
July 2, 2013

The older I get...

In little more than a week's time, I'll turn 29 years old. That number doesn't carry the same weight as thirty, but it's poignant in its own right because it's will be the last year I (or any of us for that matter) have in my twenties.

To say that this decade (or at least the eight years and eleven months I've experienced of it so far) has been an incredibly formative, meaningful, tumultuous, exciting, fascinating, and generally busy time in my life would be an understatement.

That, however, is what one's twenties are for, at least in this present day and age. We learn, we grow, we fail, we succeed, we win, we loose, and if we're lucky, we come out wiser, more grounded, and better ready to face the next decade than we were when we stumbled precariously from our teen years in adulthood.

As the grains in the hourglass of life continue to trickle through, I sometimes find myself reflecting on things that have changed, expanded or come to be as I've gotten older. I'm sure that as more years get added to my age throughout time, so too will others be added to this list, and quite frankly that point makes me happy.

I love sincerely love the fact that one's outlook on things changes and/or develops as we age. There were perks to being, say, 16 for sure, but (aside from the good health I had back then), I wouldn't go back and trade being 16 with being nearly 29 for a million dollars. Short of the fact that every year behind you means one less in front, there's exceedingly little I dislike about aging and a great deal that I love.

On this, the first Friday of spring, I thought it would be fun to share a some things with you that have happened to me, or which I approach differently, as I continue to age. The older I get...

The braver I become.

The less I care what other people think about me.

The more I shake things off.

The less I little the little things unnerve and rattle me.

The more fun I have with my fashion choices.

The fewer regrets I find myself counting at the end of the year.

The greater my ability to forgive others becomes.

The more I find myself opening up and desiring to let others "in".

The happier and more content with life I find myself.

The easier it is to accept myself exactly as I am (but by the same token, the easier it also is to steadfastly work at changing those things I want to improve).

The less tears I shed over people who are not worth them in the first place.

The less I let my limitations define me.

The more I cannot wait to meet the person I'll be in five, ten, twenty, forty, etc years!

Four generations of women, 1940s, vintage ladies, family

{Whether babe, gran, or somewhere in between, never stop trying to better yourself, help others, and make the best of what you've been blessed to have. Image source.}

This is by no means a complete list, but I'd say they're the the points that I've most found myself reflecting on during the first few months of 2013. Getting older isn't always a walk in a park, but neither is (was) youth. I enjoy the comfort that comes from having an ever increasing amount of life experiences and a wealth of memories to draw on as I face each new day.

Most of us change and grow with age, our perspectives shifting and broadening as hard lessons are learned and new joys are experienced. This is the way things are supposed to be. It would be challenging and nothing short of a shame if age didn't afford us a certain wisdom and the ability to be better equipped at dealing with whatever the the universe throws our way each day. I'll happily trade a few budding wrinkles and (come July 2014) wave goodbye to another decade of life for such invaluable gifts any day of the year.


  1. Jessica, you're a very wise and brave lady for one so young! Well, compared to me you're certainly young! I saw 29 many, many moons ago. And I can attest aging is definitely challenging, but carries many rewards. But I love the fact that as you've grown older you like to have more fun with your fashion choices. That is part of the accepting yourself and not caring so much what others think, which are some of the great things about growing older!

  2. No! That can't be! You can't possibly be this young! You are too wise to be 29. I didn't acquire your level of sagacity until many years later. You're precocious in the best way.

  3. I just turned 29 last week and I know how you feel!

    I love your list! It's so good to find some peace with who you are and how you live life!

  4. Wise words! Society puts so much pressure on age and women getting older, but I am a firm believer that you are only as old as you feel. Besides, on average we are extending our life expediencies...that has to add up somewhere! Your post also helped me realise my birthday is next month...goes to show how much weight I put onto birthdays! I wish you a happy birthday however, and good health, good times, with a continuation of the wonderful energy/outlook you have on life!

  5. Go Jessica !
    It's a funny thing, as we get older we turn to what's really important.
    We also dare more because of what you mention: we are not influenced by what others think.
    My grandmother who is 83 always tells a story i laugh at. but also reflect at -
    When she was young and married with 4 children she did not have money and things were very tough. She tells me she would go to the street market and drool over the tomatoes. Tomatoes were very expensive and she could not afford them.
    Now she says "I was dumb, if i were in the same situation today I would ask the vendor for a free tomato and if he did not give it to me, I'd steal it..."

  6. What a lovely post! Wow, to think back to when I was 29... which was 29 years ago!!! :D I've learned a lot and you do indeed become a different person but still you with each passing decade. I've found the 50's to be the most dramatic in the changes I've experienced with my views and interests.

    So my sweet friend, Happy Birthday a little ahead of time and may your last year of your twenties be as marvelous as your first!
    Beth P

  7. Great post! Makes my heart swell a bit as my 31st birthday approaches this Saturday.
    I couldn't agree more. Aging has been wonderful for my self esteem and general outlook on life.

    Here's mine for today:

    The older I get the harder I work towards achieving my goals and aspirations!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday my friend!

  8. Honey, I think your getting it !
    I'm close to a "landmark" birthday myself.It does give one a bit of start to realize, as you said, your no longer in your 20's ! Your blog is great, read it everyday, your 'vintage' clothing and other info is wonderful. Take heart and know someone else,in just a short while, will be 70 !! Talk about a shock !! I'll be enjoying this decade as well as I have all the others--Life is too much fun to think about numbers !!
    Cheers, Sierra Sue

    1. Thank you deeply, dear Sierra Sue, that really means a lot to me. I am certain you have a wonderful fountain of wisdom garnered from a well lived life as you near 70, and can tell that you share my sunny disposition on aging. That's awesome! Happy early birthday wishes to you, my friend.

      ♥ Jessica

  9. Well I must say, reading your reflections on maturing, I think I'm safe in saying you won't experience any epic change when you hit 30. You most clearly experience growing is a gradual thing -- as any wise person probably will. After all, the number 30 only appears significant because the Hindu-Arabic system of numeration we use in the Western world arbitrarily uses a base-10 notation. If we humans chose not to recognize our thumbs as fingers, we'd probably have adapted a base-8 system, and we'd be anticipating our 32nd birthdays as being the important ones!

    I'm 31, and I cannot tell you how much I don't miss my 20's. I feel like I'm stronger, smarter, and more unbeatably, indomitably capable now than I ever was before. It's a nice feeling. :)

  10. What a lovely outlook on life. You are so inspiring.


  11. Happy birthday! Your list is incredible. At this rate you are looking at wonderful future at any age! Every new year is a gift! Enjoy!

  12. Hey,

    what a beautiful post 29 is noch 50 (this is my fear-age) ;)



  13. What a lovely post!! :D I cannot agree with you more. I wish you an amazing birthday, and a fabulous year!!! <3

  14. Happy Happy Birthday darling Jessica :-)

  15. You are so right about the lesson that life makes us learn upon our journey. These changes in your mindset are so positive and so mature...there are many people who are twice your age who have not discovered these joys, and the freedom of mind that come with them.

    You have been so brave and so strong, despite your health issues. You really are someone I look up to and admire. Strive onwards and upwards-not older- I say!
    xx Shauna

    1. Dear Shauna, thank you so very much. You always say the most thoughtful, touching things to me - never do I read one of your comments without reaching the end of it with a smile on my face (and the wish that I could reach out across the miles and give you a big thank you hug).

      ♥ Jessica

  16. I definitely find that the older I get, the less I give a damn! ;) If i want to wear a vintage dress, roll my hair and wear heels to go down to the supermarket - I sure as heck will do.

    Huzzah for getting a tad older, but not necessarily wiser :D

  17. I feel like the older I get the more "things are okay". It's kind of more of a peaceful evolution. Here's a toast to your 30's, enjoy them!

  18. You have such a poetic and profound way of saying things. I sincerely love reading your posts. Happy almost birthday!

    Hellcat Vintage

  19. Excellent points and all so very true. I often look at how some people in their early twenties behave and wonder if I was ever like that… we do all change and "grow up". ;)

  20. Happy almost birthday! things just make sense and fall into place as life goes on.

  21. You have such a wonderful outlook and are so very inspiring. I hope you have a wonderful last year of your 20s.

  22. Excellent list. Agree with all of them. The 30's are way better then 20's although I do miss my 20's body so enjoy that for one more year : )

  23. This is a great post. I started my dog blog when I turned 32 and my vintage blog when I turned 35. 35 was a hard one for me, I felt a bit old. I am now more aware of time passing and I find myself thinking where did the time go. Overall though the 30s are a great age and I know Im more happy and confident now then before. I used to be a bit agraid to step out in full on vintage, when I turned 35 I decided I was going to wear exactly what I liked vintage, wild hats and all. I do think you get more confident and comfortbale with yourself as you get older. Best birthday wishes and always you are an inspiration.


  24. Lovely and clever post as always, dear. And lovely photo. But Jesus, 29! I'm 49! And I have never considered myself old, but soon I will be. Hmm. But remember: Age beats the alternative. ;)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Sanne. I don't think 29 or 49 is old at all, but both certainly give you some notches on your belt of age, so to speak, and I think one has learned a great deal (hopefully!) by each of those two cusp-of-a-new-decade years. I can hardly wait to be 49 and to know how my outlook on life and so many things will be then compared to now (and earlier ages).

      ♥ Jessica

  25. Your 30s will even be better! They have been my favorite decade so far, and I am happy to see you embracing your age! And you look lovely, to boot!

  26. Your 30s will be even better! It has been my favorite decade so far! You are a lovely 29, and I am glad to see you embracing the idea of growing older.

  27. I'm only a few months older than you, and I totally agree... I would never want to relive my teenage years! High school is not a healthy place for people who are different (I was happy to skip my 10-year reunion).

    The only difference I've noticed since I turned 29 is that my white hairs seem to have multiplied exponentially. However, as an adult, I can eat cookies and ice cream for breakfast if I want :)

    1. Hi sweet Kim, thank you very much for your great comment - so true, I have little desire to relive my highschool years either. They weren't all bad, but they were far from wonderful for the most part - especially, as you so astutely pointed out, for those of us who were different/stood out in some way. I found highschool actually a bit easier in this regard than elementary school, but neither was a walk in the park at all.

      Here's to the hope that we both have an incredible next decade of our lives!!!
      ♥ Jessica

  28. Dear Jessica, I just want to wish you Happy Birthday. I hope you will celebrate joyously your wonderful 29!

  29. Happy Birthday Week! At 35, I admit my body is not as shapely as it was in my 20s. But I am pretty sure I much prefer the person I am today- I have learned so much since then!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Rachel! I keep liking myself more and more the older I get as well - I think that really is one of the best elements of aging as an adult that I've experienced yet.

      ♥ Jessica

  30. I love that we have reflection as something in common. I also love that you are looking back and seeing all the positives that getting older has given you. The 30's rock btw-they really do. If you think you don't stress things now-you will stress less in your 30's bc by then it's like "hey this is me-like it or leave it and I will be ok with whatever you choose" sorta stance...kwim? <<<<<>>>>>>

    1. Thank you very much, dear Bunny. Definitely! I know just what you mean. The closer I get to them (my 30s) the more and more excited I become. There's something really joy inducing and even liberating about the idea of starting a new decade ago - the blank slate thing, one might say.

      ♥ Jessica

  31. I felt the same way about 29! The last year of a decade does make one think about life. Happy birthday in advance my dear, but I'll be sure to come back on the day to send you best wishes (it's only 3 days after mine, fellow Crabby Cancerian!)

    1. My dear friend, how fantastically lovely that our birthdays are a mere three days apart - this is clearly yet another delightful thing that we have in common.

      The happiest and most blessed of early birthday wishes to you as well!

      ♥ Jessica

  32. You have such an awesome attitude, Jessica, and for that reason, you will be beautiful at any age! I wish you an abundantly blessed 29th birthday!

    Love and hugs,

  33. I have no doubt that your thirties will be an amazing time for you, dear friend! You already have the best outlook on life that I know. As you know, I cannot wait for my thirties and think that it is a great time in one's life that you should relish and enjoy every bit of it!

    Happy Birthday, Jessica!

    1. Thank you so very much, dear Sean. I love that you're psyched for your 30s as well! I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to this decade and all the possibilities I hope it will hold it in store. I'm going to enjoy every moment of being 29, but again, can scarcely wait to begin a new decade of my life in a little over a year's time. I truly hope our 30s rock for both of us!!!

      ♥ Jessica

  34. “Never stop trying to better yourself, help others, and make the best of what you've been blessed to have.” I think that would make a very beautiful sampler to hang on the wall so a person doesn't forget to do those very things. And you're right - I wouldn't trade being 57 for anything in the world. Except maybe knees that didn't complain so much when I have to get down and wash the floor. ;o)

    I hope you had a wonderful day. :o)

  35. Happy Birthday lovely!

    Trust me when I say it gets better from there. The twenties are for discovering yourself, the thirties are for living your life as that person you discovered. (((((hugs))))

  36. I think wisdom most definitely comes with age :3 Your wonderful list proves that in my opinion ^^ Even though I'm only 20 (turning 21 in October) I've already noticed some ways in which I've grown since I was 15/16. Being able to experience personal development and developing yourself actively is something really special :3

  37. That's a great list Jessica! It's great that you can see these at 29!! I really didn't realize them until around 35 or so. I just turned 40 in Dec and I can't believe where the time has gone....

    In my 20's I had some great experiences: I had Caiden at 23, met my husband Jeff when I was divorced at 28, and he was 23 (yikes, lol), went to Beauty School and changed my career for the better. The 20's were okay, I definitely liked my 30's better and am going to embrace my 40's and beyond!

  38. That's a great list Jessica! It's great that you can see these at 29!! I really didn't realize them until around 35 or so. I just turned 40 in Dec and I can't believe where the time has gone....

    In my 20's I had some great experiences: I had Caiden at 23, met my husband Jeff when I was divorced at 28, and he was 23 (yikes, lol), went to Beauty School and changed my career for the better. The 20's were okay, I definitely liked my 30's better and am going to embrace my 40's and beyond!

  39. Oh goodness, I missed this post somehow! Happy belated birthday you sweet creature! I'm 30 and have never loved life more. Here is to the last of your twenties and may your next decade be even better!

  40. This is such a beautiful post. I agree with you, every year I feel like I become more "me" and I've got a better relationship with the person staring back from the mirror than I did ten years ago.

  41. So beautifully put! I agree with you completely. The older I get, the better, more secure I feel about myself. I'd chose wisdom over wide-eyed youth any day.

  42. Oh and I am so sorry I missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday! May this year be full of happiness, health and love. xxx
