
December 31, 2014

The times they are a changin'

The last morning of the last day of the last month of the year. So many lasts in order to usher in a brand, spanking new year tomorrow. But that is how change is born. We must part with the old, to usher in the new. It is the natural order of things and something that I'm personally very grateful for.

{May it truly be for each of us! Image source.}

It is entirely normal, as one year end and another draws so close we can all but taste it, to reflect on not only the past twelve months, but on the dozen that stand to follow ahead. At the very beginning of 2014, when it was as rosy cheeked as an hour old infant, I penned a heartfelt and personal post about twelve things that I hoped to accomplish in the year ahead. At various points throughout 2014, I've talked (to some degree at least) here about how most of those were coming along.

In certain areas, I've excelled, in others (for various reasons), there is still a lot of room for growth and further improvement. I did not fail to address any of them to an extent however, and I see that as a wholly positive move forward. Most of these twelve things will continue to be ones that I purposefully work at in the coming year as well.

In the nearly mystical realm of tomorrow, where everything and anything is theoretically possible, I know that I want to continue to simplify my life, to spend less and buy more of what I truly need and want (which won't be a problem, as for the sake of our household budget, my own modest monthly personal spending allowance is being slashed in half from January 1st onward), to shake off the small things that niggle at your mind all too easily, and to continue to get better at asking for more, taking on less other other peoples' problems as though there were my own, and finding ways to continue to experience the exhilarating joys of travel (even if it's close to home).

But what else will I do? I will continue to remind myself that I own my time. I will set aside a greater number of days when I'm not online, with any luck craft more again (for all intents, I haven't done so in two years and to any real degree for well over three now, and I miss it with a fiery passion). My blog and Etsy shop will be at the forefront of my professional world, whereas spending time in the company of Mother Nature, my family, great books, hobbies, and periods of genuine relaxation will, I sincerely hope, fill my hours when I'm not working.

As 2014 began to dwindle down like the last pointy tip you've licked into existence on a candy cane, I started to feel a powerful voice deep inside my soul telling me to focus on the things I just mentioned. Each time I listened to it, my day was better, my life (if only briefly) was less stressful, my anxiety levels dropped, and often (perhaps not surprisingly) I also felt various positive effects on my health.

I'm not the same person I was when 2014 began. None of us are. We've lived and grown, laughed and cried, tried and failed, been jubilant and distraught, smiled and frowned, and through it all we've hung on and hopefully we're better off, at least on some fronts, then we were twelve months ago. I feel the winds of change a blowin'. I've always been the sort to follow my gut, but I know all the more now at the age of thirty now, to truly listen when it speaks and to follow my heart in the process.

I feel certain old skins, so to speak, falling away and the prospect of an amazing year ahead. Will it be? Only time will tell, but it certainly has the potential and that alone should be plenty to light the spark that will ignite each of our dreams, goals, and ambitions for the coming year.

{Beautiful vintage words of poetry with which to cap off this year and wave a hearty hello to 2015. Image source.}

Let us neither mourn the loss, nor blindly celebrate the end of 2014. Whether is was staggering awful or incredibly awesome, or anywhere in between for you, for none of us would be here without it.

That fact alone makes is worth raising a glass to as we watch the ball drop and indulge in an evening of daydreaming, hoping and believing in the ingrained power of a whole new set of months upon which to write the next chapter of our lives.


  1. Hoping you had a Merry Christmas and wishing you a wonderful, exciting, adventurous New Year!

  2. Magnificently said! I'm particularly fond of the sentiment that you can neither blindly celebrate nor criticize the ending year. It's a time to think and to consider what we've learned, whether those lessons came from good or bad experiences, and to apply that knowledge to the future. I hope you have a truly fantastic 2015, my dear, and I wish you all the best in achieving your goals!


  3. Best wishes for a wonderful new year, Jessica! I hope 2015 is your best year yet!

  4. I wish you all the best in 2015, Jessica. Looking forward to seeing what a new year brings for you!

    1. Thank you very much, my darling friend, with all my heart, I wish you and Mel and your loved ones a stellar, enjoyable, healthy, happy, and very vintage filled 2015!

      ♥ Jessica

  5. Beautifully and wonderful said Jessica. Here is to a never boring 2015..I'm sure! Have a wonderful evening and happy new year Dear Jessica :)

    Liz :) The Vintage Inn

    1. You're always so sweet, dear Liz, thank you very much. I hope that you and your loved ones all have a fantastic and very fun filled celebration today, as well as a healthy, happy, amazing 2015! I second your toast to a year that is never dull and hope it proves to be an awesome one for both of us!

      ♥ Jessica

  6. Brilliant. While retrospection is often mocked, it can be vitally useful when we focus on improving our lives. Which usually means steering closer to our authentic self and paying less attention to society's dictates. You are doing that. Your new path will bring you closer to bliss -- and I'm standing on the side of the road cheering you on. Happy New Year, Jessica!

  7. Here's to 2015 I hope you have a wonderful year. x

  8. Jessica, you are incredibly beautiful and insightful. Thank you for this post. I'm feeling the same way with the ending of 2014. It wasn't a horrible year ... it was just ... challenging, like building a house from plans that you only sort of understand. Or putting together IKEA furniture. HA! 2015 is filling this house with all its glory -- so many good, solid goals. So much excitement. 2014 will always be the year that I finished and successfully defended my dissertation. What will 2015 be?

    Happy New Year, doll!

    1. I seriously think that one should get a $10,000 prize at the end of the year if they've successfully built Ikea furniture in the past 12 months! :D Jokes aside, you really have had a challenging past couple of years and I am so proud of everything you've accomplished, my sweet friend. I may not always comment, but I try to read all of your blog posts and know that life has been anything but a walk in the park for you lately.

      You are an inspiring, strong, beautiful woman and I feel very happy to know you and to get to share in welcoming the new year together in the blogosphere.

      With all my heart, I wish you a happy, healthy, less stress, truly beautiful 2015!
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Beautifully, poetically's to a wonderful new year for you and yours!

    1. Thank you deeply, dear lady - not only for this lovely comment, but for each and every one you brightened my days with here this year.

      Have a joyful, awesome, seriously beautiful New Year and 2015!
      ♥ Jessica

  10. Happy 2015! I really appreciated your comment on my very similar post, especially the part where you said that some people think New Year's resolutions have to be this crazy, grand thing that you will never actually accomplish. Taking time for yourself and focusing on things that really matter are so important for health, happiness, and sanity. From your updates here, it sounds like 2014 was a big, exciting year for you, and I hope that 2015 is just as big and exciting, if maybe a little less stressful.

    1. I'm noticing a lot of people opting to take their New Year's posts in a very reflective direction this year and I rather love that (what I wore/what I Instagrammed/where I went/etc posts are great and have their place, but sometimes I really like seeing into the mind and soul of the bloggers I follow and posts like yours and mine tend to give a greater sense of those things). I penned this one earlier in the month and with each passing day, I found the words in it ringing more and more true in my life. My keyword and a huge source of motivation for me next year (2015) is definitely going to be balance and living even more in the moment.

      Thank you very much for each and every one of your lovely, insightful, caring, terrific blog comments this year, dear Jess. I have enjoyed reading all of them and getting to know you better through them.

      Have an amazing New Year's Eve!!!
      ♥ Jessica

      ♥ Jessica

  11. What a delightful post, both a strong reflection of the year that is coming to a close and a beautiful optimistic outlook on the year ahead.


  12. Best wishes from Normandie, France!
    And I hope for this new year that I'll better read and write english to follow your blog! ;-)

    1. Merci, sweet dear!!! Thank you for the lovely wishes and comment. Thankfully vintage is a universal language that we all speak and are able to enjoy through images - and with the help of Google Translate. :)

      Have a joyful, awesome, and very fun filled New Year!!!
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Cheers! Here's to 2015 my friend! I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve tonight.


  14. I wish you and Tony a Happy, Healthy New Year, Jessica! This is a beautiful post, wonderful written. :) I send you a big, if virtual, hug!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Mary. With all my heart, I wish you and your family a truly fabulous, fun filled and joyful New Year's and 2015!

      ♥ Jessica

  15. This is a lovely post, Jessica. I hope 2015 is amazing to you and your family!

  16. Happy New Year, Jessica! Coming from a non-hungover me as I'm tackling the first of my goals - to give up drinking (for reasons I'll go into another day). It feels good to start as you mean to go on! I hope your aims for work and play succeed - here's to a great year! CC x

  17. Jessica,
    Allow me to raise the glass (no need to fill it with alcohol, it might as well be warm cocoa!) and say "Cheers!": for the new year, new memories, new beginnings and good friends!


    ...and I'm glad my counting was so accurate (and the Post as well), that your present reached you exactly at high time. ;)

  18. Wonderful post, Jessica, and you do indeed own your time. Happy New Year to you, I hope that 2015 will bring you much love, peace, joy and good health. Hugs. :)

  19. Such a beautiful post. You have put lots of things I am feeling into words. Wishing you a fun, creative, happy, healthy, relaxed, prosperous and adventure filled 2015.

    1. What a beautiful wish, dear Kate, thank you dearly. With all my heart and soul, I wish you the very same as well.

      Thank you for the blessing of your friendship and for the continual support and encouragement you shower me and my blog with. I eagerly look forward to sharing a new year with you and all the fun messages and comments (and mail) we'll swap back and forth throughout 2015.

      Endless hugs & joyful first weekend of the year wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. Hear hear! I hope you had a great new year, and I'm wishing you the best of luck with the things you hope to accomplish this year.

    I'm feeling so excited to begin the new year. I have a few things that I want to accomplish, but I've decided that my biggest goal for this year is to work at being honest with myself. I sometimes fall into the trap of just telling myself the things I want to hear, and ignore red flags that tell me that I'm not making the best choices. I want to learn to listen to my inner voice more and be honest about the things that make me happy, and those that don't.

  21. I hope you had a wonderful Xmas and a Happy New Year!

  22. Happy New Year Sweetie, and may it be filled with renewed Health, Vigor and Positive Energy... with which to achieve all that you dream possible!! XOXO

    1. Huge thanks and equally joyful New Year's wishes coming straight back at you, my wonderful friend.

      May 2015 bless you and your family with an abundance of all that is good, positive and fun in life!

      ♥ Jessica

  23. very well said! so many of my friends haven't had a great time this year but what you said is completely true, none of us would be here without it. none of us would exist without it, but also we wouldn't be where we are right now, emotionally, physically and in every other way without the experiences the past year has brought us, and whether it's been wonderful or awful, everything that happens and that we do is a learning experience and we all need to keep that in mind and appreciate the lessons that have come to us through even the hardest times. :)

    jessica -

    1. Thank you deeply, dear gal. I'm really happy to know that my words reverberated with you as well. Here's to the hope that 2015 sparkles and abounds with positive things, joy, laughter, fun and plenty of great new adventures for both of us!

      Giant hugs & my sincerest thanks for all of your wonderful blog comments in 2014,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. "to simplify my life, to spend less and buy more of what I truly need and want" - this is my goals too, and I am on my way already. Having Wednesday off is so good for me, and being creative with things and materials I already own is very inspirational and I feel so proud having made something nice without spending a dime. :) I am sad you have to cut your very little spending money in half, I don't know why but I do know that you are very frugal and clever so I am sure you can work it out. I've started a wardrobe project, I will try wearing items I rarely wear to figure out why. Perhaps I can make new sets, make changes to garments to make them work or give them to charity (or sell them in my Etsy shop if they are vintage). I will do the same for my shoes, makeup, and huge nail polish collection. On New Years morning I had to try on dresses to decide what to wear on New Years eve, and quickly sorted out a huge bag of clothes that I am sure I will never wear again. I had several bags "in store" waiting to go to the local charity shop, so DH helped me carrying it all and the elderly ladies thanked me so much. It feels good to get rid of it, I really want more simplicity. I really want to only own things I love and use, and not being distracted by a lot of stuff. I just have to convince DH the same, he simply cannot resist a good bargain. ;) Happiest New Year and all good wishes, dear. I will be lookin forward to following you for another year. lots of e-hugs from rainy Denmark

    1. Way to go, dear Sanne! I am so inspired by your intentional day off and plan to implement it myself. I foresee the day of the week changing quite often, but that's okay. The key is to intentionally set aside a day with no work or other big sources of stress/worry/etc in your life and just focus on feeling good, having fun, being creative, and letting your body, mind and soul alike all rest (this past week, that was Sunday for me; I watched movies and read books then went to my parents for a lovely hot dog roast over their wood fire in the evening).

      It is a blow for sure, but with the price of daily items like food, utilities and gas (petrol) going up pretty much by the month here, but salaries staying the same (assuming one is fortunate to have a job/source of income to begin with), it means constantly having to tighten and re-tighten one's belt and purse strings. I'll be fine. I have plenty of clothes and craft supplies and even unread books, so objectively there isn't a ton I genuinely need to spend money on. I'm content with what I have and will always love that one of my greatest joys in life, writing/blogging doesn't really cost a thing (save for pens, paper, domain hosting, and minor expenses like that).

      I've done a few massive wardrobe overhauls and donations like that over the years and know exactly what you mean about how liberating it feels. The older I get, the more I want simplicity in most areas of my life as well and believe that culling your wardrobe periodically is an important step in that direction. The last time I did a big culling was before we moved to Penticton in early 2012. I donated multiple bags of (non-vintage) clothes to a local charity thrift store as well and loved the room it freed up in my closet and my ability to focus on the items I really loved still at the time, too.

      Here's to an amazing year of simple joys, great pleasures, and always taking time to stop and connect with our creative side!

      ♥ Jessica

  25. That is such a sweet illustration and poem. Many of your thoughts resonated personally with me - honestly 2014 had some very difficult times for me, but as you say here we are and much has changed - ultimately I believe all for the better. I am hoping you WILL be able to control your busyness/stress levels next year while still doing what you love and do so well. Belated happy new year to you, dear Jessica!

  26. Wonderful post dear Jessica, so well expressed, like just you do. I love the poem that closes the post and left me a big smile on my face. I believe 2015 will be much better and I wish you that so many good things happen to you. Happy New Year my dear friend! :)

    Beta x

    1. Thank you deeply, honey. I feel exactly the same way. I think that 2015 is going to be a year of a lot of work, but also a lot of positives and I'm excited to welcome each new day with open arms and a hopeful heart.

      Giant hugs & endless happy wishes for 2015,
      ♥ Jessica

  27. So many wonderful things happened to you in 2014 and taking time for ourselves in a important thing that we often push aside. Because when we do, whether it's pleasure reading, taking your dog for a walk, even a little exercise to clear your mind... in the long run it could even help stress and health wise.
