
April 13, 2013

Flickr Favourites: April 13, 2013

{Morny French Fern advertisement ~ totallymystified}

{1920s pond life ~ sandmarg.etsy}

{Jadite ~ Cindy {K}}

{Vera Tschechowa ~ Truus, Bob & Jan too!}

{354/i365 • sweets ~ Krisu-}

{Jessica Ford, January 1958 ~ dovima_is_devine_II}

{Green and black butterfly ~ ruthhallam}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on its title to be taken to its respective Flickr page.} 

♥ ♥ ♥

Mid-way through last December, on the fabulous blog The Glamorous Housewife, I first caught wind of the fact that Pantone's color of the year 2013 was going to be emerald green (in this post). Having always loved, but for some (completely unintentional) reason not often owned much green as far as my wardrobe was concerned, this choice on Pantone's part made me a very happy lass indeed.

Already throughout 2012 (long before I knew what Pantone's next color of the year was going to be) I'd been keeping my eyes peeled for my verdant fashions while out thrifting, but few (save pretty much for one lovely chartreuse hued sleeveless top) had come my way. Every years I like to make a conscious effort to add more of certain colours to my wardrobe, and the desire to do so with green has certainly carried on into 2013. Already this year I've added a grass hued crocheted cardigan and an emerald (extra green bonus points there! :) ) v-neck sweater to my closet (both thrifted, natch).

On top of merely just buying new green pieces, I've been making a point of trying to wear more of this fantastic hue, which comprises shades that are both deeply serene and joyfully energetic, and everything in between. As spring (now nearly close to a month old) continues and the last (I hope!) vestiges of the snow vanish from the hills around our town, the world takes on the flush of new life once more and with it comes all manner of green grass, flowers, and trees, each of which is further bolstering my passion for this mellow, inviting hue.

As green is very much on my mind these days, it seemed like a great colour to feature in this month's edition of Flickr favourites, partnered here with shades of yellow (another colours that's I'm making a conscious effort to inject more into my wardrobe), black, white and a smattering of other hues. Green is fun and youthful, revitalizing, harmonious and very becoming on many skin tones (there's scarcely a soul amongst us who can't find at least a shade or two that looks great on them).

The phrase "think green" was one I heard often while growing up in the 1990s. Back then it meant to focus your thoughts on being environmentally friendly, something that is always wise to do. This spring however, when I "think green", my mind races most of all to beautiful images like those in today’s post, verdant vintage garments, and the budding world outside our doors that is once again springing to life.


  1. I was never that drawn to green until a few years ago as well! I would love to see the green pieces you have thrifted as well as any dead stock clothing tags you should post more pictures of your lovely items.

  2. Fab selection of images - I love the kitten having fun with the ball of wool and of course the lady wearing her topper!


  3. These area all so lovely I do like the dress the woman lounging is wearing.

    Lately, I've been noticing that I need to make some solid color skirts to go with the novelty print blouses I plan on making. I do love my novelty print skirts but sometimes I just want something a bit more toned down.

    I need to add a black,grey, green, blue, and a few other shades of the color wheel I'm forgetting. Same thing goes for blouses. So much sewing and so little time.

  4. great pictures!
    i love green clothes since i was a child. the dream-dress was a dark green taffeta dress - 50´s style of cause with full, tea-lenght skirt......
    now a have collected some greens - shoes, bags, hats, scarfs, dresses, skirts and woolies. sometimes i wear green from head to toe, sometimes i use it only for accent.....

  5. Green is a colour I really like but virtually never wear for some reason. I love that photo of the butterfly - what gorgeous colours.

  6. I just love coming over here for visits! I always feel so refreshed and calm after I enjoy your vintagy treats from the post of the day! The past always seems like it was such a kinder place to be...
    Beth P

  7. I don't own plenty of green clothes as well. My favourite knitted cardigan is green. But mainly I have some hints of green in multicolored garments. I would love to have an emerald green dress.

  8. The colour emerald is my favourite, so much so that it is the main stone in my engagement ring. I loved looking at these images. The Glamour magazine cover is beautiful, especially with the bunch of violets. I really like purple and green together like that. Cat's tongues chocolates? Love the image but not sure about the idea!

  9. Lovely selection Jessica :) LOL growing up in the 90's- that makes you my baby sister's age. Well- second baby sister. My BABY baby sister is still a teenager ;)
    I do love that striped dress- I keep obsessing about stripes right now!

  10. I need those tips from Glamour on getting the most hats for my money! I love green too, it does wonders when paired with ginger hair.

  11. the waterlilies illustration is just adorable :) I love green, from mint to emerald x

  12. gorgeous in green?;) i´m totally in love with the very first picture, that green evening gown is outstanding beautiful and than those opera gloves. i so wish i will attend one day an event to wear something glamourous like that!

  13. Love these photos! Makes me want to go put on some green!

  14. Ohmyword, I adore kitties and Lindt's to perfect I'm so stealing and pinning it!

  15. Lovely post as always!! :D I, too, am extremely pleased with Pantone's colour of the year for 2013! :D I find it infinately more wearable that a certain tangerine tango ;)
    Wishing you the best!!

  16. Lovely photos! I love the colours of the bowls and glasses, such a beautiful combination of colours.

  17. Five years ago, or so, I started loving green. I have never dared wearing green, both due to the fact that my surname is green and I didn't think it would become me. But no one is making fun of me and I've found several green tones that looks great on me. And with red lipstick you can't go wrong. :)

  18. What I would give to own the green dress in that first picture!!!! *DROOL*!!! :-)

  19. Oh my! The jadeite is gorgeous! I love the green striped dress too. (:

