
January 29, 2015

In which I feed a little herd of seals - also known as one of the best days of my life!

Outfit details

Blue and white bandana: eBay
Red plastic rose earrings: Claire's
Red plastic vintage necklace: Gift with online purchase years ago
Plaid shirt: Warehouse One
Burgundy lace trimmed camisole: Fairweather
Vintage reproduction green knit bolero: Miss Beta Knits
Vintage white, blue and red enamel anchor brooch: (probably) eBay
Side button 1940s style jeans: Freddies of Pinewood
Blue and white plastic stretch bracelets: Both thrifted
Red cross body mini satchel bag: eBay
Black and white saddle shoes: eBay
Lip colour: MAC Russian Red

Photography by Tony Cangiano

The past four months have flown by nearly at the speed of light. A mixture of marvelous holidays, poor health, bursts of productivity, powerful snow storms, and the start of 2015. Some days it feels like a rather long time since we were on Vancouver Island and yet there are also moments when it's almost as though we're still there. Those two weeks were the one of the biggest highlights of the past year for both Tony and I, who adore traveling to no end, so the latter point comes as no surprise to me.

Ill health and equally poor weather has not made for the best of conditions when it comes to taking photos around these parts lately, so before January wraps up entirely, I wanted to share at least one outfit post with you this month and thus I'm dipping into the Victoria trip vault and pulling out these snaps from what was truly an incredibly fun afternoon.

You may remember from my post 10 highlights from our awesome trip to Vancouver Island, that I chatted about the rainy day on which we had the immense joy of feeding a small herd of harbour seals at the wharf in Victoria.

Seals have been one of my favourite animals for as far back as I have memories, but never before that day had I gotten the chance to get anywhere near that close to them - let alone help to give them a free lunch! :)

The seals that congregate at the wharf there know that tourists and locals alike want nothing more than to provide them with freshly caught fish (which one purchases from a small fish monger's shop a few feet from the water's edge), but even if they're used to interacting with humans, that doesn't mean that they're not still entirely wild. They most certainly are and it's important to keep that in mind if you're interacting with these darling creatures.

Known, entirely affectionately, to locals as Rock Sausages, the seals are a hearty, friendly bunch, each with their own distinct personalities. It was fascinating to kneel down on the dock, heavy raindrop all but landing with a thud around me, and gingerly hand fish to these beautiful marine mammals. Their behaviour struck both Tony and I instantly of being incredibly dog-like and indeed, one of the sweetest of the bunch reminded us a great deal of our own dog, Annie.

It doesn't take long to feed a hungry pack of harbour seals a small plate of fish, so once we had (and after we'd taken no shortage of photographs of them), Tony and I ventured a little further down the wharf to a walkway that runs between the rows of vibrantly coloured floating homes that also reside in this corner of the mighty Pacific Ocean.

Knowing this was going to be a rugged sort of outdoors-y day, I'd dressed the part in an outfit centered my beloved Freddies of Pinewood 1940s style side button jeans and a truly fantastic bespoke pine green knit bolero that my dear friend Beta from Miss Beta Knits created for me as an incredibly kind review gift last year.

Beta, a passionate knitter, mother, wife, and fellow vintage loving lady resides in Portugal and is truly one of the kindest and sweetest people you could ever cross paths with. Her charming Etsy shop is filled with a carefully curated selection of knits that she creates using genuine mid-century patterns, such as scarves, gloves, berets, and boleros akin to the one I'm wearing in these photos. Beta also takes custom orders, so if there's a knit project you've been hankering to have made she may very well be the gal for the job.

This is the second product that I've received and review from Beta (the first was one of her fabulous Miss Marple scarves) and I truly hope that it's not the last that I'm able to add to my wardrobe from her talented knitting needles, because both are extremely well made, comfortable, soft, and delightfully vintage appropriate.

I have sported this dark green knit bolero more than any other sweater of cardigan in my wardrobe this fall and winter (especially during Christmas time, when its holiday tree hue was especially fitting) and I absolute love it to bits. It's chunky and cozy and as every bit as sweet as those precious harbour seals were.

Though four months have passed since we left for our two week holiday to Vancouver Island, the memories of that adventure packed fortnight are crystal clear in my mind still and I know that many of them, especially those of the day we fed a little heard of uber adorable seals will stay with me always. A dear and beautiful reminder of just how special Mother Nature and all her wild children are - not to mention how much they adore being handed platefuls of their favourite food!

Bar none, this was/is one of my favourite days in my whole life and I'm so happy to that we captured it on camera. You can bet your last smelt that I'll be down at the dock tossing fish to the seals the next - and all future - time(s) I'm in the majestically lovely city of Victoria and should you happen to be there yourself, I can't recommend doing so highly enough. It really is one of the more enjoyable experiences that you could ever have!


  1. I'm also speechless with love for these photos! It's funny you should say that they reminded you of Annie - I've always thought seals are rather like dogs; and that's why I love them so much! My boyfriend's labrador quite looks like one in terms of her face, we often joke, but there really is something about their behaviour too. If I got to do this I think it would also be one of the best days of my life. And, of course, your outfit is perfectly put together seal-feeding attire ;) CC x

    1. How cool that we both/all felt that way about seals and dogs. I really was struck by how uncanny some of the similarities were. If I was a mermaid, I'm sure that I would have a seal as a "dog". :D

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. All these colors are so beautiful and sweet on you, the pictures are adorable. The seals were very happy to meet you! :)

  3. Wonderful day, terrific post. Animals are great and seals especially. There are many Celtic folk stories about seals turning into humans. Your pants look super.

  4. Rock sausages- I'd never heard that one before, but gee, how adorable! I've always loved seals too, they look so sweet and innocent with their chubby bodies and big dark eyes. I'm glad you got the chance to get so close to them, I've always wanted to do that!

  5. Passeio maravilhoso!!! o look também ficou lindo.

  6. Oh these cute seals!! I wish I could also hear there funny, happy voices too! What a memorable experience. Your outfit is very well put together and so perfect for a day of walking around. I'm kind of missing those days when I could walk around without a coat and boots. Two more months!

    1. They were soooo cute!!! I swear, I was smiling ear-to-ear for days afterwards. I've always felt an incredibly close connection with animals and nature, so getting to interact with some truly wild critters of the seas like this was a beyond awesome, and very meaningful, experience for me.

      I'm eager for those warm, winter coat free days to return again as well. Though last winter did feel longer to me, this one isn't exactly flying by at the speed of light either. Fingers crossed that spring returns for both of us asap!

      Tons of hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. How cute! We saw seals in Scotland but not this close up. They're so lovely, and very dog-like as you point out.

  8. and i bet that this day was the favorite day in the life of the cute seals - getting food from such a adorable girl!!!!
    do you know that the german word for seal is "seehund"=sea dog!?! no wonder they remind you on annie :-)
    that hand knitted bolero is fabulous, this rich color suits you perfectly!!!!!
    tons of hugs to canada! xxxxx

    1. Aww, Beate, that is immensely sweet, thank you very, very much. I hadn't thought about it from that point of view, but now I'm sure that you're right - it was a marvelous day for all involved.

      No, I didn't know that seal in German translates to see dog. That's awesome and really does make perfect sense. I wish I could be a mermaid for a while and live in the ocean with a seal (or ten) as my pet. :)

      Huge thanks & the happiest of weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. OH MY GOSH! Firstly, you look darling! Secondly, I am SO envious that you fed seals! AHHHHHHHH!!!! I love the way they're begging for the fish, "Please lady! Please!" Lucky duck.

    1. They were sooo like that! And some had great manners, whereas others were pretty much jumping on top of one another to try and get to the fish first. They were so dog-like in that respect (and objectively, people-like as well) and truly amongst the cutest, sweetest animals I've ever been in the presence of. They just had such a lovely, cheerful, positive spirits that filled my own with immeasurably joy that day.

  10. A great outfit for exploring, I love the combination of colors! Those seals are too adorable, their spotted coats are beautiful! What fun to get not only to watch them, but to interact with them too!

  11. The seals are adorable! They have the sweetest faces. I would love to do something like that. I think there's a place in Galveston you can take a boat and feed the dolphins. I must check on that, it would be fun to do one weekend. As for your outfit it looks so cute on you and the bolero sweater is gorgeous. It would be wonderful to visit Canada on vacation I've heard it's a beautiful country.

    1. Oh wow, that would be off-the-charts awesome as well. I've never come in direct contact with dolphins, but doing so is one of my biggest dreams in life (I kid you not). I hope you're able to go out and chill with the dolphins one day, sweet dear (and also that you're able to visit Canada - we're you're super friendly neighbours to the north and would love to have you stay in our vast land for however long your heart desires).

      Tons of hugs, dear lady!
      ♥ Jessica

  12. You look simply adorable, and oh my goodness, those sweet seals!!! This would make for a wonderful day for me, too. :)

    xox Sammi

  13. Sounds like a grand day! And you always look so cute on your outings! I would never dream of accessorizing the way you look fabulous as always!

    1. You're very sweet, dear Shannon, thank you for the wonderfully nice compliment.

      It really was a marvelously grand day - one of those truly special afternoons that stays with you for the rest of your life. If you ever get the chance to feed some seals, too, I can't recommend doing so highly enough.

      ♥ Jessica

  14. Aww! This is darling! And looks like such fun! Also, your outfit was perfectly matched to the day! I love you in casual looks! Heck, I love all of your looks!


    1. *Blush!* Thank you very much, my sweet friend! The feeling (re: loving all your looks) couldn't possibly more mutual (total side note, but am I only vintage fan who here's that blonde chrous girl's voice from White Christmas in their head absolutely anytime they say the word "mutual" in any context? :D).

      Tons of hugs & happy Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. OMG! I want to feed seals! This is the cutest thing ever. You look amazing and it sounds like you had a blast.

    1. Thank you sweetly, Valerie dear. If you ever get the chance to do so anywhere, snap it up immediately. You'll treasure the memories of it forever!

      ♥ Jessica

  16. I think you should know I happily said 'Seal Seal SEAL!!' as I went through the photos. They are so precious, and I want to see one up close again.
    You look like you were having such an awesome time in your photos, I absolutely love your bracelets.

  17. I love your outfit, Jessica, and it suits you very well. The seals look friendly and polite, I am sure they enjoyed your company as much as you did theirs. I love animals and this would definitely been a great and memorable time for me as well. Thank you so much for sharing this, I really enjoyed your post and photos.

  18. Rock Sausages! I'm dying of the cuteness here, Jessica! You're looking lovely, as always. I totally relate to the less than stellar start the new year. But I'm glad to see you're back to posting your signature style again. (PS: Those nautical accessories are a nice touch!)

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Jackie. I'm really sorry to hear that you were unwell for the holiday season and much of January, too. It wasn't actually until a brief window in mid-January that I felt (by my chronic illness fighting standards) well again for the first time since early October, as I had a string of colds, the flu, strep throat, a terrible ear infection, and plenty of my usual flare-ups all fall and early winter.

      Here's to the hope that we're both treated to much more favourable health as 2015 progresses!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. Omg, Rock Sausages - that is the cutest name ever! I just love the third seal photo where he's giving you side-eye as if to say "You still there?"
    Great outfit - I always like the nautical look on you, maybe it just goes with your hair colour or something. The little bolero is absolutely beautiful!

    1. Agreed!!! Tony and I have used it to as our go-to name for seals ever since. :) They were so sweet and friendly and I felt like they would have loved for me to hop in the water and hang out with them (as to if that would have actually been the case or not is another matter entirely, I'm sure :D). I tend to form strong instant bonds with the animals I encounter and certainly did with this adorable little group of seals, who will always hold a special place in my heart now.

      That's really sweet of you to say, thank you! I wonder, perhaps the nautical look and I jive well because I was born near the Pacific Ocean (relatively speaking) and have lived near it or other large bodies of water for much of my life. Who knows! :)

      Many thanks & the very happiest of weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. You really rock those jeans! You have such a fab figure hun. And those cute! I look fwd to spring when I can take the kiddies to the zoo again. They love seeing animals up close hehe xox

    1. Sweet Daffny, that is one seriously awesome compliment, thank you very much. Like so many women, I'm way too hard on myself when it comes to my body and never almost never think in such positive terms, so knowing that you and perhaps others see me as having a nice figure is extremely touching and encouraging. Thank you so much!

      You're lucky to live near a zoo. There isn't one for hours around these parts and even the petting zoo that was about 45 minutes away shut down in late 2012. Boo!!! I think - and Annie would totally support this :D - that I should start one myself! :) (Joking, but I would adore that if such were possible.)

      Thank you again deeply - huge hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Sweet dear Jessica, how beautiful it might had been this day with the cute seals - memorable! I'm so happy that the bolero knitted by me made part of this beautiful day and kept you warm these days. It suits you really well! I love the green color with your skin. You look comfortable and adorable in your outfit. I love the colourful houses. I'm so happy to see these gorgeous photos! Thank you so much to write so kindly :-)

    Many hugs,

    1. Hello my darling friend, thank you again from the bottom of my heart for this incredibly pretty, well made, and timelessly classic knit bolero - it kept me warm and looking stylish alike during our trip and has continued to all fall and winter long. I love it to bits and do indeed feel very comfortable in it anytime I wear it. You are an awesome knitter and craftswoman, Beta, and I feel so blessed by the gifts you've bestowed upon me.

      Countless hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. what a cute and comfy looking outfit! ... how adorable are your little mates here! i love seals!

  23. Ahhh I have seals just like these as my laptop background - I don't think I need to bother explaining why they too are my favorite animals!!! I just love what funny and spirited creatures they are, they are so adorable and looking at pictures of them never fails to make me happy. I am absolutely jealous that you got to encounter them in the wild - and feed them! One day I would love to travel to a part of the world where there are lots of seals and see them in the wild, I think I would die of happiness.

    Your outfit looks so wonderfully cosy (must be the sweater!) but at the same time incredibly stylish, and I just can't get over how cute and sweet the streets of Vancouver Island are, just like a story book. Also the lighting/editing in these photos is just beautiful, if it wasn't for the wet floor I would never have guessed these were taken on a rainy day. Gorgeous photography as always!

    Going to start calling them 'Rock Sausages' from now on, what an adorable and perfectly suitable name for them :P

    1. Please do - it's pretty much the only way Tony and I refer to seals now. We've even started calling Annie a Rock Sausage sometimes when she's just laying about or sleeping (the former being rare, as she's an endless ball of cute energy) because of how much the seals reminded of us dogs and vice versa.

      Your comment gave me the great idea to make one of these fun seal pics my background, too, so I'm going to do so on the double. Thank you! I've been meaning to make my desktop one of our travel snaps actually and what could be better than one of these darling seal photos on that front?

      Believe me, you will die of happiness and of an overload of adorableness. The Pacific Coast of Canada has scores of seals in many parts, so that would be a great place for you to come and chill with a few Rock Sausages of your own for a while (and you know, maybe even meet up with me, too :)).

      The streets there really are like something from a vintage story book. Never in all my life, not even when I lived in Ireland, have I seen anywhere near the number of old homes and buildings, nor vibrantly hued houses as I did in that gorgeous island paradise. The fact that it was also rich in antique stores to boot, certainly didn't hurt either! :) I know that you would madly love Vancouver Island, honey, and I super hope that you get to visit it some day.

      Huge hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. Oh what a fun experience, and a lovely background for taking pictures! Floating houses? Oh, I would love to see those someday. :)


    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. You would love it there! Victoria is an incredibly charming, charismatic, beautiful city that marries old and new superbly, IMO. I really hope you and your sisters get a chance to visit some day and see the vibrantly hued floating houses - and so many other awesome things - in person, too.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. I remember you telling me about this day on my own post about seals, how wonderful to see the photos! What a wonderful time you had, and you look amazing, what a perfectly laid back outfit for the day!

  26. These photos bring sweet memories of my vacation last year!
    Victoria BC, I'm coming back soon!

    1. I miss it so much, too. If such were possibly (it's currently not), I would more to the Island in a heartbeat. As Tony said to me while we were there, if you were a city, Jess, you would be Victoria. I couldn't agree with him more and really hope we're able to get back there again soon, too.

      Happy travels, dear gal!

      ♥ Jessica

  27. Seals are just dogs of the ocean! I love them so much. This might be the best outfit I have ever seen you in - I love that brooch and cardi so much!

    1. Hello dear Holly, they really are! I'm convinced that were I mermaid, I would have a seal as my "dog". :)

      Thank you very much. It's always immensely interesting to know which of my outfits really strikes a chord with one of my readers. To me this is a very "everyday" sort of causal outfit and is quite in keeping with what you'd see me wearing at the dog park, yard saling in, or doing other outdoorsy activities while sporting. It's classic, comfy, and cute - my three c's of fashion! :)

      Have a fabulous Friday,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. Lovely pictures! Seals are so cute! So is your outfit. Love the bolero!!

  29. What a beautiful little sweater to wrap yourself up in and the colour..gorgeous!
    As the snow falls and the wind blows on yet another snow day it's wonderful to see a little bit of warmth and the feeding seal no less!

  30. I absolutely love the photos! :) Love your glow! I know you definitely had fun! And the seals are so cute!! :D Those eyes!

    1. They really are the cutest things imaginable! Thank you, dear gal. It's true, I was on cloud nine (if not higher still!) and had one of the best days ever that rainy early fall afternoon as we fed the seals.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  31. Darling, I don't know who's cuter - the seals, because they are seals and I love them, or you, with your cute little bolero, jeans, and saddles shoes. It might be a tie.
    I love the way all the deep jewel tones play together: the blue of your head scarf, the deep green of your sweater, and the burgundy of your tops. It's a great way to add a little richness and flair to a "jeans and t-shirt" outfit.
    I'm also thrilled at all these posts that you've gotten from your vacation. It must be nice to have parcelled them out like this, so that every time you post a new set of photos, you get to relive some of that fun once more.
    Jessica, Zella Maybe

    1. Aww, that's such a lovely thing to say, thank you!!! I've rarely shared this fact, but there's no compliment I like more about my attire than being told I look cute, so you can imagine how much your comparing me with such adorable critters means to me! :)

      It has been marvelous - and the timing actually couldn't have been more perfect, as winter tends to equate to less outfit posts due to bad weather and/or poor health. I wish it were possible for us to take a holiday at the start of fall to do the same thing every year. I doubt it will be, but it's still a good reminder to stock pile at least a few outfit shoots for the most brutal of winter days.

      Thank you again, my sweet friend. Have a fabulous weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  32. Sea creatures are the best thing in the world. They are so magical and cute. Loved your "chic navy" look :3

    1. That's a great way of referring to this type of outfit, dear gal. Thank you very much!

      Agreed, they're so incredibly awesome - and it's a heartbreaking shame how many suffer because of the affects of humans and industry on the environment in recent decades.

      Big hugs from snowy Canada,
      ♥ Jessica

  33. Ooh, hand feeding seals! Now that looks like fun!

    What also looks amazing is your super beautiful bolero. It caught my eye straight away, and it's so neat to hear that it was handmade by Miss Beta. It adds a lovely touch to your already lovely outfit. ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. It really is a charming, expertly well made bolero. I've been wearing it right, left and center this winter, but didn't want to photograph it again before this post went live. Now that it has, I'm sure it will appear here again in future outfit posts.

      Big hugs & tons of happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  34. Oh Jessica, seals, how absolutely lovely! What a privilege too, to be able to feed them.
    I too always thought my childhood dog Cyndi looked like a seal xxx

    1. That's really sweet, dear gal. I've seen some dogs, especially hounds and labs (I think it's the cuddly faces and short hair combo that does it) over the years that rather resembled seals, too.

      Big hugs & tons of happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  35. They're so cute! And so are you! ;) I love interacting with animals up close, and I've never seen seals before, even in an aquarium or zoo. It's so much nicer to see them out in the wild, anyway. Looks like it was a lovely day!

    1. Aww, why thank you, sweet dear! It really was as lovely a day as one can have in my books. I hope you're able to see and perhaps even interact with seals yourself one day as well. They're such clever, charming, animated critters and if you happen to bring fish, they're your new BFF's to boot! :)

      Big hugs & many happy wishes for February,
      ♥ Jessica

  36. I really like themed outfits, and that anchor on your cardigan looks so sweet ^^

    1. Aww, thank you very much, sweet gal! I adore themed outfits, too. I'm going to be posting another one later on this month (Feb) with photos from the day that we went out on whale watching trip (also while on Vancouver Island).

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  37. Oh! Que adorável! Bom ver que você está bem honey. Ficou muito bonita nas fotos e que lugar lindo!
    Gostei muito da sua calça de cintura alta e do cardigã feito pela querida Miss Beta.
    A combinação da camisa com o colar e o cardigã ficaram perfeitos! Sem falar da linda bolsa carteiro, sensacional!
    É muito bom documentar momentos especiais.
    Um grande abraço querida amiga Jéssica.

  38. Everything looks lovely, my dear! I am so sorry to hear you have been feeling a little under the weather as of late. Boo!!!! Let's hope February is better than ever for you.

  39. Seals are the cutest. They have such an adorable face, really much like a dog. They look so friendly and I do think they are. But you look just as cute as the seals, dear. That bolero really becomes you, and what a classy way to keep warm. Perhaps I should try knit one myself one day. I really do hope you have started feeling better, sweet pea. Yes, I am behind with your blog, but it is Wednesday, so I've planned catching up. Wishing you a lovely day, dear. e-hugs from snowy Denmark :)

    1. *Blush* Thank you very much, dear Sanne. These seals really were an immensely friendly bunch. I'd imagine that most (if not all) of them have been living in/around that harbour for years now and are totally used to interacting with humans, which no doubt helps make them seem all the more friendly.

      Thank you. I had thought I was starting to feel a touch better on Monday, but last night things reverted again and I'm still very much duking it out with this flare-up. Oh well! I'm beyond used to such things and know that it will pass sooner or later. In the meantime, I'm catching up on blogs, too, and doing online research + image hunting for some fun future posts.

      Enjoy your wonderful day off - huge hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  40. Oh wow! What a fabulous time you must have had! I would even manage to get over my aversion to fish if it meant that I could feed a seal. They are outrageously cute. I really like the casual outfit you have on for this activity, it looks super stylish yet warm and comfy. The bolero and the jeans go so well together. I particularly like the glimpse of the ice cream coloured wooden houses in the background. Are they common for that part of the world?

    1. That is a perfect way to describe them, dear Kate. They really are outrageously cute! I also love the in the midst of bustling, busy metropolis like Victoria, you can instantly connect with nature in a literal hands on sense, in mere minutes like this.

      Great question! Those vibrantly hued floating houses were magnificent and so cheery! Though I would say that Victoria has a great diversity of homes, including some in punchy hues, ones that colourful were largely specific (based on the areas of the city that I saw) to waterfront.

      Big hugs & many happy Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica
