
December 24, 2012

And may all your Christmases be...

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all though the blogsphere not a creature was stirring not even a computer mouse. Doubtful indeed, but there is a certain calm that settles over even the vast and wondrous realm that is the interwebs on Christmas and the circle of days immediately before and after it.

This is a good thing, a beautiful thing even, for it means that many are spending time focusing on the holidays and taking a much needed breather - if only for a day or two - from the web. It's not going anywhere, but before we can blink the holidays will be over again, so it's worth enjoying a momentary pause in the name of Christmas this week.

Of course I'm not saying that you shouldn't post today or tomorrow, by all means do so, if you like, I'm just remarking on how I always sense a very brief lull in the general amount of blogging activity in general between about the 22nd and 27th of December (and then to a lesser extent right around, and on, New Year's Day). I won't be posting tomorrow myself either, but will be back bright and early on Boxing Day morn.

Like many, I adore, cherish and revere Christmas. Its bright-eyed wonder, hopeful promises, and gentle elegance is unlike any other time of the year. I've had a terrific December, full of all the very best things that the month of Christmas should contain, and am excited beyond words to celebrate tomorrow with my nearest and dearest.

It is my wish to all of you, wherever in this vast, amazing world of ours that you live, that tomorrow abounds with joy and good cheer, laughter and merriment, gifts both of the heart and of the kind that come wrapped in a pretty bow, more food than you could ever begin to eat in one sitting, hugs from those you see rarely, smiles shared under the glistening holiday lights, a childlike sense of wonder, old memories to reminisce about and new ones to recall fondly for the rest of your days.

And, if only in spirit, as Bing first sung all the years ago, may all your Christmases be white.

Merry Christmas wishes and love, everybody!


  1. Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow filled with lots of love and cheer!

  2. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas my darling friend! I adore you and our blossoming friendship. It truly has been a blessing to me! xox Bunny

  4. Merry Christmas dear Jessica! Sending you much love and holiday cheer! Have a beautiful day.


  5. Keep your Christmas-heart open all the year round. ~Jessica Archmint

  6. Happy Christmas and have a wonderful New Year! x

  7. Merry Christmas Jessica!! Have a very blessed day!

  8. Merry Christmas, dear Jessica!

  9. Merry Christmas! Wishing you much happiness and cheer!

  10. Hope you have a wonderful christmas! <3

  11. I hope that you and your loved ones have a wonderful and merry Christmas!! :D

  12. merry merry xmas darling i hope you enjoy those holidays with family and your beloved ones!

  13. Happy holidays, Jessica. Thanks for all your wonderful blog comments and posts. Each one brightens my day :D

    1. Happy holiday wishes to you as well, my dear friend! I feel exactly the same way about you and your comments and stellar blog posts, and can hardly wait to celebrate another year of vintage blogging (from a Canadian perspective) together in 2013!

      ♥ Jessica

  14. This post has been felt many feelings as me when I was little .... Merry Christmas, dear Jessica. I wish that all your dreams come true ....

  15. Wishing you a lovely Christmas and a truly fabulous new year xx

  16. When I was new to blogging, I couldn't resist posting at every opportunity and was surprised at the lulls you mention. Now, I enjoy taking a day or two off for real-life events. The break invigorates us. See ya tomorrow!

  17. I'm currently enjoying the holiday at my sister's home in Cleveland and we had a very white Christmas. A blizzard is upon us today! Also, it is funny because "White Christmas" from Bing always makes me giggle. My sister is completely tone deaf and this is the only song where her pitch is even remotely near the actual song because she tries so hard to sing as low as him! So funny!
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  18. Oh i adore "White Christmas" and Bing Crosby.. and the movie "Holiday Inn" in which he first sang that beautiful, fanciful song. Other people have 'covered' that tune, but no one sang it like Mr. Crosby. I love the image you chose at the top. It's wonderful. It looks like Christmastime in a small New England village. A white Christmas of course! :) Happy Boxing Day to you and Tony, Jessica.

  19. Hope you had a fantastic Christmas and wishing you all the best in the new year!

  20. Happy Christmas! to you too even if it's a few days late. I hope you had a lovely and peaceful Christmas!

  21. I hope your Christmas was all you wished for Jessica xxx
