
September 5, 2015

Tony returns, happy Labour Day weekend wishes, and TMI?

After nearly three months apart, my beloved husband, Tony, returned home from his action packed summer of working in the States on Thursday afternoon. We proceeded to hug each other like it was going out of fashion (we've always been giant cuddle bugs), then indulge in a heart feast of honey garlic chicken wings, melon wrapped prosciutto, late summer veggies, and GF marble cake with (fittingly :)) neapolitan ice cream to celebrate his awesome homecoming.

{Jump ahead a few decades, and this photo could pretty much have been Tony and I the moment his feet hit our entryway on Thursday afternoon! It is such a blessing and joy to have him home again and we're eagerly looking forward to making up for our summer apart by enjoying a leisurely long weekend followed by an exciting, action packed autumn. 1940s photo source.}

We both absolutely worked our tails off and our fingers to bone this summer, so we're taking things really, really easy this Labour Day long weekend. Catching up on some much needed zzz's, savouring one another's company, noshing on tasty leftovers, and just unwinding after a season - and the proceeding months of this year - that were immensely hectic, before launching into an autumn and winter that promises to be the much the same (and then some) - including plans for the second annual Vintage Secret Santa gift exchange here towards the end of the year.

As many of you know, one of the most exciting (and rewarding) highlights of this summer for me has been my return to making YouTube videos. Though, at present, I am not creating blog posts for each video that I make, I have been, and plan to continue sharing, sharing some of the videos that I create here on my blog so that you guys can catch wind of them, if you haven’t already done so directly on YouTube or via social media.

Recently I learned of the TMI YouTube tag and thought it sounded like a lot of fun, so I pulled by a chair, settled in, and plowed my way through the 50 different questions that this tag houses.

Despite it's name, the TMI tag is not so much about sharing scads of super personal information, instead its perhaps slightly misleading title is more about the sheer volume of facts and tidbits of info that one reveals about themselves and their lives in the course of answering these fifty questions. If you'd like to learn a whole lot more about me, including some (not to contradict what I just said about the questions in general) deeply personal facts about my past, please feel free to check out my latest YouTube video.

{If you haven't done so already, please be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'm putting out new videos on a regular basis and have lots of fun, exciting vintage and autumn/Halloween related videos in the works for the coming season. }

It's hard to believe that we're already five days into September, but that we are and this coming Monday is Labour Day, which makes this a holiday long weekend! To all those who live in countries that celebrate Labour Day in September, I wish you a truly marvelous, fun filled, and hopefully (much as mine and Tony's is slated to be) relaxing weekend – and of course the same to those for whom it is simply the first (weekend) of the month as well.

I am so jazzed about autumn's (almost) return and the slew of posts, videos, and outfits highlighting this glorious season that I will be sharing with you guys in coming weeks and months - new outfits posts very much included now that I have my soul mate and awesomely talented in-house photographer home and by my side once more!

Happiest long weekend wishes, everyone - here's to a stellar September and whole sunny, gorgeous autumn ahead!


  1. Best wishes to you on this long weekend, Miss Jessica. I'm excited about the arrival of autumn and can't wait to see what fun fall outfits you'll be posting. I've also been really enjoying all your video posts, thanks for sharing them with you followers. Happy Labor Day.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Akram, that really means a lot to me. I've been blogging for ages and feel like an old pro at it, but I'm definitely much (!!!) more of a newbie on YouTube front, as my very modest current subscriber number attests to, and appreciate your support and feedback immensely.

      Have a stellar Labour Day long weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  2. Yay,Tony is back, I told you that we would read about it sooner than later - surely for you it must have been like eternity, but time really flew! Congratulations, I hope you enjoy a lot this long weekend! I am sure that your hug looked like that beautiful one, some decades ago :) I tried to watch your video, but somehow my computer is not well on sound, so I only got two questions, and one I think I didn't even understand, I am sorry! I think I understood you are 5'2 and so am I (and a half :), but I am upset if someone takes that "half" from me :) But I don't have a petite bone structure. And I think I hear that someone asked "how much do you earn?" I am not sure. As I said, the sound system seems not to work well. In case I heard it well, OMG. Yes, I have read questions like "what do you do for living?" Because I travel and etc (not willing to write, not on my blog, not here either :) and why, why is it important to people? Reading what we share and seeing pics should be enough, not how much one earns. But alas, I will never understand people's minds :) I hope you have a greeeeat weekend, dear Jessica! Hugs and kisses!

    1. Hello sweet Denise, while the days were longing being apart, we both agreed that the summer flew past (the fact that were were each massively busy on our respective ends certainly helped there!) and that it's hard to believe summer is nearly over.

      I am 5'2" (barely) indeed - I totally get that about the half an inch more. I love my height a great deal, but if I was 1/2 an inch taller, I would try to claim it whenever I could as well.

