
January 13, 2013

The kind of vintage piece that pipe dreams are made of

Perhaps it's the pale-as-concrete colour palette nature's been sporting lately, the -20C temps (with the wind chill factored in), or the snowdrifts so high you half expect to see a penguin come sliding down them. Whatever the reason, I think that most of us (in those parts of the western hemisphere that endure winter's icy wrath) start to get a certain jonesing right about this time year for summer's return.

I don't mean a quaint spring day spent amongst the tulips in May or June, no, I mean the full-on, toast your skin in a flash, soul sizzling heat of the dog days of summer, say around the end of July, when the sun is as golden as a nugget and the world is alive with a million rainbow's worth of vibrancy.

Of course, naturally enough, when that time of the year does roll around once more, we'll sit there pining for this very cold, very snowy second half of winter again. Such is human nature. Perhaps more than what the weather is up to these days, it was was the spotting a vintage bathing suit ad a while back that suddenly had me yearning for summer's fiery embrace, and more over, for the swimsuit in the ad itself!

You know those vintage items that you spot somewhere, instantly fall in love with, and just as quickly understand that you have a snowball's chance of ever coming even remotely close to tracking them down? I'm a huge glass-half-full kind of gal, but I'm also a major realist, so I completely grasp that my hopes of every tracking down one of these amazing suits (in my size) is very, very slim.

Nevertheless, a girl can fantasize - and hope that maybe, just maybe, by posting about said swimsuit, someone out there in the vast reaches of the interwebs will one day come across one of these suits (if I don't spot it first) and let me know.

Without further ado, may I present fellow Vancouver born gal Yvonne De Carlo sporting what may very well be my favourite vintage bathing suit of all time, Rose Marie Reid's "Canadiana".

To many this may just seem like a cute novelty print suit, but to this red-as-a-maple leaf blooded canuck, who utterly adores vintage fashion and vintage Canadiana, this is the kind of garment that patriotic meets sartorial dreams are made of (and I love it all the more because the designer, Rose Marie Reid, was herself a Canadian).

I have an eBay keyword search on various possible names for this garment, and have checked etsy and a few vintage other online vintage shops numerous times, but haven't unearthed one of these stellar First Nations imagery covered swimsuit yet, and doubt I will anytime soon (if ever). Still, I'm not one to be deterred and part of me loves that I have a new vintage holy grail to try and track down.

It might not be in time for this coming summer or even the next, but if this bathing suit is out there in my size, I like to think that one - perhaps very distant - day I'll find it and get to bring it home to live alongside my vintage winter coats, always ready and waiting for the summer’s glorious return (just like me!).


  1. Maybe I'm a bit strange, but I'm the one who doesn't dream about summer's return :) In fact, summer is my least favourite season - it's too hot, and hot means frizzy hair, red and sweated face and my hot like an oven flat with no air conditioning. I'm definitely a winter kind of gal - although my most favorite season is autumn.


    1. Ultimately, I'm more a winter person than a summer one, too (and like yourself, my very favourite season is autumn). There are pros and cons to each - adorable vintage swimsuits like this being a pro, but the sweltering weather you described usually being a con. I'm grateful for the all the seasons, and definitely wouldn't want to live with either just summer or winter for the whole year.

      ♥ Jessica

  2. That's a lovely bahting suit! I understand why it's a holy grail!

  3. That is indeed amazing swimwear! And it would certainly look great with your wonderful new hair. Vintage swimsuits are really fun and I wish I had saved my first 2-piece. I purchased it at the beach (Nags Head, North Caroline) for 1.50!

  4. Oh., Nice post somuch for your writing about this sis:)
    Always adore how your self deep somuch in vintage<3


  5. Oh my how gorgeous that suit is! I have several keywords on eBay that let me know when new items are posted, and even sellers that have amazing vintage items that I love, and are both a decent price as well as just excellent fashion in wonderful quality! I promised one seller I would do a review to help promote them when I got home from my Mom's. I'm sure a suit like that will be hard to find, but worth the effort when you do! Perhaps you can make one/have one made? Like we agreed on my blog - sometimes there are just those things we LUST after on our list that may take a long time to come to fruition - but when it does, it's glorious!


    Veronica Vintage

  6. I'm also thinking about summer days more and more. These thoughts warm me and give the opportunity to plan my summer vacations. Sea, sunbathing, travelling...

