
January 27, 2014

Say hello to Chronically Vintage's new blog design

 If you've swung by this site in the last several hours (since midday yesterday, to be exact), you may have already noticed that things look quite a bit different than they had earlier in the week, and for that matter, for the past couple of years (since its last makeover).

After many months of longing to do so and hunting diligently for the right, budget-friendly pre-made Blogger template for my site, I was elated (seriously elated!) to find one in designer Chrissy Maciel's etsy shop, Minty Fox Designs.

For quite some time now, I'd been feeling like my site's design needed some serious sprucing up. There wasn't anything fundamentally wrong with how it looked before, the design had just come to strike me as being a bit, how shall we say, lackluster - a word that doesn't fit any element of this vivacious vintage loving gal's world or blog, so I knew a change was in order - and stat!

 photo c131510ad70be1a003dd046da3a2b114_zpsc011ad28.jpg

{Much as with one's home decor, from time-to-time, I, like most bloggers, get struck with the insatiably powerful desire to revamp my surroundings and create an even better looking version of my - in this case, online - world. That craving had been very strong for ages now, and thanks to etsy shop Minty Fox Designs, it has finally been quenched. Image source.}

As such, this past Friday, I set about going through all 51 pages (at the time) of Blogger templates on offer from etsy, as well as checking numerous other sites belonging to designers who provided reasonably priced templates (all of which I'd already done multiple times in the past few months) and knew the minute I saw it that my new template, called Raspberry (which, as interesting side note, is my all-time favourite fruit; a point that made feel like that was a sign that this was definitely the right template for me).

I contacted the designer, Chrissy, and she very sweetly was able to make some tweaks (such as changing the fonts) to the template for me, for just a small additional fee. She was a true joy to work with, not to mention being incredibly prompt at replying to emails, and by Saturday the new template had been paid for and delivered to my inbox. Tony and I then proceeded to set it up here on the blog yesterday afternoon and evening and things are all good to go now.

While a pre-made template of this nature does not ensure exclusivity on the design front, it does deliver on many of the key points (including having three columns) that I was looking for, including not being an absolute complete 180° from my old blog design. That wasn't what I was after. I just wanted to better, brighten up and inject more beauty into Chronically Vintage's design and I'm truly happy to say that Raspberry came through for me there with flying colours.

Though I didn't list it specifically in my post at the start of January about goals that I had for 2014, updating my site's design was another important plan that I hoped to accomplish this year, and I'm really psyched that it was able to happen before the first month had even come to a close.

I'm thrilled with my site's new design and hope that you enjoy it as well!


If you haven't done so already, be sure to follow Chronically Vintage on Bloglovin' and/or to add this blog to your blogroll, so that you don't miss out on any of the other wonderfully exciting posts and plans that I have in the works for this year!


  1. Oh lovely! Despite the bad weather in most places I think a lot of us are looking forward to Spring cleaning. Well done. x

  2. Well done! Refreshing a blog layout is one powerful weapon for increasing the creativity and all kind of good things as well <3

  3. It looks lovely. Impressive to attain a goal whilst still in January!

  4. It's truly lovely. Very easy to read, as well as being in keeping with your themes. Also, what a lovely photograph you have chosen!

  5. Looks great--a subtle change, but very nice!!

  6. Congrats on the new look, and knocking an item of your news year to do list! pink and grey are one of my favorite colour combos, the new blog is looking lovely:)

  7. I absolutely love it!!! It just says you, dear!! :-)

  8. Gorgeous! I love the fonts and the color!

  9. Oooh I love it!!!!!! It's so pretty and so you! It makes such a difference changing your blog look, doesn't it? Well done! xx

  10. Redecorating can be so much fun. A little fresh colour, a little new pizazz. It looks great! :D

  11. Looking lovely and classy...somewhat like yourself! XXX

  12. LOVE IT!!! Love the color and especially the title font!!


    1. Thank you very much, darling gal! Chrissy was wonderful and changed the title to the font (Honey Script - it's a great free font) that I wanted. It's vintage-esque, easy to read and fun. I love it, too!

      ♥ Jessica

  13. Oh, my.. this is absolutely delightful!
    At first moment, my mind told me "you're in Pink Heaven".. I did not saw this one coming. Your blog sure has blossomed, Jessica. And I, for one, adore the new look.
    We all need a bit more "pink" in our lives.. (writes a gal who's blog has both "purple" and "pink" in it's name).
    I must say: this vintage world of ours has grown; and has quite some blooming flowers - your blog being the pink rose in it. I'm dazzled.

    *swirls happily around Jessica's blog*
    It's a lovely place, indeed!


  14. Lovely new design! It's expresses you so well!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  15. Wonderful choice! It's light, pretty, playful, feminine. The layout is well divided and I absolutely love the lettering! Oh, I like it so much! :-)

    It's fantastic that you just started your year 2014 with a new layout. It's exciting and refreshing!
    Truly inspiring dear Jessica :-)

    Miss Beta x

  16. I really like the new Raspberry, Good Luck in the Future!

  17. Very nicely done, dear Jessica.

  18. Your blog looks great!!! I love how bright and attractive it is while still being clean and un-overwhelming (for lack of a better word...)!

  19. Oh Jessica, I'm so glad you paired up with Chrissy! I remember how much you wanted to win that giveaway, and I was incredibly bummed that you didn't win so that I could give you a free blog makeover! However, Chrissy's designs are really well-priced, and she's a total doll, so I'm really glad you were able to work with her on this! Your new layout looks so lovely. <3

    xox Sammi

  20. Love the new look! The three columns is nice, for sure.

  21. Thank you all very, very much for your wonderfully nice comments and for sharing your first impressions of the site's new design with me, I sincerely appreciate it.

    ♥ Jessica

  22. As I've already noted, I truly like your "new look". :) The dusty rose colour is so perfect to the grey wallpaper with the tiny hearts. And I didn't know you can buy blogger templates on Etsy? That's great news. Congrats on your fab new look. :)

  23. This is great I didn't know until now that you could purchase some templates on Etsy !
    Great job browsing dear !


  24. I DID notice you're new blog template on the outfit post I commented on earlier today. Before I hit 'publish' my brain said quietly to me "Wasn't there something else you wanted to say?! …can't remember now…" and it was your new template!
    I just popped over to Minty Fox Designs and a her templates are very reasonably priced! I've been thinking my blog needs an update. I'm on the verge of buying/making business cards and perhaps a facelift is in order first! Thank you for the inspiration!


    1. You're super welcome! Chrissy was an absolute delight to work with and I'm sure you two would hit it off great as well, if you decide to purchase on of her templates. They're so sweet, fresh, and pretty - all words that instantly spring to mind when I think of you, your style and your great blog.

      ♥ Jessica

  25. It's been a while since I've had time to just sit down and do some good blog reading (and really I don't have time now, but I'm procrastinating). I had to double-check my bookmark to be sure I was at the right site. I love the new look! It's so fresh I swear my eyes said "ahhh".

    Hellcat Vintage

  26. beautiful new blog design! love the colours ...
    to be honest, i don't like 'one post a site'-settings. it's more time consuming to click, click, click to go back to earlier posts... i prefer to be able to scroll down a page with several postings on. ... so i won't miss a thing ;)

  27. Very nice, Jessica! It's cute and elegant at the same time. Thanks for the heads up on buying blog templates on Etsy. Never thought of checking there as a source. Good job:)

  28. Love it Jessica! That shade of pink is lovely! And you can never go wrong with polka dots :)

  29. I love the new design, very clean and fun at the same time. The hearts are so cute!

  30. I just saw your new blog design & it looks really nice! :)