      As I recall, there wasn't a tag question here about how much I earn. I wouldn't likely answer that publicly if there was. That is definitely no one's business - nor is anyone's earnings mine. I'm all for sharing, but somethings 100% deserve to be kept confidential.

      So true! I get a lot of questions (more offline) about what I do - people always seem amazed that I make my living from blogging (and now also my Etsy shop). I'm not exactly raking in piles of dough with what I do - it's largely a labour of love and endless effort - but it is my real full time career, yes. I think that as time goes on and more and more people earn their livings online, much like how there's less stigma around online dating these days, people will not be so bemused when you tell them that your blog (or other website, online shop, etc) is your full-time job. I look forward to that day!

      Big hugs right back at you and countless joyful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. happy labour day!!!
    and of cause it´s happy - tony is back!
    R. and i can feel your excitement to be together again! and your celebration meal sound soooo yummy!
    i spare the video for tomorrow because hubby is already sleeping beside me :-)
    looking forward to new and beautiful photographed outfit posts!!!
    hugs for both of you!!!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Beate! I really appreciate your shared enthusiasm - we're both floating on cloud nine about being reunited, too. We're going out this afternoon, then over to my folks' place, so that Tony can see them again for the first time in almost three months (awesomely, my mom and step-dad and Tony all have a fantastic relationship).

      I hope that you and R. are doing splendidly and having a sunny, beautiful first weekend of September.

      Tons of cheerful hugs coming your way!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Aw, welcome home TONY! WAHOO! I'm so glad to see you both together again! And just in time for our favorite season, dear gal. There isn't any other season that's more romantic and cuddly than autumn. YAY! Sending love.

    1. Agreed completely! Sweaters + comfort food + chilly nights = total cuddlefest! :D

      Thank you very much for sharing in our excitement about being reunited again. While three months apart wasn't fun, thankfully the time passed quickly for both of us and we're able to slip into our usual routine again with ease.

      Tons of hugs & the most blissful of early autumn wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. And I didn't forget, I owe you an email and/or letter. It's been crazy around here -- I'm applying for a postdoc at Princeton and a bunch of jobs all around the US. And, of course, the semester has begun! <3

    3. How truly exciting! I will keep my fingers and toes firmly crossed for you, my sweet friend - while countless positive vibes come your way in the process.

      Oodles more hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Denise @BuyRVintageJunkSeptember 5, 2015 at 5:52 PM

    Yay for you Jessica, you've got your Tony back!! It probably seems like forever...but there will be so much to talk about. And how nice to have a holiday weekend to relax, also. It's clear that you two are a wonderful *team* in so many ways-the photo sessions especially show that-and you deserve all the happiness in the world. :)

    Off to watch your TMI video on Youtube. Take care!

    1. That's really beautiful (and touching) of you to say, Denise. Thank you very much! We definitely are a dynamic duo, to borrow a great Batman term, and it's marvelous to be reunited again.

      Many hugs & joyful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. Oh how awesome, so glad that your Tony is home (ya'll are seriously too cute for reaaallll) and that you'll be taking it easier now. Over the past few years, I've really been finding this weekend to be a good one for catching up, resting up, and getting inspired again for all the good things in the season to come. Happy late summer and early autumn wishes!

    1. Thank you very much, honey - we are pretty cute, no argument there! :D

      I would like to be able to claim the same thing - that I generally take it easy on the weekend, but in recent years, I rarely have, so largely scaling back for this three day one is a much needed respite and reminder of the importance to do so more often.

      Many hugs & joyful long weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Dear Jessica, I am so happy for you that Tony is back! I hope you enjoy a lovely Labour Day weekend! :)

    1. Thank you very much, lovely Linda. It's marvelous to have him home safe and sound and to ease back into the usual ebb and flow of our life together.

      Wishing you a stellar long weekend, too!
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Hooray for Tony being back :) So pleased for you! That really did fly by from my perspective, I can't believe how fast the summer went! I had no idea you had a tattoo, by the way - I love the idea you mentioned of putting flowers round it. And you know we share a poetic soul, although I never write poetry these days... xx

    1. Thank you very much, sweet CiCi - across the board. The time utterly flew by from mine as well. Like, almost staggeringly so. Of course the days were longer because I missed Tony, but as a whole this summer vanished as quickly as the throngs of tourists will from the Okanagan after this last long weekend of the season. Though I doubt it will, I hope that autumn feels a touch longer - it's always over in a blink here and as it's my favourite season, the more it sticks around, the happier I am. :)

