
January 26, 2013

Saturday Snapshots: January 26, 2013

{Even though he scarcely looks old enough to be enlisted, in this immensely lovely 1940s portrait studio shot, we a young sailor and his equally youthful girl beaming mile wide-smiles for the camera. No background information is provided for this photo, and I can't help but hope dearly that he made it through the war, they remained an item, and went on to have many more years of happiness together.}

{Cutting a figure so dashing he looks as though he could have just hopped out of a Hollywood film of the day, this dapper 1930s fellow is identified as Wilson Buddo, and I highly suspect he could teach today's generation of chaps a serious thing or two about the fine art of gentlemanly dressing.}

{Vintage storefront window and street scene photography have both long fascinated me, as they hold such tantalizing glimpses into exactly how the real world looked back in the day. This great shot from 1942 combines both in one fell swoop, as we peak at pedestrians on the sidewalk in Midtown, Manhattan through a shop's front window.}

{At first glance this might just appear to be a nice vintage colour photo of two people posing on what looks most likely to be the grounds of a college or university, however, look a little closer and you'll instantly start to notice the many wonderful details of the young lady's ensemble. From her pink flower adorned hat to her studded purse, those stunning shoes to the fur collar, she's packing a rather fantastic amount of style into a single outfit, and I love every last inch of it!}

{This professional capture of two adorable yesteryear kids (most likely siblings) is so wonderfully sweet. No names, dates of other information is provided, but if we were to go off the girl's bobbed hair, this photo was most likely taken during the 1920s or early 30s. }

{Two words say speak volumes about why this photo is instantly noteworthy: Their bangs!!!}

{This 1950s colour photo is so charming and relatable. You just look this quartet of middle aged ladies - who could very easily be your own mother, aunts, and/or grandmas - and feel comforted, loved and sure that a great meal is coming your way any minute.}

{It was the placement of the elegant cake in this fifties wedding shot that instantly ensured it caught my eye. Smack, dab in the center, it's slightly more in focus than the bride and groom, and was clearly an important - and very beautiful - part of this couple's wedding day.}

{It's casual attire such as saddle shoes and cuffed jeans for this group of the 1940s gals - identified as Peggy, Marya, Norma and Velva - as they relax in rustic log cabin in front of the fireplace.}

{This is what childhood (whether in the 50s, as in this shot, or today) should always be like - excitement, sunshine, family to hang out with, and big, a carefree smile across your face.}

{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}

♥ ♥ ♥

If someone asked me for a list of the words that best describe me, without skipping a beat, "happy" would come out right near the top of the pile. Like all of us, I have my blue days, my off days, and those days when it would probably take a basket of puppies to get me to break into a smile, but over all, I would consider myself a very happy person.

In part I believe that I just happen to have a sunny disposition, but another factor is that throughout my life, even in the face of great adversity, hardship or pain, I have made a mental effort to remain positive, (realistically) optimistic, and happy. Does that mean that I haven't frowned, scowled, or sighed along the way? Goodness, no! However, I've come to learn that it is very often doing such things - allowing yourself to confront and truly feel your negative thoughts and emotions - that quickly help but them behind you, and in turn usher a general sense of happiness back into your day (or your whole life, as the case may be).

I'm anything but naive and I know that happiness is much more complex and multi-faceted than merely possessing a drive and desire to feel happy, but both of those factors do truly go a very long way in delivering you to your goal of feeling pretty darn joyful as you go about your daily life.

Happiness is important not only because of how it affects us on individual basis, but also, I firmly believe - as Mark Twain so succinctly summed things up in today's feature quote - that happiness in oneself breeds happiness in others. Just as a seemingly simple simple smile can be contagious, so too can a sense of happiness.

One has only to think of the last occasion in which they spent a good chunk of time with someone was in foul, sad, or downtrodden mood to know how quickly someone else's attitude and emotions can easily effect your own. Chances are, in such a setting, though you may have tried to cheer the person up, something - some silent quality - of the person's mood rubbed off on you in the moment (or perhaps even longer).

By contrast, think instead to the last time you hung out with someone who was bubbly, jovial, and genuinely upbeat? Chances are your own mood quickly fell into pace with that individual's and you were keen to keep the good feelings rolling for as long as possible afterwards. Happiness might not be the easiest thing in the world to come by, but it's far from the hardest either, and whether that flame is lit for you my someone else's outlook or or your own internal source, once you've got the fire of happiness going, by all means spread it far and near.

The tail end of January (at least in the western hemisphere) is by no means the most rosy and enjoyable time of the year by any stretch of the imagination. We've slogged our way through a couple of months (or more!) of winter, nature's palette contains about as many shades as a single grey paint chip, and chances are spring is still anywhere from one to three months away, depending on where you reside.

Now is the time when a single spark of happiness can quickly turn into a raging inferno, if you let it, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Who amongst us - including those like me who are often naturally in good spirits - can't use more happiness, reasons to smile, and cheer in their life? The simple answer is, quite frankly, no one.

So if you're feeling like you're in a good mood these days, be sure to let others know, spread your joy, and brighten up someone's wintry day - and life - with your own wonderful brand of happiness.


  1. It's so funny how street scene photography interests you. I find it completely fascinating. I also find myself really trying to take in the details in old films when I see a street scene. I love it when you find these rare color vintage gems too! The lady is dressed so beautifully and look at those shoes! I wish I could zoom in for more details:)

    Your blog post brings some much needed sunshine my way:) Thank you sweet Jessica! I'm in total agreement with you about happiness:)

    1. Thank you very much! I'm so happy to know that this post injected a dose of sunshine into your Saturday, dear Joanna. Your friendship brings me happiness every day.

      ♥ Jessica

  2. Marvelous images and a very happy post from a very happy blogger! What a lovely way to start a Saturday! The wedding cake is gorgeous--a real classic beauty.

  3. What a WONDERFUL post!

    Thank you for brightening a PNW morning.

    Old photographs are magical, aren't they? I've lost hours pouring through the archives at Shorpy:

    Have an awesome day :)


    1. Hi Kymberlee, Shorpy is marvelous! I just adore them, too - the combination of history lessons plus yesteryear photos it provides truly makes it one of my all-time favourite websites.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment - have a beautiful weekend, dear lady,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. That first photo is the best. They look so happy. I love it. All of the photos are great. I love looking at vintage photos because they always give me ideas of to wear and how to wear it.

    Letting go of negative emotions is one of the hardest things to do. I had been holding on to decades of negative, dark emotions. It wasn't doing me any good; I swear I felt like I was aging quicker than I should have. Since moving out of my parents and becoming my own person, I saw that being negative doesn't help anyone. I whole heartedly forgave my father and feel so much better. It literary felt like something had been lifted from my life and spirit. I'm glad that I've been able to move past that and can live my life. I'm talking to my father now and things seem better.

  5. I simply LOVE the Saturday Snapshots!

  6. My favorites are the ones with the adorable siblings in the 1920's and the girls with the crazy wonderful bangs! And very wise words, Jessica! :)


  7. I wish I was more of the type to have a sunny disposition. You always, and I mean always, have such an encouraging word for someone! I'm striving hard to gain personal happiness, and it is a hard journey. I'm glad I have sweet friends like you to help!! :)

  8. While I appreciate vintage catalog and magazine photos, I've always LOVED candid shots from regular people. I think it's easy to focus on movies stars and models from back in the day because they photos of them are so readily available, but candids show what everyday people looked like. I love the wedding cake photo and the kids on the porch. Both look like a picture that could be taken today.

  9. I beleive that you are 100% correct about trying to stay positive, happy and upbeat. Attitude will determine how successful people will be at any one thing...ok, maybe, talent and skill will be factors too...but attitude and gumption are the most important thing. I love all the photos- that dapper guy is very spiffy, the gals with their bangs (and what bangs they are) and you sort of feel like you're in on the joke in the last photo. That street scene is wonderful, I won't to step inside and go link arms with those ladies, do a spot of window shopping and get a soda...if only.

    Thanks for sharing with us once again.
    xx Shauna

  10. I absolutely love your attitude! You made me happy by writing this post :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Naomi, I'm delighted to know that this post brought a dose of happiness your way. Your comment certainly did the same for me as well.

      Wishing you a beautiful - and very happy - Sunday,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. What a great post!! I cam definitely feel your positive energy radiating through your words! The photos definitely helped soften a exhausting day! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I LOVE that sailor sweetheart photo! How cute! I'm dating an airman, and I can't wait to show people our photos in fifty years. Then he'll be the cute young military boy in uniform! Vintage military couple photos are probably my favorite.

  13. I think you spread your happiness through your blog. I have often read one of your posts and smiled at the way you count your blessings and look on the bright side. Not always easy when you struggle with ill health, for example! Don't change!

  14. What a really great set of photos especially the last one. Like you I tend to be naturally a pretty happy and positive person but we can all benefit from feeling an upbeat attitude coming from those around us.

    1. Hi Rowan, thank you very much for your comment. You've always struck me as a very upbeat and happy person, and I just love that about you.

      Three cheers for happiness! :)

      ♥ Jessica

  15. I love all these pics, Jessica! Especially the very first one, and the wedding photo of the beautiful couple with their lovely, (and likely yummy,) cake! I love this whole post. It's so important for us to spread smiles and happiness to each other. It DOES make the world a better place. :)

  16. What great snapshots you have shared this fine cold Saturday. Love them all and they have truly made my day happier. Im loving the store front with the stocking leg, shoe, and glove display in the forefront as the world passes by outside. Thanks so much for sharing dear lady!

  17. I know this is totally off topic, but as soon as I saw that sailor I thought, "Justin Bieber?"
    Great photos! Makes me want to scan all the 40s shots I have of my Gran and her sisters!
    L A

    1. Thank you very much! I agree, he looks so much like Bieber - this fellow looks like he could be Justin's grandpa!

      You are so, so blessed to have lots of photographs of your grandma and her sisters. I don't have very many old family photos myself, which I think is one of the reasons I'm so fascinated by those of other peoples' relatives (mind you, I'd probably be just as obsessed with them even if I did have scads of old photos of my own relatives.)

      ♥ Jessica

  18. I love the pictures, Jessica.

    I guess you are also a fan of the great Mark Twain. One of his quotes permanently graces the bottom of my blog page. Smart man.

  19. I've just started reading your blog Jessica, after finding you through Melanie at The Folly Bird, and very much enjoyed this post. I loved the photos, and although my mood tends to swing up and down a lot, I agree with what you're saying. Sometimes we have to work at being happy, or make a real effort to keep cheerful when times aren't so good. xx

  20. My comment of yesterday doesn't appeared to have registered. So I just wanted to say that happiness comes across in your blogging as well as an ability to look on the bright side of life. Surely a great blessing when you may not always feel so well health wise. Thank you for bringing your rays of sunshine into my life!

    1. Dear Phil, thank you very much for both of your comments. My apologies, I was feeling very poorly yesterday and wasn't on the computer after the early morning hours, so I just saw (and approved) your earlier comment now. It might take me a smidgen to get the comments that I receive here, but I will always approve them and reply, where applicable, just as soon as I possibly can.

      I truly appreciate what you said and am deeply touched to know that my posts help brighten up your day. Having fantastic readers like you does the same for me, no matter how I'm feeling or what's going on in my life.

      Thank you again & have a marvelous, relaxing Sunday,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Those pictures are great! I especially love the girls with the bangs, the stylish lady and the girls around the fireplace.

  22. an excellent post darling, i really enjoyed those beautiful pictures you choosed! and the title quote: whoever is happy will make others happy too, so i guess you are happy right now because this post made me happy;)
    my favorite picture is that with the two beautiful ladies with fantastic bangs!

  23. I'm so glad that you've set your emotional barameter to "Happy". I concur that we can control our general emotional state even when we can't control our external life events. Readers of your blog sense this quality in you: it permeates your writing.

    And these photos! Amazing. The bangs are to-die-for.

    Yesterday, I was watching Hitchcock's great "Strangers On A Train", made in 1951. The fashions and grooming of the time were evident and very enticing. I want to go out and buy a man's hat!

    1. Thank you very much, Ally, I really appreciate that you let me know you can sense the quality of happiness in my writing.

      I love Strangers On A Train - definitely in my top three Hitchcock films. What kind of 50s hat are you leaning towards? It's hard to beat a classic fedora, but there are certainly other great vintage men's hats, too (such as homburgs - always great if you're channeling a particularly British vintage look).

      ♥ Jessica

  24. Your photos definitely put a skip in my step today Jessica. Thank you! "Complex Happiness" is a great phrase that I would actually describe myself as having as well.
    Don't you just love that first girl's dimples?! She is just beaming! ;-)

  25. These photos all just made me smile. The first one -- so very young! I can't even believe it. And those fabulous bangs! The childrens novelty print skirt! many things I love!

  26. I completely agree with you about being a happy person. I think for the past couple of years I was stuck in my own head, giving weight to every thought that went through my head. Once I learned to shed that, genuinely start enjoying life and focusing on myself and my own well-being, I became a much happier person and began attracting all the treasures of life.

    Also, those bangs!!


  27. oh this is a beautiful uplifting post and so well written.. I hope change is coming and I think everyone is glad to bid January adieu.

    These photos are fantastic, I want too be standing in a quartet of ladies like that when I am there age! and the 1944 hairstyles are incredible!

  28. The bangs picture- yes, yes, yes... amazing! They make it look so easy too!
