social media presences) and what we opt to divulge or not.

Whether we chose to be an open book or present a very curated picture of ourselves and our lives, we still share who we are and those who give of themselves and their time to kindly follow our sites, learn about us through our photos, what we write, and sometimes even what is left unsaid.

I guess what I'm trying to say is how much I care for and appreciate every single one of you, my fellow bloggers and friends. Thank you for opening up your lives with me and allowing me to do the same here day after day, week after week, and ultimately year after year.

We've shared so much and I hope that a great deal more lies in store for all of us who continue to keep our blogs alive and going strong. I look forward to getting to know you even better - shoes and all - and hope that we can keep on supporting one another's sites, efforts (long term frequent blogging is a huge amount of work and very often a sheer labour of love for those doing so, especially in a relatively small niche like the vintage world), and cheer each other on as we continue to blog, share and grow as both individuals and an online community as a whole.


  1. What a heart-warming post this is, Jessica! And I hope, someday, you and I will have a chance to meet up, too!

    Blogging is not what it used to be, and like you already said above, I think it's because of Instagram (and Tumblr) ... but I would have no idea what I'd do without my blog, which, just like yours, is also a little over 6 years old! I cannot imagine my Instagram account taking over my blog.

    I do notice that I am straying a little (perhaps more than just a little) from writing about vintage only on my blog, as I've always been a jack-of-all-trades and I am not sure if my blog had survived had I wrote only about vintage.

    But anyway: I want to say to you that I admire you, treasure you enormously as a reader of my blog ánd a commenter, and that posts like the one your wrote above are what make the blogging scene such a lovely place to be.


    1. Sweet Lindsay, what a kind, touchingly thoughtful comment. I appreciate every thing that you said immensely and adore that we've been able to connect with one another for years now. You are a truly dear, inspiring, marvelous blogger - and woman - too and I feel blessed to know you.

      Here's to us "old timers" and the joy, creativity, and friendship that blogging holds for us even - if not more so - after all these lovely years.

      Warmest hugs from Canada,
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* I sincerely hope that we're able to meet one day in person as well. Please know that you always have an open invitation should you happen to be in my neck of the woods.

  2. I love this post so much. There is so much truth in what you say. I am so glad I found your blog. I absolutely adore it!

    1. That is splendidly sweet of you to say, dear Sylvie. I love your blog, too, as well as the fact that we're both Canadians. Thank you so much for your heartwarming words!

      Have a fabulous, fun filled weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. This was a really nice post! I feel the same about bloggers I technically don't "know" but do ;D

    1. Exactly, right? :) There should be a term for this very modern phenomenon which so many of us bloggers, YouTubers, and others who interact with an audience/readership online encounter.

      Than you very much for your lovely comment. Have a beautiful weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. I love this post!! I can totally relate to this! I'm not quite as proficient at remembering as many things just yet, but I know exactly what you mean! I love our little vintage community! :)

    1. It's so special and I'm very grateful that, by and large, it is such a welcoming, supportive, caring place. There are a lot of dark, cruel corners of the web, but the vintage world is not one of them and I think that's a solid part of the reason that some of us are still here doing what we love year after year, strengthening our friendships and inspiring one another continually.

      Thank you so much for your wonderfully nice comment. Have a beautiful weekend, sweet lady!

      ♥ Jessica

  5. Brilliant post. I totally agree, blogging isn't something to get into on a whim, your heart really needs to be in it as it's such hard work and at times can feel rather pointless/lonely when you don't receive a big response. So you need to be happy with what you are doing, no matter if none, one, 100 or 10,000 people reply/read it. Plus it's hugely time consuming when done right! It's funny though regarding the title, as I mostly blog about shoes, so people now know me from my feet alone. It's freaky!

    1. Excellently - and wisely - said. I agree with you on every point, including the fact that that we as bloggers can experience crises of faith, if you will, in terms of questioning why we're doing what we do, even if we love it dearly. I've certainly had a few moments like that over the years and would imagine that most bloggers, especially in small niches like ours, who have been writing for years face the same thing at times. I've always pulled through and am by no means experiencing such right not (quite the opposite actually), helped in no small part by our warm, wonderful, friendly community.

      That would be a bit strange for sure! I love your blog and all of the swoon worthily fantastic footwear that you share there.

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. What a lovely post! We should test you by sending you a bunch of photos of only legs/feet and seeing if you can guess who they are!

