
April 23, 2015

My signature colour is red. What's yours?

In the world of fashion advice, there is plenty of good, no shortage of bad, and an abundance that makes little to no sense. In the case of the latter camp, I've always placed the supposed rule that redhead shouldn't wear the colour red.

Granted, if you have extremely pink undertones to your skin, red can sometimes bring them to the surface all the more, but even then a cool red with strong blue notes to it should be safe as safe can be for you to wear.

I'm not a natural redhead (and I don't just mean because I'm a wig wearer). As a child my hair was Scandinavian blonde and rather pretty, however by puberty it had morphed into the most dull, unattractive shade of mousy light brown you'd ever seen and by the age of 16, I'd begun to colour my locks. The first box of hair dye I ever bought was a vibrant red from Clairol's budget-friendly Herbal Essences line. Though the shade was a touch loud, I admit, I knew instantly once I saw the results in the mirror that I'd found my hair colour and that longings that I'd had to be a redhead my whole life were not in vain!

Though I did dabble in other hair colours over the years, and may very well again (last year I was in a blonde mood, this year - much to Tony's delight I'm sure, as he rather fancies brunettes - I'm feeling a warm, vibrant shade of brown), but more often than not for the past (nearly) 15 years of my life, I've had either red or auburn hair and I've worn red fashions on regular basis that whole time.

In fact, as person after person kept mentioning to me in their comments here last in year in particular, it seems as though red has become my unofficial signature colour over the years and I rather love that fact.

A powerful, bold, romantic, strong, classic, regal and even alluring hue, red can be gentle or wild, sophisticated or sexy, luscious (like a strawberry) or understated (think a cool burgundy). It goes with so very many other colours that it more than earns itself the title of being a quasi-neutral. I wear red with navy, green, black, mustard, teal, turquoise, pink, brown, white, grey, denim blue, cream, purple - really, come to think if it, there are rather few colours that I don't partner it with.

{A small selection of some of the many, many outfits featuring or including red that I've worn here on my blog in recent years. Though I do tend to gravitate most towards red during the icy winter months and then again come the sizzling hot days of summer, I truly wear red all year around and have no qualms with calling it my signature colour at this point in my life.}

I have red shoes, red bags, red jewelry, red scarves, red hair accessories, a red snood, and all kinds of red cosmetics (with red lipstick being my go-to shade all year round). Red is kind to my pale skin with its subtle pink notes, as well as to my green eyes which seem to pop all the more when in its prescience. Red makes me feel alive and elegant, feminine and stylish.

Interestingly, and I don't think that this is a coincidence, red is also the "parent" form of my all-time favourite colour: pink. It is, in many respects, the more "grown up", if you will, version of pink so the fact that I gravitate towards it so much does not surprise me in the slightest. I didn't intentionally set out to make red my signature colour, but over the years, perhaps because of the positive feedback that I often received when I wore it, I've done just that and suspect that it will always be one the most frequently worn hues in my wardrobe - no matter what shade my hair is.

Last September I chatted about the importance of colour in your wardrobe (vintage or contemporary), as it's a subject that has resonated deeply with me on the fashion front. Even when I'm in the mood for dark, goth-like fashions, I don't eschew colour. I just let it hang out in my closet until the next time I wake up and feel like I'm in the mood to sport a rainbow again.

Though one certainly does not have to by any means, I think there's a lot of merit to uncovering and then proudly wearing your own signature colour (or two). Some good hints to follow when determining your own signature colour(s) is as follows:

-Do you like and look good in more shades of a given colour than not?

-Do you receive a lot of compliments when you wear this colour?

-Do people often stop and ask you where you got that (insert name of garment or accessory) when you're wearing it in a certain colour?

-Does this colour compliment and highlight your skin, hair and eye tones?

-Do you feel self-conscious or right at home in this colour?

-If for some utterly bizarre reason you could only wear two or three colours again for the rest of your life, would you be happy to select this colour as one of your choices?

-Do you already own a lot of this colour or would need to go on a shopping spree in order to fill your wardrobe with it?

-Do you enjoy wearing both clothing and accessories in this colour?

-Does this colour have any strong significance to you on personal level?

-Is this colour associated with anything positive or negative in your culture and/or faith?

-If you wear vintage styles, does this colour tend to call to mind the decade(s) that you sport most often?

-Do you feel like you can easily mix and match this colour with others that you enjoy wearing?

-If you asked your best friend/significant other/mother/etc what they thought your signature colour was, is there a good chance that they'd say this one?

{Legendary fashion editor - and highly opinionated stylista if ever there were - Diana Vreeland was very well known for making red her signature colour. As seen in this photo, she even decked out her entire living room in shads or ruby, crimson, vermilion, cherry, and poppy - to name but a few. You certainly don't have to take your signature colour to that level, but you're more than welcome to, if your heart so desires. Image source.}

If the answer to most or all of these questions in "yes", than chances are, my dear, that you have struck upon at least one of your signature colours and that it embracing it further will only stand to serve you well on the sartorial front.