    I want to say, this is wonderful bathing suit. The print is adorable. Cross fingers, Jessica, you will find it someday in your size in mint condition :)

  7. I don't blame you for falling in love with that! Omg so darling! I love Yvonne De Carlo too! My husband and I are big fans of hers! I googled it to see what I could find and nothing but I shall keep my eye around just in case! I hope you find it or a pattern so you can have it made??! Btw, Happy Sunday!! xox

  8. Wow! I can't even think how even I would react, let alone someone like you, a Canadian, would in seeing that in a shop! It's amazing!!


  9. The summer 2012 here in west Sweden was a disaster too - only above 25 C five days, and not in a row and 150% more rain than usual in July. So yes, I fervently long for summer. Unfortunately the kind of summer we got is spot on the scientific predictions for how Climate Change would affect us, so there may not be any more "real" summers :(

  10. Hi hun! Ha! We're on the same wave-length for sure! Of late I'm scouring the internet in search of something fabulous, vintage and in my size, which I plan to put to good use in the frothy waves of the South African coastine in a few months time! I adore this Canadiana swimsuit! If I ever stumble across one I'll let you know in a jiffy! In the meantime I'll keep on hunting till one catches my eye...I don't quite know exactly what I'm looking for, but I'm sure I'll know when I see it! Fingers and toes, arms and legs crossed for you! Tania ♥

    1. A warm hello right back to you, sweet Tania. Thank you very much!!! I completely understand what you mean about vintage hunts of a "I'll know it when I see it" nature - I go on those all the time! But if at any point there's a particular suit (or type of swimsuit) that I can keep my eyes peeled in turn that you're looking for, please don't hesitate to let me know.

      ♥ Jessica

  11. Hi Jessica! My mom had a Rose Marie Reid swimsuit that she loved -- it was her "special" swim suit and she took great care of it. I also love vintage style suits and since I swim a lot, needed one that would hold up to pools. You probably already know about this site of Esther Williams', but just in case you don't, here it is: I have her one piece suit that is pink with cherries on it. Pricey, but I am hard on swim suits to worth it to me since I will wear it for years. Just in case you don't find the Rose Marie Reid one!

    1. Hi Lynne, how wonderful that your mom had a Rose Marie Reid bathing suit. What did hers look like? I've seen some of Rose's other suits and have adored all of them as well. I'm sure your mom's was a stunner, too!

      Esther Williams' suits are such a delight! Owning one of those (from any era) would be a total treat (I've been swooning over them for years!). I really appreciate that you thought to share that link in case I wasn't aware of it.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment, dear lady,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. That is a lovely suit! I've often wanted something like that to lounge about in but for my size they're impossible to find or cost at ton to make one. Maybe I'll just have to make one for myself.

  13. Neat suit! You'll be the first to know if I find one of these babies.

    Isn't the thrill of the hunt half the fun my friend? (Let's also not forget the thrill of the find too! lol!!)


    1. Thank you very much, dear Lisa, I really appreciate that. As a fellow canuck - and one living in a large metropolitan area - you might have a far better chance than I of spotting one.

      I completely agree, the thrill of the hunt is a huge part of the fun and excitement of loving and wearing vintage. I wholeheartedly believe I'm addicted to the hunt and fully believe that will never change. :)

      ♥ Jessica

  14. Oh, what I wouldn't give for snow! This Australian summer is unbearable. Still, the grass is always greener, you're right. Good luck with the swimsuit hunt!

  15. What a fabulous swim suit. I hope one day you do find it! Maybe at a local vintage shop! Wouldn't this be great? This is the fun of vintage that you can have these certain garments on a want list and hope that through your vintage journey you may be able to track one down.

  16. I love it! And if i spot one anywhere while out antiquing or if during my searches on the interwebs i find one by any chance.. i will definitely let you know! I think it's cool, and hot at the same time of you know what i mean. I love summer fashions, and it's as you say, sometimes i love them more during the throes of a cold January than during July... :)

  17. OMG, what a beauty. And so connected to you in theme. I hope you find one... well, actually, two -- one in your size and one in mine!

