
May 31, 2015

Vintage Link Love for May 2015

Noooo May, please don't go, I love you ever so much and have built a shine to you out of sundresses, wedge sandals, and straw accessories - isn't that enough to appease you to stick around for another hundred years or so?

No dice? Pleas in vein? June is "insisting" on arriving no matter what? Shucks, okay, if it has to do, fine. After all, it is a pretty darn fantastic month, too!

Hee-hee, okay, not that I've got that out of my system, on with the show! :)

May whizzed by at the speed of light and I'm happy to say that in a lot of respects, it was a better month that April. After all, how could it not be with my Etsy shop hitting its first birthday back on the 6th?

I've also been pouring a ton, and I do mean a ton, of thought and energy into thinking about (and in some cases, getting the ball rolling when it comes to) change this month, as I discussed at length in this recent post. I feel like I'm swirling around in a vortex of ideas and excitement at the moment. In the weeks and months that follow, I want to wrangle some of these ideas in and put them into action, and I couldn't be happier about that prospect.

I feel like I need to proverbially clear some cobwebs, so to speak, out of my life - both online and off - and to also work on showing you guys even more sides of who I am (a topic I may devote a post to in the near future, though I did delve into that topic in some respects in this entry last July).

For today however, on this last, gloriously pretty day of May, it's time for the monthly edition of Vintage Link Love, and goodness, am I fired up about the fabulously fun, informative, and highly inspiring list of stories in this one. From how to make lipstick with an every day art and crafts supply item to the debunking of some all to common vintage myths, there is so much to love about these awesome posts!!!

♥ ♥ ♥

Recommended Online Reading for Vintage Style Enthusiasts: To say that Natalie has blown it out of the water with this thoroughly, helpful, marvelous post - that honestly teeters on the cusp of being called a directory, IMO - would be an understatement. From blogs to YouTube channels, Facebook pages to Pinterest accounts and oodles more, this wonderful post shares some of the best and brightest, most helpful and inspiring vintage related websites and personalities to be had anywhere on the web. Run, don't walk, over to this post, read every last word, share it, and bookmark it, because this is the kind of entry you'll want to refer back to time and time again.

Ten tips for petite vintage style: Being a short lass myself (I just barely scrape in at 5'2"), I'm allays eager to read more about how my fellow petite lasses dress for their height and bodies, and absolutely adore the selection of terrific advice that CiCi shared on the subject recently in this post (very much including tip #1 - midi dresses and skirts are by far the most flatting and leg lengthening option for me as well!).

The evolution of women's workwear: This photo filled, lovely overview of the subject of women's workwear, and how it has changed and evolved over the course of the last century, from Retronaut/Mashable is sure to appeal to vintage fashion fans the world over, no matter if you have to dress up/differently for your day job or not.

How to store vintage hats: As someone whose own vintage hat collection (save for those that are nicely arranged on round end hooks on one wall in our house), could seriously use for some more practical and accessible storage options (the others are mostly stored carefully in cardboard boxes due to lack of space to display them), I lapped up this great post from Stephanie with gusto and am currently looking for some storage boxes akin to the ones she highlighted in her video.

Life as the kid of a vintage blogger: I was struck by what a poignant, beautiful topic this is and loved that Brittany from Va Voom Vintage opted to speak from her heart on the roll that her own passion for vintage has already had on/in her young children's lives.

How Katharine Hepburn became a style icon: Engaging, well written, and chocked full of images of garments worn by the famed actress herself, this wonderful post from the Smithsonian is sure to further deepen any fan's love for Katherine and the undeniable impact she left on the world of fashion.

5 Vintage Myths: Gemma always does a fantastic job of calling things like they are and speaking insightfully on topics pertaining to the perception of vintage wearers/enthusiasts. This post examines five common vintage myths that most of us have encountered over the years and will have you nodding your head vigorously in understanding and agreement the whole way through.

Why a good seamstress is your wardrobe's secret weapon: Nearly any fashionista/o will sing the praises of a tailor, but skilled ones can do so much more than just hem skirts or make cuffs and the impact they can have on your wardrobe can be seriously profound, as this great post from Blue Velvet Vintage's blog highlights and reminds one and all.

10 strangely popular recipes that mom used to make: I've said it before, and I'll happily say it again: there are plenty of what we might now dub kitschy at best (nightmarish at worst) vintage recipes out there that I flat out adore. This fun post from the family history site Crestleaf rounds up ten old school dishes that might not see a lot of mealtime play these days, but which still hold an unmistakable appeal for many folks (I will forever adore grape jelly meatballs!).