Though this might seem rather obvious, I do want to state for the record that a signature colour is not a uniform and that you do not have to wear it every day by any stretch of the imagination. By the same token, your signature colour does not even have to be your favourite colour (in this order, my favourite colours are pink, burgundy, turquoise/aqua, teal, and pine green). In fact, you may find that you use it more as accent hue as part of a larger signature colour palette or simply your wardrobe as a whole.

Your signature colour can change over time or you can put it on a shelf, so to speak, and pick it up here and there as you please. What sets it (or them) apart is that you know, boom!, that's my colour. I love it and it loves me. I know that even on those days when I stand in my closet and feel like I have nothing to wear, I'm not happy with some element of my appearance, I'm in a foul mood, I'm sick, I'm tired, I'm in between personal styles at the moment, whatever it may be, this colour is going to be a beckon of fashion hope to me in an otherwise (temporarily) dark moment.

Embrace your signature colour. Make it your own and be known for it. Out of all the shades and hues, tones and variants in the rainbow, this is the one that you've carved out a special place for in your heart and outfits alike. Rock your signature colour, find new and exciting ways to weave it into your wardrobe, and always remember that it's there for you when you need to ensure that you look like a million stylish dollars.


  1. I love the concept behind this post - I've never even thought of signature colours before! You do look so fantastic in red - and red-toned hair! I'm not sure if there's any colour I have more than others of apart from in terms of accessories - if we were just talking accessories red is definitely my signature colour. But if we broaden it out beyond that, I've got absolutely no clue! I can't recall ever having more compliments for one thing than another... but actually, if I think about compliments in terms of my blog outfits, I think I might be discovering through my last post and one back from winter where I wore a rust-coloured jacket that my signature colour should probably be orange! It's definitely got me thinking... I'm keen to add more orange to my wardrobe and find out if it works :) CC x

    1. Oh my word, do you look amazing in orange and you're so lucky there because, much like many shades of yellow, it's a colour that a ton of people struggle to pull off. I find I need to stick with the very light or very dark side of the orange spectrum usually or else my skin almost starts to look jaundiced (and even there, I play things really safe, with rust being the kindest shade of orange on me).

      Thank you very much! I find the more I wear, the more I love it, you know, and if you start feeling that way about orange, chances are it could be your signature colour - or at least one of them, because a person can certainly have a signature range of hues.

      Tons of hugs & happy Thursday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. My signature color is PINK! I didn't even realize this until several years ago when I commented to a friend that I had gotten a new outfit for my college commencement ceremony. She said, "It's pink, isn't it?" It was indeed and when I asked how she knew that, she replied "Go look in your closet. It's mostly pink." And the sad thing was, she was right and I hadn't even realized it! I love every shade of pink and wear it several times in a week.

    1. How lovely!!! As I touched on in this post, pink is, from a visual standpoint, my favourite colour ever. It has been since I was old enough to have one and I'm sure it always will be. I'm a true girly-girl to my core and pink speaks to that side of myself to no end.

      If this post was about my five signature colours, pink would have made the cut for sure! :)

      Thank you very much for your great comment. Have a day that's as pretty as the colour pink!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Red really suits you! Red is my most used and favourite colour too, but I think light blue suits me even better, especially with my red haircolour.

  4. I love this post. I totally agree that red heads should wear red, the redder the better, and you're the proof. I think reds actually look fantastic in all the colours, witness Joan of Madmen. I tend to wear a lot of blues, but my favourites is really green. I am happy with all colours what seems to matter with me is the shade. I can't go near anything pastels, the ver pale ice-cream type. My skin is dark but not dark enough for that, and I just look very washed out. I do have a very nice beige 50s cardigan that belonged to my mother and I love it so much I do wear it, but it has to be with stronger colours.

    1. Excellent example of another ginger haired lass rocking red, lovely Ladan. I've seen a few snaps or Rita Hayworth wearing red, too, and she also looked fantastic. This is one style myth that needs to be laid to rest forever!

      Green is a stellar colour. It's really grown on me in recent years and I find myself seeking it out often when shopping now. Pine/forest is my favourite shade of green ever, but I honestly like every shade. I think blues look stellar on you, dear gal. Your latest outfit post featuring it was show-stopping!

      Thank you for the great comment - big hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  5. I don't think I have a signature colour but only because I think I change with the seasons. Right now it's all about blue,royal blue in fact. My son even commented that I sure like a lot of blue things these days...ok wait I think I'm lying. I've already got summer sewing projects lined up and come to think of it they're blue too. I already know I want navy and orange for the fall. I just made myself a red pencil skirt and paired it with a navy and white polka dot blouse. Hmmm apparently it's Blue!!!

    1. Hi sweet Debra, I'm huge fan of dressing with the seasons, too, especially autumn, whose palette in general is the most becoming on me (the fact that it's also my fave season makes me adore that fact all the more). Navy and orange are fantastic together. I'm surprised we do see that pairing more in the fashion (or decor) world. Perhaps us vintage loving gals can start a vogue for it. :) I'm sure you're going to look fabulous in both those hues.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. You definitely look beautiful in red! I think my signature shade might be Lucky Lu-Teal (hehe!) but I'm not sure if that's the color I wear best, or if I just like it the most as a standalone color. It's hard to say really. I think my signature "color" is actually a million different ones because I often wear mixed prints with lots of colors. If only I could narrow it down and be so sure like you! :)

    1. Best colour name EVER! You need to trademark that gem, dear gal. I think that aqua and teal look fantastic on you. They're so beautiful on fair skinned ladies like us. Prints look fantastic on you, too, and are something that spring to mind first when I think of your awesome personal style.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. My signature color is pink of all shades. I have pink shoes, pink slacks, pink tops, pink sweaters, a pink jacket, pink jewelry, pink scarves, pink handbags. Oddly enough I don't have a pink dress although I do have print dresses with pink in them. And I would love a mauvy pink trenchcoat.

    My other main wardrobe colors are soft shades of blues, purples, grays, and beiges.

    1. Awesome choice! Pink is a flat out glorious colour. From a purely visual standpoint, as touched on in this post, it's my favourite colour ever. My wardrobe, home and craft projects all feature pink heavily and it's the colour the makes me feel the happiest to see or be around.

      I hope you're able to find a fantastic pink dress and a mauvy pink trench coat, that sounds like it would be head-turningly beautiful. If I come across one, I'll be sure to post here in the comments of this post and let you know.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Mine is definitely blue! I didn't do it intentionally, but I seem to own more blue clothing than any other colour.

    1. I hear you there! I didn't set out to find a signature colour, it discovered me and I'm very glad that it did. I don't own more red than any other colour, but it's certainly one of the biggest players in my closet (which is a true rainbow of hues). Blue looks smashing on you and really brings out your lovely eye and hair colours, sweet gal. Wonderful choice for your signature colour!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. You look lovely in red. It's one of my favourite colours too, I'm always drawn to it first and foremost. Purple is the colour I always get complimented on when I wear it and it is one I love but don't have much of. Overall, I'm drawn to reds (all shades, except orangey reds, I prefer blue reds), pinks (except Barbie pink), oranges and purple as I think they suit me ❤

    1. Purple is such an elegant, fantastic colour. It was my hue for 2014 and though I wasn't able to add as much of it to my wardrobe as I would have liked (purple shoes are still eluding my hard-to-fit feet, for example), I did bolster things there a bit and continue to actively add new purple pieces when and were I can. Every time you've worn it on your blog, I've thought it looked marvelous on you, sweet lady.

      Huge hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. You look great in red! I know I've always dreamed of being a red-head but the closest I've come is a reddish brown. (Anne has aways been an inspiration for almost anything I do. hahah)

    I suppose that I would have to say my signature color is definitely an aqua/turquoise (particularly the shade that was popular in the 50's). Or maybe that's an understatement! I think that my affinity for aqua would rival the red of yours! Clothing, shoes, purses, phone cover, lamps, dishes, garden containers, furniture....etc

    Although like you said your signature color can change over time. Throughout the years I have been in love with purple, dark blue, black, red...but none have found such a place as my 1950's shade of aqua!

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear lady. If only temporary, I urge to give red locks a spin if they've long been calling your name. I've tried just about every natural hair colour (save for grey/white) over the years and always come back to auburn or red. I'm convinced that I was meant to be born a redhead, the universe just messed up and made me a dishwater blonde instead.

      Fantastic signature colour! I love, and wear a lot of, teal, aqua and turquoise as well, sometimes with red to boot, but often with colours like denim blue, pink, grey, and navy, amongst others, too.

      Thank you for your wonderful comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. A very interesting post! It's funny because only the other day I was having a conversation with someone about colours and associating different colours with different people. My signature colour is definitely pink.I think people associate pink with little girls but a lot of my wardrobe is pink and always has been. I tend to get more compliments when I wear pink and I think it suits my skin tone but everyone is different. I am very fond of yellow too though. You look lovely in red and I think you're right about it being the 'grown up' to pink. It looks very elegant and sophisticated but gives that look of independence too! x

  12. You do look fabulous in red! And I think it's an awesome idea to recognize your signature color and play to it. I'm not sure I can pick one signature color just yet--I'd be inclined to think that it's turquoise, but I own very little bright turquoise, though I love wearing it, just because it's a little uncommon. Fuchsia, deep purple, turquoise, and coral (but not orange!) are colors I go back to again and again and I love--and I get the most compliments when I'm wearing them. Pastels and neutrals tend to make me feel 'blah' and washed out. I once had a hairstylist tell me that because of my dark brown eyes and dark brown hair I should wear browns and olive greens and yellows and oranges...I'm a hairstylist too, and I know where she was getting that rule, but I think she overlooked the fact that I'm not a olive-skinned brunette, I have very fair, blue-toned skin, and even my brown hair is ash-toned--cool colors are a much better choice on me!

    1. Thank you sweetly, my dear. Oh my word, how I love turquoise, it's my third favourite colour ever (topped only by dusty rose and burgundy), and I wear a lot of it (ditto for teal and aqua) myself, too. It is such a happy, positive colour and one that, once you start experimenting, actually goes well with a surprisingly number of other shades, from chocolate brown to red itself, and scores of others.

      Agreed, that isn't the palette I'd be apt to put you in, if I was a stylist or costumer, at all. I think you can easily pull off stronger, clear, cool colours and judging off your photos (aka, having never seen you face-to-face in person), if we go by the classic Color Me Beautiful school of thought, I'd say that you're likely a summer who can probably wear some spring and winter colours, too.

      Thank you very much for your great comment. I hope that you and Angel have a fun filled, terrific weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  13. You do look great in red. It's a beautiful color, too. I've never been able to discern my signature color, or even what hues look good on me, 'cause I don't understand color and am too shy to ask for help. My dream is to go to makeup counters and get assistance but I can't seem to muster the courage for that. This is why I've never been able to find the right shade of foundation.

    1. Thank you very much, Ally. That's okay - perhaps you have a multitude of signature colours. Think about the ones that you wear and feel most at home in, as well as that you own a fair amount of. Amongst those you'll likely see one or more naturally rise to the surface as potential signature hues.

      My advice for picking a great foundation shade, especially if you are doing so on your own, is to lightly rub the inside of your wrist/forearm if you're not currently tanned on your face, and on the back (top) of it, if you are. Bring a little flush to the skin and then apply a dab of foundation from a sample bottle at the shop or cosmetics counter of a department. The colour of your skin there, with the blood at the surface, should be quite close to that of your face and will help you pick a suitable foundation or at least get you a lot closer to one by ruling out shades that don't harmoniously blend in with your skin tone. Good luck! I'm always here if you have further questions in this area.

      ♥ Jessica

  14. I remember when I was a little girl someone told me that I couldn't wear pink because of my orange red hair. I spent years avoiding it because of that, although I adore it now.
    You look smashing in red, and I think it's the perfect signature color for you. I think it really sets of your fair skin, and the impact with your red lipstick is so punchy.
    I'd say my signature color is yellow, which still strikes me as funny. I hated the color up until a couple of years ago, and now I find my wardrobe is filled with it.

    1. True, pink is another colour that redheads are advised to avoid, but most call pull off at least a few shades really beautifully. I think that pink looks fantastic on you, as does both red and yellow. That's a stellar hue to pick as your signature. You can't find a happier, more optimistic one in my books. I shall think of you now whenever I see a vintage yellow garment or accessory. :)

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. I love your work! Red truly is all yours, as a redhead I find red can be hard for me to pull off but you make it look easy! I'm thinking I'm either navy or green! I have always been drawn to greens of all hues but there is somthing about navy blue, especially with polka dots or stripes! Or with white accents... what is that about? can you have 2, I don't think i can choose! Hmmm definitely navy as my signature, but green as my accent colour!

    1. Thank you very much, Miss Wendy. It's a sincere pleasure to "meet" you. One can most certainly have two (or more signature colours). They're not uniforms, after all, but rather the hues that we feel most at home in and that bring us a great deal of joy. Embrace them and make them your own, they'll serve you splendidly! :)

      ♥ Jessica

  16. Are we sisters from different misters? I am Scandanavian also, and I was uber blond as a wee lass, and by Junior High I was an awful shade of ashen brown. I now have 2 shades of blond put in twice a year to brighten my face and I don't have to color all my hair and have a lot of upkeep. I like to be a redhead (I've done that twice) but the upkeep was unreal. I did have some bright red streaks put in a couple months ago and love it-will be keeping those long term :)

    I love red and always get complimented on it, but for some reason I can't find a lot that I love that looks great on me. With thrifting, I have picked up a couple of pieces and hope to add more.

    It is a FANTASTIC color on you!

    1. Well aren't you as sweet as spring is beautiful! Thank you very much, dear Tami. Your comment made me smile ear-to-ear. Who knows, maybe we really are long lost sisters - or at the very least we're kindred spirits who share an unending love for red hair. :)

      Do you find that yellow, blue or true reds look best on you? Determining that (if you're not sure, I mean), may really help you on your quest for more red garments and accessories (I need blue undertones in 99% of mine or else they can bring an unflattering yellowy tone to my skin that looks more jaundice than suntanned).

