
January 31, 2014

Vintage Link Love: January 2014

For much of this January, I pondered over what to call this new series (announced here at the end of December) in which, throughout each month of 2014 (and likely beyond) I'll be corralling a selection of interesting, informative, though provoking, beautiful, or otherwise engaging links that have caught my eye recently.

Then, on Monday night, the name "Vintage link love" popped into my head and I absolutely adored it (it trumped anything else I'd come up with so far this month). However, a mere second later I was hit with the distinct feeling that I'd heard or seen that term somewhere before. A Google search quickly revealed where: my lovely British friend Catherine Beck has used the term before on her blog, Vintage Frills (such as for the title of this post). It's an excellent term for a post of this nature, so with Catherine's full blessing, I'm going to be adopting it here for my new link roundup of series as well.

January might not have all the glitz and glitter of December, brimming as it is with holidays, but that certainly doesn't mean there wasn't plenty of wonderfully exciting things going on in the blogosphere throughout the first month of the year. On the contrary! I bookmarked so many stories for possible inclusion in today's post that I'll have to save a few to use in future editions, or else this one might stretch on longer than a Canadian winter! :)

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Hudson Bay Point Blanket Coats: A Bit of History: Speaking of my fine country and the chilly half of the year, my wonderful friend and fellow Canuck, Lisa, of Butterflies and Daisys Vintage, recently shared a thoroughly detailed and wonderfully imaged filled post all about the history of one of the absolute most famous Canadian outwear pieces, the iconic Hudson Bay Point Blanket, which has been keeping folks roasty, toasty from coast-to-coast for many a year now.

Memorable Hollywood movie star quotes: Straight from one of Netherlands' most beautiful and engaging vintage bloggers, Lindsay Lane, comes a lovely assortment of photos of vintage Hollywood starts and starlets partnered with a notable quote for each one featured. I'm especially fond of the one she shared from Ginger Rogers who said, "When two people love each other, they don't look at each other, they look in the same direction." Wise and very true words indeed.

Premier edition of Judy's Affordable Digest: No one, and I mean no one, does vintage fairs better - or in greater abundance - than the UK. From top to bottom, the country is filled with a vast array, many of which are organized by way of Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair, a leading vintage fair production company which has hosted events in 30 cities across Britain. To further reach a wider audience of buyers, sellers and vintage aficionados alike, Judy's has recently launched a fabulous online magazine, the first edition of which just came out a few weeks ago, and is a thoroughly enjoyable read for vintage fans the world over.

Symbols of hope and love: WWII Sweetheart collectables: Earlier this week, in my most recent vintage outfit post, I featured a gorgeous gold plated 1940s WW2 sweetheart bracelet that I received from stellar etsy seller Maejean Vintage. It's the first of its kinds that I own, but not my first piece of sweetheart jewelry, of which I also have a small collection of brooches and a pendant. I've long been enamored with these powerful tokens of adoration and hope that women sported to honour their loved ones who were embroiled in the war, and was delighted to see Queens of Vintage shine the spotlight on the vast and highly collectible market that is sweetheart jewelry, gifts and souvenirs this month.

Novelty plastic fruit brooch tutorial: Even if you don't fancy yourself much of a crafter, this super cool - and super easy - vintage style plastic novelty brooch project from Technicolor Cutie is one that you're going to be champing at the bite to make a whole lot sooner than later.

Taking Vintage to the Office: Vintage blogging newcomer Jennifer Rainey from Singing Bird Vintage delves into a topic that many a vintage fashion enthusiast the world over can relate to: what, and what not, to wear to work when it comes sporting vintage clothing on the job.

10 Styles of Vintage 1940s Dresses to Wear Again: From the classic shirtwaist to the youthful pinafore, chic peplum to the darling sailor inspired frock, this terrific post from the The Vintage Dancer highlights ten of the most popular dress styles of the 1940s (partnered with reproduction sources for each), all of which still find great favour with fans of the era's fashions to this day.

What mannequins say about us: Collector's Weekly, always a true treasure trove of excellent information about myriad yesteryear topics, many of which pertain to vintage fashion, takes an in depth look at the history of fashion mannequins, including the role they've played in marketing and how they've evolved - right along side our sartorial tastes and the types of female figures that were most revered at the time - over the years.

Leopard print: No matter if you prefer just a wee touch (say, in the form of a silk scarf or fun belt), a full length winter coat or anywhere in between, if you're a fan of vintage leopard print fashions, this lovely assortment of images featuring this most iconic of animal furs that Johanna Öst put together is sure to whet your fashion appetite.

Women’s 1940s Hairstyles: An Overview: For those who are new to 1940s hairstyles, looking to further their knowledge, or just want a quick refresher course, this fabulous imaged filled introduction to the topic from Hair and Makeup Artist Handbook is sure to inspire, help and delight.

10 Nail Polish Storage Solutions: Whether your collection can fit in a soup bowl or takes up the whole surface of your kitchen table, if you're a fan of nail polish, chances are you have at least a few different bottles and may be on the prowl for a great way to efficiently store them. This handy post from Your Put It On rounds up ten great ideas, for spaces ranging in size from a small box to the whole length of the side of a bookshelf.

Simply leap frog: We end today's mixed bag assortment of links with one that is nothing short of just plain, smile inducing fun! A rather good sized collection, including the example below of vintage photographs over on Avax News of people - kids, men and women alike - playing the classic childhood game of leap frog.

{All images throughout the list of links above come by way of the post that they are displayed directly beneath the write up of here. Please follow the links provided to learn more about these images.}

♥ ♥ ♥

I will readily admit that after a year (2013) of wrapping up the month by recounting the bulk of the posts I'd shared here during said month that had just transpired, it is a touch strange to break from habit and embark on this new way of concluding each month. Change is good though, in fact, I'm all about change (for the better, new opportunities, thinking outside of the box, etc) for 2014, more powerfully than I've been for quite some time now (which certainly helped spur me on in my recent hunt for a new blog design).

Loving, wearing, studying and being more than a little bit obsessed with various elements of the past doesn't mean that we can't look towards the future, make big plans and embrace newness in our worlds, especially if the daily grind has been getting especially ho-hum recently. I wouldn't say my life is dull in the slightest, but as my 30th birthday approaches later this year - another big change unto itself - I'm more psyched to create and embrace new things than ever before.

One can only guess what the remaining eleven months of 2014 will hold in store for any of us, but if what I've experienced already in January is any indication, this is most definitely going be a year of fabulous new beginnings, including this, the inaugural edition of Vintage Link Love.

Here's to an awesome February ahead, filled with countless things that you love and oodles of plans you're excited to see unfold!


  1. the links are awesome. i dont klick all at the moment but it's a good thing to do over the weekend
    wish you a great weekend Jessica :)
    xo Fräulein K.

  2. What a fabulous way to find and enjoy new blogs, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I am off to check each and every one.
    Love and sunshine, my dear Jessica.

  3. What a lovely idea! Can't wait to see all the interesting things you will discover. The new look of your blog is so sweet! Hope you have been well my dear!
    May x

  4. Thank you! You've given me a morning full of fun and valuable reading!

  5. VERY cool. I love it when friends introduce me to new things like this. thanks for sharing, and the pictures are super cute too!

  6. Now I must go and check all links. Thank you for sharing :)

  7. And just when I thought it could not get any better - you did it. Finding things, sharing links.. an amazing idea (and a boost on inspiration - I, for one, need some because of the bleak winter and a chilling wind outside)


  8. I really enjoyed this post, especially this part:

    Janna (aka Jantiki)

    1. Hi sweet Janna, I'm very happy to know that you enjoyed this post. I adored putting it together and, I swear, the moment I was done, I already felt the urge to write the next one. Of course though, that can't happen until the end of February - I need to gather the links during the month after all. :)

      Big hugs & happy Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Thanks Jessica for all these lovely links :)
    And I must say, your new blog design is gorgeous!

  10. Work what Work?? Now I have more wonderful blogs to read and follow :) Great idea Jessica I might end up borrowing this idea as there are so many wonderful posts out there that deserve sharing.

  11. Yay links! I love it when bloggers do these types of entries! It always opens doors to new bloggers and sheds light on interesting topics!


  12. Good evening Jessica! Love;y post this, I've found some great new blogs through it. I'm currently enjoying a Friday evening sipping a martini and catching up on blog reading while I wait for the other half to finish work (he's only upstairs, but working from home often means working late!). I do love your new blog layout by the way and had no idea templates could be purchased. I need to have a strategic think about my blog for the next year - and the rest of my life too really! Don't sweat 30 too much, I'm turning 35 this year, and my 30s have been the best years of my life so far. Have a wonderful weekend xx

    1. Hello sweet Porcelina,that sounds like a great way to enjoy a Friday night. Pour me a virgin drink and I'd happily spend the evening doing the very same thing. I'm not stressing about hitting 30 at all! Quite the contrary, I'm massively excited about it! Starting a new decade of my life has got me more psyched, goal oriented, and even happier than I've been in a longgg time. It's so encouraging! :)

      I'm really happy that I could introduce you to buying blog templates on etsy. There are scores of really affordable, attractive options out there. I bookmarked a few of my favourite shops/designers when I was looking for me new one, let me know if you'd like me to email you the links anytime.

      ♥ Jessica

  13. What a great series this is! I am going to set aside some time tonight to check out all these links.Thanks for sharing them with us. xx Shauna

  14. I really like this new series, I will be checking out a lot of these links, they sound really interesting. Great ideas of yours!

  15. Jessica, thank you so much for linking my post and for sharing so many awesome links! I can't wait to read through all of these this weekend. :)


    1. You're very welcome, sweet Jenny. I hope it helps bring lots of new viewers to your blossoming blog.

      Have an awesome first weekend of February,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Wow, so many great links! I've already enjoyed perusing several and will have to visit the others as well. Thanks for sharing these! Also, in my book, leopard print is a neutral. I hope I'm not alone! ;)

    1. You're not alone in the slightest there! In it's classic palette (aka, not neon pink or vivid teal, both takes on leopard I've seen multiple times), I really think it can be used as a neutral. Two colours that I especially like pairing it with are red (particularly dark red) and aqua.

      Big hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Thank you so much for mentioning me here! And again, thank you, cause now I've found more lovely bloggers to follow! xxx

    1. You're very welcome, my sweet friend. Your posts are always engaging, lovely, and thoroughly interesting, so I'm sure you'll see others land here in some future editions of this series.

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes.
      ♥ Jessica

  18. This is fantastic. There are so many of the links I find interesting and have to visit. So I'd better book mark this post and re-visit later. I will look forward to future Link Love. It's always good to find new sources. Wishing you a lovely weekend, dear. :)

    1. Thank you very much, dear Sanne! I love it when other bloggers do similar link roundup posts and was really missing having one here (I'd had a somewhat similar post series wayyy back in 2009 with Chronically Vintage started), so the new year just seemed like the perfect time to launch one. It's tons of fun to tuck away interesting stories as I encounter them throughout the month and am genuinely looking forward to writing the next edition already.

      Big hugs from snowy Penticton,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. These were such fun--thanks for curating them!

    1. You're very welcome, honey. I'm delighted to know that you enjoyed the first edition of Vintage Link Love. It was a blast to put together and I'm already sincerely excited to pen the second.

      Big hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  20. this is amazing, i will go through all the links later, i do appreciate the work you put in it to share all this. vintage link love is a great idea!!!

  21. So many wonderful links, thank you for sharing them with us! I wish you a wonderful February and 2014 too! Ciao bellissima

  22. What a neat idea and how thoughtful to share! Thanks so very much! Love your pink--raspberry sherbert! I can only imagine the amount of time, thought and work that went into your new blog look...Wow!

  23. Cute post! the nail storage idea is definitely one i will have to check out. i do have enough storage at the moment, but this is me we are talking about so it never hurts to have a look at some more ideas.

  24. Lovely and interesting links Jessica :)
    Happy Sunday!

  25. thanks jessica!
    you gave a nice and fun reading for the weekend! i´m in love with the leap frog pictures :-D
    happy sunday for you <3

  26. Thanks Jessica for mentioning our magazine! We love your new blog layout too! x

    1. It's my sincere pleasure! Thank you again very much for the wonderful collaboration that we have going on. I hope we're able to work together for a very long time to come.

      ♥ Jessica

  27. First of all I would like to say that the title for this kind of post is great! I bet many of us will be waiting for end of the month to get to know which more wonderful new links are there to read. It was so enjoyable to be reading these links over these couple of days past. Informative, funny, interesting and constructive! Brilliant idea dear friend :-)

    I've been learning so much and I'm thankful to you!

    Miss Beta x

    1. What an awesomely nice comment, dear Miss Beta, thank you very much. I'm every bit excited to write the next one (and the next one and the next one....) as you are to read it.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. Wonderful collection of links and a perfect name! I love the leap froggers.

  29. I know that no matter what I can always count on you to have some wonderful vintage links. I really need to update my own. :-/

    1. Thank you very much, honey! I like to go through my link page once or twice a year and weed out any blogs that are no longer in existence (or have gone private). I add new blogs to it all year round though, as I find ones that look like they'll be a good fit, but it's just about time for another link cleanup (I'll probably tie it into all my spring cleaning this year).

      ♥ Jessica

  30. This is great!! Thank you for sharing these links!
    ~xoxo, CoriLynn

  31. Thanks for the shout out! I really appreciate it! I know how much you enjoy Canadiana and thought about you while I was writing that post.

    Have a great weekend hon!

    1. You're very welcome, sweet dear - and indeed, you know me well, I do have an unending love for all things Canadiana related. It's such a sincere joy to see posts like this one penned by fellow Canucks that cover topics near and dear to our own resplendent nation.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  32. Lovely post! The storage idea is great as well! Thanks for sharing! I will definitely keep visiting your wonderful blog! Greets!
