
May 8, 2013

Vintage this and that: May 8, 2013

Hard as it may be to believe, six months have already whizzed past since the introductory edition of vintage this and that. If you ask me, that means it's high we delve into another!

While archaeological digs routinely turn up artifacts that have been buried for hundreds or even thousands of years, given the relative recentness of the mid-twentieth century, it's often headline news when something interesting from the 20-50s is forgotten about and then unearthed (though, really, most of us vintage fans do this in our own lives all the time!).

One of the most famous in recent years was the Parisian time capsule apartment that was discovered some seventy years after it last saw occupants, and though, to my mind that is even more of an amazing find (than the one discussed below), another recent discovery of something long forgotten was a collection of 1950s film negatives that an amateur photographer shot, then tucked into his attic, and which were forgotten about after the man passed away in 1964.

Frank Oscar Larson, the aforementioned shutterbug, took a wonderful series of photos documenting various New York street and business scenes during the 1950s, which his grandson discovered one day while poking about his aunt's attic. The man subsequently had them developed and later brought them to Queens Museum of Art, where they were then put on exhibit.

NBC News recently ran a piece on this story, putting several of Mr. Larson's wonderful images up on their website, the one above (showing a group of superbly stylish teenage girls from 1953) being by far my favourite. All of them are terrific though, and definitely worth taking a minute to flip through if you're a fan of mid-century photography and/or New York City.

In the first vintage this and that post, I discussed how Tony and I had recently become devoted fans of the Boardwalk Empire, and in response one a lovely reader asked if I watched the TV show Murdoch Mysteries. Though I'd caught a couple before, I really couldn't call myself a frequent viewer and really didn't know too much about the program.

Interestingly, this commenter wasn't the first person to suggest that I might enjoy the show if I got into it (my mom, for example, has long been a fan and she'd asked me before as well if I was watching it). I'm the kind of gal who knows when to take a hint, so spurred on my this most recent comment, I began to watch (usually in the wee hours of the night) episodes of Murdoch Mysteries. Well, needless to say, I'm hooked and now absolutely adore this charming Canadian drama.

For those who aren't familiar with it, the premise centers around the crime solving adventures of Detective William Murdoch, and is set in 1890s Toronto, Ontario. The show first aired in 2008 and is currently in its sixth season. I've long been a fan of whodunits and crime stories, but think that a few intense years of watching series like CSI, Criminal Minds, and Law and Order had sort of given me my fill of such dramas for a good long while - or at least I did until Murdoch Mysteries came along.

Far from being a graphic, (overly) brutal, or especially hard hitting detective series, Murdoch Mysteries are more in the same vein as classic Sherlock Holmes tales, but with a charmingly Canadian spin. The acting is wonderful, the late Victorian era costumes delightful, and the stories diverse and so easy to get into, that I'm kicking myself for not starting to watch years ago. Oh well, no time like the present, and one of the perks of starting to watch a few years in is that I now have oodles of episodes shown in repeat to enjoy. So my thanks definitely go out to all those who suggested I start watching this great mystery show, I'm really happy you tipped me off about it!

Like many of us, I'm a huge fan of wearing stockings (chiefly classic seamed, Cuban heeled stockings - but most types of hosiery are fair game), and always like looking at vintage stocking ads and images (some of which I pin to my Pinterest board Put Your Best Vintage Foot Forward), as well as learning more about the history of this classic garment.

One of the loveliest histories I've come across in a good long time on the subject was that written by Charlotte of the stellar vintage and sewing blog, Tuppence Ha'penny Vintage. If you didn't get a chance to read Charlotte's history of stockings last December, I highly recommend checking it out now, as it's chocked full of fun facts pertaining to, and great yesteryear images of, stockings (such as the wonderful 1940s Hanes ad pictured above for seamless stockings).

You may recall a post I wrote last September about a super fun online pin-up doll generator that I'd discovered that lets you great pin-up style dolls from various twentieth century decades. It's splendidly fun and well worth spending a few minutes (or hours!) playing around with.

{Image via Eclectic Ephemera}

A couple of weeks after my post, Bruce Partington-Plans, a dapper vintage loving gent behind the blog Eclectic Ephemera posted about how he'd unearthed a Dandy Maker that allows you to create well dressed, dignified male dolls.

I adore the fact that chaps everywhere now a way to create vintage sporting dolls of their own, too, and likewise highly recommend that you spend a spell creating some dolls of your own with (the example above was created by Mr. Partington-Plans and is so dashing there's no way I could write about this topic without sharing it with all of you here).

Forties fans everywhere, get ready to swoon! Here's a short video clip that's sure to make one and all go weak in this knees, especially if you've ever daydreamed about hopping in a time machine and going clothes shopping at a mid-century department store (and really, who amongst us hasn't done that?).

Care of the wonderful Youtube channel Glamour Daze, this one minute and eighteen second long clip is pure style inspiration heaven for all those who adore sporting forties hair and fashions.

And last but not least, because every day deserves a spot of vintage cuteness of the highest calibre, may I present this darling 1950s illustration by artist Margaret Webbe of three cheerful kitties sharing a branch with a group of chirping birdies. Awww!

♥ ♥ ♥

I hope you enjoyed this fun peak through some of the various vintage related stories and images that have caught my eye lately. Chances are, when the next edition in this (completely randomly occurring) series comes out, we'll be into summer or, who knows, maybe even fall again - as distantly far off as that prospect seems while there's still new blossoms appearing on the tree outside my living room window today! Smile


  1. I love Murdoch Mysteries - always a great storyline but without the gore... I just want him to settle down and find true love :) *soppy*

  2. Where to begin with such an exciting eclectic mix of vintage news! I had no idea about the Paris apartment. Thank you for informing me about this. I think it was my apartment in a former life:) Kind of sad the artifacts had to be auctioned off:( What a beautiful apartment, even the wallpaper is a work of art.

    I just picked up Vivian Maier's book. Frank Oscar Larson looks fascinating too! I love all these scenes of everyday life!

    You read my mind about shopping in a mid-century department store. I dig the music too! How about we go glove shopping together? It's almost surreal all these women so dressed up. Oh, all the glamour!

    1. Hi sweet Joanna, indeed, I could easily see this amazing French apartment as having been your abode in a former life. Perhaps the two of us even lived there together as roommates :)

      By the same token, a day spent bopping around the through the past a department store would be a dream come true. If only time travel existed for real!!!

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Hi Jessica, Oh my I am a huge fan of the Murdock Mysteries! Unfortunately here in the U.S. I have not been able to see any of the episodes beyond where the doctor moves to Buffalo, NY! The very last episode I saw was where William misses her as she leaves on the train for Buffalo... YIKES! I wish they, whoever they are, would get their acts together and get the rest of the available episodes over here to us, whine, whine, whine!
    Glad to see you are back to blogging after your surgery!
    Beth P

    1. Hi sweet Beth, thank you very much for your lovely comment. Ohhhh, isn't that just so frustrating! There have been a few series from other countries over the years where I was in the same boat. I'm not sure if they're visible to viewers outside of the US, but in case they are, I just wanted to share with you that you can watch full episodes of Murdoch Mysteries on the CBC website:

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. The clip from Glamour Daze is delightful, there's so much to look at! I will now also be wasting -er, spending- a while on those doll makers. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ooo! Thank you for mentioning the Murdoch Mysteries! I need a new show! With Bomb Girls over, and both Downton and Boardwalk not coming back until fall!

    I adored that piece on stockings, it was really enlightening!

    And what a YouTube channel!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  6. I had not heard of the Parisian apartment story! Very interesting, very cool and kinda sad....if I were her I would want to take my things with me from one place to another...did she intend to go back there some day and didn't?? They should have roped off all the lovely things and made it into a mini museum. Love the vintage this and that series!!

    1. I really wonder what her plans were at the time, too. Surely it must have been challenging to walk away from all of your things and your home like that, never to return. Great minds! I was thinking that it should have been carefully cleaned and then attempts made to preserve it as a tiny museum, too.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. I had no idea about the time capsule apartment in Paris ! I can only dream about walking in.... can you imagine ?!?!? OMG it would be soo exciting ,for me it would be like walking into Disney World.

  8. Thanks for the NBC News link to the photographs, they are so special. Love the one of the girls getting ready to go into the photo booth and the man making souvenirs with his sewing machine. What a charming kitten illustration!

  9. What a wonderful post! The photos on NBC were fabulous, it was like walking back through time(I seriously wish I could for real!) and the videos on glamour daze are always a great source of inspiration or to just drool over the beautiful outfits lol.

  10. Yes, I did nearly faint. I DO want to drop magically into a 1940s department store. SIGH. WOW. All so fabulous.

  11. I had never heard about the Murdoch Mysteries. It sounds like my kind of show. Thank you for including a link in one of the comments; I am definitely going to look it up. I love the video clip from Glamour Daze.

    1. So happy that I could introduce you to this show, dear Chrissy. It really has been one of the best TV shows to come out of Canada in recent years, and I bet you're just going to adore it if you're able to watch it online (and/or if it airs on any of the US channels). Fingers crossed that CBC site lets US/international visitors watch too.

      ♥ Jessica

  12. I love your vintage this and that-posts, they're wonderful! I love the Frank Larson picture, I'm really glad that such beautiful pictures were found and brought to the public. Lovely! I wish you a great day, doll!

  13. I want to be the girl without shoes (first picture)!!!

  14. Oh... that video was far too short. I do like the slightly baffled and lost look on the men's faces when they first appear. And I have to say, the heels on the shoes look positively sensible compared to some of the 'fashionable' stilts donned by today's starlets. I shall continue to wear heels 3 inches and shorter and flaunt them! Murdoch Mysteries is on my watchlist now... so many episodes to catch up on! I might just have to get the 'flu' in order to watch them all.. :) x

  15. Oh Jessica, thanks so much for that tip on bug bites! You can bet the next one I get I will be testing Grandma's prescription!!! Right now my bites are quiet but if they start acting up today I will most certainly be trying out the new Rx!!! :D
    Hugs always my friend,
    Beth P

  16. Hi Jessica! Love the "Ladies Department"! I'm traveling and catching up on all your great posts. Really enjoyed your green dress and sweet bracelet. I got a chuckle out of the seamed nylons--the first type I ever wore and I was dieing for seamless at the time. To a young girl, they were so old-fashioned. Of course that was 1960! It's wonderful to know you are "up and at-em", well and providing your usual terrific entertainment. For this I am grateful.

  17. I love the doll divine pinup maker. Every time I need a new profile picture, I always head over to that site. It's so much fun and soooo addictive!

  18. Thank you for sharing that wonderful video and the link to those pictures. I had seen neither and am so glad that I got to see both now.

    You always seem to find the most interesting things Jessica!


  19. I just adore the hats in that video. Did you see the new Chanel one?

    1. Ooohh, they're marvelous! I'd not had a chance to catch that clip yet, thank you very much for sharing, dear Kathleen. I love that we can always swap clothing and hat related stories, links and images with one another.

      ♥ Jessica

  20. Oh wow that clip is awesome! Thanks for sharing - I have dreamed about that - being transported in a time machine into a department store... mostly into the 50s. That was so interesting! I also dream about going back in time to old theme parks that don't exist anymore... weird hey!?! Lol! The top photo - the girl in the middle sitting on the fence looks like a teenaged Shirley Temple a bit. :D

  21. Murdoch Mysteries sounds like an amazing show, I've never heard of it before! I must check it out.
    Perfect post as always Jess! x

  22. I might have to try the murdoch mysteries. I used to watch boardwalk empire...but I have to admit the gore got to me. I don't quite seem to have the stomach for stuff I did when I was younger. Are you able to get Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries or The Doctor Blake Mysteries there? The first one is set in Melbourne (my gorgeous city) in the 20's and the second is set in rural Victoria (my state) during the late 50s. Both are awesome. And there is no one as fabulous as Miss Fisher on TV.

    I read about the time capsule apartment ages ago and just swooned! But I have to admit, as a former photographer, that is my dream find. Rolls of undeveloped film from another that is my sort of eye candy! I especially love the photo you showed here. Just perfect.

  23. oh...and if you can't get those series and want them, let me know and I will pop them on some DVDs and mail them to you (just email me if you want them).

    1. Hi dear gal, thank you very much for both of your comments. I agree the BE can have it's turn-your-head-away-quickly moments at times (and a few plot twists that I was seriously displeased with), but when all is said and done, I adore that show and really feel like it does a marvelous job of portraying 1920s fashions beyond (just) the flapper realm that one so often sees in movies and TV shows.

      We definitely have Miss Fisher's Murders up here (my mom watches it often and has recommended it to be, though I've yet to catch an episode), but I'll have to look into the other. How wonderful that both are set in Australia - the fact that Murdoch Mysteries take place in Toronto, Ontario certainly endures the series to me all the more.

      ♥ Jessica

  24. Oh I was so glad I watched the department store clip! How fun and the song is wonderful!

  25. I think I might go and check out Murdoch Mysteries. It sounds like something straight up my alley :3
