
March 26, 2015

Super stylish UK vintage gal CiCi kicks off CV's new blogger interview series!

There are certain people whose blogs you encounter and instantly mesh with. You see in the person behind them and the blog itself something of yourself and a kindred spirit element emerges. That is precisely how I've felt since day one with my lovely friend, and fellow vintage adoring gal, CiCi's seriously marvelous blog CiCi Marie.

Not only is CiCi a terrific blogger and one heck of a gifted fashionistas, but this UK based lass has a fantastic, compassionate heart, is smart as a whip, loves to chat about a wide range of topics, and never, ever fails to inspire me. The fact that we've become online friends is the icing on the (vintage) cake and I truly love that today I have the great pleasure of brining you a one-on-one interview with CiCi that kicks off Chronically Vintage's new blogger interview series.

The response to my post last month about this series was completely positive, with dozens of folks getting in touch regarding wanting to take part and be interviewed. I've already booked such posts until the end of 2016 (yes, seriously, the end of next year) and I really hope that more vintage bloggers will continue to let me know if they've like to be interviewed here so that we can hopefully keep this great new series going for many years.

Thank you deeply, CiCi, for being the first person to respond to my call for posts and for this awesome interview. I loved getting to know you even better and am sure my readers will as well.

♥ ♥ ♥

Right off the bat, what would you like readers to know about you and your blog?

I’m a twenty-something girl living in the UK who blogs largely about the ways that vintage style inspires my own, being especially fond of the fashions of the 50s.

What lead you to launch your blog?

In a word: coercion! When the blog launched it had two authors, which is why it was called CiCi & Marie, not just CiCi Marie - ‘Marie’ is my offline friend who persuaded me to blog in the first place. I’d followed a few vintage fashion blogs for years by this point, but had no intention of starting my own - I was terrified of the idea of sharing so much of myself in such a public domain! Once I’d been convinced to contribute we worked together on the content for the first year, when she handed the reins over to me (her heart wasn't really in it) and I transformed the site into the vintage style blog I wanted it to be. I am so grateful, now, that I was talked into it! It felt much less daunting starting out with a friend and was definitely the push I needed to get into blogging.

Can you sum up your personal style in a line or two for us?

The easiest/briefest way to describe it is ‘vintage inspired’. Rather than being faithful to particular eras, I pick and choose elements of vintage fashions that work for me and mix modern, repro and vintage pieces that nod to the past when put together, in varying degrees of subtlety.

You have a phenomenal eye for fashion and knack for putting together outfits that blend modern with vintage and/or classic styles. How long have you sported old school influenced looks and how has your personal style changed (if so) over the course of that period?

As I touched on in a recent post (so apologies for boring anyone with the same story!), it all started with the humble pencil skirt, when I was grappling with how to look more professional and adult for my first job post university. I was hugely inspired by Marilyn Monroe (who I had a bit of an obsession with back then), along with what bloggers I liked were wearing and just found that wiggle shapes really worked for my figure.

As part of me has always desired to look a bit different and has been largely switched off by current fashion trends, building my look for my work wear wardrobe went hand in hand with developing my weekend one. For a while, I wore pencil skirts most of the time regardless of the situation! Over the years I’ve definitely branched out and moved away from this slightly unforgiving and somewhat formal form-fitting style and these days I experiment much more with more flared shapes and pieces inspired by eras other than the 50s. 50s looks are still my favourite though, I just think they’re so endlessly feminine and flattering!

Are there certain colour and/or colour combos that you're continually drawn towards and do you put them to work in your outfits?

I can never seem to get enough of leopard print! I think what I love about it is how even though it's a pattern, it actually works great as a neutral because of the beiges and browns - it’s so easy to put with so many other colours. It also immediately screams old school glamour and, these days, rockabilly - which I can’t deny I kind of like! Apart from that, I’m always drawn to red accessories - shoes in particular; red shoes have the power to make most outfits that bit more exciting, to my mind. Often, however, being drawn towards colours is a seasonal thing and this spring, I can feel a pull towards mint green...

Inspiration can be found just about anywhere and I think that those of us who are bloggers are especially tuned into our environments and the things in that influence/touch us. What have been some your biggest sources of inspiration so far in the course of your vintage/fashion blogging journey?

