
August 3, 2012

Who's up for a vintage camping trip this August long weekend?

Perhaps it's the Girl Guide in me, always ready and eager to put up a tent, gather kindling, or fire up the Coleman stove. Maybe it's because I was born in a country so large and filled with such a diverse geography that it's practically a continent unto itself, each corner, stream, and back road just begging to be explored. Or it could just boil down to the fact that there is a great deal to be said in favour of, at least every now and then, shaking off the confines of daily life and slipping out into the woods for an evening or two spent getting back to nature.

Whatever the case may be - and I highly suspect it's a combination of all three - I've always wildly adored camping. Am I an intrepid outdoorswoman with countless hours spent in the backcountry under my belt? No, but I'm not a tenderfoot either. I like to think that my experience lays somewhere in the middle, and my theoretical knowledge of the great outdoors a little higher up the scale.

Canada, as long time readers have no doubt heard me say before, is in my opinion, rather short on holidays. Sure we have the standard handful, but after that things dry up on the holiday front faster than a puddle in Osoyoos come this time of year. Thus it is that I wholeheartedly welcome this upcoming weekend which brings with it the rather lackluster-ly named August Civic Holiday (for folks across the pond, think of it much like a bank holiday).

While I won't be camping this year, it's impossible for August's sole holiday (which - how cool is this? - just happens to fall on Tony's birthday, August 6th, this year) to round the bend without many wonderful memories of wildness experiences tumbling to the forefront of my mind.

From tent peg's staked near the waters of Shuwshap lake, to sleeping bags in Quesnel beneath a sky that was peppered with more stars than the ground in nearby Barkerville had once been with gold nuggets, this is a holiday weekend that spells outdoor fun across the board for me.

I know the same is true for many of you, too, just as - by extension - summer in and of itself is. For those who live in climates where winter is often present for six or more months out of the year, we know how to extract every last drop out of our sunshine filled months, and few activities can help you instantly feel at one with mother nature and all of summer's shimmering glory than camping.

Whether you'll be airing out your bedroll this weekend or just kicking back at home, I hope that following selection of vintage camping photos strikes a cord with you and that you'll find inspiration aplenty here for the next time you embark on a wilderness excursion.

Grab your favourite cooler, some bug spray, and all the fixins for s'mores, and let's head on out for a vintage camping trip!

First thing's first, do we have the gear we'll need for our excursion? Yes? You're sure? Alrighty then, let's hit the open trail!

If you're not quite certain what to wear for our trip, may I suggest a classic plaid shirt and dungaree combo? It's a fail-proof campground fashion winner every time.

Gather up your gear, lads and ladies, it's time we go scout out the perfect spot on which to set up camp.

Say, that looks like a nice spot, girls, good find - love your cute summer outfits, too!

Why don't we let the youngsters help set up the tent, the seems to have a never ending supply of energy during even during these roasty-toasty summer months.

Let's take a moment to bask in the beauty of the scenery, it sure is breath-taking!

Wowzers, the mercury just keeps on climbing, looks like we might have to slip into our swimsuits and hightail it over to the nearest lake or river.

Is anyone else starting to get a bit peckish? How about we fire up the grill and have ourselves an awesome picnic feast!

One must always keep a clean and orderly camp (as doing so means you're less likely to catch the attention of four legged critters out roaming around for a free meal), so let's wash the dishes. Good thing we've got this handy river right near by to do it in.

Anybody else feel like all that delicious camp food gave them a renewed burst of energy? Why don't we burn some of it off by taking a lovely hike up the hill to enjoy the panoramic view.

That was a great hike, wasn't it? Now it's time to just relax and unwind as nature play its serene melody as the sun finally starts to drop below the horizon.

This weekend has been terrific! Before we start packing up and heading back home, let's take a snapshot to remember what a marvelous camping trip we had this summer.

{To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective source page.}
♥  ♥  ♥

That was such a blast, we'll definitely have to do it again next August!

Even if camping isn't really your (sleeping) bag, there's still tons of plenty outdoor fashion ideas to glean from these yesteryear photos, that would work splendidly for any number of summertime activities - think weeny roasts at the beach, daytrips out of town, meandering through the farmer's market on Saturday morning, fishing on a pristine lake, or throwing a casual barbeque with a few of your nearest and dearest out on the back lawn.

Happiest August long weekend wishes a little in advance, my dears, may you all have a fabulously fun holiday and last full month (hard to believe, I know) of summer!!!


  1. My father had one of those VW campers. He loved it! I don't know what it was with VW's and heat though because we used to freeze in it:) I'd love to be somewhere kind of secluded next to a pristine lake:)

  2. Oh I love so many of these photos. I've really gotten into the vintage casual look this summer, and enjoying every bit of it.

    I've never been camping actually. It has never really appealed to me...I like hiking, but just the idea of sleeping in a tent...*shakes head* no way.

    Thanks for sharing such great pics!

  3. I've never been camping and not sure if I'd want to go. I'm sort of wishy-washy on the subject. I like it in theory.

    On the other hand, to live in a home in the country, now that's my cup of tea.

  4. What a lovely post and these are such fantastic photos! I can't believe summer is almost over already. It has flown by! Have a wonderful weekend dear! <3

    xx Christina

  5. I really enjoyed these photos! My family used to go camping once or twice a summer when I was growing up. We could never afford any expensive trips so roughing in the bush for a few weeks a year was our escape and I loved it. Now my boyfriend and I head to West Hawk and Falcon Lake where his parents have a cabin. We might just go this weekend!

    Have a great weekend! (and Happy Birthday to your man!)

    btw. I've been browsing your "Links" page and enjoying finding new blogs! Thanks girl! :)


  6. These are really great. It always amazes me that these women could look great any where they went. My husband has been trying to get me to go camping for like over 7 years. I'm not too keen on sleeping on the ground and dealing with bugs.

  7. Wonderful photos! I would live in a camper if I could. We try to go at least once a year, and the gear we use has been in the family for decades. The camper is from the '70s, sleeping bags from the '60s, Coleman stove that's older than old (but still works perfectly!). It's always nice to ditch daily life/technology for a while (for me, at least one week at a time!) and just hang out in the woods.

  8. This is such a timely post! I'm just taking a break from packing our gear so we can head out camping in the forest all next week :) I love seeing all the vintage photos, thank you for this post as well as the rest of your beautiful blog! ~Debi

  9. Oh how I love to camp! But right now it is far FAR TO hot to do anything. I cant wait until fall and winter those are teh best time I think!

  10. I love nature to bits but I hate bugs and heat-I wont lie. I think when I was younger I would have loved to rough it but now I need a proper house with a proper toilet etc hehehe I love the photo of the woman sitting and reading in a chair-that is so me right there! Great post darling!! xox

  11. I would be more inclined to camp if it was like the woman sitting in the chair reading a book.

  12. I do love a bit of camping. These photo's are brilliant. My favourites are the earlier 1920's/30's ones, I love their camping get up. Thanks for shairng these I am inspired to go on a camping adventure. xx

  13. Well it all looks lovely, and I would join in with all the fun, and then come bed time, check into an hotel!!

  14. vintage camping ... how fun. thanks for sharing those awespme pictures.

  15. Love it darling! The nostalgia...the pure joy eminating from these images...I hope your weekend is a happy one...

  16. Lovely images! We have a bit of a different tradition of camping in the Adirondacks.

  17. I love all those old pictures...


  18. Great post fab pics used to have great fun camping with the girl guides and looking forward to our first family camping holiday next weekend with our 3 year old son and 1 year old daughter should be lots of fun :) x

  19. Well, I thoroughly enjoyed taking that trip with you, Jessica! We usually have our annual camping weekend in June, first week of summer vacation, before the bears begin scouring the campsites in search of a free meal.