      Thank you again - have a marvelous Friday!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. A lot of my work wardrobe is black, white and grey-mainly so I can mix and match with less, but for my 'fun' wardrobe, I like blue-it is my favorite color and it seems to be a good color on me. I usually choose a pastel to a medium bright (sapphire) color. Yellow is really hard for me to wear-I look so washed out, but it is one of my favorite colors-I have two rooms painted butter yellow.

  17. I love red too! I miss my red coat so much that I'm on a mission to find a new one. I think my signature colour, however, is blue. I was just working through a wardrobe-planning activity and looked at a bunch of photos of myself to find the colours I love on me most - and everything was blue! It seems so obvious to me now, but I just didn't see it until I really looked.

    Red looks absolutely lovely on you, in both your clothes and your hair!

    1. Hi sweet Tanith, thank you very much for your lovely comment. I really hope that you're able to find a great new red coat. This post actually got me thinking that I should try to find a red vintage or vintage inspired winter weight one. I don't believe I've ever had one before and I can just imagine how striking it would look against the snow and ice of a Canadian winter.

      Blue is a fabulous signature colour. It's so versatile, flattering and (often) serene. Do you find that certain shades speak to you more than others or are you a big fan of blue point blank?

      Sending lots of hugs & happy Friday/weekend wishes your way!
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* I will be sure to let you know if I come across any red vintage coats in my shopping trips that I think you might like.

  18. What a terrific post! I love the idea of a signature color...I think mine may be blue...especially turquoise/aqua hues or pastel blue... Hmm, I've really been into coral lately as well...
    Anyhoo! Whoever made up that no red apparel with red hair rule any way?! You are living proof that it just ain't so! :D

    Great post girl!
    Michelle ^_^
    Delightful Handwork

    1. Aww, thank you very much, sweet lady!!! Fabulous colour to pick as your signature. I'm a huge fan of blue, too, and wear it every bit as often, if not more so, than I do black, as blue tends to be kinder to my colouring when worn near the face. Coral is a stunning colour, too. Tony's favourite colour is orange and anything pertaining to it, so since I have an easier time wearing coral/salmon than most other members of the orange family, I tend to sport it a fair bit, especially during the summer (though I don't have a ton of pieces in this shade, the same ones just see a lot of play). That would be such a glamorous shade, IMO, to tune into one's signature colour.

      Thank you again, honey. Have a seriously fantastic Friday!
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* We recently did an impromptu shoot featuring your uber cute hand knit fox scarf. I can hardly wait to share it here in May. ♥

    2. Eeeee! {squeal of delight} How exciting - I can hardly wait! :D

  19. Red is a great color for you. I also have a fondness for red, even just splashes of red add a great impact. I also agree with Jessica, the reds in your outfits highlight your lipstick too:) I like the combination of black and red together.

    1. Red looks arrestingly awesome on you, dear Joanna. Seriously! Red and black alike are two of the first colours I think of when I picture your wardrobe and you look timelessly gorgeous in both. That's such a big favourite of mine as well. I often throw grey and/or white into the mix, too, especially during the winter. In the summer, I find, blue and/or green become frequent companions for that duet (pink, too, can be fabulous with black and red - and not just for Valentine's Day :)).

      Thank you very much. I hope that you have a terrific weekend. I'm so immensely glad that Friday is here at long (long!) last.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. And my word... don't you look stunning in red!! Who says redheads can't wear read? You lovely lady. I'd have to say my signature color is green, as it goes well with my coloring and green eyes (though i do seem to sew a lot of dresses in the blue scheme, as it goes well with the colors i try to match with the other players i preform with.)
    i think this is a very interesting topic and i've really enjoyed reading all the wonderful commenter's takes on their own signature colors!

    1. Oh, that is such a marvelous signature colour. I have green eyes myself and love this most earthy of hues all the more for it it, too. I think that yellow is another colour that looks marvelous on you, as does blue.

      Thank you very much for your wonderfully nice comment and for reading those that others have left so far. That's touching to know.

      Scores of hugs & joyful Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Back when my blog was still a baby, I wrote about green.
    Every time I spot something green - I stop and smile. There's something that lifts me up in it. So (besides adoring red) it's my "go to" color: from minty-pale to "deep forest" green.. to me, that is more than black has ever been to me (and black was, in a part of my life - huge thing)
    It's the color of life, nature and abundance.
    I know many will agree with me - and should form a green-loving club! :)


    1. That is the perfect description of green, I feel the same way when I wear it, too - and I feel an especially deep connect to green because it's the colour of my eyes. Fantastic choice for your signature colour, my dear friend. I will think of you now when I see green + vintage fashion together.