I’ve kind of touched on this above, but to elaborate, my biggest source of inspiration (apart from a slight obsession with Marilyn Monroe that will never really die) has definitely been other bloggers. The first blog I ever read routinely was Ulrika’s- she is one effortlessly stylish woman and I was in awe of how she worked vintage looks into her everyday wardrobe, not to mention how diverse her style is - one day she's in a full-length 30s floral dress, the next she's in a 60s shift with a beehive! Now, years later, I read so many blogs and take inspiration from them all in one way or another. I love this blog because no one can top your colour co-ordination, Jessica! Nor your glove or hat collection, come to think of it. I often feel like my style is a bit of a melting pot of all the looks of other bloggers I’ve seen and enjoyed!

Is there much in the way of a vintage scene (community) in Cambridge, UK, where you live?

Not that I know of, but it’s worth pointing out I’m a bit of a hermit so I might not notice it even if it’s on my doorstep doing a jive! I know there’s a swing dance group locally and the odd vintage shop, but compared to a lot of cities I’ve explored, I’d say the scene in Cambridge is small in comparison - or certainly more tucked away. I certainly get odd looks more here than in London and don’t tend to see anyone looking particularly ‘vintage’ when I’m out and about...

How about vintage and/or repro centered shops?

There’s a vintage shop at the end of my road which is amazing, but other than that while we’ve got a lot of charity shops, not that I’ve noticed… I tend to buy more repro than vintage though, so I would be more likely to stumble on vintage shops than going looking for them - and to be honest, I've always done the majority of my clothes shopping online, vintage or otherwise. Something that does happen fairly regularly is we get vintage ‘fairs’ pop up that have lots of stalls for vintage vendors. I did check one of these out recently, but it wasn’t really for me - mind you, when I shop I tend to go looking for something in particular which isn't especially helpful for vintage ;)

What are some items that you prefer to buy in vintage and/or repro form (e.g., circle skirts) and what are some that you generally opt to purchase new?

Most of what I buy is either repro or new - and when I do buy vintage it’s much more often accessories. I just feel more comfortable with the fit and fabrics of modern materials and have a tendency to feel frumpy and awkward in a head-to-toe vintage outfit. Vintage can’t really be beaten for glasses though - no modern frames are as beautiful of those of old, in my eyes! The quality is also vastly superior. I love a good vintage handbag too. Otherwise, I find new best for simple pieces in classic shapes like Bardot neck tops or pencil skirts, whereas repro tends to be better for more specific unique pieces that high street shops don’t sell that often like retro outerwear (Hell Bunny and Collectif have had some amazing coats lately) and novelty print circle skirts.

Like myself, you're 5'2" (love that!) and are passionate, as I am, about dressing so as to make the most each precious inch of your height. I think you do a smashing job on that front! Could you please share a couple (or more) of your favourite fashion tips for petite lasses?

My main tip is: don’t swamp yourself! If you want to wear a midi skirt you can, but find the length that is most flattering for your height and get anything longer altered so you’re wearing the skirt and not the other way round! Tops can often be too long or loose for smaller frames too - but not if they’re tucked in and perhaps shaped with a waist-belt; that’s one of my favourite tricks! Other than that, I’d say it’s wise for petite ladies to be careful of what they put on their feet - a shoe that shows off as much of your foot as possible will have the effect of lengthening your leg e.g. ballet bumps and court shoes with low vamps. Shoe-boots or brogues (particularly flat ones) will make your legs look shorter.

Five garments and/or accessories that you currently can't live without?

Top of the list is definitely my berets! Such a simple way to add some class to any outfit and my growing collection now boasts five colours (including leopard print, of course!). A very close second is a pair of tan lace-up heeled boots from BAIT that cost me a fortune in shipping and are technically too small, but I still love them anyway because they seem to literally go with everything!

Number 3 has to be my new Rebel Kate jeans from Collectif, because a lot of the time at the weekends I’m milling around the house and they’re perfect for that, while still adding some ‘retro’ to outfits with their high waist. I can’t go a week without wearing my fairly new cat’s eye glasses that are a perfect blend of vintage and modern and last but not least, as we're emerging from the cold weather, fleece-lined tights!! Couldn’t have made it through this winter without them...

Your hair is seriously gorgeous and always styled so cutely/beautifully. Any hair care and/or styling tips that you'd like to pass along?

That you can make your hair do almost anything with some gentle backcombing for volume and several kirby grips (bobby pins) that match your hair colour! Most of my styles are the result of pinning bits of hair where I want them to lay and don’t require much more skill than that. I am absolutely hopeless at curling my hair, so I basically avoid what I can’t do, rather than doing a poor job! If I want to achieve a particular up-do I’ll watch various YouTube videos and then borrow bits probably from several of them to create the look I want (which is usually a simpler version, because I’m quite lazy and impatient!).

In your beauty arsenal at present, what are some of your favourite products?

I've recently discovered the joy of face powder - a bit late to the game, but this is now an essential tool in the battle to keep my oily face matte! I use Mac's Studio Fix and I love the way the subtle colour smooths out small flaws in my skin. It also sets my foundation so that it doesn't crease on my eyelids, which is a great bonus. This won’t be news to most of the female population who have been using powders for years..! I'm also a recent convert to Benefit's Cha Cha Benetint - their pink shades are a bit too cool toned for me, but this one goes on bright orange and somehow miraculously dries to a pinky coral and works wonders with my colouring. It also stays on all day, which is a bonus!

Any beauty cheapies that you can't recommend highly enough?

I've got a post ready to go on exactly this subject in the very near future and will reveal more there!:)

Your blog does a wonderful job of covering various fashion, beauty and lifestyle topics. What are your favourite kinds of posts (in general) to pen? If there anything you'd like to write about, or about more frequently, but that you haven't yet?

At the moment I still find simple outfit posts the most rewarding - they're the most time-consuming too, but the finished posts can be so satisfying because of this, when they finally come together. Generally I don't think I've experimented that much with different types of content - so my feeling is there's probably lots of topics out there I haven't tackled yet that I'd enjoy, but I just don’t know it yet! I haven't written about home decor before, but would like to once I feel more comfortable I know what I'm doing - and I'm hoping to buy my first home this year, so this will work better when I've got my own place to put my stamp on. :)

Do you have any long term goals for your blog that you can share with us?

My main goal is to see what happens - in the past six months I've seen a big increase in my following and I'm honestly so thrilled that the hard work is paying off and readers seem to like what I’m doing. I’d love to work with more brands - which is something I’ve only started doing this year and has been great so far. Other than that, although it can be kind of taboo for bloggers to admit to, I do hope one day to generate some sort of income from it. I'm under no illusion I'll be eating caviar in the Maldives any day soon, but if it could help supplement my shopping habit I'd be delighted!

When not working or blogging, what might we find you doing?

Well, vast amounts of online clothes shopping is probably almost a given, so aside from that one of my main hobbies is reading, which is pretty much what led me to a day-job in book publishing - I've got a particular fondness for dystopian fiction (think A Brave New World etc), which probably makes me quite morbid in my spare time! And although I’m currently renting my house, I've begun buying bits and pieces I can take with me to a new home - I’m enjoying hunting down and adding mid-century modern style homeware to my living room and dining room currently.

Can you tell us what your perfect day pertaining to vintage might look like?

It would definitely involve dancing! I would absolutely love to learn how to jive. A little while ago I interviewed on another blog and mentioned that one of my secret passions is the Just Dance video games - but really, this is just an extension of a love of dance generally that I’d love to build on properly some day (I’ve done various lessons through the years, but not very consistently due to long commutes). 

So, I’d probably learn how to do a jive routine and work up an appetite that could only be satisfied by a huge cheeseburger and a strawberry milkshake in a 50s-style diner… And then I’d drive around in an open top Mustang while the sun beats down on me, probably to the nearest drive-in… At this point I realize I’m describing the day in the life of a character from Grease - but that wouldn't be so bad (as long as I’m not expected to join in a chorus of Summer Lovin’ as I can’t sing to save my life)!

(Jessica's note) You can also connect with Cici on the following social media sites:

♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you again immensely for this great interview, CiCi, and for being the lovely, engaging, beautiful person (inside and out) that you are. It was an honour and pleasure getting to interview you this month.

For the second post in this new series, which will appear here in April, we'll be interviewing another awesome lady from the UK - but that's the only hint you'll get from me. You will just have to tune in for that post to see who I sit down and chat with next! :)


  1. Jessica, your questions are really, really good - your interviews are head and shoulders above others on the vintage scene! Fantastic interview, I particularly liked the question about the perfect vintage day. And what better interviewee to kick things off than the sweet CiCi? It's even better when friends interview friends, and I loved learning more about you both (that you're the same height is a cute fact, I always thought you were taller!). Lovely to see some of the pics again from CiCi's blog, I love the one with the hat, had forgotten about that one!

    Really looking forward to seeing more in this excellent series, have a super rest of the week xx

    1. Hello dear Porcelina, my word, you have really touched me with your splendidly lovely compliments about my interviews and this post. Thank you so very much! I'm thrilled to know that you're a big fan of them/this series and am so eager to bring you and my other readers/online friends a new one every month (or so) for a very long time to come (I have interviews lined up until the start of 2017 at this point - seriously! :)).

      It's funny, you know. People who only know me online/from photos, almost always think I'm taller than I am (when such as revealed to me, I often ask how tall they think I am and 5'5" or 5"6" is the average answer, which interestingly, is the height range of both my mom and sister, but not me, I've always been the shorted in the family), which is kind of cool and in a roundabout way flattering, too, because I take that to mean I know how to dress well for my height.

      Huge thanks again. Your wonderfully nice comment just made my whole day!

      ♥ Jessica

    2. Porcelina, you haven't forgotten the one with the hat if you mean the sunhat - I haven't posted that yet, it's coming when it's warmer... I've been hanging onto it for months!! And also, completely agree with your comments about Jessica's questions :) xx

  2. Lovely Jessica, the fact that I can inspire you is incredible to me! Thank you again for the time and thought you put into these questions - they were so fun to answer and have done a miraculous job of drawing out various aspects about me and the reasons why I blog in the first place. You have a gift for interviewing! You're also one of the kindest people I've ever met - it's been a pleasure getting to know you too. Long may it continue :) CC xx

    1. You're as sweet as they come, CiCi, thank you very much - both for your terrific comment and again for helping me officially launch this series. I adored interviewing and getting to know you better and loved your thorough, engaging replies. You definitely inspire me and should I ever have the great pleasure of being the UK, I really hope we can meet-up and keep on hitting it off in person (likewise if you're ever in my corner of Canada). Seeing that country (aside from just Heathrow) is one of my "bucket list" goals, so it could perhaps happen one day (I really hope so!).

      Keep on being your 100% awesome, vintage loving self, dear gal!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. It would be amazing to meet you, so I hope our (physical!) paths do cross one day! :) x

  3. This is so exciting! Your questions are all so perfect for her! I love seeing these interviews - it's such a great way to learn about other bloggers! CiCi has a new follower! :)

  4. You definitely have a journalistic side to you, such great questions. This is a wonderful way to get to know different bloggers who's paths people have yet to find. I actually found CiCi one day looking thru your comments a couple of months ago. She's such a sweet person and Ive been coveting all her plaid clothing ever since. I'm looking forward to next months interview.!!

    1. Thank you very much, Debra, what a wonderfully nice compliment. Though of course some will be similar at times (given that we all like and blog about the same general things, it would be nearly impossible for such not to be the case), I'm really striving to create unique, personalized questions for each person I interview, so as to help my readers a deeper feeling of connection with them.

      I couldn't agree more. She is as sweet as they come!

      Thank you for your great comment. Have a terrific weekend, lovely lady!
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Lovely interview and series. I have bookmarked her site:) I love her hair and how she wears it I must stop being lazy and do more with mine!

  6. I love this new series, Jessica! You and CiCi are both just darling.

    Love from Ottawa,

    1. Hi Sarah, what a touchingly lovely comment. Thank you very much!

      Big hugs coming right back at you from Penticton,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Love it!!! I've been looking for other bloggers to follow, and Cici sounds amazing! I'm now following her on... everything.

    1. I'm thrilled that I was able to introduce you two, dear Emileigh. That - bringing fellow vintage bloggers and social media mavens from around the world together - is the driving force behind this post series.

      Thank you again for the terrific interview we shared that was the catalyst for it (this series). I so enjoyed chatting with you as well!

      Tons of hugs & happy Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I'm pleased Jessica was able to introduce us too, Emileigh! It was through your interview before I found your blog recently :)

  8. What a great interview to kick off the series! CiCi is so stylish.

    1. Thank you, Helen!! As are you - I've been a fan of your blog for a while :)

  9. She's stunning and lovely! Great interview Jessica <3

    Hugs, Pri

  10. How fun & interesting to read about your friend and another Vintage Fashionista from across the pond! :) Great job as always! I loved her berets, but of course... I am the Hataholique! :) I like how she combines old and new.

    Good reading, look forward to more!

    1. Naturally! :) You really are and, I swear, I've taken to thinking of both you whenever I see a great vintage hat now. I love that as well about CiCi's fantastic style. She excels at marrying the two style camps and always looks so pretty and well put together in the process.

      Big hugs coming your way, my lovely friend!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I always feel a bit like a vintage traitor for how much new is generally always in my outfits, so these comments both mean a lot to me :) and glad to find another beret lover - we should start a club!

  11. reading this interview was a great pleasure!!
    cici is cute as a button! thank you jessica for you thoughtful questions and cici for the honest answers!

  12. This is going to be such a fun series! And I'm also 5'2". :) I'm off to check out CiCi's social media and blog. Thanks Jessica for doing this!

    1. Thanks for all your follows, Lisa :) and glad you enjoyed the interview!

  13. What a lovely interview with a lovely girl! She's one of my favorite bloggers out there, and it really was a treat to read such a sweet interview with her. I really love the idea behind this series, and I can't wait to get to know more awesome people through it.

    1. Thank you, Jessica! That's such a lovely comment, you made my day. I'm so pleased to know two such fantastic Jessicas through the blogging world :)

  14. Terrific interview gals! I am a nosey parker, so I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. ;)
    I can't wait for more interviews! :D

    Michelle ^_^

  15. hello,ciao Jessica,,,great & interesting interview, CiCi is a stunning Blogger...alwasys Her outfits leave breatless...Her Looks shining a very Feminine & Powerfull aura at same time ...gorgeous Style!
    She's a great Artist of Style!

  16. Absolutely in love with her style! She looks absolutely flawless. I'm really going to follow her, as her style has just stolen my heart! I really enjoyed reading the interview! :)
    x Angela //

    1. That's awesome to hear, Angela, thank you for letting me - and CiCi - know. I'm delighted to have been able to introduce you two.

      Have a stellar weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  17. I am LOVING this series! It brings such joy to see bloggers work with each other and support one another. I came across CiCi's blog awhile ago, but failed to hit the "follow" button! Thank you for the reminder of what a wonderful blogger she is and sharing this story with us.


  18. Great interview! I really enjoy CiCi's blog already and it was great to learn more about her. I am currently learning to Jive :) I am taking classes at my local PCYC. There are some great online tutorials. It's actually pretty easy once you get the basic steps right. I love to dance too, and even though my small town has three dance schools there doesn't seem to be too much on offer for anyone over twelve. Maybe we should all make a campaign for Nintendo to come out with an old fashioned Just dance game where you get to learn all the old styles?

    1. It's really exciting that you're learning to jive dance. I hope that your lessons go splendidly! I was a self taught jive/swing dancer back in my pre-chronic ill days, but did take some formal jazz and tap lessons and was on my high school dance squad. What a shame that there's not much on offer for grownups where you live, dear gal. I am behind your campaign for a vintage dance video game 100%!!! :)

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. oh this is SO MUCH FUN! i look forward to more in this series and getting to discover new blogs and all that. oh my goodness, the questions you ask really make for interesting discussion. and (all the outfits are divine but) the dress in the last photograph is stunning! my mind is now reeling with possible sewing projects.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. I'm really aiming for personalized, engaging questions with each person who will be joining me in this fun new interview series and am delighted to know that you're a fan of the sort that I presented to CiCi.

      Big hugs & many joyful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. I really enjoyed this interview! I, too love MM! She's my favourite by far. :)

  21. It's lovely to see how much work (you do that for every post though) and care you put on these kind of posts. I don't feel like I'm beeing sold some kind of product - I don't enjoy bloggers who shameless advertise their blogs - but I see a person, a personalised interview. In the end of that, I really like discovering new blogs! :)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Ines, I couldn't agree more with you. I too strongly dislike blatant advertising or spammy posts and strive never to produce ones that most folks would feel that way about. I don't hide the fact that I work with many sponsors or advertisers, but I haven't - and will never - sell out my blog or my integrity for the sake of those relationships. This series isn't about those folks though, it's all about my (our) fellow vintage loving bloggers and social media mavens, connecting the community further, and celebrating the abundance of inspiring individuals who help make our (vintage) community the dynamic, amazing place that it is. I hope I'm able to introduce you to many new blogs through it, honey - and of course, if you'd like to take part one day, please don't hesitate to let me know.

      Have an awesome week!
      ♥ Jessica

  22. Loved know Cici, it really is a beautiful and talented girl, I enjoyed the tips she spent liked her style. I love to meet people'm already anxious for the next interview. Congratulations on your amazing work dear friend! A hug from friend Cris.

  23. How did I not know about this blog?! I'm following her now. I'm really looking forward to reading more interviews.


    1. I'm thoroughly delighted to have been able to introduce you two, dear gal. If you'd ever like to take part in this fun new series yourself, please don't hesitate to drop me a line. :)

      Big hugs & many sincere thanks for your absolutely wonderful array of comments this week (you're the sweetest!),

      ♥ Jessica

  24. This was a really interesting read, you asked some great questions. I am a relatively new reader to her blog so I enjoyed finding out some more. I really like this new series, a great idea of yours. Happy Easter to you!

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Kate. I really loving this new series, too. I've always been drawn to journalism and interview posts like these let me indulge in that passion, while also (and more importantly) helping us awesome vintage bloggers get to know one another better.

      I'm really excited for April's interview (which will be going live next week) and all those that follow.

      Have a beautiful Monday,
      ♥ Jessica
