
April 8, 2013

A Canadian in Omak, Washington

Outfit details

All hair flowers: Arden
White rose stud earrings: Claire's
Red shrug: Fairweather
1980s does 1940s Karin Stevens novelty print dress: eBay
White skinny belt: eBay
Cute vintage wreath brooch: eBay
Bangle bracelets: Assorted sources
Red vintage purse: etsy seller I Love Vintage Stuff
Nude and black seamed stockings: eBay
Black pumps: Payless
Lip colour: MAC Russian Red

Photography by Antonio Cangiano

Travel, even relatively short distances, is extremely challenging for me due to many of my chronic health problems. It bodes well for me then that I'm a natural homebody in a lot of ways. However, I've also always had a spirit of wanderlust and this duality, I believe, will forever exist in my soul. Much as I'd love to take to the open road on a lark whenever the urge strikes, such is, point blank, absolutely out of the question most of the time.

Every now and then, one in a very blue moon, a day comes along though where I sense that in the moment I'll be able to handle a little bit of driving. Kelowna, an hour away, or Osoyoos (also about an hour away) in the opposite direction, is usually the limit of what I'll push myself to, but occasionally I’ll go a little further still. I know full well that I'll pay for this decision with weeks of being bedridden and racked with flare-ups afterwards, but sometimes that's ok. My health can have nearly full reign of my life most of the time, but once in a while I get to still have fun and go on a little adventure, too.

Hard as it may be to believe (considering that I've often lived an hour or less from the border), I went the first twenty-eight and a half years of my life without ever visiting the US. One day a few weeks ago (right around the start of February), sensing that I could probably handle a quick road trip that day, Tony and I decided it was high time we hightailed it to good old US of A.

He - of Italian birth and upbringing - had already been to the States before a couple of times with my parents, but again, never once in my life had I stepped foot below the 49th. Doing so was something I'd longed to accomplish for ages, so on a very chilly weekend day we set out for America. After dealing with US customs (who wanted to check our car for some unknown reason and then made us fill out some pretty standard forms before letting us continue on our way), we cruised over the border and into Washington state.

We headed to the town of Omak with the purpose of grocery shopping (oh, the marvelous array of gluten-free foods that exist in US stores that we don't have here in Canada) and did just that. The whole day was bitingly cold and very, very overcast, but before night fell completely, we quickly grabbed a few shots on (what I'd call) the main stress in Omak, standing in front of a great old vintage movie theater.

The decision to go to the States was made that very morning (that's how my health rolls - advance plans, out, on the fly, in!) and as soon as it was, I knew that I wanted to sport a red, white and blue vintage outfit in honour of the US flag and my first time on American soil.

A few mad dash outfit changes later (cue closet that looks like a tornado hit it!), and this ensemble is what I settled on. Other than the fact that my arms were a touch nippy (I had white gloves in my purse, but forgot to slip them on before we took these snaps) when I wasn't wearing my jacket (not pictured), this was a great choice of outfit for the day (so comfy - a must for any kind of travel) and one which, I was touched to receive plenty of compliments on from folks on both sides of the border (including one of the female US customs agents we were dealing with on our way to the States).

Our whole trip was quick - about five hours spent in the US - but a total blast. Between the epically big Wal-Mart, seeing various US business in person for the first time (Bank of America, Rite Aid, Prince's, etc), and simply spending time in a brand-new-to-me country, it was one of the best days I've had in years.

Trunk loaded with delicious US foods (why, oh why, aren't all the Jet-Puffed marshmallow varieties - such as pumpkin pie, chocolate, coconut, and gingerbread - that you have there available in Canada, too?), photos snapped, and memories made, as a dense fog washed over the road, we carefully (we honestly could not see more than a few feet in front of us) made our way home, sailing over the Canadian border sans any issues.

As I knew would be the case, this delightful dalliance with America left me wrecked, health wise, for a few weeks afterwards, but I don't regret the choice to go one iota. I can now say that I've been to the States for the first time - and what I'm sure will not be the last - time, and that's worth feeling extra crummy for a while. Big time.