      Tons of hugs & joyful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* Sign me up for that club, please! :)

  22. I love the idea of a signature color, or signature anything for that matter. There is something so sophisticated and ladylike about knowing your strengths (like what color suits you) and playing to them.
    With your beautiful fair skin, I feel like you could have chosen any color to be your signature, but you certainly look ravishing in red.

    I'm not quite sure what my signature color would be. I do love how navy blue looks on me, it really brings out my dark blue eyes, but I'm also really fond of mustard/goldenrod yellow. I've been giving some thought to my signature fragrance, but now you've definitely given me something to contemplate in the color department as well!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Randi, that is such a lovely compliment. I feel in a lot of ways like red chose me in the sense of that the more I wore it, the more compliments I received, the more I felt my confidence levels rise, and the more I became adept at partnering it with other hues (plus of course, I do love it as a colour, which certainly helps! :)). It is, objectively, one of several colours that I'd call "signatures" for me, pretty much including fall's whole palette, but as it's the one that other folks have been describing as my signature hue, I decided to shine the spotlight on it and chat more about this fun topic.

      Both of those colours are absolutely gorgeous. I love navy so much (did you see my post all about it here a few weeks ago? and sport it often myself, especially near my face, where it's kinder to me than black. Mustard is a firm favourite, too. I really came to love it about four years ago when several other vintage bloggers were sporting it in full force and as I added mustard/saffron pieces to my wardrobe and saw how well they worked for me, I was quickly hooked for life. The fact that those two (navy + mustard) look smashing together is a great added bonus of both.

      Signature fragrances are a great topic, too. One of these days I'm finally going to pen an in-depth look at mine.

      Many thanks again for your wonderfully nice comment. I hope you have a fun filled, awesome weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  23. Red looks great on you! What a gorgeous post! Fabulous to read! :) I don;t really know if I have a signature colour! I wear a lot of white. But all depends on my mood I guess and I am really attractive to ocean tones!

    1. Oooh, now that is simply marvelous! I love the idea of feeling like a whole segment of Mother Nature is your signature colour (palette). That's deeply beautiful, dear Lorena.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. I never really thought about my signature color, but when I was a youngster I wore a lot of red and catched many a compliment with it. I reduced wearing the color red when my hair was dyed platina because the combination of the platina and red made my face appear quite grey. Now that I am a brunette I slowly started to wear red again.

    My favorite colors to wear are cooler tones like emerald green and navy blue.

    By the way, red really looks great on you!

    1. Isn't interesting, you know, but as much as I love having red or auburn locks, and do come back to it time and time again over the years, ever since last October, I've felt pulled towards going brunette (again) big time. I haven't been that shade is probably a decade or more now, but I do think that when my current wig gives up the ghost (they're well made, but are synthetic and only last a few months each before I need to buy a replacement), I may get brave and try out one in brunette, if I can find one that looks fairly vintage-y (that's the biggest hurdle for me with wigs).

      If I do, and I feel like I really like it and want to stick with the shade for a while, I may end up taking on a new signature colour or perhaps red will still work well for me. We'll see - I don't want to put the cart before the horse there too much! ;)

      Beautiful favourite colours. I adore them both as well. I think that jewel tones are my favourite category of colours.

      Huge hugs, my sweet friend!
      ♥ Jessica

  25. You look fab in red. It suits your complexion beautifully. I don't think I have a signature buy I like greens and blues a lot.
    Retro rover

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Kate. Green looks positively gorgeous on you!!!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. I LOVE red! It's my staple neutral. I wear it with everything and always wear red nail polish. It's amazing what red lipstick can do to a bad mood! You look fantastic in red! And you have teamed it with some unusual options that really work!

    1. *Blush* thank you very much, lovely lady, that's wonderfully nice of you to say. I do love going all out when it comes to colours. In fact, you know - and this is worth a post unto itself - I am convinced that just about any combination of three or four colours, in the right shades, can work together. It's just a matter of portion, tones, garment and accessory type, and a good dose of confidence! :)

      I hope you're having a terrific weekend and spring so far! Big hugs!

      ♥ Jessica

  27. I do love the red on you, it really does suit your colouring splendidly. I hadn't really thought before about signature colours, and my immediate thought goes to red or orange as those are my favourites. However going on your list of questions, I immediately realised that it's in fact green, particularly the yellower lime shades. It's a colour I'm drawn to like a moth to a flame and so own lots of it, coordinating it comes as second nature, and I never fails to turn heads when I wear it. It feels a bit of a funny thing to realise as I've never paid it any attention before, but now it seems to obvious to me!