      How truly wonderful that you enjoy and have at times written poetry as well. I love that we share that in common, my very dear friend.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Oh, he's home, I truly understand your happiness. Give him a kiss, on the cheek, from me too. I follow your YouTube channel, but must admit that I am a little behind. I have really succeeded in moving away from my pc, so much that I forget it and get behind with e.g. you UT videos. But now you have reminded me, so I will catch up very soon, since I enjoy them and find them very charming. We don't have Labour Day in Denmark, I would love to, but I'm not the one in charge of that. ;) But this weekend autumn hit Denmark. Tons of rain, wind, darkness and cold degrees. I started lightning candles, and am in this strange mixed mood - I hate saying goodbye to summer, but love autumn and have been looking forward to it for long. It is like saying goodbye to a dear old friend, knowing it will be a long time before you see her again. But now it is here, so I will embrace it, and have planned to decorate for autumn on Wednesday, my weekly day off. Wishing you the happiest day, dear, and do spend your time with Tony, NOT your blog. XOXO

    1. Hello dear Sanne, at the risk of sounding like a hypocrite given what I do for a living and how much time I spend on the computer more days than not, I am 100% behind things that take one away from the web. When not working on the computer, I spend very little time on it any more and have never one of those people that are glued to their phones. I need offline activities, even if they're work related (like taking Etsy shop photos or sourcing items for my shop), big time and think that we as a society would do well to remember that there is more to life than just what appears on our computers, tablets and phones.

      That said of course, thank you very much for watching my videos, I wholeheartedly appreciate. Though I do tend to create decent length ones, I don't think most of them will be quite as long as this one. I was impressed, even at it's final length, that I got in 50 questions in well under 50 minutes. :)

      Autumn is coming on fast and early here, too. Yesterday was just 19C - that's really chilly for these parts on the Labour Day weekend. Most of the time on such when I was a kid, we were still swimming and baking in the heat, but yesterday when we went past the beach at Okanagan Lake, no one (understandably!) was in the water. They are predicting we'll get back to high 20s later this week, but at the moment, it feels temperature wise like autumn is here for the most part.

      I know just what you mean about the bittersweetness of summer ending. I feel that all the more so this time around, with so many of usual happenings of the season not occurring due to Tony having been away. Mother Nature will always move along at her own pace though, so instead of focusing on what wasn't this summer, I'm throwing my attention on to what may be this fall - from new photo shoots to Thanksgiving to Halloween to the simple, everyday joys of the season.

      Tons of hugs & joyful start of fall wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  10. I'm glad Tony is home!!!! You two deserve the time together to reconnect. I'm totally excited about the upcoming seasons, it won't be hot! LOL I'm also totally excited to hear that you're going to do the Secret Santa again this year!!!!!!! I somehow missed last years and was totally bummed. :( I'm hope not to miss out on this years. :D Happy Labor Day

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Samantha, I really think so as well (re: reconnecting :) and love that it just happened to work out that he returned at the start of a long weekend. We're being very low key this weekend and I'm fighting all my natural urges to work my tail off, as per usual, and instead just focus on the awesomeness that is having my DH home safe and safe sound once more.

      If all goes as currently planned, I'll be announcing the the VSS at the very start of November. I'll do so here, on social media, and I would fully imagine, on YouTube, as well, so hopefully you'll catch wind of it and be able to take part. It would be awesome to have you do so, lovely lady.

      Big hugs & happy long weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. So pleased for you that Tony is back, didn't I say that summer would go quick. It sure has flown by for me, so fast that I didn't realise how long it has been since I read your blog! Looks I have some catching up to do, just like you and Tony i'm sure! x

    1. You did indeed and it definitely flew by - like, amazingly quickly! While I would love to have a few more weeks (at least!) of scorching hot summer weather, saying good bye to such is worth it a million times over to have Tony home and to now get to enjoy my favourite season (fall) together.

      Big hugs & happy September wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Great video, Jessica! You are adorable in it and I loved the way you answered the questions. I think you have a lovely speaking voice and I happen to like your teeth. You are one of my favorite friends in the whole wide world. I look forward to many more YouTube videos. Have a wonderful rest of your Labor Day weekend.

    1. Bless your sweet heart, dear Christy. Thank you (deeply) across the board. I eagerly look forward to that as well - and just filmed a new one today outside (now that Tony is back and before ten feet of snow roll into town again!), which will be showing up on the ol' YouTubez soon.

      Tons of hugs & heartfelt thanks,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. So glad your honey is back home! I think I would go crazy without my husband around for a long time, since I do get lonely anyway. Nice to know you guys are reunited! I will be watching your TMI video soon, and until then, have a great long weekend!

  14. So glad your husband is home. My husband goes away shearing and it's not so much fun for me, I am left with four kids but he comes back for weekends. He's off next week actually for two or three weeks. Yes, I can't believe we are already almost a week into September. Where did it go?!

    1. I can imagine how much more challenging it must be to have your DH away with little ones at home. I admire your strength, dear lady, and am always here if you need someone to chat to about anything while your honey is away shearing (or anytime).

