
March 4, 2013

Mrs. Tyron's exceedingly glamorous day

You know those times when you're squarely in the mood for glamour even though you don't have anything more exciting than a day, say, of the usual 9-5 grind, or housework, or running errands around town to do? Oui?

Well, today (as I continue to battle my through the flu that struck me last week) just happens to be one of those for days for me. It's the kind of morning when I wake up and I wish I had an opera, movie premier, grand ball, or other wildly elegant, upscale event to attend.

As there isn't an opera house around these parts of hundreds of miles, I'm not an actress, grand balls are few and far between, and I haven't received any gilded invitations in the mail lately, I doubt I'll be dusting off my fanciest gown before the sun sets tonight.

No worries though, when moods like this strike, I find that one of the best thing to do is flip through some of my favourite vintage images of enchantingly glamorous women and live vicariously through their chic adventures.

By far one of the most entertaining groups of vintage glamour shots I've ever encountered is that which (well known Vogue) photographer John Rawlings took for the February 1947 edition of Harper's Bazaar magazine .

Through a series of four dozen images we see a very (just check out some of the prices mentioned - they'd be steep by today's standards!) well-to-do woman named Mrs. Tyron arrive home from a long day of shopping and then proceed to go through the many steps required to get ready for a gorgeous and very glamorous evening out with her husband.

These photos and their accompanying captions really speak for themselves and what an interesting, stylish tale they tell!

Woman getting ready for a glamorous evening out, from Harper's Bazaar magazine, 1947, Chronically Vintage, image 1

Woman getting ready for a glamorous evening out, from Harper's Bazaar magazine, 1947, Chronically Vintage, image 2

Woman getting ready for a glamorous evening out, from Harper's Bazaar magazine, 1947, Chronically Vintage, image 3

Woman getting ready for a glamorous evening out, from Harper's Bazaar magazine, 1947, Chronically Vintage, image 4

{All images above are from Flickr. Please click on an image to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

The old adage that looking beautiful is hard work certainly seems to ring true for our harried Mrs. Tyron! In the end though, despite nearly – gasp! - wearing a similar dress as her friend, she (even though we know everything she just went) makes it all look so easy and natural – as though she just rolled out of bed looking like a million dollars.

And after all, isn't that the exact perception that glamour is supposed to give off, no matter if one is just popping out to the market or if they’ve been invited to an evening spent at the President's Ball?


  1. Goodness, it is a wonder she isn't too exhausted to go out after all that!
    I love getting ready to go out, it all adds to the occasion somehow.

  2. Oh, this sounds familiar... i love getting all dolled up, but like you - have really nowhere to go. Sometimes I'll dress up for work and i will even get a weird look that silently says "where do you think you are going ?"- but i dont care- i'll wear what i want :)
    I have that black bakelite phone !! it's a life saver when the electricity goes off.

  3. That is so neat, she did have quite a day.

  4. Right now I am having a case of the Monday's ;)
    So, I thought I would share the opera with you :D

  5. Love this series from Harper's Bazaar. I wish my days were just as glamorous.

    I hope you are feeling better. I know the flu can be a real drain on a person.

    Best Wishes,

    1. Thank you very much for the caring well wishes, sweet Amanada. The flu isn't fun at the best of times, but as it triggered flare-ups of several of my conditions as well, it's doing an extra number on me this time around.

      ♥ Jessica

  6. This is amusing! I like the advertising using a photo story. I like the way she has to change all her underwear as well as her dress!

  7. What a fantastic spread!!! The strange and witty captions along with Mrs. T's fabulous style are truly delightful! (I particularly covet that $1500 ermine and Shantung gown of hers!)
    Thanks for sharing with us :)

  8. I love, love, love this post. I can't believe I've never seen this before since it is such a really fun image. I wonder if they have done more like this? I'd love to see the original Rawlings images and glorify in the details. He was such an amazing, talented photographer. I'd love to be Mrs. Tyron for one day. What is also fantastic is that we can see these images in color for 1947. Her coat was $1,500 in 1947!

    1. This is the first one like this I've encountered, dear Joanna, which is why I knew the moment I spotted this series of panels I simply had to share them here one day. I'm delighted to know you - a true vintage magazine and ad aficionado - enjoyed them so much. (It is crazy to know her coat cost so much back in 1947 - clearly Mr. Tyron had a very good job! :) )

      ♥ Jessica

  9. Now that was charming, and right up my ally! I wish I could find those black strappy heels somewhere; they are diving. I do love the clever marketing of the past. Thank you for sharing this!

  10. Oh the troubles of poor Mrs Tyron! How does she endure her sad, underprivelleged life...I'd be very happy to give it a go myself. What a great find, I love all the images and the commentary is a total scream. Thanks for sharing it with us. xx Shauna

  11. hi there Jessica- always love to pop in and see the rich posts you give us :) Loved this one! We all need these days ..ofcourse I really should let you know that I do indeed pop out of bed looking this good! lol ummm..just incase u may need a new 2013 model for your blog...

  12. This is very funny to read. Cursed distracting hat box! I like her little shelf over the bath, very practical. What a difficult life to be sure.

  13. How interestingggg!! It makes me think of picture books and I don't think I've ever seen such thing in a magazine. Mrs Tyrons is indeed a glamorous lady - that gloves, that hat, that wiggle dress? OOOOHHHH!!!!


  14. So funny! I know exactly how you feel - sometimes you just want a fabulous event to get glammed up for, paying attention to make sure that every little detail is perfect!

    I hope that you feel better soon, and once you get rid of that pesky flu, you should get dolled up just for the hell of it and write a blog about it! :) xx

    1. Very good idea, my dear! You're right, I might just have to do that - not that it takes much arm twisting to get me to go glam! :)

      ♥ Jessica

  15. I have those days too! Mostly in the winter when all I want to do is frolic in the sun!
    Hope you're feeling better!!

  16. This is fabulous, Jessica! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  17. Sorry I'm late Jessica, and I hope you're feeling much better now. I loved this post. I very rarely get the chance nowadays, but I always really enjoyed the ritual of getting ready to go out for the night. Now I just fling everything on as I rush about to get out of the door. xx

  18. oh le glamour!
    and as older you get longer it takes ;-)

    best wishes for your health!!!!!

  19. Aww wow! I love 'to relax...' hehe!

    I hope you are feeling better soon kitten, thanks for the email, gee wizz, you know how sometimes you can spend hours in blogland on your email and get connected then other times life is so busy it's like you miss so much from your favourite wee bloggers and don't even speak to your real-life friends for weeks! I need to have a good day soon to catch up! Who knows when!!! Feel better soon! Zoë xxx

  20. This was truly glamorous, I loved it so much. And you're right, the prices are wild considering the year.

  21. This was such a neat post! Glad you found this!

  22. Awww that's adorable! I want my fiance to read this, He'll recognize someone, I guess ^^"

  23. This puts me in mind of the photo stories in 'magazines' I had as a pre-teen and young teen!