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Freya. Green is a gorgeous colour. It's the hue of that Mother Nature favours and it strikes the perfect balance between energetic and serene, a state I strive for most of the time myself, so I'm really drawn to it as well. I'm delighted to know that I could help you suss out one of your signature colours. That's really cool! :)

      Tons of hugs & happy Sunday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. When i was a child, my mother never dressed me in pink. She was always dressing me and cutting my hair as if i was a boy. So, maybe this is tne main reason i adore pink! It's as if iam trying to get my girlie childhood back! If i was younger and not in my 40's, i would probably even diy my hair pink! Now iam seatled with red-magenda hair and i love it!
    Iam pretty sure that our signature colour can make a bad day better! We just need to trust our instict on it!
    Hugs and kisses Jessica, from Greece! (I always read your posts, even if i don't comment much lately!...♥)

    1. Hi sweet Eva, it's fantastic to hear from you. How have you been doing this spring?

      Goodness, I'm sorry that your childhood was so devoid of pink fashions. It's awesome that you've been able to make up for lost time in recent years. You know, I think that if you want to rock pink hair in your 40s, you totally should. I'm in my 30s now and have secretly always wanted to try it, too. Maybe we should both give it a go! :)

      Sending tons of hugs & happy wishes back to you from Canada,
      ♥ Jessica

  29. Not only is it your colour but you wear it beautifully.
    You have me thinking… I dont think I have a signature colour.
    I receive compliments when wear bright colours… but feel most comfortable in white and nudes.

    1. Bright colours look smashing on you, lovely Lorena. You're able to pull of both white and black marvelously, too, which is not something everybody can do (neither, for example, is all that flattering to me when worn up near my face). I think gold looks stellar on you as well!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

      Have a beau

  30. You do look very nice in Red. You actually remind me a little of a lady I know, she has been colouring her hair with red dye for as long as I can remember and she is often wearing red lipstick and something else red. To be honest I'm not too sure about my signature color. I suppose I wear and own a bit of green (usually blue-toned or mint) but I usually only wear it in small quantities at once. I have a lot of green accessories. I'm almost always wearing something black, but black isn't really a colour...

    1. Why thank you, honey! I think that green is a fantastic signature colour or at least one to feature heavily in your wardrobe. I've really been trying to make it a larger part of mine - as I adore it - in recent years. I'd love to get some green shoes! Much like pink, purple, orange, and yellow, that's a colour I haven't had in the footwear department since childhood.

      True, but it is a very chic colour wannabe all the same! :D One can't go wrong with black. It's classic, becoming, versatile, elegant - the list goes on and on.

      Thanks again, my dear. Have a stellar Sunday!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Yes you look great in green too! I think you look striking in the darker shades.

      I'm all about timeless styles and colours. You can never go wrong with something plain and simple in a good fit. You can wear those kinds of things a thousand times paired with a different skirt or with different accesories etc and nobody seems to notice that it's the same garment.


  31. I have to agree that redheads often look great in red! Yourself included! I love red, and both my mom and I tend to look great in red, but I own very little of it for some reason. Of course I do own a trillion different red lipsticks so perhaps that makes up for my lack of red clothes! I have no idea what my signature color would be, I have always worn a lot of black, but that is not exactly a color strictly speaking. I am trying to incorporate more color into my wardrobe all the time, and bright summer dresses are on my wishlist.

    1. That totally makes up for it! :) I'm fiercely loyal to my go-to red lippy (Russian Red from MAC), but I play the field big time when it comes to red nail polished, of which I rarely have less than 8 - 10 (if we include burgundies, too) in my collection. Whether of finger or toe nails, or both, it's the most common nail polish colour I wear by a long shot.

      You always look ravishing in black, so I could totally see that being your signature shade. I think that greens and blues are gorgeous on you, too, as is white. Your colouring lends itself so well to deep, bold colours and you always style them sublimely.

      Tons of hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  32. Never thought of that to be honest x) I'm inclined to a green/blue, turquoise, and I think this colour it's the most suitable for me. I do get a lot of attention wearing red but I always thought it happened because red is attractive by nature

  33. Love this post Jessica, and you look amazing in red! I was instantly intrigued by thought of a signature color ~ I know I have a signature accessory: a bow, and I have signature jewelry: pearls ~ you'll rarely find me in an outfit without one or the other, but I'm so not sure about a signature color. I'm drawn to pink a lot, but it's not the majority of my wardrobe. That was black a few years ago and there are definitely huge chunks of black I haven't tossed out yet!

    Riddle me re... I think I'm going to have to work more on this! But that's okay, I actually have been trying to get my wardrobe's color palette down to make the future sewing plans easier. Thanks for stretching my brain some! ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. Ooohh, now that is an excellent point - and one that's worth of a post unto itself - regarding having signature accessories. I live in pearls, too. They're simply as classic, classy and beautiful as can be, while also being super vintage appropriate (and sometimes actually vintage) and they go with everything under the sun. There's also next to no events or locations for which they don't suit the day. If I could only keep one type of jewelry I own, it would be my pearls.