    You are really one of the nicest people I've ever met, online or off :)

    1. Thank you deeply, dear Helen. That is truly touching. You're an awesomely lovely person, too, and I've so adored getting to know you over the years, very much including our interview here a few months ago.

      Tons of hugs & happy start of October wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I like Helen's ideas!! We should compile a whole bunch of leg pictures and make you guess!! xxx

  7. Dear friend,

    Thank you for writing this post, it is subject we're all considering in some time of our lives.. and I say: better sooner, than when it's too late.
    We "give" a lot of ourselves online, we share our lives in a way.. and for many of gals out there, sharing is fun, without knowing the consequences. I do risk sounding like a weary geek, but at some time of our lives we need to be: you know, so do I, that phone takes pictures and imports a meta-data that gives out a precise geo-location of the image.. and unless turned off.. every one knows Where You Were.
    There's also the "oversharing" that is now drowning us; and by that I mean You girl-with-spoon-licking-habit.. we honestly do not need to know that.. as a matter of fact, it's not hygienic. :)
    Then there's "opening up".
    Now, that is a great thing about this little eco-system of ours (the "vintage loving" world we're in). As time passes, our blogs progress, we get comfortable and we open up to the world. This is a great thing, and a perfect way for someone shy to feel better, more empowered, even willing to give out a piece of her life's story (yes, this is me).

    So: thank you for pointing this out.
    We need some serious thinking (some days) :)

    Many hugs
    (you know, but I'll write it again: you shared an amazing chunk of your load with us, and for believing in us, our support and understanding - I find you a hero)


    1. Hello my sweet friend, thank you very much for your wonderful comment. Being called a "hero" is honestly one of the most beautiful and touching things anybody has ever said to me and I meas more than I can put into words.

      I wholeheartedly appreciate all of the wise points that you shared here and agree with you that one must always try to find a happy medium when it comes to sharing online. For the first three or so years of my blog's life, it was very hard for me to open up much at all - I was still dealing with a lot of issues from my youth and the fact that I'd always had to been very tight lipped about most aspects of my life when I was younger. Thankfully, I don't have to be any more and blogging has been a huge tool in helping me grow and be a more open person. Count that as reason one million why I utterly adore the act of blogging and the blessings that it imparts into my life.

      The deepest of thanks & the biggest of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. A lovely post Jessica, although I my blog is fairly new on the vintage scene, I have been following everyone's blogs for a few years now and like you I feel that the community is so supportive. You especially are so supportive of everyone's blogs, so thank you! x

    1. Thank you very much, honey. That means a lot to me and am so delighted that you're a part of the vintage blogging world. I've adored getting to know you and your site better. Here's to the hope we can both keep blogging for a long time to come.

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Hang on - my legs? Eeeepp!! :) That actually makes so much sense ahhaha I do recognise bloggers from their legs and their photo styles hahahah xxx I love you and your blog! This is a lovely post and a lovely reminder of the constantly-evolving world of vintage blogging. I sometimes feel a bit restricted by the title of "vintage blogger" but at the end of the day I am blogging for me and my style and taste change...

    1. Hi sweet Nora, I get that for sure, believe me. Sometimes I feel like when you blog in a tight knit niche, it can limit what you discuss or feel you can share about yourself. I try to weave other subjects into my posts sometimes, but ultimately, the key focus will always be vintage here and that's totally okay. If I could go back in time to the early days of this site though, I would probably try to start out with a broader range of my interests being covered here. Hindsight is always 20/20 though, eh, and it's not a regret - just something I would have done differently, but then again, I was a different person 6.5 years ago - we all were and that's totally okay. :)

      You're a great blogger and a wonderful inspiration to so many people. Thank you for all the work and effort you put into your site and social media posts, lovely lady.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. Such a delightful post, thank you Jessica 😙

    1. It is my sincere pleasure, sweet lady. Thank you very much for your ongoing readership of my blog. I appreciate it to no end.

      Have a beautiful October!
      ♥ Jessica

  11. your blog is one one of the very first ones i ever read - some disappeared over the time, some got dumped by me - but you are still here and i´m with you! i´m sure i will stay....because of the wonderful quality of your blog that has its roots in your lovely personality!!!!!
    flowers, hugs and cookies for you!!! xxxxx

    1. Your ongoing support of my site is something I treasure, dear Beate, as is your beautiful friendship. Thank you so much for each kind word, every touching comment, and each point of interest we've shared and will continue to do.