  18. I know what you mean about seeing something and think "I need you to complete are the ultimate. You are the ultimate bathers (or shoes or bag or dress)and I will never find another one like you again". I hope that someone sends you a little message saying "Yes, I have one of those, in your was my mum's, she only wore it a couple of times, it's almost new...send me your details I'll send it to, no payment enjoying it is payment enough"...or something along those lines.
    xx Shauna

    1. That would be through-the-roof amazing! Ohhhhhh, I'm swooning just imaging such a message arriving. Even if the person wanted to sell it, so long as the price was reasonable, I'd be jumping out of my seat with glee! Let's keep our (vintage glove covered) fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe such will one day prove to be true.

      ♥ Jessica

  19. I love it, the bathing suits were so cute back then. I would have to say anything with novelty print is high is my book.

  20. "A piece of Canadiana sartorial dreams are made of." Best quote ever! This swimsuit is so amazing. Wow.

    1. *Blush* thank you very much, dear Charmaine, reading your comment just made my day. It is an amazing suit and one which I'll always hold onto the hope that I'll be able to track down one day (even if it's not my size, I'd love to own one just and give total pride-of-place in my vintage Canadiana collection).

      ♥ Jessica

  21. Love your posts! We have had lots of snow here in Yorkshire, England - its now melted! The thought of a swimsuit gives me a chill! But I know exactly what you mean about pipe dreams with vintage items, just lately I have found so many beautiful items...but alas they are pipe dreams, because they are either not in my size or out of my price range!
    I shall keep a look out for a swimsuit for you darling!


  22. Oh what a prize that would be! I wish you the best of luck in finding something suitable (har har) sometime!

    1. Thank you very much! Love the cute pun! :) (I'm a huge pun fan and maker myself, too.)

      ♥ Jessica

  23. Hihi dear!

    I absolutely love your blog! I'm following you now :)
    Hope that you will visit me!


  24. That bathing suit is so pretty. And Yvonne de Carlo is simply stunning. She's such a beauty!!

  25. That suit is pretty much amazing if you ask me, ma'am. I will truly be maddeningly jealous if you do ever find one!

  26. boy is this swimsuit gorgeous!!! one of a kind!
    i´m also looking since ages for a wonderful vintage swimsuit in my size, but it´s really hard to find :(

  27. I completely agree. One of the few (if not only) reasons I miss Summer is the vintage swimwear. My husband bought my a vintage re-creation swimsuit last year and I absolutely adore it! I just think the vintage style is flattering on so many body types, you really can't go wrong. I hope you find the suit you're looking for, and I will certainly keep my eye out for it.

    Good luck,

  28. Can we break this problem down? First, is there a chance you can get the fabric and a pattern and sew it or take it to a seamstress. I'm actually surprised writing this that more seamstresses don't advertise custom bathing suits. Would you think it was a cotton, or a special fabric?

    1. Hi Kathleen, I really like your proactive approach. I suspect that finding this exact fabric would be next to (if not completely) impossible. I've tried some keyword searches to see if anything like it (or it) could be unearthed, but those came up more empty handed that the search for the swimsuit itself. The style could easily be replicated by a skilled seamstress (which I'm not myself), but it's the pattern - chocked full of West Coast Canadian imagery - makes this swimsuit such a dream for me. Now, if someone could replicate the pattern, then we might really be talking! :) I'll keep you abreast of how things unfold over time with this vintage hunt, and again, really appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

      ♥ Jessica

    2. Heard of spoonflower? If you can get a good enough close up of the images on the fabric, and some mucking around on photoshop, you might be able to replicate the fabric.

    3. Hi there, yes, I've been following Spoonflower for at least a couple of years now. I'm not very skilled with graphic design personally and wouldn't want to possibly infringe on the original company's copyright by reprinting their pattern (or a close copy of it) without their permission. Otherwise, for sure, that could be a good route to take.

      Thank you for your comment and suggestion,
      ♥ Jessica

  29. That print is amazing!! Can you imagine how expensive that suit would be today? I have a few bathing suits but nothing as lovely as that!

    1. I think it's the kind of piece that can go either way in terms of price: One either lucks out and finds it for a total song at, say, a yard sale or thrift store, or alternatively practically needs to take out a second mortgage to afford if the person selling it online (or at a vintage shop) knows the treasure they've got in their hands. Should I ever actually encounter one of these awesome bathing suits, I truly hope it's the former of the two!!!

      ♥ Jessica