DIY Crayon lipstick: My dear online friend Beverly is one of those people who has an innate talent for making beautiful things and creating the kind of dreamy, shabby chic, vintage infused world, so many of us would give our favourite Bakelite bangle to live in. This month on her blog, Tea Cottage Pretties, she shared a really fun recipe for making your own lipstick using none other than good, ol' Crayola crayons. How cool is that?!

The Vintage Map: This link is for a whole site, not a specific story, as I thought the premise behind The Vintage Map was fantastic. This site has set out to be a worldwide directory for vintage shops, inviting store owners to write their own shop overviews, and encouraging shoppers to submit their own favourites as well. It can often be tricky, especially since not all vintage shops have their own websites or social media presences yet (hard to believe but true, I run into it all the time here in Canada!), to find stores pertaining to the past in your area or a location that you might be traveling to, so for that reason and oodles more, this directory is just what the vintage community needs!

1960s Makeup – Eight Steps to a Party Face: With the truly beloved television series Mad Men having ended this month (*sniffle, sniffle*), I think that a lot of us are in the mood - if only temporarily - for 1960s and even 70s fashions and looks, so this fun how-to from Glamour Daze, which was originally released in 1967, couldn't come at a more apt time.

photo VintagelinkloveblogpostheaderforChronicallyVintage_zps551f30c8.png

{All images throughout the list of links above come by way of the post that they are displayed directly beneath the write up of here. Please follow the links provided to learn more about these images.}

♥ ♥ ♥

While I would love to see May stick around for a bit longer, June really is a sensational month, too! I love it when the weather really starts to heat up, as it does around this time of the year. I must have been a sunbathing iguana in another life because, even though it drains me something fierce (that would be my health factoring in there big time!), I madly love the sizzling heat that soaks into your skin, bones, and soul alike.

June is a happy, fabulous month and I can't wait to make the most of it, from walks at the beach to celebrating the longest day of the year on the summer solstice (on Sunday June 21st), yard saling to barbequing - and of course, no shortage of sundress and straw hat wearing!

With all my heart, I wish you each a jubilant and joyful June - here's hoping it's one of the best ever for all of us!!!


  1. Thanks so much for including me again in your Vintage Love Link post. Truly honoured. Especially when some of my favourite blogs are in the list! I loved Gemma's post about the 5 vintage myths too! Especially her point about the pale skin, victory rolls and bright red lips. While that is a great look, I love the variety of hair and make-up looks in the vintage guides I've read. I like a lot of the shorter hairstyles and I think it's fun to try out a rainbow of colours which can also be authentic looking. Great selection of posts Jessica :)

    1. You're very welcome, sweet Natalie. Your post really is the bee's knees and I could not wait (underline that!) to share it in this month's edition of Vintage Link Love. Thank you again for the time and thoroughness that you put into that awesome post. You did a marvelous job with it!

      Have a beautiful week!
      ♥ Jessica

  2. Down south, we are already getting some balmy days that promise summer is coming soon and I, too, would love to keep the mild spring days of May around a little longer. My June promises to be very, very busy, but I hope for barbecues and large hats and at least a few stolen hours of just sipping cocktails on the deck. Happy spring and soon-to-be-summer!

    1. How fun! I love a busy summer - albeit one with at least a few seriously serene days thrown into the mix, too. Winters are so cold and so long here in Canada that it's like the whole country comes to life in a new way in the summer and I love getting in on as much as the sun-kissed seasonal action as possible. I hope that your June and summer are marvelous and filled with lots of enjoyable experiences and peaceful pleasures of the cocktails on the patio variety.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. You're right -- May just flew by. It helped us transition into Summer and, wham, now that's here. Love these links. The work-clothes are especially interesting to me right now. I'm fascinated by the clothes women wear in real-life, even the uncelebrated kinds. I'm also happy to hear the excitement in your voice about making adjustments to your blog. That's a sign blogging is pleasing you. Tinkering makes it better and the process is fun.

    1. Me too - massively!!! I've always found that the looks and garments of real world women resonated with me so much more personally than those of yesteryear celebs. The latter are undeniably gorgeous and I adore them, too, but because they weren't often what I would have been wearing myself had I been alive back in the day, I find that I can't relate to them quite as much and have easier time imagining myself in an "everyday" women's threads.

      Thank you very much for your great comment (and insightful impute on the fact that blogging is a pleasure for me - you're spot on there, my friend). I hope that you're having a terrific weekend and that this coming summer will be one of the nicest ever for you!

      ♥ Jessica

  4. Denise at BuyRVintageJunkMay 31, 2015 at 10:06 AM

    What? Is it true? You do Vintage Link Love on a regular basis? Yay!
    It sounds like you're going to make this a 'Jessica Summer' and take time for yourself, so good for you. We all need to review our lives ever so often-and you work very hard-that is clear to see.

    I look forward to checking out the links you recommended. It appears to be quite a diverse selection. The Jello Mold ad is looks like the olives are staring at me... :)

    1. Hi Denise, yes ma'am, Vintage Link Love is a reoccurring monthly post that caps off the end of each month (save for those very rare times where I'm on holiday or the like).

      Thank you very much! I really hope that I am able to take a little bit of time this summer for myself. If only to get out and enjoy the gloriously pretty weather, before another lengthy Canadian winter sets in.

      Many thanks for your comment. I hope that you have a really fantastic June and summer!
      ♥ Jessica

  5. I love this feature of your blog. It helps us find new blogs or websites and shows us articles that we might have missed. Once again you have shared some fantastic links with us in a range of subjects, all of which I enjoyed reading and some I will return to many times! Thank you and best wishes for June! xx

  6. i´m a bit shocked that may is over already!!! it was a whirlwind of a month for me too.
    but today i relaxed while reading my fav glam mag! your vintage link love!!!
    thank you very much my dear!!!!!! tons of hugs to you and a wonderful start into june!!! xxxxxxx

    1. It really did go by extremely quickly. I'd almost say that it felt like the fastest month of the year so far (but then again, the sunny ones really tend to feel that way, don't they?). Fingers crossed the June, July, and August put the breaks on a little, though I doubt they will - all the more reason to get out and make the most of them while there here.

      You're so sweet, dear Beate. Thank you very much. I hope you have a great time reading these links and a truly fabulous sixth month of the year.

      Huge hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Can't wait to peruse this. Particularly the Hepburn posts
    Retro rover

  8. Great post! follow me on gfc and i follow you back! kiss

  9. Ah, I'm so proud and pleased to be featured in another of your link round-ups, lovely Jessica! So thrilled you liked the post that much :) I am bookmarking this for my train journey home, so much here I want to read! And I've also built a very similar sort of shrine, turns out ;) x

    1. Hi sweet gal, you're super welcome! I really adore your post on petite styling tips and could not wait to share it here. Thank you for the stellar job that you did with it.

      Big hugs & happy start of June wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. I love your link love posts, even though they get me distracted by the job at hand lol! so many wonderful goodies to read and be inspired by. Thanks again Jessica!

    June is going to be wonderful...just you wait and see :)


    1. Oh sweet Liz, how I hope with every fiber of my being that you're right. April was quite rough, May was beautiful, but still challenging at times (including on the health front for me), and I'm so ready for a great, lighthearted month. If June - which welcomes in summer - can't be that, what hope does any month have? :)

      Huge hugs & the happiest of summertime wishes to you, my very dear friend!
      ♥ Jessica

  11. My dog is fast asleep on me so this seems to be a good time to explore some of these links!

    1. How splendidly sweet (aww!). At some 65 lbs, Annie can't really sleep on me (save for her head on my lap), but I frequently get to enjoy that with our cat, Stella, and love to use that peaceful time to catch up on blogs and/or read longer posts, too.

      I hope you that you both had a peaceful, lovely day and enjoyed this latest assortment of vintage related links.

      Huge hugs & the happiest of June wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  12. What a swell round up!! Lots of great pieces to read!


    1. Thank you very much, sweet Janey. I hope that this brand new month is already off to a stellar start for you guys and that the it leads to a fun filled, fabulous summer!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Yes, May is gone... I hope June is great, as well as May was! I liked this post, showing so many nice vintage links, and I have visited some, and loved them! I will visit more, I love vintage related things!

    1. It truly is - I love June and the fact that it houses the start of summer. There is such a feeling of renewal, newness, beauty and fun to this month and my silliness at the start of this post aside, I am honestly super excited about the fact that it's here again.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Denise. Have a beautiful month!

      ♥ Jessica

  14. I really want to try that 60s face! I don't play with makeup nearly often enough, and it's such a distinctive and fetching look. Fabulous collection of links, I'll have to give these the proper attention when I'm bored at work tomorrow.

    1. Same here, and I don't have a concrete answer as to why that is. I played around with makeup sooo much as a teenager, stockpiling Wet & Wild products like they were gold nuggets. :) Yet, the older I get, the less I tend to experiment there and that's a shame, because plenty of good makeup can still be had for reasonable prices and if something doesn't work, you're just a damp washcloth away from your natural face again. I'm going to try to jazz things up on that front more this summer and have even bought some lovely blue eye shadow, that hopefully will look nice on me (we'll see!).

      Have an awesome start of June!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Oh my god, Wet n' Wild! I still buy all my eyeliner from them, actually - I can't think of another brand that makes that many colors for only $1.

    3. I have some of their eyeliner pencils and nail polishes still, too. They genuinely decent quality and I love that W&W remained so gosh darn budget friendly for all these years. Good on them! :)

      Happy Wednesday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. Love these images! Loving the working women, the jello and the 60's makeup!!!

  16. Feeling the love!!!!

    Dearest Jessica, what a wonderful post and to be included in your lovely post is such a sweet surprise. I had no idea and then I hoped on over to have a look and as always a good read and there I am in included in your post. I swear it was like you just handed me a Christmas present. I am still kind of shaking and I am over the moon tickled pink!!!!!! Is it okay to use like a million ! points? Hoenstly Jessica you are just the bees knees. Gentle hugs my friend, Beverly

    1. Hi sweet Beverly, aww, bless your lovely heart, you are one million percent welcome and I'm tickled pink to know that you enjoyed seeing your post included here so much. It was way, way too cool, creative and fun to not share with my audience, many of whom are keen DIYers themselves. Thank you again for sharing that great post, and very much so, too, for your lovely, cheerful comment.

      Giant (gentle) hugs & the happiest of wishes for June,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Thank you for these links, I am now going to check out the 5 Vintage Myths !

    1. It's my pleasure, lovely Lorena. Happy reading!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. Hello.
    Happy Friday... yeah, I know this post came out while ago, but with all the going-ons it took me a while to look at all the links (and a wonderful choice you've made, my dear!)

    I've also read your newer posts - amazing outfit!


    1. Thank you very much, sweetheart. You've been so busy lately and believe me, I know how full your hands are right now. I really appreciate your comment and hope that you and your darling new pup are enjoying a sunny, lovely weekend!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. I was thrilled to see the link for 10 tips for petite vintage style from Cici. However I was disappointed that the link didn't go to the correct page.

    1. Hi there, thank you very much for letting me know about the broken link (the link was technically correct, however a semicolon had somehow attached itself to the end of and thus it wasn't opening the post on her blog, as you discovered). I've remedied that and very much appreciate you letting me know about it. Thanks again!

      Have a wonderful week,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. Again you have compiled a very entertaining and useful list of links, dear. :) I read most them, except tips on petite styles, because I'm not. I'm an average size medium, mostly. Wish I was smaller so I could buy a lot more lovely vintage dresses. ;) I know what just a little alterations can do to a dress. I am not a pro, my mother in law was, but just tucking some needles and looking in the mirror can often do the trick. And I love to make a cheap buy from the charity shop look like something expensive with just a little work with my vintage sewing machine. I smiled at the list of strange vintage recipes, the jello salad sounds really awful, but I am not a fan of jello so that's perhaps why. I remember my mom served us pear soup, and it was really nice. I will never try the crayon lipsticks. Although it is not unhealthy I don't think it is healthy either. But they might be fun as play makeup for little girls. I will return to take a closer look at the Vintage Map when I come home to our own fast network. Here in my summer cottage I am borrowing my sister's network and it is damn slow. Wishing you a lovely day, dear. I will look forward to already reading a new link love list. :)

    1. Hi sweet Sanne, thank you so much! I know that these posts are firm favourites of yours and think of you each time I pen a new one. I'm petite in height and skeleton, but not super skinny, just average sized. Still, I usually have great luck with petite clothes as I'm barely 5'2" and have small shoulders and a not very long waist (or legs), so they tend to work better for me, just as many vintage pieces do. It's great that you're able to put your sewing skills to work to help some garments fit you better.

      Your mom's pear soup sounds scrumptious! I adore pears in anything. They're probably my second favourite fruit actually (raspberries are my first) and we're fortunate to live in an area that grows them locally in the late summer/early fall. Nothing beats a pear fresh from the tree, still warm from the sun's rays.

      I hope that you're having a terrific time at your summer cottage. It always sounds so idyllically lovely there.

      Tons of hugs & happy wishes for this new week,
      ♥ Jessica