      Giant hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. I loved the theme of the post! At first I did think "Omg, what is coming, I want to know what people can say only by looking at our legs", hahaha! But then I got t know what it was about! I bet you can totally say when it's my post, by the "week with smiles" :) But I think that the first part also says something :) Though I loved this idea and I may do the same from now on :) It's true, we don't share everything online, cause we are humans, we need approval to some extent, and imagine that, if people don't like certain things from the "kind of small things" that we share, imagine if you share all :) I have a friend that I really don't agree with her views and she doesn't agree with mine and we both know that. Though I think that we all can differ and learn from each other, she gets really furious with that and treats me in a way kindly, but I know it's fake. I tried to get some distance, because it affects me, but after all, I count on that when she has more life experience she will see things in another way. No that I am super experienced :) So what you said is true - whether for a short period of time or long, we all leave something from us and grab something from others, even by seeing who we don't want to be - and this is the beauty of life, isn't it? To exchange ideas! I am so glad I met you and keep on being as sweet as you always are! Hugs and kisses!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Denise. The idea for this post has been floating around in my head for months now, but after several "feet first" photos in a row in my blog feeds the other day, I knew the time had come to pen it.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment and for speaking straight from your heart, including sharing about the sometimes strained friendship you share with that person. It can be very taxing to deal with someone who you know is being insincere to your face.

      It really is part of the beauty of life. We give and take, share and inspire, and hopefully, ultimately, better far more lives than we leave any kind of a negative impact on.

      Huge hugs & the sincerest of thanks for your excellent comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Excellent post! I know I can speak for many others when I say that we always enjoy seeing a new post from you, and are glad to have you in the blogosphere, too!

    You're right that blogging needs to be sincere, no matter if someone's blogging about vintage clothes or classic cars; it's got to be something you are passionate about and really care for. That definitely takes courage to open up to others (it did for me, anyway), and I really am encouraged to see bloggers like you who continue to write for years. No other time has it been so easy to connect with like-minded women with similar hobbies and tastes, and it makes it very special that we are all able to do so now.

    1. Thank you deeply, dear Sabrina - not only for your touchingly lovely words, but for sharing your thoughts on how important sincerity is in the blogging world. I couldn't possibly agree more. It takes a momentous amount of courage to open up online. Yes, it comes easily/naturally for some, but not everyone by any means and I myself struggled with it big time until just (about) 3 - 3.5 years ago. It will always be an area I grapple with a bit, but I love and am so grateful for the fact that I have gotten better on that front and doubt it would have happened without my blog (by which I mean, I've learned to open up more all throughout my life via blogging, not just here on this site).

      Giant hugs & heartfelt thanks,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. What a sweet and lovely post! It is funny how well you can feel like you know someone when you've read their blog for a period of time - when I fall behind on my blog reading, I do start to feel like I've lost touch with friends. I hope you know how much you are appreciated as well. You've been such a warm and welcoming presence ever since I started blogging, and I know you've been just as kind and supportive to other bloggers as well.

    1. My very dear friend, thank you for your touching, beautiful words and utterly awesome longtime support of my blog. I always love hearing from you here, connecting with you on your blog, and anywhere that our paths cross online. You're such a wise, inspiring, stylish, creative, compassionate woman and I feel blessed to know you and to share in the exciting journey that is blogging together.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. You are so sweet! I love reading your blog! Thank you for stopping by my blog and always writing the nicest things! Viva la vintage! ;)


    1. You are wholeheartedly welcome, sweet Sara. Thank you for your fantastic ongoing support and readership of my blog as well. You're such a lovely, friendly, talented woman. It's a joy to know and be inspired by you.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Your blog is truly one of my favourites, in great part because of the genuine interaction you have with your readers, I know I certainly appreciate it. And I am glad I amnot the only one who remembers odd facts and details. Not so much on the blogger front, but for my whole life I have been able to remember quite trivial details about other people. I often play dumb on it though, so it doesn't come across as stalkerish

    1. Thank you deeply, sweet Kaitlyn. I'm very touched that you raised that point. I could never fathom being an entirely one sided blogger. I get that some in the more mainstream and/or popular niches receive so many comments that they can't reply to all of them or visit others' sites that often, no judgement there at all, of course, but even then, replying to some comments and letting your audience know how much you value them should still be a priority for just about everyone with a blog. After all, if don't show our readers how much we appreciate them and their comments, why should we expect them to continue to support us? I know not everyone shares that viewpoint, but it's been mine since day one here and will be for as long as I'm a blogger.

      Big hugs & happy start of October wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Denise @BuyRVintageJunkOctober 3, 2015 at 6:24 PM

    Ahh...another inside look at the world of vintage bloggers. How wonderful! While the web can be dark and scary (as you say) I'd say getting to know you, your Etsy shop and Chronically Vintage has been a bright and sunny spot in my world.
    It's like opening a gift. The title of this post you wrote (is the gift wrapping) the wonder and curiosity (what IS Jessica up to now, lol) and the care in which you write makes your blog feel like a holiday, any day!
    Happy Fall to you! :)

    1. That is absolutely beautiful, dear Denise. Thank you deeply. I truly appreciate your readership and support of my vintage filled world. Each kind comment, thoughtful word, and encouraging sentiment matters to me and is never taken lightly. You're a fantastic, big hearted person and my blog is certainly richer for you being a part of it.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. Such a lovely post! I find it so hard to keep up with not only blogging but also reading all my favorite blogs while maintaining a shop and a FT job. As always, Jessica, you are an inspiration. An inspiration to keep blogging, to keep reading, and to keep commenting. Thank you!

    1. Goodness, can it ever be, dear Karen, you are completely right there and I would never claim that such was otherwise for myself either. It is a massive amount of work and sometimes I feel both burned out and like I don't have time for anything else (but my blog and Etsy shop). As with most things in life, there's a constant search for balance and sometimes one nails, other times they don't. I love that you're still blogging as well and hope that even with a very full, busy life, you're able to keep on doing so for a long time to come.

      Tons of hugs & understanding support,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. A lovely post and so true. I have a few specific blogger friends who I have 'known' for about a year now, and although I have never met them in person (they all live on the other side of the world... a long way from me here in Australia), I know a lot about them through their blogs, but also through private emails where we open up to each other, and one I have even had the pleasure of having a couple of phone calls with! That was totally surreal and wonderful! Enjoying your blog, I am a relatively new follower, keep up the lovely and interesting posts!

    1. Thank you very much for your touching comment, sweet Amber. Isn't it awesome when online friendships can materialize into the offline world as well? I've been fortunate to have that happen with some folks over the years, too, many of whom I now swap Christmas and/or birthday presents with, and a small number of whom I've even had the great honour of meeting in person. Whether online or off though, the power and importance of friendships formed via the web cannot be understated and I know that they bring a deal of enrichment to many peoples' lives the world over, just as they do to mine.

      Keep up the marvelous work on your end as well, talented lady, and know that you have a loyal reader in me.

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. I love this post, Jessica! It tickles me to think you see my legs and know who I am :D I guess mine are distinct because they are rather short ;) Everything you say here rings completely true, of course. I'm so thankful for the blogging community and that lovely people like you exist in it. It's so loving and supportive and I'm so happy I found you and my other online friends - I genuinely went through a spell where I was moving around so much in my mid 20s that I was really quite lonely. That all changed when I took some of my life online :) x

    1. Thank you very much, my darling friend. Your legs have never struck me as short, come to think of it, but then again, as I'm petite, too, maybe I'm just used to seeing that sort of length (on myself) when I look in the mirror. Objectively, it's not just people's feet/legs by which I know them. It's often the lighting used in their photos, a certain way of standing, a garment that I recognize from a past outfit photo, or one of at least a few other factors. Whatever the case, I find it deeply heartwarming and only strengths the bonds I feel with many in our marvelous little online vintage blogging world.

      I know just what you mean! I had very few friends, largely due to my health preventing me from being able to go out and/or lead a "normal" social life, when I started blogging back in 2009 and have since made some of the best friends of my whole life since the web and have never even entertained the idea of feeling lonely in that time. It's a phenomenal blessing and one that I will always be grateful for, even if I retire from blogging one day, because I know that at least some of those people will continue to be in my life. We're too close at this point not to be. :)

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. That was a really nice post. Even though I haven't blogged regularly this past year I have been reading the ones I follow including yours on an almost daily occurence and I agree with what you said. I feel as though I know many people quite well and that they are friends because of the manner in which they write their posts. I hope this continues into the future. 😊

    1. As do I, dear Shelly. Even if I was to retire from blogging (zero plans to do so anytime soon, I assure you), I would still keep reading a lot of the ones that I do now and wouldn't want to lose contact with those people at all. They matter to me a lot and always will, even if we never have the pleasure of meeting in person. Digital friendships are no less important or profound than offline ones in my books and I treasure each one I've had, and still have, over the years.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. Such a sweet post! I admit that I've succumbed to more instagram posts than blogging, but I still like to dabble here and there, there's something I find comforting to it. And I appreciate coming to my blog roll and e-visiting you (and my other blog friends) to see how you're doing : )

    1. Isn't there though - that is such a great point, dear Mary. I adore Instagram, too, and use it often, but I've never found a social media platform that was as comforting or which allowed me to express myself as fully as blogging itself does and I think that's a big part of the reason why I've joyfully kept at it for so many years now. I always adore seeing new posts from you and really appreciate that you're still blogging after a number of years as well. Way to go, lovely lady!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. Your words hit me real deep, I almost feel sad that we don't live in the same country, even on the same continent so we could hang out. Despite that, I love and read every single post of yours and even I do not comment very frequently I am so happy to be a part of such a caring community. Thank you Jessica for keeping your blog and words on point!

    1. Thank you with all my heart, dear Josephine. I share your sorrow, but do not give up hope entirely that perhaps our paths might still be able to cross one day. You are incredible source of inspiration and joy to me online as well and I get downright giddy when I see a new entry from you appear. Many sincere thanks for all that you do online and for sharing your world and your amazing outfits with us.

      Giant hugs from Canada,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. It is a fascinating thing to feel so very close to a person that you don't really know. You watch their relationships with their partners evolve, perhaps get married or have children and you feel included and grow in a way to love these people. How grateful I feel to have such kind people like yourself to be inspired by daily who give a huge amount of love and support in return for mine. X X X

    1. Isn't it though! Save for pen pals, prior to the internet, this was a virtually unknown phenomenon and one that I think deserves its own specific word/term, especially since the web is certainly not going anywhere and such relationships are going to be the norm, I would imagine, for many more years (if not centuries or longer!) to come.

      Thank you for your stellar ongoing support of my blog, dear Christina. I truly appreciate it and always adore visiting your site and being inspired by all that you you share there as well.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. What a lovely post! I used to blog heaps about my knitting and other DIY projects and I have only just recently got into sharing more about my take on vintage. I'm so happy to be of this heart-warming community of vintage lovers! xo G

    1. And we are thoroughly thrilled to have you here, sweet lady! Thank you very much for your lovely comment and for sharing your own wonderful passion for the past with the world.

      Many hugs from Canada,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. Wow ... I'm totally with you .... as you know. I try to do my best to stay alive on the blogroll :)))))
    How interesting ... I have to check on me, if I can find out which blogger it is, if I just see her legs ... :)

    1. It's a really neat game to play with yourself. I find that as you memorize what shoes folks own (that they share on their blogs, I mean) that helps make things a lot easier on that front.

      So long as you have a vintage blog, you will always be on my links page, dear lady. I adore your site and really admire that you're still blogging as well.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  27. Jessica, this is such a lovely, heartwarming post! I completely know what you mean about knowing other bloggers, and think the fact that it may be 'only online' does not diminish that relationship at all. I am so glad I started blogging, and I must say you personally are such an inspiration to me, reading your blog and seeing your comments on my blog warm my heart. Lots of love, Jenny xx

    1. I couldn't possibly agree more. A friend is a friend is a friend, so to speak, no matter how or where we came to know them. I cherish my online friends and have far more of them at this stage in my life than I offline ones. Thank you for raising that wise point, dear Jenny, and also for your fantastic ongoing support of my blog. It means a great deal to me and I hope that we can continue to enjoy one another's sites for a long time to come.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. What a wonderful post! I completely related to it. I'm always saddened when other bloggers stop blogging. You really do feel you "know" them and it's almost like losing contact with a friend. Despite the shrinking of the community, I'm glad there are still some wonderful bloggers out there who continue to share bits of their lives with us. And thank you for still blogging with your wonderful and well thought-out posts! I always really enjoy reading your blog!

