
December 17, 2013

Guess who Queens of Vintage crowned Vintage Queen #136!

...Hint, you're reading her blog right now. :)

Santa can skip my stockings right on by this year, because the coolest and most exciting Christmas present one could possibly hope for as a vintage blogger came my way yesterday morning when Queens of Vintage dubbed me Vintage Queen #136.

I've been a devoted fan of Queens of Vintage's stellar site ever since it launched back in 2009, and have especially enjoyed their Queens (and Kings and Couples) of Vintage series from the very beginning. Not only has it introduced me to several vintage folks I didn't previously know, but it has also warmed my heart time and time again when I saw many of my fellow old school adoring friends from around the world make it onto this venerable list.

 photo VintageQueenno136JessicafromCanadascreenshot_zps7bb571a8.png

{A screenshot of the Queens of Vintage's post from yesterday in which they very sweetly named as me Vintage Queen #136. Click here to read the outfit photo filled full interview.}

For years now (since the series started, to be exact), I've harboured a secret longing to one day wear the Queen of Vintage crown, and am pinching myself like there's no tomorrow over the fact that this incredible honour actually happened to me. I sincerely mean it when I say that this is my favourite Christmas present this year - in addition to being one of the absolute biggest highlights not only of 2013, but of all the years I've been a die-hard vintage lover.

Thank you so tremendously much, Queens of Vintage, you've made me the happiest lass in Canada!!!


  1. For all your hard work and talent, you deserve accolades, awards, applause and apples. (Don't know how apples got in there, but alliteration sometimes takes on a life of its own. Like your blog has.)

    1. Your unwavering support and encouragement means a great deal to me, Ally, thank you very much!

      Tee-hee, I adore apples and will happily accept them along with accolades et al anytime! :)

      ♥ Jessica

  2. congratulations, dear jessica! you are a real vintage queen.

  3. Wow! Congrats! You definitely deserve it!!

  4. Congratulations!!! What an honor, and one of which I think you are entirely deserving.

  5. my dear! I congratulate you with all my heart!
    and I am happy that you have been chosen - you've earned it!
    is it allowed to hug a queen?
    :-) tons of hugs for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Huge thanks, my dear friend!!! You bet! I've always adored giving and receiving hugs, so by all means feel free to bestow one on me. :)

      ♥ Jessica

  6. Yay! Congratulations! What an honor! You certainly deserve such a title, with the wonderful, inspiring content that you put up on your blog, and the beautiful outfits you put together.

    Have a very merry Christmas!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  7. Congratulations! You deserve it.


  8. Congratulations dear lady! What a wonderful treat for the Christmas season!

    Emily's Vintage Visions

  9. Yay! Congratulations!
    Although you know what? I'd thought you'd won it long ago, it's such a no-brainer!

  10. Congratulations, dear Jessica! Neat article you have there on Queens of Vintage.
    Very happy for you! Now I actually know a queen!

  11. I know, I've seen this on the Queens of Vintage website already!!! Congrats!!!

  12. Congrats! I always wonderen why you weren;t on the list already! You totally deserve a spot there!

    1. It really means a lot to me that you said that, dear Anthea, thank you deeply.

      ♥ Jessica

  13. you so deserve it, well done. xxxxxxxxxxx

  14. Congratulations dear Jessica, you rightly deserve the crown:))

  15. As I've wrote yesterday (when we got the news): I'm so proud of you! And, yes: I do believe you deserve it, since you breathe, sleep and dream vintage. Folks from the Vintage Queen really got the "queen" part as they handed the crown to you, dear.


  16. Thank you deeply, honey, your unwavering support of my blog and vintage filled life means to much to me. It's awesome that we can share in this passion together everyday online and in our daily lives. You're a special, awesome friend and I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your endlessly lovely words about this great honour.

    ♥ Jessica

  17. Wonderful news!

    Congratulations--it is well deserved! <3

  18. Congratulations!! The only thing that surprises me is that you weren't picked before now! It's great to see a Canadian lady getting the crown. Your sense of style is as fantastic as your blog, and I'm glad you are getting recognition for it. Your blog is one of my favorites and I always look forward to your posts :)

    1. That really means a lot to me, Kate, thank you very much! I'm so thrilled to be able represent Canada's (relatively) small, but endlessly passionate vintage scene, via this Queen's of Vintage interview.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Kate said everything i had in mind! Congratulations Jessica! You deserve the best!
      Greetings from Greece!

  19. Well done! You totally deserve to be on that list, your style is stunning, stylish & adorable! xx

    1. Thank you very much, honey! I'm touched and tickled pink by your description of my style.

      ♥ Jessica

  20. I know I already commented on Facebook, but I'm going to say it again…
    Yay Jess!! Congratulations!!! This is an honor you are most definitely worth of!! ;)
    ~xoxo, CoriLynn

  21. Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear it; it is definitely a well deserved honor! :)

  22. Congrats! That is so awesome. You certainly do know what you are doing and dress fabulously. You have a great blog and its great to see it get some much deserved credit.

  23. Congratulations dear lady! A very well deserved prize.

  24. I'm astonished you weren't already crowned!!! Congratulations, it's such a lovely honour!
    Thank you, Jessica darling, for your sweet comment! I appreciate you dropping by! XXX

  25. Of course you were dear.... it was about time already <3

  26. How exciting, Jessica!! And SO well-deserved!! I'm so happy for you!! I'm excited to peruse their site at length, too. :) :) Congratulations, again!

    xox Sammi

  27. An enormous congratulations to you! That's a very merry early Christmas gift, indeed, and one that is certainly well deserved! :D

    1. Thank you very much, my splendidly sweet friend. Two have passed since QOV's post went live and I'm still floating way above the earth on cloud nine about this! :)

      ♥ Jessica

  28. Well deserved beautiful gal, your love for vintage and the research that goes behind your posts is what makes you lovely x

  29. Not a surprise ! Your outfits are splendid, and you wear hats so well, I hope I could.. Maybe I should try Again who Knows ! ;)

  30. Congratulations! You definitely are a Vintage Queen! You always looks so wonderful! You totally deserve this wonderful honor!


  31. Oh my, Jessica, how delightful! You definitely deserve the crown. What a lovely Christmas much better than coal, n'est-ce pas? Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (My crystal ball sees lots of wonderful things in store for you in 2014!).

    Ciao for now, M-T

  32. Oh my goodness this is so exciting, but I agree with Kate I can't believe they did not pick you before!

    Retro Rover

  33. Congrats Jessica! From on now I shall refer to you as M'lady. xx

  34. Congratulations! That's a fabulous award/recognition for your devotion to all things vintage. You truly deserve it! xx

  35. Lovely!
    Simply Gorgeous!

  36. Congratulations Jessica! You so deserve it :-) Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear!

      A marvelously merry Christmas and stellar New Year to you, too!

      ♥ Jessica

  37. Dear Jessica, I want to congratulate you for the wonderful Vintage Queen crown! I think is well deserved. You have a fantastic meaningful blog. A joy to the eyes and soul.

    I got to know you through Lindsay Lane's blog and I came across a post written back in 2012 that moved me a lot: "Vintage clothing for chronically ill and special needs individuals". I never thought that I could write a blog and share pictures of me, because I suffer from some major chronic health issues that really affects my life. I thought that I wasn't "perfect" enough to have a blog. By reading your post I had a tremendous impact and really changed something inside of me. I suddenly was aware that there are so many people like me in the world that suffers and that's okay, we are still people that have a life and have something to share. Thank you SO MUCH for this wonderful blog and to write about things that gives courage to others to keep on me. If one day I have a blog it's because of you dear darling.

    You deserve much more than a crown dear vintage Queen Jessica Cangiano! :-)

    Thank you and happy Christmas.

    Miss Beta

    1. My dear Miss Beta, I cannot begin to convey how truly moved and humbled I am by your heartfelt, beautiful comment. It means the world to me to know that my post on wearing vintage when living with medical issues spoke to you so profoundly. Thank you for sharing that with me, as well as for every single word that you said here today. Please know that I am always here for you if you need or want to talk about anything. Us vintage loving, chronic illness fighters need to stick together and support each other, as it really can seem at times like you're the only one in the boat, so to speak. Please know that you're absolutely not though, and that I am here for you in any way that I can be.

      Wishing you a resplendent holiday season, as well as positive health and great happiness in 2014!

      ♥ Jessica

  38. Congratulations Jessica! It is well deserved :)

  39. I'm not surprised at all. I've called you the Queen of Vintage for long. I just wonder what took them so long? ;) Congratulations, dear. You deserve it for sure. Hugs to HRM from Denmark. :)

    1. Thank you very much, dear Sanne! I've been called many things over the years, but you are undoubtedly the first to bestow the title of HRM on me. It made me smile happily from ear-to-ear. :)

      ♥ Jessica

  40. Congratulations. I love their site.

  41. Eeeiiii! I'm grinning like crazy here in happiness for you! I love Queens of Vintage too! What an amazing honour. You deserve it. :D


  42. If there were an Empress of Vintage, you would be it!

    1. That's awesomely sweet of you to say, Melissa, thank you very much!

      ♥ Jessica

  43. Wow! Congratulations! That is such an achievement and how exciting! I am really glad that means you can finish 2013 on a high. The piece is lovely, you come across so very well. Great collections of photos too, particularly like the purple dress and black feathered hat in the first one.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Kate. I loved that QOV interviewed me in the sense of just letting me write about myself, my blog and my love of vintage. Going this route really gives readers, new and old alike, a great sense of who I am. Thank you! I sent quite a few photos their way, as per their request, and was really happy with the select them often for as well.

      Big hugs & tons of very merry holiday wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Interesting to know that is how they do it. It is a great piece of writing. Hope you are all ready for Christmas. I am still madly knitting a present and have two others to finish! Eek!

  44. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, honey!

      Have an awesome holiday season!
      ♥ Jessica

  45. Oh, how thrilling! Congratulations, Jessica!

  46. Congratulations! Very well deserved!

  47. Congrats Jessica :)
    You're my #1 vintage queen.

  48. I am so behind in posts, so sorry it took so long to comment on this one. So happy for you!!! If anyone is a Queen of Vintage, it is most definitely you, Jessica!

  49. No doubt your blog article is great to me and most importantly it gives me information about my related issue.
    Pink Paislee

  50. Whacko! Congratulations! I have no doubt that you deserve it.

  51. CONGRATULATIONS! I'd love to be in your pink suede shoes right now.
