
March 20, 2014

Discussing fashion, crafts, and the perfect Saturday afternoon with Marcy from Manhattan Hippy Vintage

This month Chronically Vintage has been blessed and delighted to welcome our largest number of new blog sponsors in a given month to date, one of the most recent of which is a seriously terrific etsy shop called Manhattan Hippy Vintage.

What strikes you at first glance about Manhattan Hippy, aside from their smile-inducingly awesome name, is the fact this etsy shop is stocked not merely with "just" vintage items or handmade products, but with a selection of each. Shop owner Marcy Langworthy (pictured below - does she not have the most gorgeous blonde curls imaginable?) is both an artisan and a vintage enthusiast, and she has woven her passion for each together seamlessly in a shop that conveys the creative spirit of the hippy movement with the posh, stylish elegance of Manhattan worthy fashion.

Living up to its moniker and then some, Manhattan Hippy, is a treasure trove of vibrant, wearable, very reasonably priced mid century fashions, accessories, and handmade jewelry items crafted by Marcy herself, that beckons one in and keeps them thumbing through each page of listings with great interest.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Marcy and getting to know both her and her awesome etsy shop better. From wearing vintage on the daily to being a fellow crafter who also has a massive passion for the past, I discovered the she and I share a lot in common and highly suspect that you'll likely see yourself in some of her answers as well.

Your shop has such a fabulously fun name, evoking a sense of both upscale sophistication and fun loving, youthful flower power. What was the driving motivation behind selecting it?

I've been living in Manhattan for 10 years and I absolutely love the city and all its quirks. NYC is known for high fashion, but what I really appreciate is the hole-in-the-wall thrift and vintage shops. I’m moving to Brooklyn this spring…but, Brooklyn Hippy just doesn’t have the same ring to it!

{1980s does 1940s red, yellow, white and blue floral print dress}

How long have you been selling vintage and what lead you pursue this passion?

I’ve had a funky fashion sense ever since I can remember so it just seemed natural. I opened my Etsy shop two years ago with no expectations. Little did I know, it would take over my life and my apartment!

{Vintage blue denim a-line skirt}

Has your etsy shop become your full-time career? If not, does your other job relate to your passion for vintage?

I spend insane amounts of time doing shop stuff, but it never really seems like work. Scouring flea markets and hitting up estate sales is my idea of fun. Last year, I worked in a vintage warehouse which was kind of a dream come true! I also work in a vegan restaurant from time to time.

{Handmade blue floral fabric button earrings}

Do you wear vintage often yourself? If so, what are your favourite decades to dress from?

I wear vintage every day, I gotta represent! Sometimes it’s just a pair of suspenders or a tie (my most recent obsessions), other times I’m decked out in head-to-toe vintage. I am always a sucker for ‘60s and ‘70s novelty prints and anything polyester.

{Awesome 1960s beaded fruit handbag}

You sell both genuine vintage items and beautiful handmade earrings created using vintage fabrics, how have you found managing both of these sides of your shop to be? (As opposed to only selling one or the other, I mean.)

It’s gets overwhelming at times, but I love being able to offer both vintage and handmade. My work space is always a hot mess, the woes of running a business from an NYC apartment I suppose.

{1950s/1960s red daisy metal and enamel brooch and earrings set}

What sorts of similarities between vintage clothing and crafting do you find ring true for you?

The main thing is creativity. I can find a dusty, wrinkled up maxi skirt at a warehouse and envision it all cleaned up and styled. Likewise, I can spot a fabulous earring print from a mile away. They’re both really hands on too. Obviously I make the earrings by hand, but the vintage requires a lot of work. I’m always washing, measuring, fixing or photographing the vintage pieces.

{Vintage patriotic American history print scarf}

What are some things that you feel help set your etsy shop apart from the crowd?

Carrying both vintage and handmade is pretty rare. I also offer styling suggestions. My favorite tip is to hoist your maxi skirt up, belt it and wear it as a dress.

{Vintage floral print dress with big front pockets}

What kind of advice would you give to someone who was brand new to wearing and shopping for vintage?

Don’t rely on vintage tag sizes, know your measurements. And, just have fun! (Jessica's note: for more on vintage clothes sizing, be sure to see this post from last year devoted just to that topic.)

{Cute white and yellow bow print fabric covered handmade earrings}

In your opinion, what are three to five timeless vintage pieces that any woman's wardrobe would benefit from owning?

1950s dresses are always a good idea. And, gauzy 60’s tops belong in every girls summer closet. Plus silk scarves for bad hair days.

{Beautiful 1960s/1970s floral stitchery fabric purse with wooden handles}

It's a sunny Saturday afternoon in July, what are doing, wearing, shopping for and noshing on?

I’m in Central Park wearing something skimpy and colorful, picnicking with my husband, eating vegetables and day dreaming about cats.

{Plus size vintage sleeveless striped summer dress}

Is there anything else about yourself or shop that you'd like to share with us?

I'm really excited about a new line of restructured vintage pieces that I’ll be adding to the shop over the next few weeks plus some hand painted earrings are on their way. Stay tuned.

You can also connect with Manhattan Hippy Vintage via their social media accounts on the following sites:



{All images in this post via Manhattan Hippy Vintage

Thank you very much for a lovely interview, Marcy, and for sponsoring Chronically Vintage. I've fallen hard for your wonderful shop and handmade jewelry (you use the cutest vintage fabrics for your button earrings!) and could easily picture myself sporting several of the fabulous yesteryear fashions you have listed.

Should you also feel yourself pulled towards doing some shopping at Manhattan Hippy Vintage, Marcy is very generously offering all Chronically Vintage 20% off their purchases at her etsy shop until March 31, 2014 when you use the coupon code spring20 at checkout. This coupon code can be applied to orders of any size and used from any country that she ships to.

Though I don't usually don the threads of the time, I've always had a deeply rooted passion in my heart for the 1960s and 70s, the hippy era that massively changed the world and produced some of the best music ever. There should be at least a whisper of this amazing period in all of us, no matter if we wear "far out" fashions or not. That spirit is alive and well at Manhattan Hippy Vintage, where flower power meets chic New York flower pattern in a marvelous symphony of vintage and handmade items that are sure to catch the eye of yesteryear fashion fans far and wide.


  1. I love the first and the last dresses. The last dress is amazing! Vibrant colours. Thank you share such a lovely interview and a generous discount for the shop! Is not an expensive shop at all, together with the discount, is awesome.

    Miss Beta

  2. Oh Wow!! She has some beautiful pieces in her shop! I'm especially in love with that rainbow-striped dress!

  3. What a cute shop! Sorry girls, that adorable yellow floral purse is gone! I bought it myself. Thanks for sharing Jessica.

    1. That's awesome, Gina! I love (!) knowing when one of my wonderful readers/online friends purchases something I've featured in blog post. That purse looks like such a sweet gem! I hope you two have many happy, stylish years together!

      Big hugs & many thanks for supporting Manhattan Hippy Vintage,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Im not a 70s fan in general but thanks for sharing this cute shop
    retro rover

    1. My pleasure, dear Kate. Don't let the name fool you, Manhattan Hippy Vintage has offerings from a multitude of decades, not just fashions from the flower power era, so hopefully there would be some pieces there that struck a chord with your love for the earlier decades of the 20th century, too.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. What a beautiful lady and shop. This is my kind of style!
    Thanks for sharing :)


  6. Hello Jessica!
    Loved the interview items are wonderful, hand made ​​pieces are a delight.
    Wanted to be able to visit the store, but I live far away.
    Anyway it was a pleasure to enjoy inspiring me.
    Super kiss darling Jessica!

    PS I wonder how do I bring sponsors for my blog, can you help me? Any link?

    1. Hi Christina dear, thank you very much for your lovely comment. Many etsy sellers will happily ship internationally, so never hesitate to ask (them) as much, if they don't state it outright on their listings. I'm in Canada myself and while I do occasionally purchase from Canadian etsy shops, the bulk of my buys come from US or European sellers on that site (ditto for eBay).

      Thank you for your question regarding sponsors. There isn't a magic formula there per se, but somethings to keep in mind are the following points:

      -Geneally speaking, the "easiest" types of sponsors to find for your blog are those who want to partner with you for giveaways and/or reviews. Try to work with at least a few such folks and write the kind of posts (for those types of collaborations) that will make other potential sponsors more inclinded to want to work with you.

      -Write honest reviews and overviews of the companies and sites you work with. I'm very selective when it comes to the sponsors I work with and usually only share reviews (or otherwise discuss them at length) when I have positive things to say about them and would happily support their businesses regardless of if they were a sponsor or not.

      -Build up a decent sized blog following, write informative (and relevant) posts that draw readers and sponsors alike in, and let sponsors come to you. I've never once emailed a sponsor to ask if they wanted to work with me. I know some folks do, and if more power to them, but I'm far too shy for that myself and as I'm blessed to have many individuals and companies who are interested in working with me, I've never opted to go that route myself.

      -Start by reviewing products that you bought yourself (not which were given to you for free by a sponsor), to let potential sponsors (again) get a feel for the type of post you might create for their product(s).

      -Don't be afraid to put a post (and/or static page) up on your site letting potential sponsors know that you are indeed happy to work with sponsors that are a good fit for your site.

      -Be friendly, professional, and courteous in all your dealings with potential sponsors, but don't feel obliged to receive something, simply because it was offered to you for free. If it's not a good match for you and/or your site, kindly decline. There will most likely be plenty more offers in the future.

      There are of course just a few key pointers on the subject, honey, but they're a good starting point and I hope will be of help to you. You're always welcome to email me if you'd like to discuss this or any other element of blogging further.

      Have a beautiful weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Oh, Lady, I really enjoyed this post, all those dresses in bright colors did pop in my heart!

  8. what a great interview and thank you to introduce this lovely lady and her shop to us! and that colorful striped dress is a dream!

  9. Hi Jessica,

    I just love that vintage floral print dress with big front pockets! the 1960s has some really sweet styles.

    I grew up in the 1970 and can't say that I like it that decade; I did not even like it then and was always looking for 40s and 50s clothing. (Although, I do have to admit that I sometimes found 70s dresses that resembled the 40s with large colors and waist styles.) Sometimes one can't appreciate the time they grew up in. My mother, for example, disliked the styles of the 40s and 50s, the current styles of her younger days. She adored the 1930 (and still does).

    I visited Marcy's shop, and what I really like about Manhattan Hippy Vintage is that Marcy has something for everyone. If you don't care much for one decade, she has plenty of other promising items. I especially like her button earrings. I think it is exciting what she has created, and I hope her success continues.

    Have a wonderful first day of spring, dear Jessica!

    :) Hope

  10. Nice stuff. I'm on my way there now to check out more.

  11. pretty nice shop!
    i have a weak spot for this bags with the wooden handle....

    thank you for the lovely comment on my garden post! a moment later the daffodils are in bloom :-)

  12. Boy, she has a terrific eye. The handbags are especially darling! Plus the handmade goodies—really, in a way it makes a lot of sense to me. Often a gal has to put some TLC into vintage items she has picked up in order to make them wearable; those skills need additional outlets elsewhere. Not only that but crafting really allows us to bring "more" vintage, or vintage style, into our lives. Off to take a more in-depth peek at her shop (the purse that stole my heart having already sold, alas)!

  13. Hi Ladies!

    Big thanks to Jessica for being the loveliest host ever! And, thanks to everyone else for checking out my shop and showing their support. A true pleasure. Feel free to message me any time with questions. Happy Spring!



  14. I absolutely love her shop!! I'm off to see what I can add to my ever growing wish list. I need to hit the winning lotto numbers soon!

  15. It's nice to get acquainted with Marcy... she is very cute! And what lovely vintage items! My favourite is the floral print dress...

  16. How cool to learn about someone who runs a shop from their own home... i'd love to do something like that.
    However my husband would probably kill me because I dont have a shop right now and my house is cluttered.