    1. Likewise, my sweet friend, truly likewise. I adore your blog and the fact that we're both Canadian vintage loving bloggers. We're such a small pool and it hurts all the more when I see one of us vanish. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your site and fantastic YouTube videos, as well as for your years of online friendship and support of CV. I appreciate it beyond words!

      Tons of hugs & joyful countdown to Thanksgiving wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  29. What a lovely post, and I'm happy to be a very recent addition to your fan base! I plan to keep on following your blog for a long time to come! ;-)

    1. Thank you very much, lovely Grace. I adore your blog as well (the bookworm + writer in me is always thrilled to have blogs on such topics to follow, especially when their authors are also fans of vintage) and really appreciate your support of mine.

      Here's to following one another's sites for ages to come!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Thank you for your support! :)

  30. A wonderful, heartfelt post. I hadn't realised that so many vintage bloggers were dropping off. I think you are the only one that I follow now though.

    1. And I truly appreciate that you follow my site, dear Holly. I've loved getting to know you and your awesome blog in the past couple of years and hope that we can continue to support one another's online endeavors for ages to come.

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  31. What a cute pic! I also adore the photo of Norma Jeane!!!

    1. Thank you, sweet lady - not only for your lovely comment here, but for your years of blog support. I appreciate it immensely and really enjoy that your blog is a link to the paper crafting world for me still.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  32. Aw, what a lovely post! It is amazing the things we learn about each other through blogging and I feel I have really gotten to know a lot about certain bloggers I follow religiously. It's then very odd when you meet them in person and you remember things from way back and mention it in passing conversation. They look at you as if to say, 'how do you know that?'!

    1. True - sometimes we forget what we've said online or haven't thought about it in so long, but perhaps those very words stuck with someone else deeply. I'm sure most bloggers could easily find themselves on either side of the table there (I know I sure could). Great point, dear Cate, thank you for raising it and also for your lovely comment and readership of my blog. I really appreciate it!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  33. Your post is fabulous as always!

    1. You're too kind, dear Lorena. Thank you very much - both for your lovely comment and for your truly awesome support of my site over the years. It means so much to me.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  34. I love this blog title. It reminds me of a lady I knew in my college tango scene. When I was in another city at a dance, I saw a woman whose dancing was identical to this lady I knew. So I knew her by her feet and legs before I ever saw her face!

    1. How cool! That sounds like it would be a good opening scene for a novel or a movie. Thank you for sharing your own experience with this scenario with me (us), dear gal.

      Have a beautiful week!
      ♥ Jessica

  35. You're welcome, Jess. And thank you SO much for your lovely blog, which I often think I cannot live without. It is like being addicted to a magazine, you look forward to every week. I often think about my blog, but still consider it a good decision closing it. I am still here in mini form on IG, which I also love although it is much more "flat". It was a really fun way of expression your thanks, I have never thought of it this way. XOXO

    1. The pleasure is truly mine, dear Sanne. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your fantastic support of my blog and Etsy shop alike for years now, as well as your friendship, which I sincerely treasure. You're an awesome, supportive, giving, caring, beautiful person and the web is better for you being here on any platform.

      Tons of hugs & joyful October wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  36. Dear Jessica,
    It is very beautiful what you wrote and I share it. I opened the blog (but was on another platform) in 2007, an autumn evening, that was a very sad and hard for me. Open the blog was like having a glimmer of light, a place to make room for hope. After things have changed inside me and outside me, the blog has changed, I grew up (at least a little '!) And I met many people. Many people have lost the street, others are still bloggers that I follow and who have become friends; thanks has this "world" I knew better my country, this my Italian full of cultural differences and contradictions often negative, but only by addressing the problems and differences can be better persons, first of all! I am very happy to have "met" your blog and you! In Italy the blogs that talk about vintage are few, for me sometimes pè a bit 'boring to see only the fashion of the big chains like H & M and Zara, without imagination, without history, all made to be thrown away the next day because it lacks the real passion. Sad because for me the way you dress reflects my culture, my passions, history and when I see this in others is a beautiful thing! So .. Thanks for being there!



    1. Thank you very much for speaking so intimately about your own blogging journey and the path that it has taken (as well as for letting me know why my blog appeals to you). You've been at this game for a long time, too, and while we haven't know another that whole time, I very much appreciate all of the kind, supportive comments you've shared with me in recent months, as well as the inspiration, fun, and abundant armchair traveling that your delightful blog brings my way.

      Thank you for each and every kind, lovely word we've shared - and will no doubt continue to swap as time goes on.

      Big hugs from Canada,
      ♥ Jessica

  37. What a wonderful post Jessica. I too feel the same about the bloggers I have gotten to know thru my little over 3 years in this world. It has truly been a wonderful adventure and I love knowing that no matter what kind of day/week/month I'm having there are always lovely bloggers out there with there posts that make me smile or their comments (like your fantastic and encouraging comments Jessica) that can make a day so much better.

    It's been so much fun getting to know some of the lovely people in this world and I'm excited to continue to do so. I have especially enjoyed getting to know you thru those comments and thru your posts.

    Have a super day and chat with you in the comment section :)


    1. That is such a beautiful, fantastic way to look at things. I feel the same way, too, and am so incredibly grateful for the kindness, support, encouragement and friendship of our delightful little vintage community. Bad day? Bad week? Bad month? More often then not, all it takes is some cheery new posts in my feed, connecting with readers here, and perhaps a spot of Instagram and things will usually start to look up again quite quickly. :)

      It has been an immense honour and pleasure getting to know you as well, my dear fellow Canadian vintage blogger, and I want to wholeheartedly thank you for every kind comment, supportive word, and awesome post you've shared here and on your blog over the years.

      Tons of hugs & happy Thanksgiving wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  38. Such a sweet post Jessica! One of my favorite parts about blogging is the community. I have "met" and been inspired by SO many amazing people throughout the past few years of blogging, and I am so grateful for that network of supportive and kind-hearted people, you, Jessica, being one of them. Here's to many more years of encouraging each other in our individual and shared endeavors!


    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. Thank you deeply, dear Brigid. It has been such a beautiful joy to get to know you and your sisters over the years, too, and have had so many great opportunities to work together in the last year or so. You're an inspiring, wonderfully nice family and the internet is lovelier because you're on it.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  39. oh this is the most beautiful thing ever.
    and you are one of the most beautiful people ever.
    you are an encouraging light, and one that i think of very dearly.
    i have been reading this blog for years, and never once have ceased to be amazed by your cheery light and wholesome presence in the entire blogsphere. im not sure what to say to convey this thanks properly, you dear soul, so just a simple (yet totally heartfelt) thanks to YOU is in order.

    1. Sweet Abigail, that is truly one of the most touching, uplifting comments I've ever received here (or anywhere). Thank you from the bottom of my heart - you moved me to tears and I want you to know that I will never forget your incredibly kind, beautiful words.

      Giant hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* I love you and your magnificent blog as well. ♥

  40. Aw Jessica, you are such an optimistic, warm person, and I can't fail to feel inspired and a little bit fuzzy when you write stuff like this! I too appreciate so much the links I've made with like-minded bloggers, and that there are some people 'out there' who are interested and care in what I do. It's a great feeling isn't it? You're right that we need to continue to support each other, community is incredibly important. Here's to many more years of blogging! xx

    1. It truly is an incredible feeling and I think that part of the reason why, even if fewer folks are blogging these days, we're still very much thriving as a community is because of how much we support, encourage and inspire one another - something that is all the more important to those of us who may not have many (or any) other fellow vintage lifestyle folks in our own area. We need the sense of kinship and community that vintage side of the web provides and have our lives enriched big time because of it.

      Thank you very much for your tremendously lovely comment & for so many years of awesome back and forths on our blogs.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  41. Such a sweet post, which only emphasises what kind of person you are. Hugs.

    1. That is such a deeply kind - and touching - thing to be told, sweet Lorena. Thank you with all my heart.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  42. Everything about this post resonates with me ~ I've thought many times over the last few years of blogging that really, the best thing about it is the chance to make friends with like-minded people ~ lovely sweet ladies like yourself Jessica ~ whom I have never met, yet I still get to know you!

    Thank you for being you, and all you do to support our vintage community. I'm glad we are friends. ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. I am truly glad that we are as well, dear Bonita. You are a ray of sunshine, a caring soul, a supportive fellow blogger, a great inspiration on so many fronts, and one of the loveliest people I've ever had the honour of knowing.

      I sincerely hope that we're able to both keep blogging for a long time to come and that we'll always be able to continue to support and encourage one another in whatever ventures we embark on in life.

      Giant hugs & my deepest thanks for everything over the years,
      ♥ Jessica

  43. Ha, my husband usually cuts off large chunks of my lower half, so you must know me as the woman with no legs :-D

    Thank you too for your blog, and keep at it!

    1. Hi sweet Mim, thank you very much for your wonderfully nice blog comments this weekend. Lately I've been spotted you based on that gorgeous multi-coloured Heyday (I believe) dress that you've been rocking lately. It is seriously fantastic!

      Big hugs & happy wishes for this new week!
      ♥ Jessica

  44. You are too sweet, Jessica. I am so glad I found this beautiful friendly blogging community and you are a very big slice of that friendliness for me.

    1. I wholeheartedly cherish the wonderful friendship, as well our fun collaborations, that we share and love that the web led our paths to cross. We're vintage hat loving kindred spirits and I can't begin to thank you enjoy for your kindness, friendship, support, and encouragement over the years.

      Giant hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  45. This post is very touching, and inspiring. I keep a lot at bay when blogging, and I tend to share things privately with some that I have met over the internet, such as you. But I am glad that something like blogging as brought us together, and we share so much.


    1. I hear you there big time, my sweet friend. There is a lot about myself that I wouldn't share publicly for a million dollars, but by the same token, I do love that blogging has helped me greatly to open up and not be so self-conscious about sharing rather ordinary facts about myself (I was mind-blowingly private and guarded when I was a younger, largely due to my difficult upbringing). I've grown a lot as a person as a result and am so grateful for that benefit (to my life and psyche alike) of blogging.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  46. I read my feed from the bottom up too most of the time so I will have to test my knowledge of everyone's feet and legs. I really enjoy reading other people's blogs and getting to know them that way, I think that is one of the most special things about blogging. I hope to catch up on my blog soon, I have had computer problems which have now resolved and have taken on more days at work which I am just about getting used to. I miss my blog and miss communicating with others through it so I hope to be back to it very shortly.

    1. Oh dear, I'm sorry that you were battling computer issues. That's never, ever fun in the slightest. I still shudder when I think about how mine gave up the ghost nearly two years ago now and then left me 'puter-less from around a month. Knock wood the replacement I got is still going strong and shows no signs of slowing down.

      I've missed your blog, too, and really look forward to anything and everything that you share with us as this year winds down.

      Thinking of you and sending tons of hugs your way from Canada,
      ♥ Jessica

  47. How lovely! I haven't had the good fortune to really befriend many vintage bloggers, but I do still feel like I "know" so many of them, and find myself thinking "Oh, Jessica would like this" or "Oh, so-and-so does that too!" as though fellow bloggers were real-world acquaintances. I know I'm not the most forthcoming about all facets of my life, and not too infrequently I get emails that pidgeonhole me as someone I'm most definitely not! But, there are too many people I know in real life who read my blog who I'm not comfortable having every conversation with, even though I'd love to be able to tell a more honest version of myself to fellow bloggers! All the same, I'm incredibly grateful for the amazing community of vintage bloggers, even if I haven't gotten the chance to really talk to everyone.

    1. And we are extremely grateful that you're a part of this wonderful little community of ours. If we focus on the actual vintage blogging world (instead of the larger realm that includes social media, especially Instagram, in the picture), our numbers drop further with each passing year (for about the last three) and that makes those of us who are still here and actively blogging all the more precious and important to one another. I think that at this point in time, after many years for a lot of us, we're friends by association, if not downright close through more intimate (email, PM, snail mail, etc) conversations, too. I love this fact and feel so at home in our special vintage filled world.

      I too have run into people perceiving me in ways that are vastly different from how I really am (for example, I'm painfully aware that I often come across as far more serious online than I am in real life - where I'm bubbly, laid back, quick to crack jokes and make puns, full of smiles, etc), but ultimately, we can only put so much of ourselves out there and it isn't worth feeling uncomfortable by crossing privacy boundaries just for the sake of blog (unless we purposely want to do so as a means of personal growth).

      There is a lot about myself, even after 6.5 years of blogging, that I've never shared here or have only touched on in total passing, and which I may never delve into on this site (and/or online in general). We're completely entitled to our privacy and the right to not share anything we don't want to, even if in doing so, we don't always give the world the most well rounded picture of who we really are. I think that so long as what we do put out there is honest, sincere and friendly, that is what should ultimate count far more than if we make every faucet of our life an open book.

      Many thanks for your terrific comment,
      ♥ Jessica
