
March 22, 2015

Flickr Favourites: March 22, 2015

{1945 Louis Philippe ad ~ Totally Mystified}

{Easter holiday eggs ~ Alvaro Dorsey}

{1944 jewelry ~ File Photo Digital Archive}

{Broadway Fashions 1947 ~ Classic Film}

{Cover of Judge magazine May 17, 1924 ~ Linda}

{Funny Easter Bunny ~ indria sari}

{Red Star Line postcard ~ Totally Mystified}

{Tableau in Green and Red ~ Tom Levold}

{1952 Avondale Fabrics ad ~ Totally Mystified}

{Cover of Woman And Home, August 1951 ~ Totally Mystified}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on its title to be taken to its respective Flickr page.} 

♥ ♥ ♥

The beginning of spring, awash as it generally is in a sea of gentle greens, delicate browns, mild pastels, crisp whites, and cheerful blues (as in the sky and representative of rain), isn't exactly a time of the year that we generally associate with the colour red, and yet there are plenty of things popping back to life these days that feature this very hue.

Flowers - spanning the garden spectrum from carnations to roses to pansies - are but one, strawberries and raspberries a little later on, are two more. You'll also find red on rubber boots used to splash in puddles, traditional Ukrainian pysanky Easter eggs, blossoms on various trees, and red skinned spuds, to name but a few a more sources of springtime red.

A colour of vibrancy, passion, vitality, and immense beauty, red suits spring's mighty return well, for it helps to convey the sense of power from which the world wakes up from its icy slumber and is once again cloaked in a rainbow shades, weather conditions and possible vintage wardrobe choices. I often personally associate red with change as well, which is certainly something that's underway as we gleefully wave buh-bye to Old Man Winter and welcome Mother Nature, in her youthful maiden form, back into our lives again.

So don't pack all the red away with your Christmas or Valentine's Day decorations or save it for the sweltering dog days of summer. Instead slip into a ruby sundress, sport a garnet hued Easter bonnet, let your feet frolic around in a pair of cranberry coloured peep-toe sandals (and paint your toe nails cherry to match), or bring a massive bouquet of your favourite warm weather red blooms into the house.

You'll feel all the more energized, happy, and ready to embrace spring's rocky starts and stops, thunder storms, and ultimately beautiful return because of it!


  1. Oooooops, I found myself starring at the green leaves hanging out of the rabbits mouth, thinking: "Hhhhm, yummy!" Probably I'm in need of some fresh salad and lettuce ...

  2. Completely agree and funnily enough, I just took some 'spring' shots of an outfit featuring a lot of red! Which sort of helped distract from the fact it was a few degrees and the wind was at about 17mph at the time... sort of! I love the bottom right advert in the 1952 Avondale ad - the buttoned top; so cute!

    1. Isn't that outfit smashing? I would wear it faster than you can "Easter bunny"! :)

      Oh my, that is quite the wind! We had some really powerful gusts here ourselves last weekend that made taking photos as good as impossible, followed by a week of mostly rainy weather, so I haven't had my first official springtime shoot yet. Soon, I'm sure, especially since I have my Easter outfit all lined up and ready to go, and I want to share it slightly before or right around the holiday itself.

      I hope that you're having a great weekend, dear gal!
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Such pretty picks, Jessica, but that "Woman and Home" cover is so charming for some reason (my embroidery bug notwithstanding). Perhaps it's so alluring because it screams of outdoor fun in the warm sunshine, something all of us have been yearning after for far too long.

    So far as pops of red, if you ask me, they are always appropriate. The red tulips my grandfather gave me should be blooming in a week or too, and my husband and I noticed this afternoon that our maple tree's buds are finally popping open on its recently-bare branches. I can't tell you how excited we are!

    1. Hi sweet Jen, thank you very much for your lovely comment. How are you doing as we kick off this brand new season? I hope that things have been going well on your end lately. It's hard to believe, isn't it, that we're nearly three full months into 2015. March has been a bit of a long one for me, but still, I feel like we were hanging Christmas decorations all of five seconds ago.

      That beautiful cover spoke to me as well and made suddenly want to go golden blonde, too (alas, I know from experience that it's a tricky shade for my complexion to pull of, so that probably won't happen anytime soon), in addition to yearning to sport stylish mid-century tennis wear. :)

      Thinking of you and sending tons of hugs & happy springtime wishes your way!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. I love the beginning of spring! We visited the little goats at our local farm today. They were so absolutely adorable! We don't have any flowers or green here yet, but I can't wait! I hope it'll get warmer soon!
    Also I absolutely love the inspirational images you found!
    x Angela //

  5. Ooo, I do love red all year round. Especially in the form of some right red lipstick! :D
    I just love that twinset on the Woman & Home mag cover. Oh, and those tulips are just lovely. Can't wait to see them outside my door!

    Good Springtime Cheer!
    ~Michelle ^_^

    1. Thank you very much, my lovely dear. I'm so excited to see them as well! I've noticed a few vibrantly purple crocuses around town already, but no tulips yet (I don't think it's been consistently warm enough so far this year). Soon, I'm sure, as we generally have them for Easter here.

      Wishing you a warm, wonderful spring!
      ♥ Jessica

  6. Fabulous images!

  7. Happy Spring - again and again!
    Oh, the glory days are ahead of us.. and I stay mesmerized by the wonderful green dress from "Avondale Fabrics" - it's simplicity and clean cut would make it a perfect everyday wear.. and it's color is so purely green.. *ghasp*
    Thank you for the inspiration, darling!


  8. I wear red all year round, I can't help it! It's definitely become a 'neutral' in my wardrobe. I think it's such a cheery colour. This time of year I am wearing it more with pinks and peaches, but in winter you can go all-out festive and pair it with green or white.

    Lovely images of inspiration! x

    1. Same here - big time!!! In fact, I'd go so far as to say that red has become my signature colour in recent years (a topic that I'm planning a post about next month actually). It's versatility is top-notch and I love that it seems to be a feel good colour, too, in the sense that is often perks up my mood when I wear it. In the outfits you've shared with us that included red, I've always thought that it looked fantastic on you, dear gal.

      Wishing you a beautiful first (full) week of spring!
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Your blog is such eye-candy. Thanks.

  10. Beautiful images I love the nail color And shape
    Retro rover

  11. you forgot to mention all that little red bugs coming out of hibernation this days!
    my red skirt suit just waits for a weekend trip :-)
    today i brought some forsythia twigs in the house and decorated them with our tiny wooden, colorful painted easter eggs! wish you a wonderful week my dear! xxxxxxxxxx

    1. So very true! We don't have a particularily large number of ladybugs (aka, ladybirds) around these parts so they aren't one of the first things that spring to mind for me when the warm weather returns. There were oodles of them though when I was a young girl growing up in towns near Vancouver. Now I'm lucky to see four or five usually all summer long here in the dry Okanagan Valley (though I don't doubt for a moment that if I had a garden, we'd get more of them). They've always been one of my favourite insects and I love it when you luck out and have one land on you.

      Thank you very much, my precious friend. I hope that you have a sunny, fantastic first (full) week of spring, too!

      ♥ Jessica

  12. I'm in the middle of sewing a red pencil skirt and I tried it with my navy and white polka dot blouse and thought how perfectly summerish feeling. Red truly is a year round colour in my books and I'm finally getting that red in my wardrobe that I've been desiring.

    1. That's awesome, Debra! Red has become my signature colour in recent years and it's fairly rare for me to go more than a couple of outfit posts in a row now without at least a touch of it appearing. I'm planning a post for next month actually all about red being my signature colour at this stage in my life and am really looking forward to it.

      Happy sewing & start of spring,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Being so far north, spring still feels like the bright shining light, way in the distance. I'm sure you can relate to some degree living in Canada. Even though we now have 12 hrs, 45min of daylight (hallelujah), we are still in temperatures of the mid 30's at the warmest during the day. We did hit 46 degrees once last week and you'd have thought it was 80. Children went to school without jackets and too many grownups were seen wearing shorts and t's. For me, it can feel like such a tease to see the rest of the world (or at least, the northern hemisphere) melting and blooming into spring. However, it's good to know that we are heading in the right direction. I may not be able to break out my lovely red ballet flats just yet but they are ready and waiting.

    She Knits in Pearls

    1. I get that for sure. We're spoiled by Canadian winter weather standards here in the Okanagan, perched as it is so close to the US border and the mild Pacific coast. When I lived in Calgary, spring rarely arrived in full force until May and I remember having snow in June even once. Back in Ontario, it was usually late April or early May, too.

      I hope that spring decides to show up early for you in Alaska this year. I can just imagine how much you must be missing the feeling of sunshine and the ability to venture out without super heavy duty winter garb.

      Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs & joyful springtime wishes your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. Oh, what fun!! I especially love the Broadway Fashions and the tulips. Oh for blooming flowers instead of snow!!
    Thank you ever so much for your sweet comment earlier - you are just too sweet!! :) Thank you!!

    1. You're very welcome, sweet dear. I truly mean it!

      I hear you there! While this wasn't the snowiest winter ever, it has stretched on all the same and I'm near giddy with excitement for spring to start. Fingers crossed that it does so soon on both our ends.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. I love red all year long, and what I fell in love with here were the nails in the jewellery ad, the green suit in the fabric ad (I would love to own a set like that), and the red lips of course. I have always loved red lips and always will. And what a wonderful collection of Easter eggs. I love your Flickr posts, they are always so charming. Wishing you a lovely day, dear. :)

    1. Isn't that suit sensational? I want one like it soooo much to, like to the point where I might save up and commission a seamstress to make me one like it someday. Knowing our mutual love of the colour green, it instantly made me think of you. Ooohh, speaking of green, I've noticed that the UK vintage inspired brand Lindy Bop has been stocking more and more green items lately, which is great, because we both know how rare they can be in the repro/vintage inspired world.

      Thank you very much! I hope that you have a warm, wonderful, seriously happy spring!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Oh the funny bunny image made me smile :)

    1. It really is the cutest - and how could I not include a bunny in my Easter themed Flickr Favourites post? :)

      Tons of hugs & happy holiday wishes coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Sou apaixonada por esse sua série de posts Flickr Favourites querida amiga. Preciso urgentemente criar uma conta para que eu possa apreciar ainda mais as belas fotos e ilustrações. Um abraço imenso de sua amiga Cris.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Cris! I hope that this new season is off to a fantastic start for you and your family and that you all have a joyful, gorgeous Easter celebration!

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. Red (and green) is my favorite color and I wear and display it proudly year round! Also, that art deco postcard is simply divine!

    1. It's the bee's knees and then some, I completely agree. I love art deco illustrations, photos, art, jewelry, you name it really, so much. Wearing mostly 40s and 50s styles, I don't get to sport pieces from that era all that often, so adore all the more that I can delve into my passion for them through my blog.

      I hope you're doing well and having a great start of spring, dear gal!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. That Judge cover is really beautiful. I wish you could still get magazines with covers so lovely. I really like the look of the twinset in Woman and Home too. The lipstick advert is very clever too but I am afraid the name Angelus just makes me think of Buffy the vampire slayer! I loved that series! I am waiting eagerly for tulips to flower here, they are one of my favourite flowers.

    1. Seconded entirely! It's so rare to see a fashion or lifestyle magazine cover, especially a mainstream one, these days that even comes close to be as breathtakingly beautiful as your average vintage one. Now it seems the focus is usually on the hot celeb of the moment or a super slender model wearing something off the runaway that doesn't apply to 99.9999% of women's lives or daily wardrobes. Thank goodness we have quite an abundance of vintage ones, online and off, to turn to for inspiration and even art (prints, salvaged from damaged magazines, etc) still these days.

      Too funny! You know, while certainly aware of it, I never watched that series. Kind of amazing, when I think about it, how much anything related to the supernatural and certainly to Halloween has always appealed to me.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Do watch it! It is a little dated now, especially the first series but it is lots of fun and is really good on strong female characters which makes a fabulous change. Plus vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, cheerleaders and librarians - it is all good!
