
May 24, 2013

Flickr Favourites: May 24, 2013

{Elizabeth Arden 1948 ~ Captain Geoffrey Spaulding}

{Vintage button bouquet ~ whimsylove}

{1940s Ads - The Pink Bathroom ~ DominusVobiscum}

{Rolls of pastel washi tape ~ Holly Pickering}

{Vintage Flower Pin Lot ~ Picnic by Ellie}

{1930...beauties in pastels ~ x-ray delta one}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on its title to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

Warmth and light surround us once more. For most, the days of shiver-inducing winds and unendingly long feeling hours of winter darkness are fading into a distant memory. Summer is starting to round the bend, coming into sight like an endurance marathon running breaking across the horizon. It's a joyful time, a light-hearted period between the rains of early spring and the parched dog days of summer that makes one's soul gleeful and where the promise of many months of sunlight ahead is all one needs to smile.

A long-winded spring is not something that Canada is famous for. It often arrives late and surrenders to summer just a touch to easily. These days, where flowers bloom by the millions, breezes take on a toasty twinge once more, and the weather isn't quite so warm yet that you feel like you're on the cusp of melting, are amongst my very favourtite of the whole year. They're the springtime equivalent to that magic period of golden light and in-between temperatures that (if you're lucky) befalls one in late September and early October.

This is the season for full-skirted sundresses, mountains of strawberry shortcake, camping trips, first daring plunges into the lake (where the waters still feel far more arctic than Caribbean), barbeque feasts, and yard sale after gloriously fun yard sales. These enchantingly lovely days will not last long, and I'm well aware of that fact, which only makes me adorn, and yearn to get the most out of them, all the more.

Hard as it is to believe, there's only one more little week left in May. By this time next week, we will have already unshed in June, which - with any luck - will still be balmy and gentle for at least a little while longer.

Cherish these late spring days, delight in their jovial spirit, and run - don't walk - to some of those aforementioned yard sales this weekend! :)


  1. Love the photos, and youve got me dreaming about camping trips and bbqs with you post. I hope you have a fabulous weekend dear doll!

  2. Ahh beautiful inspiring pictures, if only we got proper seasons in the UK! X

  3. Jessica, the pictures are so beautiful, so nostalgic! I love the pink sweater! Have a lovely weekend!

  4. Can I please have that 1950's blush pink mohair cardigan with flower applique? Did you see the buttons on that beauty?

    I personally feel as though spring is always over far to soon. I want the smells of spring. The scent of newly wet pavement, the hints of hyacinth, and the smells of everyone starting to BBQ and bake fresh fruits.

  5. Pink Mohair Cardigan is fab! Those lambs are so cuteeeee :) Its so cold here in the UK, even thought it should be Spring/Summer!


  6. Lovely sentiments and I really enjoyed the photo of the coral slips.

  7. Oh Jessica,

    I love that paragraph containing such delightful thoughts...sundresses, mountains of strawberry shortcake, camping trips, first daring plunges into the lake, barbeque feasts, and yard sales...just makes me so happy!

    Love the pictures here, too.


  8. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jess those colors. My mouth watered...literally hehe One day I need to have a rm in my home with those colors...sigh hehe xox

  9. Gorgeous! I love all the pinks!

    I also love that you live in Canada. Growing up (and to this day) Anne of Green Gables were my favorite books. I am in the process of re-reading them right now and am on book 6. I was wondering if you have ever read them, and how you liked them. They make me want to visit P.E.I so very bad!

    Abbi :)

    1. Awww, thank you, honey - I love that you love that I live in Canada. :)

      Indeed, I was a huge of Lucy Maud Montgomery's work when I was a little girl (I'm convinced Anne's iconic locks are part of the reason I couldn't wait to morph myself into a redhead the instant my parents let me start dying my hair as a teenager), and have always dreamed of visiting PEI, too.

      My absolute favourite television show as a child (and still to this day one of my fave shows), Road to Avonlea, was based on some of LMM's writing. If you've not seen it before and ever get the chance (it first aired between 1990-1996), I really can't recommend it highly enough.

      Fingers crossed we both get to visit Prince Edward Island one day!

      ♥ Jessica

  10. *sigh* I'm so glad I discovered your blog. We share such a sensibility that the things you present are catnip to me. Have a great weekend.

  11. I am thrilled beyond measure that warmer temps and extended hours of sunlight are upon us. Even my roses have begun blooming. Sadly, though, the freeze of 2 or 3 weeks ago wiped out the fruit on all 5 of my cherry trees. They had blossomed early---tricked, no doubt, by some slightly warmer days---then the freeze hit, wiping out every blossom. Of the 8 summers we've been in this house, that has happened 4 times.

    You have tickled me pink with your photos today...lots of pink, indeed. Oh, and aren't those lambs adorable! And, I have to tell you, that daisy pin (with the yellow center) looks exactly like one I got my mom for a gift 40+ years ago...the orange one to the lower left of that one too. Pins were a favorite/inexpensive gift for me to get for my mom. They sold them at the drugstore nearby, and they were around $5, as I recall.

    Happy weekend to you,

  12. absolutely love the first picture!! '

    xx Visit me?

  13. Lovely post, full of wonderful pastel colors!

  14. Great pictures this week.

  15. Oh my god.... I WANT that pink bathroom! Seems funny that your summer is around the corner when I'm wrapped up against the cold. However I think I'll still wear my full skirted dresses, only with tights!

  16. I just love those brooches! So gorgeous.

    I can't believe May is almost over. Almost halfway through the year and I feel like it has sped by so fast I haven't has a chance to do anything.

  17. I really love the powder room picture, wouldn't that be cute to have

  18. We are having a winter type in Syracuse, NY this weekend unfortunately! It was 45 degrees yesterday, and almost 80 on Tuesday! Crazy! I love the picture of the vintage buttons, makes me want to hunt for my moms box of vintage buttons I have in storage somewhere around here! Also love the Pink Coral slip #5, so pretty! Have a great weekend!

  19. It is chilly and damp in New England now, but it won't keep me from flea markets and garage sales to find the perfect little treasure. Spring colors are so beautiful and you have captured the essence so nicely! On a rainy morning, the greens seem even greener. Thanks for the wonderful images--love the button bouquet and tea cups. I hope you are doing well!

  20. i want this pink coral pettycoat. such an amzing colour!!!

  21. oh what a wonderful way to make our weekend even more fabulous with so much beautiful inspiration, i adore those buttons and the coral underwear;)
    love and kiss,mary

  22. Oh the vintage button bouquet is a work of art !
    I do hope that summer finally reaches Canada- summer days call for pretty vintage frocks that i am certain you are waiting to wear.

  23. I just really enjoy the color theme here in your Fliker Favorites post. Each one fits together perfectly. I have been eyeing some vintage flower brooches on etsy for sometime. Love how they make an outfit pop!

  24. You always pick the neatest photos from Flicker. I am so glad you still use Flicker. I am not into Instagram. :)

  25. Your blog was recommended to me by a friend - now I know why. Enjoy the warmth and the blooms ;-)

    Spashionista (Alicia)

  26. I adore the coral underwear and the vintage button bouquet, such a great idea. I have to copy it some day, since I have inherited a lot of vintage buttons. Later this week we will finally get warmer degrees here in little Denmark. This morning DH lit the fireplace - we are sick and tired of cold weather.

  27. Beautiful images - thanks for some inspiration.

  28. Oh goodness, look at those wittle sheepies! Just want to snuggle them!

  29. Oh wow, those pictures are absolutely stunning :3 It would be amazing to actually have a pink bathroom :3
