
December 14, 2013

Saturday Snapshots: December 14, 2013

 photo b9078c5b-1f69-41a6-87a8-b1a981c9b14d_zpsdbbb2fa6.jpg

{One of the season's most enjoyable activities - making snowmen (on a sunny day to boot!) - is captured beautifully on colour film in this c. 1950 image.}

{A million extra style points to you for the wearing of a bowtie while bowling, fashionable 1940s chap.}

{What I would venture to guess was a casual class photo (based on the ages of the youngsters and brick building behind them) from the 1950s. Group shots like this are such a terrific way to see some of the real world youth fashions of the day.}

{Part of me feels like I might have used this snap before, but I can't bring an exact post to mind, and it's possible that I've just looked it so many times over the years that it feels like I've blogged it. No matter if I have, it's so exquisitely rich in 1940s summertime awesomeness that it warrants sharing multiple times.}

{With Christmas just nine days away, there's no way I could omit a festive holiday shot from this edition of Saturday Snapshots. I totally fell for this lovely 1940s photo of a young mom sitting under the tree with an armful of (what I'm guessing are) her kid's new toys in her arms. }

{From the headscarf to the shades, the pair of bracelets to the seriously sleek convertible, there's much to adore about this warm weather 1950s shot.}

{Three young female students from the Kehl School of Dance pose in their pretty ballet outfits, likely during the 1940s (pictured from left to right are Jo Jean Kehl, Joan Batz, and Jo Ann Kehl).}

{A group of Patrons enjoying a refreshing drink at Koecher's Bar in Theresa, Wisconsin on July 7, 1950 (all of whom are identified by name on this photo's Flickr page).}

{This image has a bit of a posed feel to it, though no background information is provided for it, so it could have just been a well timed slice-of-teenage-life shot. Either way, it's tons of fun and has me wishing we still had a good old-fashioned carhop drive-in around these parts.}

{Vintage snowday sweetness at its most blonde curled, rosy cheeked, mid-century adorable.}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

♥ ♥ ♥

As we open our eyes to another frosty December morn, it's almost hard to believe that this year will be a memory in little more than two weeks time. Though it's a touch early to recap 2013 just yet, I couldn't let another day pass by with out writing about something that I've been keenly aware each and everyday through the past eleven and a half months: The balance of positive and negative.

No, I'm not talking about magnets, nor ying-yang signs, or even pregnancy tests, what I mean might be more akin to karma, but ultimately, I believe, has a lot to do with one's perception of life.

Nearly every day we each encounter good and bad - people, moments, news, discoveries, expenses, you name it. Some days, the bad far outweighs the good, and others the good dominates, but the lingering pain of the bad (recent or distant) can make it challenging to see the positive that is all around us.

This year was not same as the last one for my husband and I. Few years mirror each other blow for blow, and that's ultimately a good thing - one wants newness and change, growth and exploration with each notch they add to their belt of life. No, 2013 was a lot rougher around the edges. It threw plenty of those aforementioned blows; showed little mercy at times, and tried to tap us dry at every corner.

Was it the worst year ever? Goodness no, and thank that very same goodness that it wasn't, but in the light of such a (by and large) incredible year in 2012, it often seemed that 2013 was being a bit harsh. Yet that is only if we go by the headline stories, what one might not see is the many, many times each month there was goodness and happiness, smiles and joy, so often brought about by the unending kindness of others.

By about mid-July, it struck me that for every rough day, eye-rollingly unpleasant moment, or sudden expense that came our way, there was kindness of the greatest caliber just waiting around the corner. This goodness wasn't always related to the tough situation, stress, or worry, sometimes it was a million miles apart and that was awesome, because it meant that I (we) had something else to focus on for a while.

In speaking of kindness, I would be remiss if I didn't touch directly on that which has come, time and time again, from many of my online friends - as well virtual strangers I encountered in the vastness of the interwebs.

It can be all too easy, thanks to media outlets like the evening news, to think that the world is filled with nothing but sinister, cruel or violent people, but the truth is that nothing could be further from reality. There are so, so many wonderful, caring, giving, concerned, resourceful, understanding individuals out there, and I have been blessed by many such folks all throughout this year of ups and downs.

My deepest of heartfelt thanks goes out to each and every one of them, not only for their friendship, support, assistance and/or generosity, but for reminding me again of all of the good, the righteous, the sweet, and the beautiful that exists in humanity (as well as to be extremely thankful of these heartwarming gifts from those I’ve interacted with).

It is not merely the events that happen to us in life that add weight to the constant balance of good and bad, it is those who touch our lives and add an immeasurable amount of positivity to the good side that help make getting through even the rockiest times more bearable.

There will always be sunshine and storms in each of our universes, but I fully believe that if we opt to focus on the good and the kindness bestowed on us by those in our lives, instead of dwelling on the negatives, it is more than possible to end the year feeling like one's cup runneth over with positivity and happiness.

I know mine certainly is as we set our sights on 2014, and I hope dearly that the same is able to ring true for each of you as well, my dear friends.


  1. What gorgeous pictures. I love each and every one. I agree its important to see the balance of things, focusing on the good is important. I am a special educaiton teacher and I always think about I studnet I had who used a wheel chair, was significantly intellectually disabled (what used to be known as mentally retarded), needed assistance to go to the bathroom and eat, was an orphan who lived in a group home, and was HIV positive. Even with all this going on my students constantly said "I love my life. Isn't life wonderful." He is graduating this year and while Im no longer his teacher, I transferred to another school site, I am definitely attending his big day. He is such an inspiration to me and to everyone who knows him. He always focuses on the positive and I think you do too.

    Retro Rover

    1. Thank you very much for sharing about that deeply inspiring student. I love his positive outlook on life, even in the face of such extreme challenges and hardships. You're right, it's an approach to life that I try to take as often as possible as well. I find that a cheerful, optimistic attitude can truly help make even the roughest of circumstances easier to deal with.

      ♥ Jessica

  2. Fabulous well written post.


  3. Fabulous images, every one! May next year be filled with many good things. Always watch for good news, strive to see the goodness in others--as I know you do.

  4. You have a way of finding the most wonderful obscure images of scenes of everyday life. It is so rare to see these color images. I just love looking at vintage through colored lenses, awesome!

  5. It is often hard to find the good things when there has been a run of bad things happening, especially as the bad things are often bigger. But you are right, we should take time to find, remember and appreciate the good too, even if it was only something small or fleeting. It is rare that there is nothing good at all once you stop to take a look. I am glad that you have found positivity and kindness to sustain you during the rough parts of the year. Here's to 2014!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Kate. It really is true, in the overwhelming majority of situations and periods that are negative, there is still good somewhere in one's life (or at the very least, in the world as a whole) or a hidden silver lining to be discovered in the midst of that rough patch. Seeking this silver lining and really making a conscious point to find happiness in every day has been instrumental to my life, especially when it comes to battling chronic illnesses and never knowing what kind of curve ball might come my way on that front at any given moment. Even if I was the healthiest person on earth though, I still believe I'd try to live my life with this optimistic outlook. There's nothing to lose, and so much to gain by focusing on the positives in life.

      ♥ Jessica

  6. Beautiful post Dear Jessica, Thank you for the reminder that no matter what trials we face in life there is much to appreciate and we can rejoice in the wonderfulness that is life. This past year was hard for us as well with Eric being deployed, my mom's health failing, the HVAC going out, the hot water heater dying and the garbage disposal leaking everywhere. Oh and I could go on to list more disasters but there is no need, for all these things have past. And here I am sitting on my sofa and Eric is home, my mom is thriving, the HVAC is fixed as are the hot water heater and garbage disposal. I am warm and full not just in body but in soul. You precious spirit is most evident in this post Dear Jessica. Thank you for sharing your grace and I am so happy that we met this year. Gentle hugs, Beverly PS The snapshots are all adorable....

  7. Hey, what's my first car doing parked at that drive in?? It's the Ford on the far right !! Yep, gals, I'm about as 'vintage' as they get, but can I still absolutely love your site every day and make comments?

    1. Oooh, you fabulously lucky lady, you! That is such a classic gem of a car! I'm a firm believer in the fact that there are countless ways to love and appreciate vintage, not just (or merely) wearing the fashions of decades past, and you are definitely vintage in books, dear Sue!

      ♥ Jessica

  8. I always enjoy your post, dear Jessica :)

  9. Such a thoughtful well written post my dear. Here's to a 2014 for you full of promise and moments of great happiness.

  10. This is so wise and beautiful, dear Jessica, that it made me tear up. Thank you for such a lovely post.

    Wishing you joy and much, much happiness in the shiny brand-new year on the way! <3

  11. Ah, I love watching old photos. Unfortunately, it seems a little difficult to find them via Google, and the ones we have at home, I already know inside out. So I am always happy to find such lovely compilations at Vintage-Blogs as yours.

    2013 wasn't my favourite year of all times as well.. But 2014 will be the best year ever; full of new perspectives, great opportunities and interesting stuff to happen. I'm seeing it in my crystal ball. :-) *making some magical gestures with her fingers*

    Keep on being so lovely,

    1. You are the sweetest, my fellow optimist. I wholeheartedly hope that your predictions to be right on the money and that we both end up having stellar years in 2014. Fingers and toes firmly crossed!

      Tons of hugs & happy holiday season wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Gorgeous photos and sentiments dear lady. You are one of the loveliest and most genuinely wonderful people I have had the pleasure of meeting online and I look forward to conversing with you well into 2014 and beyond!


    1. Your beautiful words warmed my heart through and through, sweet Teresa, thank you deeply. I absolutely adore and am so very happy to have met you as well - can't wait to share another awesome year of blogging from different sides of the world together with you in 2014.

      ♥ Jessica

  13. I think we can all focus on, and get bogged down by, the negative things that happen so it's easy to forget the good. What a thoughtful post.

  14. Ooh, Jessica. I hope everything is OK in your marriage. I've always had the feeling that you had such a great relationship, that you were soul mates meant for each other. He looks like such a great man, hold on tight to him. Which I'm sure you already do. I send you all my best vibes and wishes all the way from Denmark. :)

    And I apologize for commenting with my Danish login, as I'm sure you don't understand a word Danish. ;) Please be aware (if it happens again) that you can click the English flag at the top right, to be taken to my English version. Thank you for your lovely comments anyway, you got the (Danish) point for sure. :)

    1. Hello dear Beate, oh no, I'm very sorry if that was the impression that this topic conveyed. I absolutely promise you that everything between Tony and I is 100% okay, fear not! We've weathered countless storms together over the years and have never been more in love or had a better marriage than we do now, more than nine years into. It means a great deal to me that you sensed this about us and really appreciate your caring wishes and good vibes - thank you very much!

      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* Great to know about the Danish (of which I don't speak a word). Thanks!

  15. Fabulous pictures Jessica and a lovely post x

    1. Thank you very much, dear Sarah! It struck me recently that a few months had whizzed past since the last edition in this series, so it seemed like high time another one sprang to life, especially since it really complimented this topic, I felt, which was one I'd been wanting to discuss for a while now.

      Big hugs & tons of happy holiday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Hello dear Jessica,
    This looks like it was a lot of fun for you to do this photo shoot. You look adorable in you black hat and dress with your lovely red hair. You face has such a pretty rosy glow.
    It is just about a week before Christmas. Can you believe it!

  17. Thank you for sharing those pictures and your thoughts in the last section of your post. I could not agree with you more on the balance of positive and negative. I always tell people when they are feeling down, that you would not appreciate the good parts of life as much...if there were no bad parts you could rise above. My father also has always said that living is an experience and you spend your life interpreting those experiences, it's up to you to determine which are bad. It's very true that perhaps as a species we tend to gravitate towards negative occurrences and focus on those more than anything (I for sure have this tendency), but I think you struck a note by pointing out how there are still many good people who are doing wonderful things. Thanks for this post, it really brightened my day.

    1. Your father sounds like a wise man with a great, levelheaded approach to life. I completely agree that experiences ultimately become what we make of them (at least in the in majority of cases). Thank you very much for your heartfelt, beautiful comment, honey. It's awesome to know that this post helped brighten your day.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. You are right - even the 'best' of years has it's ups and downs! I wish you all the very best for 2014 and hope you continue to encounter those folks who make life so much better :)

    1. Thank you deeply, Philippa dear - you are, unquestionably, one of those wonderful folks who help brighten and better my world. Thank you very much for all of your terrific emails and blog comments throughout 2013. Here's to a stellar '14 for both of us!

      ♥ Jessica

  19. Thank you for all that vintage denim!! You know how I love trousers. :) Great pics for this Saturday snapshots.

    1. My pleasure, dear gal!!! I didn't set out with the goal of jamming oodles of vintage denim into this latest edition of Saturday Snapshots, it just happened organically, and I'm certainly happy that it did (as I love vintage denim, too!).

      Tons of thanks & hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. I felt so touched by your beautiful words. 2013 hasn't been too kind to me: I was dumped by my partner of nearly a decade, I had to move out on my own, I've struggled with money and I lost my beloved Nana. In spite of all that unpleasantness and upheaval, I've been struck by the support and kindness of the people around me, both in real life and online. I agree with what you said, although one could believe that the world is full of nastiness and selfishness, from what I've witnessed this past year I think that's far from the truth. I've had so much wonderful support from people who have never met me, and it's been truly humbling.
    I've also made so many new friends this year (yourself included!) and I feel truly blessed by all of the wonderful people that have come into my life in 2013.
