
September 16, 2014

Fill out Chronically Vintage's 2014 survey and you could win big!

It has been well over two years (I know, where on earth does the time go?!) since we last had a reader survey here on Chronically Vintage, and in the face of an ever changing, ever evolving online universe, I thought it was high time for another.
This survey includes questions not only about Chronically Vintage the blog, but also the Etsy shop, as well as CV on social media. From day one, your impute and feedback have always been extremely important to me and I genuinely care about what kind of an experience you have when you interact with any of my sites. I value and adore my readers and online friends and would wholeheartedly appreciate it if you took a few quick minutes to fill out this survey.

{Now's your chance, take this Chronically Vintage reader poll, tell me your thoughts loud and clear, and you could win a $75.00 Chronically Vintage Etsy store credit to spend on anything in the shop. I can't wait to hear what you save to say. Image source.}

Once you've done so, please leave me a comment on this post letting me know that you've taken the survey. All comments will automatically be entered in a draw for a $75.00 store credit, which can be put towards any item (or items) in my Etsy vintage shop (that is/are available at the time you redeem your store credit).

Please note that if the item(s), including shipping, that are selected exceed $75.00, the additional cost is the responsibility of the winner. If you have any questions about this giveaway, please don't hesitate to email me any time.
In one month's time (I want to keep it open for a month to give lots of folks the chance to fill it out), I will use a random number generator to draw the winner, contact them via email or Facebook private message, and announce their name on Facebook and/or Twitter. This giveaway is open to readers from around the world and the only condition for entry is that you fill out the the survey below.
In addition, to thank you for filling out this survey, all those who complete it will receive a special, limited time coupon code (upon completion of the survey) which they can use in the shop until October 16, 2014.

Please note that your answers are completely anonymous and confidential. I will see your answers, but I won't know who or where they're coming from, so please be as honest and forthright as you'd like when filling out these questions.


Thank you very, very much, everyone, for your time and help. I'm always on the hunt for new and innovative ways to grow and better my blog, shop, and social media presences, and really look forward to studying the data this immensely helpful survey will provide me with and doing just that as we head into the last leg of this year and well beyond.


  1. I completed your survey, hope it is helpful.

  2. The social media question and the last question about your YouTube selection were radio buttons instead of checkboxes, so I was unable to check more than one. I wrote in the boxes more details, but I thought you should know.

    1. You're wonderful, Brandy, thank you very much for being the amongst the first people to do so. I've edited the survey and hope that the boxes now show up as they're supposed to. Many thanks for letting me know.

      ♥ Jessica

  3. I took the survey!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  4. I've filled in the survey for you! <3

  5. I had the same trouble but I left extra comments. I love everything about your blog by the way and think it's very well balanced! Your blog offers some of the best variety of posts out there. I love outfit posts but really enjoy and appreciate that your blog is so much more. One thing that would be fun to see more of would be interviews with other bloggers. :)

    1. That is immensely touching and encouraging to hear, sweet Emily, thank you deeply (I really mean). Duly noted - thank you for letting me know that you'd enjoy seeing more interviews with bloggers. I'll be having an interview here with a Canadian historical fiction writer later this fall, which I hope you'll really enjoy. Would you ever be interested in being interviewed (here) yourself?

      ♥ Jessica

    2. I'd be honored to "sit" for an interview, that would be so much fun! Feel free to send me a list of question or topics to discuss. But maybe sometime this winter once things settle down after the wedding and moving to a new house. :) Let's keep in touch about it! I'm so excited you asked.

    3. Awesome, Emily, thank you. Winter works way better for me as well (or so it appears it will at this point in time), and we'll definitely stay in touch about this as the snow starts falling again. I'm really looking forward to it!

      ♥ Jessica

  6. I took the survey!

    I noticed the same thing about the "not able to click more than one."

  7. I filled out the survey!

  8. I had some trouble with the "what kind of videos" questions, since I could only select one answer. As Brandy did, I just typed my other choices into the comment box. I hope the feedback is helpful!

  9. Survey complete! =)

  10. Hello lovely ladies, thank you each very much for your feedback. For some reason, despite the program (Google Drive) that I used to create this survey giving me the option to give you the option to select multiples, the ability to do so isn't showing up in the survey that you're taking. Many apologies about that - I think it's a wee bug in their system (or very poor wording), but will keep checking to see if I can indeed give you the option here to select multiple lines in the same question.

    ♥ Jessica

  11. This is a wonderful way to get reader feedback. I hadn't realized how many types of posts you do until you listed them all, no wonder I never get bored. As far as the social media question: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube. Damn, I sound like a stalker.

    She Knits in Pearls

    1. Not at all, I'm thoroughly touched by how many places you're keen to connect with me on, dear gal. Thank you - and thank for taking this survey. You know, that isn't even a complete list at all, but I didn't want the question to be the size of a small book, so I capped it before it crossed the twenty line mark. I've always been far too eclectic a soul to only focus on one or few topics. :)

      ♥ Jessica

  12. That was a pretty fun survey. I look forward to what CV has in store for us and thanks for offering us such a neat giveaway!

  13. Hello! I submitted the survey and I will be following you on the youtube now if I can figure out how, hehe. I think the giveaway is terribly generous! Most others are pretty skinflint (hehehe) on their giveaway but that's real swell of you! And thanks for the % off your shop!

  14. Survey done! You can find me at missionamanda at gmail dot com. =)

  15. I also took the survey and would have liked to click more than one button and sometimes "all of the above"!

  16. I completed the survey, and I clicked finish before I realized I wanted to write something else haha! The only other thing I was going to say was, I am also really glad that you are Canadian, because I am too- and Canadian vintage girls are few and far between!

  17. I've done the survey too! It ends in <3 <3 <3 :-D

  18. I know someone already said they sound like a stalker, but I sound disinterested - I only follow you on Bloglovin'! I don't use Instagram etc and I'm terrible for never commenting (on this and other blogs I follow) but I do enjoy what you do :)

    1. Thank you very much, I appreciate your readership immensely and am delighted to know that you enjoy my blog.

      ♥ Jessica

  19. I've completed your survey Jessica, although I love your blog just as-is :)

  20. What a great way of finding out what makes your readers tick. Thanks

  21. Done! Thanks for the coupon. I may have to treat myself.

  22. Filled this out this morning before work and forgot to comment! I read all your posts and often don't comment I am so bad at that, sorry! Looking forward to seeing the new content that comes from this survey:)

  23. Hi Jessica,

    I completed the survey. I always enjoy reading your blog, it is so well done. :)

  24. Hi Jessica,

    I completed the survey. I always enjoy reading your blog, it is so well done. :)

  25. I finished it! An echoing the people who couldn't do the 'what social media' and the 'what kinds of videos' answers properly

  26. I completed the survey, Jessica. It was fun!

  27. Done. :) I will always help you, dear.

  28. Just finished your survey. Thanks for the opportunity!

  29. Took the survey! Thanks for such an amazing giveaway!


  30. I completed your wonderful survey:) There were a couple of spots where I could only choose one but wanted to choose more:)) I don't really subscribe to any YouTube channels but I do like to watch yours when a new video appears:)) Your writing on your blog just comes from your heart and this can be seen by your wide array of audience:) The photography is also just amazing!

  31. oh how fun! i have to say, Jessica, that i would have filled it out weather you had offered the giveaway or not. i just find it so fun to fill quizzes and surveys. You have such a great space here, i always enjoy coming :)

  32. Took your survey..Hope it's helps you. :)

  33. FINALLY got around the completing the survey! Yay! Thanks for the opportunity, Jessica!


  34. I was happy to complete your survey

  35. I am not so sure about the social media questions ... well I usually follow your blog ( which I love ) and, sometimes have a look at your etsy shop ... but not often see the options you named ...

  36. I completed the survey. Keep up the good work with everything, you've done so well and achieved so much this year. xxx

  37. Did the survey, keep up the good work!

  38. Hi I'm done with the survey! Love your blog!! :)

  39. I've completed the survey, great idea for getting feedback, but I love your blog anyway, your writing style is lovely and interesting.

  40. Done- what a great way to get some feedback :-) xx

  41. I did it! love the clothes and travel and house décor. Keep it up!

  42. I filled out the survey. I also have Fibro, which made me interested in you also. I know you've had a crazy but good summer. Hope your feeling well with no flares in sight.

  43. Completed, thank you! :)

  44. Completed! Thanks for such a neat place to visit, and shop :)

  45. Finally took the survey, one day before it closes! Procrastination much? LOL

  46. I submitted my survey! I do not know if it will be helpful, as I am not a vintage clothing wearer or expert, but I do read your blog and check out your etsy store! Is vintage hat/glove/jewelry enthusiast ok?