Now...where'd I put that bag of pumpkin pie marshmallows? :)


  1. Ouch! My heart missed a beat looking at this amazing outfit. It works so beautifully, right down to the bangles. You are radiant.

    So happy to see you down South. It makes me wonder if you have an accent. Do you?

    1. *Blush* Thank you very much, Ally, you're always endlessly sweet to me with your fantastic comments. No, by Canadian standards, I don't have an accent, having grown up here in British Columbia, where we sound much akin to those from the Pacific Northwest states of America. Of course though, having an accent or not depends entirely on where both parties involved hail from. To someone from, say, Australia, I'm sure I would sound like I had one.

      ♥ Jessica

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely time :) You looked good and as far as customs is concerned- that would be the famous TSA at work *sigh*.

  3. Love your US inspired outfit! So cute! It's so funny that one of your favorite parts of the trip was the food. I always forget that not every country is as food crazy as we Americans are.

  4. dear jessica, you look so gorgeous in this lovely blue and white dress. i love everything about this outfit ... your hairdo is totally cute. love the rolls.
    you look really happy in these pictures. :)

  5. I'm so pleased you were able to brighten up our country with your fabulousness. You are so beautiful. That outfit is awesome. Like, words cannot describe how much I love it. And your hair?! Unbelievably cool. First, your red hair is strikingly gorgeous and that vintage hair style is effortlessly chic. Mesmerizing.

    I've always wanted to visit Canada. I have several friends who live up there. And I've seen photos of all the cool big cities and gorgeous landscape. I had an aunt who did a train ride across your country and she said it was the best time of her life. So, I'm kind of obsessed now. Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to step foot across the border too! ;)

  6. This is fabulous! I'm so glad you came to America! I am very happy seeing your outfit, as well. Thanks for the patriotism!

    1. Thank you sweetly, Kathleen. The pleasure is all mine. Odd as this may sound, my first trip to the States simply would not have felt right to me if I weren't sporting patriotic colours.

      ♥ Jessica

  7. What total cuteness! I love the flowers in your hair as well! And your beautiful red hair, OMGosh :D
    First time to the U.S.? I wish you were closer to the eastern side of the U.S. then we could meet and have a coffee together! Oh well, at least we have cyber space!
    Beth P

  8. Wonderful and classic outfit!

    I'm rather surprised about Canada not offering so many gluten free options...

    I'm glad you were able to make it to the US!


    1. Thank you very much, sweet Janey. I'm over-the-moon happy that I've finally (!) made my first trip to the US as well, and must say, I'm really champing at the bit to return (perhaps even for a few days at a time, if possible) asap.

      We do have some gluten-free foods up here for sure, and more are coming in each year, but it's a mere drop in the bucket to what's available south of the border. Omak isn't a very big place, and I was amazed at the selection they had there. I can just imagine the plethora of such products that much exist in a major metropolis!

      ♥ Jessica

  9. omg omg omg that dress! Jessica, i feel that you have all the dresses that i want to have someday. You are such a lucky. I hope your trip was a great time to know new things/people. Someday i want to visit usa and many other countries hehe xo

  10. Wonderful Jessica! You look fabulous - I love the colours and the bangles!


  11. You look beautiful! I love the bright colors and all your fabulous accessories! I just got back from a weekend trip myself and I know full well what you mean about paying for it! But it is essential I think, that despite poor health, to have moments where I simply enjoy life and beautiful places. My body might hate it, but my soul needs it!! Hang in there!!
    ~xoxo, CoriLynn

  12. I'm sure I've said this before, but I love how your indomitably positive spirit is always the dominant theme, even when you describe things relating to your health challenges. ♥

    Also: I'm downright honored that you wore such a gorgeous outfit to honor my homeland! ;)

  13. Just adore your red, White and blue outfit. Can totally see why you had compliments! As you know my health limits me too. For the last three years my holidays have been taken an hour and a quarter away from our house! Having said that there has been an improvement as I can now drive it myself without being totally zonked (mostly due to good nighttime drug). However we just have the coast you have America within driving distance!! I have to tell you not to complain about lack of food choices - Britain is much worse! Our marshmallows are pink or White, that's it! XX

  14. Oh, and also I agree it is sometimes worth pushing yourself as memories are very precious x

  15. Lovely outfit! That bag is absolutely adorable.

  16. Jessica I think you need to change the tittle of the post to "A beautiful Canadian... " you look lovely in that dress - and your red bag is perfect.
    I am sorry to hear that traveling makes you ill - and I applaud your positiveness in still going :) When I go to the US i go bezerk in the pharmacies and stores because i see new things and brands that are unheard of here.

  17. Oh, I find your positivity just so damn inspiring and lovely. I'm so glad you enjoyed your first ever trip to the States, and with a wonderful outfit to match.

    If I'm ever in Canada, I want to come give you a hug and a souvenir from London... Foreign treats to make up a little bit for the fact that your health problems prevent you from fulfilling your wanderlust! x

  18. Your accessories really make this look! I love that little brooch and your bracelets are fantastic. Those marshmallows come out seasonally, so if you're up for it, you should try to come on down every couple of months or so to pick up the new flavors. My favorite is the strawberry flavored ones; they're pink and yummy.

  19. What a lovely patriotic outfit! Glad you enjoyed your time in the States. And boy do I understand the "on the fly" planning, as you know. Maybe next time you'll head to Seattle?

    Wishing you a wonderfully healthy week!

  20. Well done for making the trip - and you look stunning! Love that combination of blue and red, so cheery and stylish xx

  21. I am so glad that you enjoyed your visit and I love, love, love your adorable outfit. ♥

    1. Thank you very much, Kim. I truly had a great time and am as eager as all get out to return - hopefully in the not too distant future (and all the better if it's during the sunny months, as it was mighty chilly day!).

      ♥ Jessica

  22. jessica! I think it's so great of you that you will not let you get down from your health problems. the excursion seems to have made ​​you very happy - and that's the most important for the health.
    and chaotic cabinet aside - the outfit has succeeded, as always, fabulous captured by tony. I really like what you've done with your hair, this little curlicue be a nice variation. I must also try it :-)

  23. I'm so glad you got the opportunity to take this special road trip and visit the US. You look smashing in your red, white and blue ensemble which suits you nicely...a planned colour theme? or chance? The picture theatre behind you in the photo looks wonderfully nostalgic.
    On more important matters...I never knew marshmallows came in other flavours, we only have vanilla and pink here in Australia...I am extremely jealous!!!

    1. Hi sweet Shauna, thank you very much for your wonderfully lovely comment. This outfit was entirely planned (albeit on the fly, as the decision to visit the States that day was very last minute) - I just felt in my heart of hearts like I had to wear (US) patriotic colours for my first trip south of the border.

      I can totally relate on the marshmallow front. By and large, we only have classic vanilla and a mixed fruit/tutti-fruti version here in most Canadian shops.

      ♥ Jessica

  24. my dear, you look amazing!
    I love red, blue and white. ♥ With this combination you can't go wrong.

  25. I am so glad that you got to go on your trip. I think you picked the most perfect outfit in which to make it. Red, white and blue is such a classic combination but you made it look really fresh. I love the flower wreath brooch. I too am intrigued by the marshmallows, especially the pumpkin ones. I have only found pink and white in England.

  26. You look beautiful, as always! :)

  27. As usual, you put together a wonderful outfit! I love to travel but I've been to all the nearby areas of interest so now we have to go farther. Sometimes I'm not sure if it's worth the planning, packing, lack of sleep, inevitably cranky kids, etc. It can be really exhausting so I can just imagine how difficult it can be with chronic health issues. I am so glad you were finally able to visit the US. I have not made it to Canada yet, as Florida is SO far away but we're hoping to someday go through Canada and visit Alaska. It's a dream vacation so I don't know if it will ever happen, but you never know!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Chrissy. I really hope you're able to visit Canada (and take your dream vacation up to Alaska) one day. I haven't seen the whole country myself yet (five out of the ten provinces and three territories so far), but doing so (if my health will let me) over time is truly one of my life goals. Seeing the Yukon (which I have strong family ties to) would be a dream come true for me (and if I could only ever see one another place in Canada, that would be it for me) - it's really neat how we both feel pulled to see the great white north.

      ♥ Jessica

  28. That outfit is truly fabulous. You shine!

    PS - I didn't realize that when you moved to BC - you literally moved into my backyard. Let me know if you ever feel like grabbing lunch!

  29. oh darling i can´t find the right words for that sublime outfit! i love the combo of red and blue, it looks always so great! i love that red cardigan and your bag and what a darling dress! also your hair looks amazing, from head to toe fabulous!

  30. It seems so odd to have a quick visit to the US while I live in Australia and would just love to spend weeks there. Sounds like an awesome trip! I love your outfit. You are always perfect in navy, red and white. ANd your brooch is cute and the perfect touch :D

  31. In Spain there is a very popular phrase, when you do something that had great fun and then you pay the "consequences" .... we say "to remove us, it danced .." (hard to do a translation of this sentence ...) but I want to say that you very much enjoyed your little adventure and what comes after does not matter much ... you look great in those colors! And of course, I'm dying for your outfit .... I repeat, you are my muse ....

  32. Your outfit is so gorgeous and is perfect for your first time in the US. I love visiting Washington and usually in the Summer I am there for 2 weeks in Washington and 2 weeks in Canada so essentially I'm there for half of the Summer and I love exploring. Ps I have been to Omak and I like the old world charm, very Western. :)

  33. You look an absolute picture Jessica.
    I myself am a homebody, I just don't have the urge to venture too far, particularly not out of the country, as there is still so much of the United Kingdom that I have to see. I would though, like to see some parts of the U.S, New Orleans and New England especially and also Germany.
    I'm sorry your trip into the U.S took it out of you, but you did it and have wonderful memories so it evens itself out I suppose xxx

    1. Thank you very much, dear Melanie. It's interesting that you mention wanting to visit New Orleans should you travel to the States. That has always, always been one of the places I'd more love seeing in the country, too. The rich, storied, fascinating history of the city, coupled with the architecture, cuisine and incredible music appeals to me immensely. Here's to the hope that we both get to set foot in The Big Easy one day! :)

      ♥ Jessica

  34. One of the reasons Us customs are being very thorough is that there is a lot more drug trafficking into the US. It's so bad in/out of Mexico that they stop and check every other car. My brothers were in Tijuana Mexico visiting and got checked. They were pulled into secondary check and a drug dog looked through the truck. They didn't have anything but since it was to young men in a newer truck they had to check.

    Your outfit is marvelous! You did a great job with your hair too! I'm glad you got to shop and get food you can enjoy. I took for granted all the awesome shopping both clothes and grocery that I grew up with in Southern California. Now I have to settle with buying things at Wal-Mart.

  35. You look fabulous as usual! Such a lovely colour combination!

  36. This is such a fun post, you've captured the frantic outfit selection and joy of the occasion beautifully. Your outfit is perfect, by the way! I too would love to visit the USA one day and try all the crazy foods. There are some novelty shops & restaurants that sell American foods here but they're very expensive and I'm guessing they only have a very tiny range compared to what's available over there!

  37. That blue print dress really sets off your fabulous red hair. I'm so glad you got to take a road trip, and hope you're feeling a bit better now.

  38. You look just as sweet as marshmallows! :)

    1. Awww, that seriously just made my day. Thank you very much, dear Sanne.

      ♥ Jessica

  39. Jessica, I absolutely adore this outfit on you!! And so please you finally managed to make it over the border and enjoyed your time, I can imagine it really is worth it to throw caution to the wind and make a trip to somewhere that makes you happy once in a while! xx

  40. I have just discovered your blog and am enjoying reading :) So glad you had a fun trip. I have some weird health woes (they always travel in packs, boo) that make travel difficult to say the least. But as you say - the recuperation time is worth the trip at times.

    Lovely outfit too!