      Thank you for your wonderfully nice comment. I hope that you and your new baby are doing well and that your whole family will be blessed with a beautiful month of May.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  34. We are truly sisters at heart, my signature colour is red too and has always been. I never go to a party wearing black, like the thousand other ladies, I wear red. And yes, I get noticed, but I also get a tons of compliments as the only one. I have red everything from my lipstick to my car, you name it. For many years I was obsessed with pink, but I have kind of outlived it. Pink was for summer and red was for winter wear, now I also wear red all year round, but different hues. I've just bought the most beautiful dark red party dress from It was on sale and I simply couldn't resist. It will be perfect for all the winter and Christmas parties. Red lipstick is my holy grail, and red shoes have always been my favourite. During the last four years or so green has sneaked into my life too, but red is my signature colour. My wedding dress was red! :) Great post, and I loved the list. Wishing you a lovely day, dear. :)

    1. I'm as good as convinced that there's a giant pea pod out there somewhere in the universe from which we both sprang forth, dear Sanne. :) It's awesome that red as our signature colour is another great point that we have in common. So true, I find that I gravitate towards pink more in the spring summer and red/burgundy in the fall and winter, though as I get older, too, red appears more and more when the sun is sizzling. Your new part dress sounds fantastic! I hope that you'll share it with us on Instagram when you sport it for the holidays.

      I was thinking about you yesterday, as I listed a green 80s does 50s dress in the shop and it sold less than a couple of hours later. I've noticed that green tends to go really quickly, which isn't a surprise to you and I, I'm sure, as we both know how tricky green can be to find in the vintage ladies wear world.

      Thank you for your fabulous comment. With all my heart, I wish you and your family a marvelous, sunny, gorgeous month of May!

      ♥ Jessica

  35. I think your combination of pale skin and green eyes make red a perfect colour for you and you wear all the many shades of it incredibly well. I am actually quite scared of red, I would say it is the total opposite of my signature colour, I don't think I have anything in red at all.

    1. That's really sweet of you to say, dear Kate, thank you so much! Red can be a strong colour for sure and it isn't everyone's first choice. I think that some shades would look positively gorgeous with your fair skin and lovely dark locks. Do you like burgundy and/or maroon? Both are akin to red, but tempered by blue/purple, so they can be a good gateway into the world of red, if you're keen to venture down that path. Of course on the vintage front, there's always anything cherry, strawberry or watermelon print, too, to help ease in this fiery side of the colour spectrum. :)

      Thank you again & have a stellar weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  36. I did see a fabric on the local market with a tiny strawberry print on a white background which I may have to get as it reminded me of a dress I had when I was tiny. I do like both burgundy and maroon so you are quite right, the blue/purple path to red must be the one for me!

    1. Now that sounds adorable! I love cherries, really and truly (especially since they're one our region's biggest exports), but strawberries beat them out for me when it comes to my favourite fruit to see depicted in clothing and/or jewelry. I really like lemons, orange, pineapples, and watermelons there, too, but you don't tend to encounter those guys nearly as much (unfortunately). I'd love to snaps of anything you make with that fabric if you purchase it. I shared one of my strawberry brooches here in an outfit earlier this year and plan to highlight another later in the year (I've got at least three, if memory serves me right).

      Big hugs & joyful Sunday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  37. Red! It's so classy! It's the only real bright color that one can use anywhere. It's as practical as a neutral. And you know red MUST be your color when you have paired it with mustard and pulled it off effortlessly. An uncommon combination that looks so fitting on you. :) I have never thought of anything like my signature color to be separate from my favorite color, but now that I think of it, it is. My favorite color is pink, but my eye is always drawn to navy when it comes to wearing a color. Navy and white is my favorite clothing color combination, and I wear it constantly during the winter. I love the 40s nautical looks, and that color always makes me think of my favorite era. Wow! That's pretty interesting, thank you. :)

    1. Hello my fellow ruby loving lady, thank you very much for your wonderfully nice comment. I love red and mustard together. As red and yellow are both primary colours, these two play together superbly and tend to suit autumn through to very early spring especially well. Though that said, they do also conjure of summer's heat, so really, they can be sported with ease all year round. If you like both, I highly recommend pairing them yourself, too.

      1940s nautical looks are sensational! I'm a huge fan, too, and rarely let the summer slip by without sporting at least a few outfits that are inspired by this classic fashion genre.

      Thank you again & have a beautiful weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  38. I guess I never really realized how many times you've worn red and featured it on your blog. It's a stunning color for sure and I totally agree it is your color, as many others are too. But I truly have no clue what mine is. I gravitate towards green, pink, red, purple normally. I guess this is something I'm going to have to put some thought into. Thanks for getting the ball rolling.

    1. Thank you very much, honey! My pleasure! One can certainly have multiple signature colours, so don't feel like you have to hone in on one and one alone. I know that green is a huge favourite of yours, so perhaps that could be one of your signatures. All the colours you listed here are fabulous, why not make them your signature palette? That could be oodles of fun.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica