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. Oh it's Spring here now - bye bye to dreary Winter!

  16. Jess,

    I know that you have finally slept peacefully, knowing that your man is SAFE at home. As I've said it while back - time will pass and you will both be back living "as one" in no time. :)
    Honestly, September is up and running; I've posted my monthly gardening leaflet. How time flies. Hours turn into days.. and look back: it's been a long time since first sunny days of summer revealed my new roof (look at me now: I'm living under that roof!)
    Alas, my dear, until the moment I get back to the future, I can not watch any video.. only reading on my mobile. So, I'll have to wait (one more day? two days?) to see this...

    Give my best to Tony. I'm glad he's back.. and I hope he had a good time.


    1. Thank you sweetly, my treasured friend, I will give him your welcome home greeting right now. He had a terrific time. He was over-the-moon busy and the experience wasn't without its natural bumps in the road, but greatly enjoyed the experience and especially the students he was leading and was genuinely sad to say goodbye to them.

      Tons of hugs & joyful September wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. So good to hear that Tony is back !!! Enjoy :)

  18. Hurray! Congrats to you two. I know what a lengthy absence feels like.

    I'm gonna watch your video tomorrow when I'll have time to savor it. It's like a piece of cake you want to enjoy at the right moment. :-)

    1. That is a seriously lovely comparison, Ally, thank you so much. I hope that you enjoy this "slice" of my world and all future videos that will follow on its heels (including the new one that I just filmed today, to be posted in the very near future).

      Have a stellar week!
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* Absolutely! It's the bee's knees and them some to be reunited again.

  19. I'm so happy that your husband has returned to you at last! I know you've mentioned a few times how much you've been missing him, so I'm sure you couldn't be happier to have him back. I can't wait to see the posts you have in mind for fall, I've been counting down the days until the season start to change.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet lady! I'm so excited to blog (more) about my favourite season (and holiday) in the coming weeks. This year, too, for the first time, I'll be making seasonally related YouTube videos, which I am over-the-harvest-moon thrilled about as well! :)

      Tons of hugs & joyful (nearly) autumn wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. I hope you had a great weekend. The cold part of the year is coming, it's good to have someone to snuggle up to.

    1. That it most certainly is! Between Tony and our pets, I am well covered there - but never say no to snuggling up with a great vintage winter coat either. :D

      Wishing you a serene September, dear lady,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. I love your videoes and stuck with you to the very end of this one, although I still think the sound is not good and the background noise was annoying. You are such a charming cutie to look at. The abuse story made me cry for you inside, but I am glad you have come out of it in such a good way. You are 5.2", I'm 5.5". I also have a hard time picking favourites since I have so many, but favourites sweets are: everything caramel, but also icecream and chocolate. Favourite actors are Morgan Freeman and Meryl Streep. Although I adore Marilyn I don't consider her my favourite actor. Favourite song: Wonderful World by Sam Cooke. And I really would love to see your heartshaped diamond ring on the blog, it sounds so lovely and romantic. Well done video (except for the sound issues). It was a really nice break here in the Danish thunderstorm. :) XOXO

    1. Thank you very much, dear Sanne. I'm really sorry that you're still having issues with the audio quality. I'm not saying it's Hollywood level, but I don't have problems with it (on either my computer or Tony's Mac) and haven't had others mention it yet. Fairly soon, hopefully, we're going to be buying a little bit of video making specific equipment and hopefully that will help all the more both in terms of sound and lighting (the background noise was primarily our central air - I practically filter it out at this point, as I'm so used to it, but did worry that it might bug some folks).

      I'm very sorry that my abusive relationship hit you so hard. It's really, really not something I talk about a lot, as I've worked very hard to move past it and to try to heal from those dark, hellish days, but every now and then it comes up and that's okay. It is a part of my history after all, even if it's one I wish dearly that I could forget.

      On a more upbeat note...for sure, caramel everything!!! Yum, yum, giant yum! I'm so happy that fall, the season of seasons for caramel is here again. I'll be whipping up a batch of my annual caramel apples for Halloween and can hardly wait.

      Many hugs & happy end of summer wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. I'm so happy for you that Tony is back! While I really really appreciate having some alone time, a whole season is too long! And I am SO happy to see that you'll be coordinating the Vintage Secret Santa again! I had such fun with it last year. I love Christmas and am already starting to tuck gifts away and order cards on etsy, and this swap will be fun to look forward to. Thanks for organizing -- I know it's a lot of work.

    1. That's awesome to hear, sweet dear. I really hope that this year's VSS can be even bigger and better than last the inaugural one last year. I'll be formally announcing it here and on social media, complete with the signup form, in very early days of November - hard to believe that's just a matter of weeks away at this point.

      Wishing you a terrific last week of summer,
      ♥ Jessica

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica
