
May 8, 2014

A huge thank you and 12 ways you can help my Etsy shop grow

It's been 48 hours precisely since I announced the grand opening of my Etsy shop. The response, both in terms of each of your incredibly kind, supportive, and encouraging blog comments, emails, Facebook and Etsy private messages has been nearly overwhelming. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and every one of you who has shared an uplifting, wonderfully sweet word with me, as well as to all those who have placed orders from my shop already. I appreciate both more than I could ever begin to put in towards and really feel like the shop is off to a stellar start!

{Throngs of you flocked to my shop in it's first 48 hours, with a total of about 3,000 pageviews in the first 48 hours alone. Talk about making a vintage loving, entrepreneurial gal feel loved! Image source.}

One of my goals for 2014 was to try and get better at asking for things. This is an area, as I discussed in my New Year's post on the subject of this year's goals, that I have struggled with (massively) my whole life. Even just typing the words of this post puts a knot in my throat and stomach alike, but one can't rightly attempt to make headway on the improvement front if they don't at least try or do whatever it is they want to become more confident in. And so, to that end, I was wondering if you, my awesome readers and friends, could please help me spread the good word about my Etsy shop.

I know that some of you have done one or more of these things already and I appreciate that you have with all my heart and heart and soul, just as I do those actions that anyone does as a result of reading this post (or anytime). One of the best and most beautiful elements of the online vintage community is how we rally around, support, and help one another, and today I would be honoured if you could do just that for me by undertaking any one - or more - of the following things.

-Favourite (heart) my shop on Etsy.

-Favourite (heart) as many of my Etsy listings that you like.

-Create one or more Etsy treasuries that includes one of the shop's listings.

-Post the shop and/or any of my listings that catch your on Facebook page.

-Tweet about the shop and/or any of my listings on Twitter.

-Pin any and all listings (the more the merrier!) to any of your Pinterest boards that you like. (I'm not on Tumblr, but by all means, if you are, feel free to post them on that site, too.)

-Post about the shop and/or any listings(s) you'd like on Google+.

-Stumble the shop and/or any listings you'd fancy on StumbleUpon.

-Include one ore more items from the shop in a Polyvore set.

-Instagram/regram any image from the shop (please just mention where it came from), any ol' time your heart desires.

-Blog about my shop's opening and/or include one or more of my listings in any of your posts - now or anytime - that you'd like. (And certainly feel free to blog about anything you've bought from me, either before it arrives or after. If you have a photo of yourself wearing an item you've purchased from the shop, please feel free to email it to me anytime and I'd be more than happy to include it in a future custom appreciation blog post here, with a link to your own blog, if you'd like.)

-Plus any other way you can think of! Want to interview me about my shop, discuss collaborating in some way, or anything else? Just let me know, I would love to team up with you and help introduce Chronically Vintage on Etsy to as large an audience as possible.

You, ladies and gents, know me and that it's very out of character for me to put out a call to action like this, but in becoming a small business owner, I've already had to do a lot of things that were outside of my (ultra shy, ultra confrontation fearing) comfort zone, and do you know what? I honestly feel like I've grown as a person and am very grateful that I had/needed to do every one of those things, which is how I think I'll feel about this post and about asking you to help me get the word out about my new shop, too.

I mean it with the utmost of sincerity when I say thank you.

Thank you for your support, for your help, for your encouragement, for your business, and for every way you'll play a roll in Chronically Vintage's Etsy success. This shop will flourish all the more because of each of you!

 photo GrandopeningEtsyshopcouponcode_zps42c86a59.png

PS: Don't forget to take advantage of the coupon code GRANDOPENING to save 15% off on all purchases until May 12, 2014.


  1. Oh yes of course I LL have a look at your etsy shop !
    So happy you created one !
    Take care Jessica,


  2. Congratulations my dear! So very happy for you. I shall definitely have a good look at your Etsy store once I get a moment.
    May x

  3. I have already said it, but I am going to say it again: congratulations with your wonderful Etsy shop. It looks reaaaally good, Jessica. But that didn't surprise me, if I may say so, because - following you for a while now - I noticed that everything you do turns out rather good. You can be sure of it that I am to be found on your etsy store more than once.

    All the best with it!


    1. Thank you very much, sweet Lindsay. That is a touching and beautiful compliment. You have impeccable vintage taste and style, so I value your impute all the more. You've made my morning big time, honey, thanks again!!!

      ♥ Jessica

  4. Congratulations with your shop!

  5. Hello my dearest friend Jessica,

    Oh how I love your shop! I so much wanted to purchase the vintage red glass stone and gold flower wheat shaft bow brooch, and my finger was on the trigger several times, but alas, for the time being, I cannot make any such purchase. However, if and when I get some spending money, I shall visit your lovely shop.

    I posted about your shop this morning, and that is why I had not yet made a comment here - I wanted to put up the post first so that you would know just how much I love you and want to support your efforts.

    Love and hugs,

  6. Congrats! :) I favorited your shop and tweeted it. ♥

  7. How about a free ad on my humble blog? :) Sent me jpg and I'll put it up the coming weekend. I know I'm not world famous like you, but it is free. lots of e-hugs

    1. That would be seriously awesome, dear Sanne. Thank you very much!!! I will email you soon and want you to know how truly much your kindness and support of my shop mean to me.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Once this dissertation insanity is over I'll be more than happy to start promoting your shop, dear friend. Heck, I have a special post all planned out about our discussion over email about buying vintage. This will fit nicely into it. I truly wish you good mojo, lots of luck, and super amounts of love. You go girl!

    1. My sweet friend, that would be beyond fabulous. Thank you, thank you, thank you soooo much!!! I appreciate your support and love for my shop to no end. Really, thank you!!!

      ♥ Jessica

  9. your shop is lovely and I wish I had a few more pennies now as that vintage poodle brooch is particularly fetching. Im sure if its still in your shop after Ive put aside a bit of saving it might come home with me. I wish you tons of luck and I did mention the shop on m blog today

    retro rover

  10. Bom Dia!
    Seu blog foi escolhido como um dos favorito da semana, venha conferir!
    ♥Beijokas da Cris, blog Mix da Cris RetrĂ´!♥

  11. Hello sweet friend! I'm so happy with how wonderful everything turned out with the shop opening. I'm sure that with everybody spreading the word about it, it will bring more people to you. Your beautiful shop has everything to be a winner! Quality, prettiness, honest and friendly owner. Congratulations again honey! :)

    Miss Beta

  12. I know I don't get a lot fo traffic on my blog (yet anyway!) but I would be delighted to have a button that links to your shop!!!

    1. That's tremendously nice of you, dear Kim, thank you very much. I was just saying to Tony a couple of days ago that I must make, or have someone make me (graphic designer, I am not) just such a sidebar button/graphic. I plan to get the ball rolling on that this week and will let you know once I have one. Thank you again so much - it's really encouraging to know that you want to post it on your beautiful blog.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Your Shop is lovely indeed, and it's getting some well-deserved recognition!! Congratulations!

    I understand the amount of work it takes to get a Shop up and running---and kudos to you for taking the plunge, because the work will continue for quite some time!! However, there really is nothing better than helping someone find a treasured item that becomes adored & cherished, and an Etsy shop is a fabulous way to do this! Their joy will keep you going through the long and busy days and nights : )

    I will be delighted to Pin & Tweet and Fave and all that stuff that adds up to more people becoming aware of your fetching finds!


    1. Hi Diana,

      Thank you very much not only for your understanding, but for your wonderfully nice help with spreading the word about my budding shop across social media. I appreciate it to my core and am always here to help return the favour, if you'd like (or if you'd like to collaborate in some other capacity).

      Massive thanks!!!
      ♥ Jessica

  14. Congratulations, I hope your shop will do well and will fulfill one of your life goals. I am too aiming for opening my own shop someday, but I want to finish my studies and start carrer first. My fingers are crossed for you :3

  15. I am so glad that your shop has had a successful opening, it must be so exciting. It is something that has been on my to do list for a long while but I have been a bit scared and unsure. However, you have been an inspiration so I am going to think about it seriously. I would be very happy to put a button on my blog to your shop. I am having a think of other ways of promotion that I could help with. Hope you are very much enjoying being a store owner.x

  16. What a cute idea, Jessica! I know your delightful taste and I am sure you will be selecting the most beautiful vintage items for your new shop!

  17. I wouldn't know how to collaborate, but would love to do so in the future! And I'll try and get a post featuring my favorite items from your shop soon. Would next week be soon enough? I'm trying to catch up on my writing/revising.

    1. That would be thoroughly awesome, dear Sean, thank you very much. Anytime that works for you is wonderful for me. I appreciate your desire to help spread the good word, in any way you'd like, about my shop from the bottom of my heart.

      ♥ Jessica
