
November 23, 2014

Flickr Favourites: November 23, 2014

{McCall's February 1947 ~ SaltyCotton}

{Lost ~ Vibeke Sonntag}

{J.Paul & sons Mannequin Parade 1949 ~ Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums}

{Hotpoint Customline ad ~ tikitacky}

{Pink and black from McCall's, December 1952 ~ Page}

{Ukiah's palace hotel (desaturated) ~ Jane Marie Cleveland}

{The Redhead in Pink! ~ Lucy Fan}

{Untitled ~ Kitten Lover}

{Hedy Lamarr on the cover of Photoplay, May 1944 ~ Silverbluestar}

{Inside a Pink Poinsettia ~ Janine Russell}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on its title to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

A month and two days are all that separate us from Christmas at this point in time. For my dear US friends south of the 49th however, first there is the joyous event that is Thanksgiving this coming Thursday. A day of feasting, family, and football. Here in Canada, we celebrate our Thanksgiving Day in the first half of October (on the second Monday of that month), so we have to wait the aforementioned thirty-two days before we can indulge a scrumptious holiday turkey meal again.

Festive preparations are already underway for many however, as we shop for gifts, mail cards, hang decorations, attend holiday parties and plays, go hunting for a tree, festoon our homes with glowing lights and brace ourselves for the oh-so-long months of winter that lay ahead.

As vibrancy drains from the outside world once more, I'm in the mood for one of my favourite colour pairings, grey and pink (two hues that are often seen in November’s earthy palette), so I shone the spotlight on them with today's selection of Flickr images.

November blew in on an arctic-y wind here in Penticton, with temperatures several degrees below the season norm most days, and as such fall - my absolute favourite season - ended even more quickly this year (effectively, I kid you not, on Halloween night). In turn winter will feel all the more lengthy as a result – because, let's face it, the likelihood of an early spring here in Canada is next to nil.

The same rang true for many across the world and if one thing can be said in favour early snowflakes, icicles, and retreating mercury, its' that a premature winter does really help put you in the mood to welcome and celebrate Christmas and the other fabulous holidays that last few weeks of the year house.

First though, I hope that all of my US friends have a marvelous Thanksgiving this coming week and that we each get at least a week or two more of autumn's serenity (even if its weather has long vanished) to recharge our batteries with before hopping (Santa hat adorned) head first in the Christmas season.

Speaking of which, if you haven't done so already, please don't forget to signup for (and share about) Chronically Vintage's first annual Vintage Secret Santa. There are two more days to do, then I'll begin sending out everyone's gift exchange matches via email (if you haven't received your match by the 30th of November, please let me know). Things are going awesomely on the #vintagesecretsanta front, with about 200 people having signed already.

This is really going to be such a fun, fabulously festive way to further delight in the merriment and generosity of the season for everyone involved and I sincerely appreciate how many of you are taking part in it!


  1. Pink and grey iis one of my favourite colour combinations too. Thank you for another lovely collection of inspirational photos. And TWO HUNDRED secret Santas! That's wild! I think it is a fabulous idea, and I thank you for taking the time to make it. I cannot wait to see who will be my match. Wishing you a lovely Sunday. :)

    1. It's my sincere pleasure, dear Sanne. I know that they aren't always as popular as say an outfit or "Top 25 vintage what-have-you" type of posts, but I sincerely enjoy putting together and sharing my Flickr Favourite posts, especially they're usually a snapshot of what's on my mind (or at least one thing that's on my mind) in the moment - which, if you think about it, is rather fitting given that I'm using images sourced from one of the biggest photography sites in the world. :)

      That number of Vintage Secret Santa participants has shot up even further and we're now at over 250 people who has joined. Today is the last day and I'm very, very excited to see what the final count is come tomorrow.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. Dear Jessica fabulous post as always! That kitchen is a dream to cook Thanksgiving in. I love the style and the space.
    Here is Australia the Thanksgiving tradition is not taking over but when you walk through the supermarkets you can see definitely who is American. The trolley is packed with traditional Thanksgiving items....

  3. thank you for all that lovely pinky-gray images on my b-day! :-)
    i take the mcCall´s dress and that fluffy cat! - yes, one month until x-mas. time is running. i hope for some snow, the garden looks too gray now....

  4. I'm so amazed at how popular the Secret Santa thing is! Not surprised, but definitely excited. I think it's really lovely way to build connections in the vintage community, maybe even with people you've never encountered before.
    I love the pairing of gray and pink, and while I don't wear it that often, I feel like a lot of standout outfits revolve around it. It's just so subtly pretty, and very flattering on pretty much anyone. That first photo is seriously dreamy, and I love the one of Hedy Lamarr as well.

    1. I'm thrilled by how much it's taken off and spread like wildfire, too. We've got over 250 who have signed up and there's still a few hours left for folks to do so, if they'd like. I really hope that this can become an ongoing annual tradition and that the number of participants will grow larger with each passing year. I'm so thrilled and excited about this year, too! I swear, I've had happiness butterflies in my stomach for two weeks now thanks to it. :)

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Such lovely pictures pink and grey are always a gorgeous combo

    retro rover

  6. Beautiful color combination :)

    I am absolutely IN LOVE with that pink kitchen!!!

    1. Isn't it sensationalist? I have hits of pink in my (small) kitchen right now (such as my pink Kitchenaid stand mixer), though grey and brown are the main colours. I'd truly love to have a predominately pink kitchen and/or bathroom of my own one day. That's a decor fantasy that stretches back to childhood for me. :)

      Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Pink and grey are a fabulous combination as these lovely photos show so well. I want the 1940's dress and that fabulous kitchen. My Grandma often had Yardley products so it was nice to see their glamorous ad too.

    1. How wonderfully lovely that this ad stirred treasured memories of your Grandma. Yardley is such an iconically British brand to me. I don't believe I've ever tried any of their products, but I have long admired their ads from various eras (including the doe eyed, uber girly ones of the swinging sixties).

      Oodles of hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Oh, the Lucille Ball in a pretty pink blouse/sweater was absolutely lovely!!! See you can be a red head and dare to wear pink. And boy does she look lovely in it!!

    1. Very much so! I've been a ginger or auburn haired gal for most of the last 14-15 years now and have never given up my beloved pink. As with all colours, it's simply a matter of finding the right hues for one's skin, hair and eye tones. I really believe that almost anyone can wear some shade of any colour (yellows and oranges, for example, are tricky for me, but if I stick to the very light and very dark shades of both, I'm usually safe :)).

      Hope you're having a terrific week!

      ♥ Jessica
